Contribute New Term
Terms are the basic building block of the Cognitive Atlas.
A term in the Atlas can either be a concept (e.g. 'episodic memory', 'acoustic reflex') or a task ('N-Back Test', 'Action Imitation Task')
You may provide a term and definition only if the term is not already in the Atlas.1. Enter the term you wish to define:
Browse Tasks
Tasks beginning with "A" 47
- aberrant behavior checklist - community
- abstract/concrete judgment: bilingual
- abstract/concrete task
- acquired equivalence
- action imitation task
- action observation task
- action-perception loop
- acupuncture task
- Adaptation of marshmellow test
- adaptive n-back task
- adolescent symptom inventory
- Adult ADHD Clinical Diagnostic Scale
- Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale
- adult attachment interview
- adult behavior checklist
- Adult's Penn Word Memory Test Delayed Memory
- alternating runs paradigm
- ambiguous figure task
- American National Adult Reading Test
- analogical reasoning task
- Angling Risk Task
- Angling Risk Task – Always Sunny
- animal naming task
- ANT task
- antisaccade/prosaccade task
- Anxiety Sensitivity Index - 3 (ASI-3)
- apparent verticality judgment
- articulatory suppression task
- artificial grammar learning task
- associative memory encoding task
- Ataxia
- attention bias
- attention networks test
- attention switching task
- attentional blink paradigm
- attribute amnesia
- audio narrative
- audio-visual target detection task
- auditory masking task
- auditory scene perception
- auditory temporal discrimination task
- autism diagnostic interview - revised
- autism diagnostic observation schedule
- autism spectrum quotient
- autobiographical memory task
- AX-CPT task