GET /api/v-alpha/task
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        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660578998,
        "event_stamp": "2012-05-21T18:12:53",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-18T19:29:33",
        "last_updated": 1512660578998,
        "def_id": "def_50070e9d8cf59",
        "name": "delayed memory task",
        "alias": "DMT",
        "definition_text": "a number between 2 and 7 digits is displayed for a brief period and is followed by a greater period of time than that in its complement, the immediate memory task, that contains distractor stimuli.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4fba85a597ca9"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660579189,
        "event_stamp": "2015-11-28T23:00:10",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-11-28T23:04:18",
        "last_updated": 1512660579189,
        "def_id": "def_565a32f2a5b21",
        "name": "regulated heat stimulation",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "The general task design is that a heat stimulus is applied to the skin and the participant rates the experienced sensation on a visual analogue scale. For this task, there are 9 runs. Runs 1,2, 4, 5, 6, 8, and 9 are “passive experience” runs, meaning that participants passively experience and rate the heat stimuli.  Run 3 and 7 are “regulation” runs, meaning that participants can cognitively “increase” (regulate-up) or “decrease” (regulate-down) pain intensity. For complete details, see:\r\n\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_565a31fa6f444"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660579254,
        "event_stamp": "2015-12-08T21:01:13",
        "def_id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-12-08T21:01:54",
        "last_updated": 1512660579254,
        "def_id": "def_56674542a3c51",
        "name": "2-stage decision task",
        "alias": "two-stage decision task",
        "definition_text": "Subjects participate in a two-stage decision task where they make a binary choice in each stage (stage 1&2) and probabilistically receive reward after the final stage (stage 2). First-stage choices are primarily associated with one of two second-stages (labeled 2a and 2b): one first-stage choice leads to 2a 70% of the time and 2b 30% of the time, while the opposite is true of the other first-stage choice. Each second-stage choice has its own probability of reward (constantly changing via a random-walk). The ultimate goal of the subject is to maximize reward, which are only given during the second stage. The ideal subject would identify the most rewarding second-stage stimulus and make first-stage choices that make it more likely to arrive at the relevant second stage. ",
        "id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "id": "trm_5667451917a34"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660579368,
        "event_stamp": "2009-06-22T19:12:55",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-04-28T23:12:37",
        "last_updated": 1512660579368,
        "def_id": "def_4db9f465213f3",
        "name": "backward masking",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "a phenomenon wherein presenting one stimulus (a "mask" or "masking stimulus") immediately after another brief (≤ 50 ms) "target" stimulus leads to a failure to consciously perceive the first stimulus.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "trm_4a3fd79d09b6d"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660579408,
        "event_stamp": "2012-05-23T18:22:40",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-23T18:22:40",
        "last_updated": 1512660579408,
        "def_id": "def_4fbd2af08d79c",
        "name": "size match task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "participants judge whether two objects presented side-by-side are the same size",
        "id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "id": "trm_4fbd2af083332"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660579451,
        "event_stamp": "2015-12-08T20:44:35",
        "def_id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-12-08T20:44:35",
        "last_updated": 1512660579451,
        "def_id": "def_56674133d884f",
        "name": "adaptive n-back task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A variant of the n-back task, each trial consists of letters (b,d,g,t,v) presented in successive order.  Subjects must press a button if the current letter matches the letter that occurred n trials ago (regardless of capitalization).  N varies according to a staircase tracking method that increases as subjects accurately respond and decrease as subjects make errors. ",
        "id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "id": "trm_56674133b666c"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660579484,
        "event_stamp": "2012-05-23T18:27:36",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-23T18:27:36",
        "last_updated": 1512660579484,
        "def_id": "def_4fbd2c18e68ff",
        "name": "object decision task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "participants are shown pictures and asked to identify whether the object could be real or is unreal",
        "id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "id": "trm_4fbd2c18e1dd9"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660579517,
        "event_stamp": "2015-11-28T22:45:13",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-11-28T22:51:02",
        "last_updated": 1512660579517,
        "def_id": "def_565a2fd6015c4",
        "name": "incentive modulated antisaccade task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "The basic antisaccade task is as follows:\r\n\r\nSubjects view a fixation point and a visual target is presented.  Subjects are instructed to make a saccade away from the target (antisaccade).\r\n\r\nFor this version (from Figure 1 of\r\n\r\nAt the onset of each AS trial, participants were first presented with one of two incentive cues (1500 ms) (Fig. 1). For rewarded trials, the cue consisted of three rectangles containing dollar signs ($ $ $), indicating that money could be earned on that trial if correctly performed. Participants were told that they could win up to US $25 based on their performance during the task. However, they did not know how much they could win on any given trial in order to prevent them from keeping a running tally of their earnings and invoking processes (i.e. working memory) separate from inhibitory control and reward processing. For neutral trials, the three consecutive rectangles each contained a dash (– – –), which indicated that no monetary gain was at stake for that trial. After the initial cue, a central red fixation cross subtending ∼0.7° of visual angle appeared (3000 ms), instructing participants to prepare for the target stimulus. The red central fixation then disappeared and a horizontally peripheral target stimulus (yellow spot, subtending ∼0.5°) appeared (1500 ms) at an unpredictable location on the horizontal meridian (±3°, 6°, or 9°). Participants were instructed to refrain from looking at the stimulus when it appeared but instead move their eyes to its mirror location. Target location was randomized within each run. During the VGS trials, participants were presented with a green fixation cross (1500 ms) which instructed them to look toward the peripheral stimulus when it appeared. No incentive cue was provided for VGS trials. The VGS trials were randomly interspersed between the AS trials to minimize the possibility that participants would establish an inhibitory response set (Velanova et al., 2009), but were not further analyzed. As indicated in previous studies, (Ollinger et al., 2001b and Ollinger et al., 2001a), the inter-trial fixation period was jittered between intervals of 1.5, 3, or 4.5 s (uniformly distributed) and consisted of participants simply fixating a central white cross on a black background. Participants performed three functional runs of the task (5 min 2 s each in duration) for a total of 30 reward AS trials, 30 neutral AS trials and 15 VGS trials.",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_565a2e79b22f2"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660579578,
        "event_stamp": "2012-05-23T18:25:26",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-23T18:25:26",
        "last_updated": 1512660579578,
        "def_id": "def_4fbd2b964d97c",
        "name": "overlapping figures task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "participants are asked to identify all the objects in pictures containing overlapping figures",
        "id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "id": "trm_4fbd2b964d3ec"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660579625,
        "event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:08:33",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:08:33",
        "last_updated": 1512660579625,
        "def_id": "def_4fb4175137c3b",
        "name": "meditation task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Participants perform meditation either according to a particular school or undirected in conjunction with cognitive, behavioral, and/or physiological measures.",
        "id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "id": "trm_4fb4175126374"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660579706,
        "event_stamp": "2009-06-22T19:12:56",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-04-29T17:51:16",
        "last_updated": 1512660579706,
        "def_id": "def_4dbafa94d3b98",
        "name": "trace conditioning",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "a form of classical conditioning in which the presentation of the conditioned stimulus and the unconditioned stimulus is separated in time by an interstimulus interval.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "trm_4a3fd79d0b3d7"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660579744,
        "event_stamp": "2012-11-27T00:39:38",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-11-27T00:39:38",
        "last_updated": 1512660579744,
        "def_id": "def_50b40bca9135e",
        "name": "Hungry Donkey Task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "The Hungry Donkey Task is a version of Bechera's Iowa Gambling Task for children; it is a test in the areas of cognition & emotion that was originally developed to assist in detecting decision-making impairment in patients with prefrontal cortex damage. The experiment is often computerized and is carried out in real time and resembles real-world contingencies. A donkey chooses from four doors, each with a cost or reward in apples. The objective is to give the donkey the most apples possible. ",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_50b40bca8cf83"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660579805,
        "event_stamp": "2015-12-08T20:53:54",
        "def_id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-12-08T20:53:54",
        "last_updated": 1512660579805,
        "def_id": "def_56674362a608a",
        "name": "image monitoring",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects are serially presented 3 different images (colored squares).  Subjects must monitor the repetitions of these images and press a button when any image reaches 4 repetitions.",
        "id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "id": "trm_5667436296862"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660579861,
        "event_stamp": "2015-12-08T20:57:00",
        "def_id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-12-08T21:00:13",
        "last_updated": 1512660579861,
        "def_id": "def_566744dd328b6",
        "name": "2nd-order rule acquisition",
        "alias": "2nd-order decision task, second-order rule acquisition",
        "definition_text": "In this task, subjects are presented with 18 stimuli composed of three dimensions: 3 shapes, 3 orientations and 2 colored borders. Subjects had to learn one of three key responses for each of the 18 stimuli. In the "flat" condition, the 18 stimuli to 3 responses mapping was arbitrary, requiring subjects to individually learn each of the 18 associations. In a hierarchical condition, the colored borders indicated whether "orientation" or "shape" determined the response. This simplifies performance if subjects learn this hierarchical structure.",
        "id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "id": "trm_5667441c338a7"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660579908,
        "event_stamp": "2012-11-28T00:40:42",
        "def_id_user": "usr_595048b29ebdf",
        "def_event_stamp": "2017-08-30T12:36:44",
        "last_updated": 1512660579908,
        "def_id": "def_59a6b15c46def",
        "name": "PEBL Perceptual Vigilance Task",
        "alias": "PPVT, psychomotor vigilance task, PVT",
        "definition_text": "This task measures sustained attention and reaction time. A light blinks randomly and the subject is asked to press a button when the they see it. The focus is not on how quickly the subject notices the light, but how often the subject doesn't notice the light. It is often used to study the effects of sleep deprivation and sleep debt. ",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_50b55d8a6da00"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660579951,
        "event_stamp": "2012-05-23T18:24:11",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-23T18:24:11",
        "last_updated": 1512660579951,
        "def_id": "def_4fbd2b4bb1bfa",
        "name": "orientation match task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "participants judge whether two objects presented side-by-side are shown with the same orientation",
        "id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "id": "trm_4fbd2b4bb165c"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660579997,
        "event_stamp": "2009-11-09T22:44:10",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4a36d220cf662",
        "def_event_stamp": "2009-11-09T22:44:10",
        "last_updated": 1512660579997,
        "def_id": "def_4af89b3a95b6f",
        "name": "Vandenberg & Kuse Tasks",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Paper and pencil Test of mental rotation ability.  Participants must are presented with four 3-D block figures and must select 2 from the group which match a reference figure.  This test is administered under time contraints.  A male advantage is typically seen on this type of task, as measured by test accuracy.",
        "id_user": "usr_4a36d220cf662",
        "id": "trm_4af89b3a925ca"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660580050,
        "event_stamp": "2009-12-04T19:52:01",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-30T18:57:39",
        "last_updated": 1512660580050,
        "def_id": "def_55427b231795e",
        "name": "color-word stroop task",
        "alias": "Stroop color-word task, Stroop color-word interference task, Stroop color naming task",
        "definition_text": "A task in which single words (including names of colors) are presented in colored ink, and the subject is asked to name the color of the ink as quickly as possible. The ink color may either match or conflict with the color name. Accuracy and response time are measured.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "trm_4b1968619b00b"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660580105,
        "event_stamp": "2010-01-10T22:23:50",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-08-26T22:29:59",
        "last_updated": 1512660580105,
        "def_id": "def_57c0c2e526583",
        "name": "Penn continuous performance task",
        "alias": "PCPT",
        "definition_text": "A task in which subjects are presented with a stream of letters, and must respond to one of the letters and refrain from responding to any other letters. The Penn Continuous Performance Test (PCPT) uses a standard CPT paradigm. The participant responds to a set of 7-segment displays presented 1/sec., whenever they form a digit (NUMBERS, initial 3 min) or letter (LETTERS, next 3 min). The number of true positive responses is recorded as the accuracy score and the median response time for true positive responses is the measure of attention speed.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4b4a537644d76"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660580161,
        "event_stamp": "2010-01-31T20:19:46",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4b64af5545a03",
        "def_event_stamp": "2010-01-31T20:19:46",
        "last_updated": 1512660580161,
        "def_id": "def_4b65e5e2aed34",
        "name": "word-picture verification task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "is an experimental paradigm where a picture of an object is presented along with either an auditory or written word and participants indicate whether the word and the picture refer to the same concept.  It is typically used as a test of semantic memory integrity.",
        "id_user": "usr_4b64af5545a03",
        "id": "trm_4b65e5e2ab3ca"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660580204,
        "event_stamp": "2010-02-11T23:49:54",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4aef33d37b963",
        "def_event_stamp": "2010-02-11T23:49:54",
        "last_updated": 1512660580204,
        "def_id": "def_4b7497a290677",
        "name": "block design test",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "the block design test is a subtest of perceptual reasoning index of the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale IV. The block design test measures spatial perception, visual abstract processing, and problem solving.",
        "id_user": "usr_4aef33d37b963",
        "id": "trm_4b7497a289534"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660580241,
        "event_stamp": "2010-02-12T00:06:32",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T22:36:46",
        "last_updated": 1512660580241,
        "def_id": "def_4fb42bfea2b76",
        "name": "embedded figures test",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "In the embedded figures test, the research participant is shown a complex background figure and asked to describe it. After this, the participant is shown a target (such as the outline of a triangle) and asked to locate the target amid the background figure.",
        "id_user": "usr_4aef33d37b963",
        "id": "trm_4b749b8829eee"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660580290,
        "event_stamp": "2010-02-12T23:54:53",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:34:20",
        "last_updated": 1512660580290,
        "def_id": "def_4fb41d5cd31ce",
        "name": "same-different task",
        "alias": "same-different matching task",
        "definition_text": "A task which assesses shifting attention. In the computerized version of this task, three spaceships appear on a screen and the participant must determine if the spaceships are all different or all the same. The spaceships can differ in color, size, or shape type. There are three levels of difficulty.  In the first level, the spaceships must all be identical to be considered the same. In the second level of difficulty, the spaceships are considered the same even if they only share two qualities, and in the third difficulty level, the spaceships only need to share one quality to be considered the same. Auditory feedback is given after each response notifying the child whether their answer was correct. ",
        "id_user": "usr_4aef33d37b963",
        "id": "trm_4b75ea4ddd896"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660580329,
        "event_stamp": "2010-02-23T20:11:01",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4aef33d37b963",
        "def_event_stamp": "2010-02-23T20:11:01",
        "last_updated": 1512660580329,
        "def_id": "def_4b843655db073",
        "name": "chimeric animal Stroop task",
        "alias": "chimerical animal Stroop test",
        "definition_text": "A task in which participants are shown pictures of chimeric animals (such as a duck's head attached to a cow's body) and asked to name animal that the head belongs to while ignoring the identity of the body, or vice versa.  ",
        "id_user": "usr_4aef33d37b963",
        "id": "trm_4b843655d5d75"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660580383,
        "event_stamp": "2010-02-25T18:35:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-08-10T14:32:03",
        "last_updated": 1512660580383,
        "def_id": "def_4e4296634e717",
        "name": "rapid automatized naming test",
        "alias": "RAN",
        "definition_text": ""Participants are required to name, as rapidly as possible, items presented visually on a chart. Each chart contains five rows of 10 stimuli from a category of five items. Categories include colors, lowercase letters, digits, and common objects. The tests are scored for total number of errors and time in seconds taken to complete each chart." - (Meyer, Wood, Hart, & Felton 1998)",
        "id_user": "usr_4aef33d37b963",
        "id": "trm_4b86c2e871b14"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660580425,
        "event_stamp": "2010-02-25T18:41:55",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:30:42",
        "last_updated": 1512660580425,
        "def_id": "def_4fb41c827f29e",
        "name": "underlining test",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "This test involves finding and underlining stimuli among other stimuli.  There are four conditions of the test: finding and underlining letters among other letters, drawings among other drawings, real words among nonsense letter strings, and then specific nonsense words among others.  ",
        "id_user": "usr_4aef33d37b963",
        "id": "trm_4b86c473a7166"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660580458,
        "event_stamp": "2010-02-25T18:45:51",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4aef33d37b963",
        "def_event_stamp": "2010-02-25T18:45:51",
        "last_updated": 1512660580458,
        "def_id": "def_4b86c55f43739",
        "name": "WISC-R Mazes",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "This task involves completing a series of increasingly complex mazes.  ",
        "id_user": "usr_4aef33d37b963",
        "id": "trm_4b86c55f3d5df"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660580508,
        "event_stamp": "2010-02-25T20:21:33",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-16T19:18:30",
        "last_updated": 1512660580508,
        "def_id": "def_50046906ee373",
        "name": "rapid serial object transformation",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A task where two sets of differently colored superimposed patterns of dots rotate in opposite directions.  The participant is asked to pay attention to on set of dots.  One of the sets of dots will then move across the screen and the participant must say which direction the dots are moving.  ",
        "id_user": "usr_4aef33d37b963",
        "id": "trm_4b86dbcd8ff78"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660580546,
        "event_stamp": "2010-03-08T08:06:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_595048b29ebdf",
        "def_event_stamp": "2017-08-30T12:39:30",
        "last_updated": 1512660580546,
        "def_id": "def_59a6b202456ea",
        "name": "Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence",
        "alias": "WASI",
        "definition_text": "The WASI meets the demand for a reliable, brief measure of intellectual ability in clinical, educational and research settings for ages 6 to 89 years. With parallel forms of WAIS-IIIUK and WISC-IIIUK subtests, it offers the clinician a means of reducing practice effects on repeat testing. It yields traditional verbal, performance and full scale IQ scores and is linked to the WISC-IIIUK and WAIS-IIIUK. The WASI allows you to choose whether to use the four or two subtest format.",
        "id_user": "usr_4b94ae051eecc",
        "id": "trm_4b94affc43245"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660580583,
        "event_stamp": "2010-03-08T08:11:23",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4b94ae051eecc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2010-03-08T08:11:23",
        "last_updated": 1512660580583,
        "def_id": "def_4b94b12bf2a79",
        "name": "Wechsler Memory Scale Fourth Edition",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Areas of Assessment\r\n\r\nUpdated Test Structure\r\n\r\nThe WMS-IV has had significant changes to the overall test structure. Based on feedback from customers, we are introducing four new subtests and modifying three existing subtests.\r\n\r\n4 subtests were added:\r\n\r\n    * Spatial Addition\r\n    * Symbol Span\r\n    * Design Memory\r\n    * General Cognitive Screener\r\n\r\n3 subtests retained with modifications:\r\n\r\n    * Logical Memory\r\n      Although the stories remain the same as seen in WMS-III for ages 16-69 years old, the repetition trial for Story B has been dropped to increase the consistency with previous editions. For the older age range of 65-90 years old, a new story was developed with content more relevant. The story is shorter and repeated once to enable adequate floor through age 90. You can obtain immediate versus delay and recognition versus delay contrast scores.\r\n    * Verbal Paired Associates\r\n      It now includes a combination of difficult and easy items. For the younger age group (16-69 years) there are 14 items of which 10 are hard. For the older age group (65-90 years), there are 10 items of which six are hard. Delayed Free Recall Trial has been added while Recognition Trial has increased its level of difficulty. You can obtain immediate versus delay and recognition versus delay contrast scores.\r\n    * Visual Reproduction\r\n      While following the same structure and format as seen in WMS-III, there have been a few changes to the subtest. Recognition Trial has been shortened and scoring has been improved. Based on Munro Cullum’s research, scoring is easier and faster than previously experienced and emphasizes recall with less focus on drawing accuracy. You can obtain immediate versus delay and recognition versus delay contrast scores.\r\n\r\n8 subtests were eliminated:\r\n\r\n    * Information & Orientation\r\n    * Spatial Span\r\n    * Mental Control\r\n    * Faces\r\n    * Digit Span\r\n    * Family Pictures\r\n    * Letter Number\r\n    * Word List (CVLT-II can be entered int",
        "id_user": "usr_4b94ae051eecc",
        "id": "trm_4b94b12bf0eb2"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660580619,
        "event_stamp": "2010-03-08T21:14:26",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T22:11:21",
        "last_updated": 1512660580619,
        "def_id": "def_4fb42609a0dac",
        "name": "MicroCog",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "a commercially developed computerized assessment battery designed to detect early signs of cognitive impairment",
        "id_user": "usr_4b94ae051eecc",
        "id": "trm_4b9568b2865c2"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660580699,
        "event_stamp": "2010-07-14T19:05:57",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-08-10T14:30:02",
        "last_updated": 1512660580699,
        "def_id": "def_4e4295eaac182",
        "name": "letter number sequencing",
        "alias": "letter-number sequencing",
        "definition_text": "a task that requires the reordering of an initially unordered set of letters and numbers",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4c3e0a9576c3b"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660580743,
        "event_stamp": "2010-07-14T19:07:09",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2010-07-14T19:07:09",
        "last_updated": 1512660580743,
        "def_id": "def_4c3e0add97a9a",
        "name": "oculomotor delayed response",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "a task that requires an eye movement to be made to a cued location after a delay",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4c3e0add96550"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660580790,
        "event_stamp": "2010-07-16T21:37:16",
        "def_id_user": "usr_520d31adecd09",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-08-15T19:54:49",
        "last_updated": 1512660580790,
        "def_id": "def_520d3208e36a8",
        "name": "operation span task",
        "alias": "OSPAN",
        "definition_text": "A task in which subjects are asked to perform a simple mathematical verification (e.g., 4/2 +1 = 3) and then read a word, with a recall test following some number of those verify/read pairs.  The maximum number of words that can be recalled is the "operation span".",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4c40d10cd776e"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660580830,
        "event_stamp": "2010-07-16T21:38:48",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2010-07-16T21:38:48",
        "last_updated": 1512660580830,
        "def_id": "def_4c40d1688b17a",
        "name": "reading span task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A task that requires participants to read series of unconnected sentences aloud and to remember the final word of each sentence of a series (grouped according to the total number of sentences). With each sentence presented on a card, participants were cued to recall the memorized end-of-sentence words in their original order by a blank card at the end of a series. The number of sentences of a series was incrementally increased until a participant's reading span, or the maximum number of final words correctly recalled, was found. (From",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4c40d168898db"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660580876,
        "event_stamp": "2010-07-16T21:40:33",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2010-07-16T21:40:33",
        "last_updated": 1512660580876,
        "def_id": "def_4c40d1d161f87",
        "name": "listening span task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A task in which subjects must listen to a set of sentences and remember the last word in the sentence.  The number of words that can be recalled is the "listening span." ",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4c40d1d16071e"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660580912,
        "event_stamp": "2010-07-16T21:44:09",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-18T21:23:42",
        "last_updated": 1512660580912,
        "def_id": "def_5532cb5e3c7a3",
        "name": "AX-CPT task",
        "alias": "Continuous performance Test - AX version",
        "definition_text": "A version of the continuous performance task in which subjects are told to make one response for the letter X when it was preceded by the letter A, and another response for all other stimuli. AX trials are "target trials"; in these types of trials a valid cue is followed by a valid probe. The 3 other trial types are "Non-target trials" in which either a valid cue is followed by an invalid probe ("AY" type trials) or an invalid cue is followed by either a valid or invalid probe ("BX" or "BY" probes, respectively). ",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4c40d2a93ea15"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660580950,
        "event_stamp": "2010-07-16T21:46:13",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-09-21T22:51:51",
        "last_updated": 1512660580950,
        "def_id": "def_56008a07d388d",
        "name": "self ordered pointing task",
        "alias": "self ordered pointing task, SOPT",
        "definition_text": "A task in which a set of stimuli is presented, and subjects must point to one stimulus at a time, without ever pointing at the same stimulus twice.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4c40d325977f0"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660580987,
        "event_stamp": "2010-07-16T21:49:57",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2010-07-16T21:49:57",
        "last_updated": 1512660580987,
        "def_id": "def_4c40d40553673",
        "name": "keep-track task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A task in which subjects are first shown a set of categories to keep track of for a particular trial (e.g., animals, colors, and countries).  They are then presented with words (including words from each category), and must remember the last word that was presented from each of the categories and recall those words at the end of the trial.  ",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4c40d4054f38b"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660581026,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T01:29:05",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:00:30",
        "last_updated": 1512660581026,
        "def_id": "def_4fb4156eb9b73",
        "name": "acupuncture task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "subjects are monitored for their cognitive, behavioral, and/or physiological responses to stimulation with filamentous needles",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c8989e1f3df7"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660581074,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T01:30:08",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-28T17:20:54",
        "last_updated": 1512660581074,
        "def_id": "def_553fc1760b689",
        "name": "braille reading task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Blind subjects read Braille words with their finger(s).",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c898a20eb254"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660581117,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T01:31:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-06-25T18:47:29",
        "last_updated": 1512660581117,
        "def_id": "def_558c4cc17c677",
        "name": "breath-holding",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "The subject is cued to breathe in and then hold their breath for an extended period of time.",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c898a680e424"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660581154,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T01:31:59",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:06:15",
        "last_updated": 1512660581154,
        "def_id": "def_4fb416c7abd15",
        "name": "chewing/swallowing",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects chew an oral stimulus that is not food (e.g., gum) or swallow their own saliva.  If the oral stimulus is food or liquid that is swallowed, then the correct paradigm class is eating/drinking",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c898a8fd3afb"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660581203,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T01:33:01",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-08-09T19:11:32",
        "last_updated": 1512660581203,
        "def_id": "def_50240b64d2019",
        "name": "pavlovian conditioning task",
        "alias": "classical conditioning task",
        "definition_text": "participants encounter a stimulus (designated the "conditional stimulus" or CS and being one without inherent significance) is paired with an unconditional stimulus or US, so named because it is biologically significant (e.g. food, sex, drug, pain), so that the participant responds to the former in a way that conveys his or her association of the two; subtypes of classical conditioning vary the temporal relationship between the CS and US.",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c898acd1f28e"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660581233,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T01:33:54",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-04-27T22:46:15",
        "last_updated": 1512660581233,
        "def_id": "def_4db89cb7b034a",
        "name": "Counting/Calculation",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects count, add, subtract, multiply, or divide various stimuli (numbers, bars, dots, etc).",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c898b02722d2"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660581263,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T01:34:33",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-04-27T22:45:43",
        "last_updated": 1512660581263,
        "def_id": "def_4db89c9732141",
        "name": "cued explicit recognition",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects view a list of items (words, pictures, sounds, or abstract patterns) prior to scanning.  During scanning, probe words are presented and subject recall if the words are familiar or unfamiliar.",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c898b29660b0"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660581293,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T01:35:07",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T22:49:05",
        "last_updated": 1512660581293,
        "def_id": "def_4fb42ee151aa1",
        "name": "deception task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects are asked to perform a task and either lie or be truthful in their responses.",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c898b4b463aa"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660581324,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T01:36:12",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T22:48:54",
        "last_updated": 1512660581324,
        "def_id": "def_4fb42ed6596a8",
        "name": "deductive reasoning task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Participants generate or evaluate conclusions based on given or well-known premises.",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c898b8c2d071"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660581373,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T01:36:58",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T22:41:12",
        "last_updated": 1512660581373,
        "def_id": "def_4fb42d0827df1",
        "name": "divided auditory attention",
        "alias": "divided attention test",
        "definition_text": "During the performance of an unrelated task, subjects simultaneously respond to auditory stimuli (tone or word discrimination, with or without distractors).   Also often co-coded with Tone Monitor/Discrimination.",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c898bbab4fd4"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660581406,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T01:37:41",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T22:43:07",
        "last_updated": 1512660581406,
        "def_id": "def_4fb42d7b3ee1f",
        "name": "drawing",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects draw lines, circles, or drawings using a pen or stylus.",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c898be57fcbc"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660581444,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T01:38:15",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T22:36:25",
        "last_updated": 1512660581444,
        "def_id": "def_4fb42be94e889",
        "name": "eating/drinking",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "None",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c898c0786246"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660581479,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T01:38:59",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T22:36:56",
        "last_updated": 1512660581479,
        "def_id": "def_4fb42c08c47c4",
        "name": "encoding task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects view stimuli (words, pictures, letters) and are instructed to memorize them.",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c898c33ee5f8"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660581519,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T01:40:27",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T22:37:05",
        "last_updated": 1512660581519,
        "def_id": "def_4fb42c11e9fbb",
        "name": "episodic recall",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects recall items from episodic memory (autobiographical history, long-term event memories).  This class is commonly used in generating a type of emotion linked to a specific memory.  This class does NOT include tasks which probe semantic memory (memory of facts or concepts) in which subjects are asked to recall stimuli that were memorized prior to scanning - those are coded as Cued Explicit Recognition.",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c898c8bf1b4f"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660581553,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T01:41:08",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T22:33:23",
        "last_updated": 1512660581553,
        "def_id": "def_4fb42b332c546",
        "name": "face monitor/discrimination",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects are presented with human faces and are instructed to view them passively or discriminate according to their order, gender, location, emotion, or appearance.  If the subjects view the faces passively, then the experiment is NOT co-coded with Passive Viewing.",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c898cb4ada49"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660581595,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T01:45:08",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T22:33:33",
        "last_updated": 1512660581595,
        "def_id": "def_4fb42b3d5c39e",
        "name": "film viewing",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects view movie or film clips passively or are required to make a discrimination when the clip is over.",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c898da401420"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660581629,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T01:51:03",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T22:33:47",
        "last_updated": 1512660581629,
        "def_id": "def_4fb42b4b8ba44",
        "name": "finger tapping task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects tap their fingers according to a visual, auditory, or no cue.",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c898f079d05e"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660581668,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T01:52:50",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T22:34:05",
        "last_updated": 1512660581668,
        "def_id": "def_4fb42b5d45de3",
        "name": "fixation task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects fixate on a visual target.",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c898f72228f3"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660581729,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T01:53:19",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T22:34:33",
        "last_updated": 1512660581729,
        "def_id": "def_4fb42b79ebdd4",
        "name": "flashing checkerboard",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects view a flashing checkerboard.",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c898f8f297ac"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660581771,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T01:53:49",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T22:35:12",
        "last_updated": 1512660581771,
        "def_id": "def_4fb42ba0a5f1c",
        "name": "flexion/extension",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects move (flex and extend) their hands, arms, legs, feet, lips, tongue, etc.",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c898fad429ed"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660581807,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T01:54:14",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-08-07T19:43:21",
        "last_updated": 1512660581807,
        "def_id": "def_50216fd90f988",
        "name": "free word list recall",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Participants view a list of words and after a delay are asked to freely recall the words presented.",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c898fc6722f4"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660581852,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T01:54:56",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T22:32:07",
        "last_updated": 1512660581852,
        "def_id": "def_4fb42ae73805d",
        "name": "grasping task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects grasped or gripped a presented stimulus with their hand or mimicked grasping one that was not physically presented (i.e., was imaginary or presented as a picture or video).",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c898ff0bea97"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660581888,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T01:55:17",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T22:17:21",
        "last_updated": 1512660581888,
        "def_id": "def_4fb427712363d",
        "name": "imagined movement",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects imagine performing some movement (e.g., finger tapping, reaching).",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c899005b11d5"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660581922,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T01:56:01",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T22:17:41",
        "last_updated": 1512660581922,
        "def_id": "def_4fb427858d2e5",
        "name": "imagined objects/scenes",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subject generate vivid images of objects, places, concepts, hypothetical events (not in their past), or the completion of tasks.",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c89903149aeb"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660581956,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T01:56:24",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T22:20:04",
        "last_updated": 1512660581956,
        "def_id": "def_4fb42814b7d06",
        "name": "isometric force",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects use their hands or fingers to apply isometric force or complete a precision grip task.",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c8990480ad0f"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660581993,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T01:57:21",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:05:33",
        "last_updated": 1512660581993,
        "def_id": "def_4fb4169d4128d",
        "name": "mental rotation task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects view visual stimuli (2D or 3D) and determine whether and to what extent they are rotated between trials.",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c8990810541d"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660582025,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T01:57:48",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:58:01",
        "last_updated": 1512660582025,
        "def_id": "def_4fb422e941018",
        "name": "micturition task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects think about voiding urine, provide urine samples, or keep a micturition diary.",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c89909cc1f33"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660582056,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T01:58:08",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T18:11:14",
        "last_updated": 1512660582056,
        "def_id": "def_4fb3edc2c114e",
        "name": "music comprehension/production",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects listen to music passively or are asked to sing overtly.",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c8990b07a037"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660582091,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T01:58:32",
        "def_id_user": "usr_595048b29ebdf",
        "def_event_stamp": "2017-06-27T16:12:27",
        "last_updated": 1512660582091,
        "def_id": "def_595283ebafa40",
        "name": "naming (covert)",
        "alias": "covert naming task, covert production task",
        "definition_text": "Subjects view objects (pictures, line drawings, etc.) and name them silently",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c8990c87035d"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660582124,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T01:58:57",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:50:06",
        "last_updated": 1512660582124,
        "def_id": "def_4fb4210ee351e",
        "name": "naming (overt)",
        "alias": "overt naming task, reading aloud task",
        "definition_text": "Subjects view objects (pictures, line drawings, etc.)  and name them aloud.",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c8990e187dc7"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660582160,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T01:59:17",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:47:57",
        "last_updated": 1512660582160,
        "def_id": "def_4fb4208d3100c",
        "name": "non-painful electrical stimulation",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects are electrically stimulated below pain threshold.",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c8990f59266f"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660582198,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T01:59:39",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:48:26",
        "last_updated": 1512660582198,
        "def_id": "def_4fb420aa65328",
        "name": "non-painful thermal stimulation",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects experience thermal stimulation (heat) below pain threshold.",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c89910b7f8bc"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660582227,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T02:00:12",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:45:25",
        "last_updated": 1512660582227,
        "def_id": "def_4fb41ff57a77c",
        "name": "olfactory monitoring/discrimination",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects are presented with odors and are instructed to smell them passively or to discriminate according to some feature (pleasant/unpleasant, strong/weak, same/different, etc.).",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c89912c79030"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660582265,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T02:00:31",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:44:59",
        "last_updated": 1512660582265,
        "def_id": "def_4fb41fdb8cb00",
        "name": "orthographic discrimination",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects view letters and discriminate according to some feature (uppercase/lowercase, alphabetic order, same/different spelling of words, vowel/consonant, font size, etc.).",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c89913f80802"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660582305,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T02:02:45",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:38:37",
        "last_updated": 1512660582305,
        "def_id": "def_4fb41e5d243e1",
        "name": "pain monitor/discrimination task",
        "alias": "pain judgment task",
        "definition_text": "Subjects experience thermal or electrical stimulation at a painful threshold.",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c8991c5beb0a"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660582334,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T02:03:18",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:40:02",
        "last_updated": 1512660582334,
        "def_id": "def_4fb41eb25f896",
        "name": "paired associate recall",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects are shown paired stimuli prior to the task.  During the task, subjects are shown a single stimuli and are asked to recall the associated pair.  Stimuli may be words, faces, objects, etc.",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c8991e6e8597"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660582379,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T02:03:38",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:40:32",
        "last_updated": 1512660582379,
        "def_id": "def_4fb41ed0ccf91",
        "name": "passive listening",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects listen to various auditory stimuli and make no response.  Stimuli include speech (words, sentences), noise, tones, etc.  If the stimulus is tones, then the experiment is co-coded with Tone Monitor/Discrimination.",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c8991fadfe01"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660582411,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T02:04:01",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:41:05",
        "last_updated": 1512660582411,
        "def_id": "def_4fb41ef10a511",
        "name": "passive viewing",
        "alias": "passive watching",
        "definition_text": "Subjects view various visual stimuli and make no response.  Stimuli include houses, faces, objects, fractals, letter strings, line drawings, complex scenes, etc. If the presented stimuli were faces, the experiments are co-coded with Face Monitor/Discrimination.  But if the presented stimuli are words, the experiments are not coded as passive viewing but rather as reading (covert).",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c899211a965c"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660582441,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T02:04:28",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:41:29",
        "last_updated": 1512660582441,
        "def_id": "def_4fb41f09093bc",
        "name": "phonological discrimination",
        "alias": "phonological decision task",
        "definition_text": "Subjects view or listen to phonemes, syllables, or words and discriminate according to some feature of their sounds (rhyming, number of syllables, homophones, etc.).",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c89922cb6402"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660582476,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T02:04:52",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:42:30",
        "last_updated": 1512660582476,
        "def_id": "def_4fb41f468dc9f",
        "name": "pitch/monitor discrimination",
        "alias": "pitch discrimination task",
        "definition_text": "Subjects are presented with various stimuli (human speech and non-speech vocalizations, animal vocalization, mechanical noise, etc.) and are instructed to listen to them passively (also co-coded with Passive Listening), or discriminate based on pitch (pleasant/unpleasant, same/different, duration, familiar/unfamiliar, male/female).",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c89924414c69"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660582516,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T02:05:27",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:42:51",
        "last_updated": 1512660582516,
        "def_id": "def_4fb41f5bc110a",
        "name": "pointing task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects look and point at a target (e.g. cursor with their arm, hand, finger, or shoulder).",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c89926767870"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660582546,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T19:10:50",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-01-28T16:12:17",
        "last_updated": 1512660582546,
        "def_id": "def_4f241e61147a9",
        "name": "reading (covert)",
        "alias": "covert reading task, silent reading task, silent production task",
        "definition_text": "Subjects view words, pseudo-words,  Asian characters, phrases, or sentences and read them silently.",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c8a82ba8a538"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660582572,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T19:11:42",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-04-26T21:20:27",
        "last_updated": 1512660582572,
        "def_id": "def_4db7371b3d6e3",
        "name": "reading (overt)",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "subjects view words, pseudo-words, logograms, phrases, or sentences and read them aloud.",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c8a82eeaa58f"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660582619,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T19:12:13",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-04-26T21:20:07",
        "last_updated": 1512660582619,
        "def_id": "def_4db73707d8c43",
        "name": "recitation/repetition (covert)",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects silently repeat or recite phonemes, words, or well-known text (nursery rhymes, Pledge of Allegiance, months of the year, etc.).",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c8a830dec136"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660582657,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T19:12:41",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-04-26T21:19:47",
        "last_updated": 1512660582657,
        "def_id": "def_4db736f38f791",
        "name": "recitation/repetition (overt)",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects repeat or recite phonemes, words, or well-known text (nursery rhymes, Pledge of Allegiance, months of the year, etc.) aloud.",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c8a8329cb8ff"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660582691,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T19:13:11",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-02-20T02:29:46",
        "last_updated": 1512660582691,
        "def_id": "def_54e69c19c0d13",
        "name": "rest eyes open",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects rest passively with their eyes open. Often used as a baseline for comparison for other tasks.",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c8a834779883"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660582723,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-16T22:49:55",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-16T22:49:55",
        "last_updated": 1512660582723,
        "def_id": "def_50f72e93edbec",
        "name": "Motor Screening Task",
        "alias": "(MOT)",
        "definition_text": "The Motor Screening Task is typically administered at the beginning of a battery, and serves as a simple introduction to the touch screen for the participant. If a participant is unable to comply with the simple requirements of this task it is unlikely that they will be able to complete other tasks successfully. This task therefore screens for visual, movement and comprehension difficulties.",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_50f72e93ea9e3"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660582761,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T19:15:22",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:34:37",
        "last_updated": 1512660582761,
        "def_id": "def_4fb41d6dde000",
        "name": "sequence recall/learning",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects learn and/or perform a complex sequence of finger tapping, button pressing, pointing/clicking, or various other motor responses.",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c8a83cac75f5"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660582793,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T19:16:02",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:34:04",
        "last_updated": 1512660582793,
        "def_id": "def_4fb41d4c3598b",
        "name": "spatial location/discrimination",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects view shapes or other stimuli (letters, pictures, numbers, or arrows) and discriminate according to their location, orientation, or size.",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c8a83f27ac55"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660582831,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T19:16:29",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-04-26T21:18:08",
        "last_updated": 1512660582831,
        "def_id": "def_4db73690924d4",
        "name": "subjective emotional picture discrimination",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects view pictures and are instructed to respond to emotional pictures, to indicate which pictures are pleasant/unpleasant or funny/not funny, or rate the valence of emotional pictures.",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c8a840d6f969"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660582861,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T19:16:53",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:35:38",
        "last_updated": 1512660582861,
        "def_id": "def_4fb41daadf91c",
        "name": "syntactic discrimination",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects viewed grammatically correct and incorrect sentences and discriminate according to their grammar.  This class also includes morphosyntactic tasks such as gender discrimination of words.",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c8a842512a33"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660582892,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T19:17:17",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:32:12",
        "last_updated": 1512660582892,
        "def_id": "def_4fb41cdc81d33",
        "name": "tactile monitor/discrimination",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects experience tactile/somatosensory stimulation and are asked to attend passively or discriminate according to some feature (shape, texture, same/different, frequency of presentation,  etc.)  Also includes: subjects are presented with 3-dimensional objects and are asked to manipulate them in their hands and probe their features.",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c8a843d8d352"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660582926,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T19:17:59",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:31:48",
        "last_updated": 1512660582926,
        "def_id": "def_4fb41cc4e34ef",
        "name": "theory of mind task",
        "alias": "TOM task",
        "definition_text": "Subjects are asked to perform a task involving the understanding of another's personal beliefs and feelings or forming hypotheses regarding the mental states of others.",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c8a8467304e2"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660582975,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T19:18:26",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:33:39",
        "last_updated": 1512660582975,
        "def_id": "def_4fb41d339c8f9",
        "name": "tone monitor/discrimination",
        "alias": "tone discrimination task, tone monitoring task",
        "definition_text": "Subjects are presented with tones and are instructed to listen to them passively (also coded as passive listening) or discriminate according to their order, timing, pitch, frequency, or amplitude.",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c8a84825c4e4"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660583012,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T19:19:11",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-04-26T21:16:12",
        "last_updated": 1512660583012,
        "def_id": "def_4db7361cc8c2b",
        "name": "vibrotactile monitor/discrimination",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects experience vibrotactile stimulation to the hand, finger, arm, toe, or lip.",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c8a84afdd863"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660583044,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T19:19:48",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:28:36",
        "last_updated": 1512660583044,
        "def_id": "def_4fb41c04cc357",
        "name": "video games",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "None",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c8a84d4c4157"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660583082,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T19:20:18",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-06-26T18:29:41",
        "last_updated": 1512660583082,
        "def_id": "def_4fe9ff9535fe2",
        "name": "visual attention task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "This category is a catch-all for visuoattention paradigms.  Examples include:  subjects press a button when a visual target (letters, bars, circles, asterisks, LEDs, etc) appears; subjects detect changes in luminance, shape, or color of visual stimuli; subjects fixate on a central stimuli while ignoring peripheral distractors.  Also includes cued, attention shift, and divided attention paradigms.",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c8a84f20dde2"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660583116,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T19:21:55",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:30:03",
        "last_updated": 1512660583116,
        "def_id": "def_4fb41c5b0d3d0",
        "name": "visual pursuit/tracking",
        "alias": "tracking task",
        "definition_text": "Subjects view a moving target(s) and track its movement across the screen.  Frequently, stimuli are moving dots.",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c8a85534241d"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660583161,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T19:22:29",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-08-06T17:50:09",
        "last_updated": 1512660583161,
        "def_id": "def_502003d198f4d",
        "name": "whistling",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "participants are cued to inhale and to whistle at fixed intervals, usually during some measure of brain physiology",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c8a8575d1e55"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660583197,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T19:22:53",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-04-26T21:13:49",
        "last_updated": 1512660583197,
        "def_id": "def_4db7358d96124",
        "name": "word stem completion (covert)",
        "alias": "WSC",
        "definition_text": "Subjects view word stems and silently generate a word that completes the stem.",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c8a858da803d"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660583233,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T19:23:16",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-01-28T20:07:05",
        "last_updated": 1512660583233,
        "def_id": "def_4f2455699beef",
        "name": "word stem completion (overt)",
        "alias": "word stem completion task, WSC",
        "definition_text": "Subjects view word stems and overtly generate a word that completes the stem.",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c8a85a4564b2"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660583267,
        "event_stamp": "2010-09-10T19:23:49",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:21:12",
        "last_updated": 1512660583267,
        "def_id": "def_4fb41a483b501",
        "name": "writing task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects write letters or words with a pen, stylus, or their finger.",
        "id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "id": "trm_4c8a85c5c75eb"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660583302,
        "event_stamp": "2010-10-06T21:46:50",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:58:32",
        "last_updated": 1512660583302,
        "def_id": "def_4fb42308400d9",
        "name": "mixed gambles task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects are presented with gambles in which they have a 50% chance of gaining some amount of money and a 50% chance of losing some other amount of money.  The subject decides whether or not they would accept the gamble.  The amount of the potential gain and loss are varied across trials.  Gambles are not resolved during performance of the task; after the end of the task, some gambles are chosen at random and played for real money if they were accepted. ",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4cacee4a1d875"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660583336,
        "event_stamp": "2010-10-06T22:03:22",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:45:04",
        "last_updated": 1512660583336,
        "def_id": "def_4f2418009fec1",
        "name": "Probabilistic classification task",
        "alias": "probabilistic classification learning task, weather prediction task",
        "definition_text": "Subjects are presented with a set of stimuli and must classify those stimuli into one of two categories. In a common version known as the "weather prediction task" the stimuli are cards with geometric shapes on them and the outcomes are rainy versus sunny weather.  The feedback is probabilistic, and performance is measured by the proportion of statistically optimal responses.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4cacf22a22d80"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660583369,
        "event_stamp": "2010-10-06T22:11:07",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-01-27T19:56:12",
        "last_updated": 1512660583369,
        "def_id": "def_56a920dc24c1d",
        "name": "conditional stop signal task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A task in which an external stimulus signals the participant to interrupt an already-initiated motor response, but only for a subset of possible responses.  ",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4cacf3fbc503b"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660583400,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-15T20:47:41",
        "last_updated": 1512660583400,
        "def_id": "def_4fb2c0ed54948",
        "name": "action imitation task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A task in which a participant sees another person perform an action and later performs the same action him/herself.  Imitation can be immediate or delayed.  It can be instructed or elicited implicitly (without the participant's conscious awareness).  The actions imitated can be familar/meaningful actions or unfamilar/meaningless actions.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb94981d"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660583432,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T20:48:40",
        "last_updated": 1512660583432,
        "def_id": "def_4fb412a8a7ee1",
        "name": "action observation task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects view images of actions in order to learn the action themselves. ",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949846"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660583464,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-28T17:15:44",
        "last_updated": 1512660583464,
        "def_id": "def_553fc040796ec",
        "name": "adult attachment interview",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Standardized interview used to assess developmental and attachment history.  ",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949858"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660583498,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-15T19:56:07",
        "last_updated": 1512660583498,
        "def_id": "def_4fb2b4d725c57",
        "name": "antisaccade/prosaccade task",
        "alias": "antisaccade task",
        "definition_text": "Subjects view a fixation point and a visual target is presented.  Subjects are instructed to make a saccade away from the target (antisaccade) or to the target (prosaccade).",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949869"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660583530,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-08-06T19:39:12",
        "last_updated": 1512660583530,
        "def_id": "def_50201d5fe54ad",
        "name": "rapid serial visual presentation task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "attentional processing of a first stimulus interferes with and/or delays the allocation of attention to a second stimulus if the second is presented before the processing of the first has been completed.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949879"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660583556,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-06-23T18:47:10",
        "last_updated": 1512660583556,
        "def_id": "def_4e038a2e2ebe6",
        "name": "audio-visual target detection task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "This task pairs auditory and visual stimuli. Participants are asked to indicate when the paired stimuli are presented in synchrony, or to identify the locations of the stimuli among distracting visual and auditory information.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949889"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660583590,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-08-06T19:20:15",
        "last_updated": 1512660583590,
        "def_id": "def_502018ef8e595",
        "name": "backward digit span task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A task in which participants are presented with sequentially presented digits and are then asked to recall the items backwards. The number of digits that can be correctly recalled provides an estimate of working memory capacity.\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb94989b"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660583626,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-28T17:19:11",
        "last_updated": 1512660583626,
        "def_id": "def_553fc10f69ecc",
        "name": "behavioral rating inventory of executive function",
        "alias": "BRIEF",
        "definition_text": "used for evaluating and planning treatment strategies for a wide spectrum of developmental and acquired neurological conditions, including learning disabilities, low birth weight, ADHD, Tourette's disorder, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Autism; consists of 8 non-overlapping clinical scales that form two broader indexes: Behavior Regulation (three scales) and Metacognition (five scales). A Global Executive Composite score is also produced; completed by parents and teachers, is suitable for children as young as 5 years old.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb9498ab"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660583655,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-28T17:24:08",
        "last_updated": 1512660583655,
        "def_id": "def_553fc23827f91",
        "name": "Benton facial recognition test",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A tool used to assess deficits in facial recognition.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb9498bc"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660583684,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-28T17:23:47",
        "last_updated": 1512660583684,
        "def_id": "def_553fc2237891d",
        "name": "Birmingham object recognition battery",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "a set of standardized procedures for assessing neuropsychological disorders of visual object recognition which includes tests to assess low-level aspects of visual perception (using same-different matching of basic perceptual features, such as orientation, length, position and object size), intermediate visual processes (e.g., matching objects different in viewpoint), access to stored perceptual knowledge about objects (object decision), access to semantic knowledge (function and associative matches) and access to names from object (picture naming).",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb9498ce"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660583717,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:13:02",
        "last_updated": 1512660583717,
        "def_id": "def_4fb4185e6d166",
        "name": "block tapping test",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "tool used for assessment of visual short-term memory and implicit visual-spatial learning. An examiner taps a series of blocks and the subject must repeat in the correct sequential order. If the sequence is correct, the examiner adds another tap to the next sequence.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb9498df"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660583744,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-28T17:20:44",
        "last_updated": 1512660583744,
        "def_id": "def_553fc16c33424",
        "name": "boston naming test",
        "alias": "BNT",
        "definition_text": "assesses the ability to name pictures of objects through spontaneous responses and need for various types of cueing, inferences can be drawn regarding language facility and possible localization of cerebral damage.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb9498ef"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660583770,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-05-18T21:05:42",
        "last_updated": 1512660583770,
        "def_id": "def_4dd434a6bf40a",
        "name": "California Verbal Learning Test-II",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A comprehensive and detailed assessment of verbal learning and memory available for older adolescents and adults. In addition to recall and recognition scores, it measures encoding strategies, learning rates, error types, and other process data.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949900"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660583803,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-06-01T21:13:24",
        "last_updated": 1512660583803,
        "def_id": "def_4de6ab7423b16",
        "name": "Cambridge Face Memory Test",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "a test with high reliability and validity that assesses the ability to learn and then recognize six new faces.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949912"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660583839,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-04-19T20:52:08",
        "last_updated": 1512660583839,
        "def_id": "def_4dadf5f888b7c",
        "name": "category fluency test",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "a psychological test in which participants have to say as many words as possible from a category in a given time (usually 60 seconds), this category can be semantic, such as animals or fruits, or phonemic, such as words that begin with letter p.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949923"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660583881,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-04-15T19:04:24",
        "last_updated": 1512660583881,
        "def_id": "def_4da896b8d61e0",
        "name": "choice reaction time task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Choice reaction time tasks require distinct responses for each possible class of stimulus. For example, the subject might be asked to press one button if a red light appears and a different button if a yellow light appears.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949934"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660583919,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-05-10T22:00:36",
        "last_updated": 1512660583919,
        "def_id": "def_4dc9b5848eed0",
        "name": "Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals-3",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "3rd edition of an assessment used to evaluate the nature and extent of language difficulties in school children and adolescents.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb9499a8"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660583948,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-01-28T19:27:07",
        "last_updated": 1512660583948,
        "def_id": "def_4f244c0b242c8",
        "name": "color-discrimination task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "is a behavioral task where a subject is to make specific responses when presented with particular colors.  The responses to the various colors are then evaluated to see if the subject was able to discern between different colors.    ",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb9499b8"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660583990,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-04-19T19:06:22",
        "last_updated": 1512660583990,
        "def_id": "def_4daddd2e60b0e",
        "name": "continuous recognition paradigm",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "In the continuous recognition paradigm, study and test phases are not separate entities, but rather, items are continuously presented and the participant is instructed to respond to an item as "old" if it has been seen before (generally presented a second time) in this continual stream of item presentation. Items that were correctly called "old" are the subsequently remembered trials, and items that were "missed" (not called old upon second presentation) make up the subsequently forgotten trials. ",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb9499c7"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660584021,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-08-10T14:39:24",
        "last_updated": 1512660584021,
        "def_id": "def_4e42981c9eb74",
        "name": "cups task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "On each trial, participants choose between a risky and safe option. Each trial involves either gains or losses. The options are presented as a choice of cups. The risky option involves two to five cups, one containing a gain (loss) of $2, $3 or $5, and the others containing $0. If the latter option is selected, the payoff from one cup is selected at random. The safe cup offers a sure gain (loss) $1.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb9499d5"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660584063,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:41:16",
        "last_updated": 1512660584063,
        "def_id": "def_4f24171ce1151",
        "name": "delayed match to sample task",
        "alias": "dms task, delayed matching to sample task",
        "definition_text": "Subjects view an item(s). After a brief delay a probe item is presented and subjects are asked to recall if the probe item was presented before the delay (during encoding). Stimuli can be words, pictures, or abstract patterns. ",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb9499e3"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660584096,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:41:37",
        "last_updated": 1512660584096,
        "def_id": "def_4f24173185009",
        "name": "delayed nonmatch to sample task",
        "alias": "DNMS task, delayed nonmatching to sample task",
        "definition_text": "A task in which an target is presented and then removed from view. This target must be maintained in working memory for a delay, after which it is presented with non-target(s). The participant's task is to identify the non-target.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb9499f1"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660584135,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4a5bc4a2a8aba",
        "def_event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:06:33",
        "last_updated": 1512660584135,
        "def_id": "def_4a57ad599df3e",
        "name": "delayed recall test",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A task in which participants are given information to remember (list of words or paragraph) and which they are asked to reproduce after some span of time.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb9499ff"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660584182,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T20:49:20",
        "last_updated": 1512660584182,
        "def_id": "def_4fb412cff3c0e",
        "name": "digit span task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A task in which participants are presented with sequentially presented digits and are then asked to recall the items. The number of digits that can be correctly recalled provides an estimate of working memory capacity.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949a0d"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660584219,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T22:40:59",
        "last_updated": 1512660584219,
        "def_id": "def_4fb42cfb1c521",
        "name": "digit/symbol coding test",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "a neuropsychological test sensitive to brain damage, dementia, age and depression; consists of (e.g. nine) digit-symbol pairs (e.g. 1/-,2/┴ ... 7/Λ,8/X,9/=) followed by a list of digits. Under each digit the subject should write down the corresponding symbol as fast as possible. The number of correct symbols within the allowed time (e.g. 90 or 120 sec) is measured.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949a25"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660584254,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T22:41:23",
        "last_updated": 1512660584254,
        "def_id": "def_4fb42d1327318",
        "name": "doors and people test",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Doors and People is a test of long-term memory. It yields a single age-scaled overall score which can be ‘unpacked’ to give separate measures of visual and verbal memory, recall and recognition, and forgetting.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949a33"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660584281,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-06-03T22:37:06",
        "last_updated": 1512660584281,
        "def_id": "def_4de9621278f95",
        "name": "Edinburgh Handedness Inventory",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "a measurement scale used to assess the dominance of a person's right or left hand in everyday activities. It consists of a questionnaire with 10 activities listed (writing, drawing, throwing, using scissors, using a toothbrush, using a knife without a fork, using a spoon, the upper hand when using a broom, striking a match, and opening the lid of a box). Participants must indicate which hand they would use, and the strength of this preference (strong, less strong, indifferent).",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949a41"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660584310,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-07T18:16:19",
        "last_updated": 1512660584310,
        "def_id": "def_50eb10f2ec812",
        "name": "Eriksen flanker task",
        "alias": "flanker task, NIH Toolbox Flanker Inhibitory Control and Attention Test",
        "definition_text": "A task in which participants view stimuli (typically arrows) presented one at a time and to which they must make a simple lexical response. These stimuli are surrounded by either distracting or facilitating items. Distracting items are typically associated with an opposite response ("incongruent" = pointing in opposite direction to target stimulus), whereas facilitating items are typically associated with the same response as the target stimulus ("congruent" = pointing in the same direction as the target stimulus).",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949a4f"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660584361,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T22:37:13",
        "last_updated": 1512660584361,
        "def_id": "def_4fb42c192ec73",
        "name": "extradimensional shift task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A task in which multiple (typically two) stimuli are presented simultaneously and the subject must select the stimulus that matches the currently relevant rule. The relevant rule alternates or "shifts" among multiple (typically two) rules. The rule represents the relevant task "dimension". The stimulus-response mappings are unique and constant within each possible rule dimension.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949a5d"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660584393,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-06-06T17:39:51",
        "last_updated": 1512660584393,
        "def_id": "def_4ded10e7d4be2",
        "name": "face n-back task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Task in which face stimuli are presented one at a time in a continuous stream, and the objective is to detect when the current face matches the face presented n previously (1,2, or 3 faces before).",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949a6a"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660584428,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-04-29T00:27:56",
        "last_updated": 1512660584428,
        "def_id": "def_4dba060c2cf0a",
        "name": "Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "a standard instrument for assessing the intensity of physical addiction to nicotine.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949a78"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660584464,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T22:35:20",
        "last_updated": 1512660584464,
        "def_id": "def_4fb42ba8189f1",
        "name": "forward digit span task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A method of short-term memory measurement in which a person listens to someone say a series of single-digit numbers and must repeat them back in the same order they were given.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949a85"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660584498,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T22:31:56",
        "last_updated": 1512660584498,
        "def_id": "def_4fb42adc39277",
        "name": "go/no-go task",
        "alias": "go/nogo task",
        "definition_text": "A task in which stimuli are presented in a continuous stream and participants perform a binary decision on each stimulus. One of the outcomes requires participants to make a motor response (go), whereas the other requires participants to withhold a response (no-go). Accuracy and reaction time are measured for each event. Go events typically occur with higher frequency than no-go events. ",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949a93"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660584523,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4fea0f8780899",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-06-26T19:45:22",
        "last_updated": 1512660584523,
        "def_id": "def_4fea1152ca878",
        "name": "Gray Oral Reading Test - 4",
        "alias": "GORT-4",
        "definition_text": "Measures growth in oral reading and aids in the diagnosis of oral reading difficulties. Five scores provide information on oral reading skills in terms of: Rate, accuracy, fluency, comprehension, overall reading ability, and comprehension. The test consists of two parallel forms, each containing 14 developmentally sequenced reading passages with five comprehension questions following each passage.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949aa1"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660584552,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T22:31:32",
        "last_updated": 1512660584552,
        "def_id": "def_4fb42ac4859d3",
        "name": "Hooper visual organization test",
        "alias": "VOT",
        "definition_text": "a neuropsychological test of visual spatial ability that presents participants with a line drawing of a common object that has been broken into fragments, and asks participants to name what the object would be if reassembled.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949aae"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660584590,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-03-04T20:55:55",
        "last_updated": 1512660584590,
        "def_id": "def_4d7151db6762e",
        "name": "immediate recall test",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "involves presenting a subject with material that is to be memorized.  Once the material is removed the subject is to immediately demonstrate everything that they remember from the material.\r\n\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949abc"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660584626,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-05-10T21:46:45",
        "last_updated": 1512660584626,
        "def_id": "def_4dc9b245b724f",
        "name": "International Affective Picture System",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "a database of photographs used in emotion research.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949aca"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660584663,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T22:19:53",
        "last_updated": 1512660584663,
        "def_id": "def_4fb42809ab45f",
        "name": "intradimensional shift task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A task in which multiple (typically two) stimuli are presented simultaneously and the subject must select the stimulus that matches the currently relevant rule. The rule represents the relevant task "dimension". The stimulus-response mappings within this dimension alternate or "shift" among multiple (typically two) alternatives. ",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949ad7"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660584702,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4ac2cdeede9e6",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-02-11T20:25:41",
        "last_updated": 1512660584702,
        "def_id": "def_4d559b4568905",
        "name": "Iowa Gambling Task",
        "alias": "Bechara's gambling task",
        "definition_text": "a widely used experiment in the areas of cognition & emotion that was originally developed to assist in detecting decision-making impairment in patients with prefrontal cortex damage; a computerized experiment that is carried out in real time and resembles real-world contingencies. The task allows participants to select cards from four decks displayed on-screen. Participants are instructed that the selection of each card will result in winning or losing money. The objective is to attempt to win as much money as possible. (from\r\n\r\nOn each trial, participants select a card from one of four decks; two ‘bad’ decks offer a higher reward on most trials but also higher possible loss and lower overall expected value, whereas two ‘good’ decks offer a lower reward on most trials but lower possible loss and higher expected value. Participants learn the nature of the decks through trial-and- error. In some versions of the task, the probabilities are not stationary.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949ae5"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660584736,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-04-28T23:07:09",
        "last_updated": 1512660584736,
        "def_id": "def_4db9f31d9c2ad",
        "name": "Ishihara plates for color blindness",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "a test for red-green color deficiencies that consists of a number of colored plates, called Ishihara plates, each of which contain a circle of dots appearing randomized in color and size. Within the pattern are dots which form a number visible to those with normal color vision and invisible, or difficult to see, for those with a red-green color vision defect.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949af3"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660584798,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-05-16T22:44:40",
        "last_updated": 1512660584798,
        "def_id": "def_4dd1a8d898384",
        "name": "Kanizsa figures",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "An ambiguous figure in which the illusory contour of a square (or triangle) appears in the middle of four (or three) truncated solid squares (or circles). It is an illustration of the perceptual ability to make sense of an incomplete figure by creating a 'whole' image from the separate elements (Gestalt organization).",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949b00"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660584828,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-04-18T18:42:37",
        "last_updated": 1512660584828,
        "def_id": "def_4dac861d0f650",
        "name": "letter fluency test ",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "is a test that requires generation of words cued with a specific letter and depends on phonemic abilities.\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949b0e"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660584859,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_595048b29ebdf",
        "def_event_stamp": "2017-07-17T15:22:10",
        "last_updated": 1512660584859,
        "def_id": "def_596cd622be4e1",
        "name": "letter n-back task",
        "alias": "LNB",
        "definition_text": "A task in which participants view a continuous stream of letter stimuli. The object of the task is to identify letter repetitions that occur n-trials preceding to the current stimulus.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949b1c"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660584888,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T22:14:33",
        "last_updated": 1512660584888,
        "def_id": "def_4fb426c982105",
        "name": "letter naming task",
        "alias": "character naming task",
        "definition_text": "Participants are presented with letters and asked to give the name for each letter as it appears or as the researcher points to it.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949b2b"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660584913,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T22:14:43",
        "last_updated": 1512660584913,
        "def_id": "def_4fb426d338d8d",
        "name": "lexical decision task",
        "alias": "word/nonword task",
        "definition_text": "a procedure used in many psychology and psycholinguistics experiments; the basic procedure involves measuring how quickly people classify stimuli as words or nonwords.  Subjects are presented, either visually or auditorily, with a mixture of words and pseudowords (nonsense strings that respect the phonotactic rules of a language, like trud in English). Their task is to indicate, usually with a button-press, whether the presented stimulus is a word or not.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949b38"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660584942,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-01-28T19:32:14",
        "last_updated": 1512660584942,
        "def_id": "def_4f244d3e47022",
        "name": "matching pennies game ",
        "alias": "matching pennies task",
        "definition_text": "The game is played between two players, Player A and Player B. Each player has a penny and must secretly turn the penny to heads or tails. The players then reveal their choices simultaneously. If the pennies match (both heads or both tails), Player A receives one dollar from Player B (+1 for A, -1 for B). If the pennies do not match (one heads and one tails), Player B receives one dollar from Player A (-1 for A, +1 for B). This is an example of a zero-sum game, where one player's gain is exactly equal to the other player's loss.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949b46"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660584974,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T22:11:55",
        "last_updated": 1512660584974,
        "def_id": "def_4fb4262ba9f7b",
        "name": "Maudsley Obsessive Compulsive Inventory",
        "alias": "MOC, MOCI",
        "definition_text": "assess obsessive-compulsive symptoms in the areas of contamination fears and washing behaviors, checking, slowness, and doubting using 30 dichotomously scored (true/false) items, with each pathological response receiving a score of 1. ",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949b54"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660585013,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4ffbda803dbd6",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-07-21T09:09:47",
        "last_updated": 1512660585013,
        "def_id": "def_55ae0c5b7530d",
        "name": "Mini Mental State Examination",
        "alias": "MMSE, Folstein test",
        "definition_text": "The mini-mental state examination (MMSE) or Folstein test is a brief 30-point questionnaire test that is used to screen for cognitive impairment. It is commonly used in medicine to screen for dementia. It is also used to estimate the severity of cognitive impairment at a given point in time and to follow the course of cognitive changes in an individual over time, thus making it an effective way to document an individual's response to treatment.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949bb1"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660585057,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-06-10T21:40:57",
        "last_updated": 1512660585057,
        "def_id": "def_4df28f6970e58",
        "name": "motor sequencing task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Participants perform several motoric tasks in a specific sequence/order.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949bbf"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660585104,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:31:26",
        "last_updated": 1512660585104,
        "def_id": "def_4f2414ce8b5a3",
        "name": "n-back task",
        "alias": "0-back task, 1-back task, 2-back task, 3-back task",
        "definition_text": "A task in which items (e.g., letters) are presented one at a time and participants must identify each item that repeats relative to the item that occurred "n" items before its onset.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949bcd"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660585142,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-05-03T20:58:07",
        "last_updated": 1512660585142,
        "def_id": "def_4dc06c5fe67b9",
        "name": "nine-hole peg test",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "a timed test of fine motor coordination; the test involves the subject placing 9 dowels in 9 holes. Subjects are scored on the amount of time it takes to place and remove all 9 pegs.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949bdb"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660585185,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-06-13T19:23:01",
        "last_updated": 1512660585185,
        "def_id": "def_4df66395c1065",
        "name": "object-discrimination task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Participants are shown pairs or sets of objects. Experimenters then try to discern whether the participant is able to discriminate between the objects. This can be done by having subjects match identical objects to each other, having certain objects become associated with rewards and measuring accuracy, or measuring time spent observing novel objects compared to time spent observing previously seen objects.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949be9"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660585227,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4a5bc4a2a8aba",
        "def_event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:06:33",
        "last_updated": 1512660585227,
        "def_id": "def_4a57ad59c11cd",
        "name": "oddball task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A task in which stimuli are presented in a continuous stream and participants must detect the presence of an oddball stimulus. The oddball is a stimulus that occurs infrequently relative to all other stimuli, and has distinct characteristics (e.g., a different tone among auditory stimuli).",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949bf6"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660585269,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:38:04",
        "last_updated": 1512660585269,
        "def_id": "def_4fb41e3c39fab",
        "name": "pantomime task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "is when a subject is asked to explain an emotion or how an object is used by only gesturing with their hands and not using speech.  ",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949c04"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660585297,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-06-21T21:13:21",
        "last_updated": 1512660585297,
        "def_id": "def_4fe38e7197e14",
        "name": "Parrott Scale",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "a scale created for self-reporting of subjective states like stress, arousal, and pleasure in nicotine studies",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949ce9"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660585355,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-06-14T00:12:08",
        "last_updated": 1512660585355,
        "def_id": "def_4df6a758b936b",
        "name": "picture naming task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "participants are shown pictures of objects and asked to identify the item.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949cfb"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660585389,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:43:23",
        "last_updated": 1512660585389,
        "def_id": "def_4fb41f7bb456a",
        "name": "Positive and Negative Affect Scale",
        "alias": "PANAS",
        "definition_text": "A psychometric scale to measure positive and negative affects in individuals, and both as states and traits. Positive affect questions assess to what extent the participant is attentive, interested, alert, excited, enthusiastic, inspired, proud, determined, strong and active. Negative affect questions assess to what extent the participant is distressed, upset, hostile, irritable, scared, afraid, ashamed, guilty, nervous, and jittery. Participants answer questions on a Likert scale where 0=very, 1=slightly or not at all, 2=a little, 3=moderately, 4=quite a bit, and 5=very much. The questionnaire asks whether participants have felt these traits "during the past few weeks" (trait) and "during the past few days" (state).",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949d09"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660585421,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-04-19T19:09:45",
        "last_updated": 1512660585421,
        "def_id": "def_4dadddf96a5e5",
        "name": "Posner cueing task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects view two stimuli (boxes, letters, etc.) and are cued by an arrow to attend to one of the stimuli.  Subjects then discriminate and respond (e.g., press a button when one of the boxes is filled with a diagonal cross, or press the left button for an "X" and the right button for an "O"). ",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949d17"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660585448,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:44:33",
        "last_updated": 1512660585448,
        "def_id": "def_4fb41fc1c15a7",
        "name": "pseudoword naming task",
        "alias": "pseudoword reading task",
        "definition_text": "Participants are presented (usually one at a time, rather than in list form) with words and pseudowords, which are strings of letters that have no meaning in the language but are still pronounceable and asked to read aloud what they see. In pseudoword choice or decision tasks, they are asked to identify whether the items are words or not.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949d25"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660585479,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-01-28T20:08:21",
        "last_updated": 1512660585479,
        "def_id": "def_4f2455b5e663e",
        "name": "pyramids and palm trees task",
        "alias": "palmtrees and pyramids task",
        "definition_text": "a semantic memory test that presents one word or picture above two others. The participant is then asked to identify which of the bottom items best matches the top item. Semantic memory is necessary for the identification of the analogies, which link conceptually two perceptually, and functionally distinct entities.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949d32"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660585508,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-17T20:54:47",
        "last_updated": 1512660585508,
        "def_id": "def_50f86517dbb31",
        "name": "recognition memory test",
        "alias": "(PRM), old-new recognition, pattern recognition memory",
        "definition_text": "In a recognition memory test, a participant is presented with some or all of a set of "old" stimuli that were encoded earlier, as well as several "new" stimuli that were not previously presented. The participant's task is to indicate whether each stimulus is old or new. Responses in recognition memory tests are commonly sorted into four classes: Hits ("old" response to an old stimulus), Misses ("new" response to an old stimulus), False Alarms ("old" response to a new stimulus), and Correct Rejections ("new" response to a new stimulus). By comparing the percentage of responses that fall into each of these classes, the experimenter can assess both a participant's ability to discriminate between old and new stimuli, and his or her tendency to provide a particular response regardless of the type of stimulus presented. In many recognition memory tests, each old/new judgment is followed by a prompt asking participants to indicate either how confident they are in that old/new judgment, or what type of subjective experience was elicited by the stimulus being judged (e.g., was the old/new judgment accompanied by a vivid recollection of the encoding experience). This additional information can be used to generate and test more precise hypotheses about how recognition memory decisions are made.\r\n\r\nPattern Recognition Memory (PRM) is a specific recognition memory test included in the CANTAB. The participant is presented with a series of 12 visual patterns, one at a time, in the centre of the screen. These patterns are designed so that they cannot easily be given verbal labels. In the recognition phase, the participant is required to choose between a pattern they have already seen and a novel pattern. In this phase, the test patterns are presented in the reverse order to the original order of presentation.\r\nThis is then repeated, with 12 new patterns. The second recognition phase can be given either immediately or after a 20 minute delay.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949d40"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660585536,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-06-15T22:44:50",
        "last_updated": 1512660585536,
        "def_id": "def_4df935e26dec6",
        "name": "reversal learning task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": ""Reversal learning involves the adaptation of behavior according to changes in stimulus–reward contingencies [...] [Reversal learning]is exemplified by visual discrimination tasks where subjects must learn to respond according to the opposite, previously irrelevant, stimulus–reward pairing." - (Clark, Cools, & Robbins 2004)",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949d4e"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660585564,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:36:16",
        "last_updated": 1512660585564,
        "def_id": "def_4fb41dd05229f",
        "name": "risky gains task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects are presented with a sequence of three numbers in ascending order (20, 40, and 80).  Each number is displayed onscreen for one second and, if the subject presses a button while that number is displayed, he/she receives that number of points along with immediate positive visual and auditory feedback.  When a 40 or 80 appears, however, there is a chance that it will appear in an alternate color, along with immediate negative feedback signaling a loss of 40 or 80 points, respectively.  When this occurs, the trial ends immediately (i.e. the subject may not make a response). ",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949d5b"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660585592,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-06-16T17:27:27",
        "last_updated": 1512660585592,
        "def_id": "def_4dfa3cfff0557",
        "name": "Salthouse and Babcock Listening Span task ",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Participants listen to an experimenter read a set of sentences. The participant must simultaneously respond to comprehension questions, and record or remember the last word of each sentence. The measure of "listening span" is then the number of correct words recalled.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949d69"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660585619,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-05-18T22:32:32",
        "last_updated": 1512660585619,
        "def_id": "def_4dd449007df42",
        "name": "selective attention task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "involves a participant to attend to a specific stimuli in the presence of competing stimuli.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949d76"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660585646,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-06-16T20:46:08",
        "last_updated": 1512660585646,
        "def_id": "def_4dfa6b907c4ef",
        "name": "semantic anomaly judgement task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Participants read or listen to sentences, then judge whether the sentence is plausible and makes sense semantically, or is implausible. Sentences may be structurally and gramatically correct, but the verb and noun are incompatible. Often, the structure or length of sentences varies to assess the role of working memory in any resulting deficit. ",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949d84"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660585679,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:34:55",
        "last_updated": 1512660585679,
        "def_id": "def_4f24159f81f9a",
        "name": "semantic association task",
        "alias": "semantic association judgment task",
        "definition_text": "Participants are shown pairs of words or pictures and asked to identify if the items are semantically related.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949d92"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660585714,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-06-27T20:45:49",
        "last_updated": 1512660585714,
        "def_id": "def_4e08ebfd627dc",
        "name": "sentence completion test",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "a test that provides respondents with beginnings of sentences, referred to as “stems,” and respondents then complete the sentences in ways that are meaningful to them. The responses are believed to provide indications of attitudes, beliefs, motivations, or other mental states. In a common version of this test, the Hayling Sentence Completion Test, a second condition is added, in which participants must complete the sentence with a word that makes no sense, requiring them to inhibit the semantically activated information.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949d9f"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660585749,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:34:50",
        "last_updated": 1512660585749,
        "def_id": "def_4fb41d7a538d7",
        "name": "set-shifting task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A task in which participants alternate between two or more judgments typically regarding the same set of stimuli. Accuracy and reaction time are measured for each judgment.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949dad"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660585779,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-04-19T19:07:28",
        "last_updated": 1512660585779,
        "def_id": "def_4daddd707c260",
        "name": "Simon task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects view arrows presented in the right or left visual field that were pointing to the left or right.  Subjects respond via button press as to the direction of the arrow.  In incongruent stimuli, left-pointing arrows are seen on the right side, and vice versa. ",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949dbb"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660585807,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-17T00:18:34",
        "last_updated": 1512660585807,
        "def_id": "def_50f7435aaa3e4",
        "name": "simple reaction time task",
        "alias": "(SRT)",
        "definition_text": "Simple Reaction Time (SRT) is a test which measures simple reaction time through delivery of a known stimulus to a known location to elicit a known response. The only uncertainty is with regard to when the stimulus will occur, by having a variable interval between the trial response and the onset of the stimulus for the next trial. As soon as the participant sees the square on the screen, they must press the button on the press pad.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949dc8"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660585837,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-06-16T23:41:32",
        "last_updated": 1512660585837,
        "def_id": "def_4dfa94ac80259",
        "name": "source memory test",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Participants are shown a list or series of items (words, pictures, objects). Later, when shown an item, they are asked whether it has was shown to them before, and if they respond affirmatively, they are asked a question about the source of the item. The source question could be what the spatial location of the item was, what color it appeared in, or which list or set it belonged to.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949dd6"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660585877,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:35:09",
        "last_updated": 1512660585877,
        "def_id": "def_4fb41d8df36ce",
        "name": "span/supra-span test",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Participants are given sequences to recall that exceed their working memory span, usually by about 2 items, however the sequence contains a smaller repeating sequence(s) among the non-repeating items.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949de3"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660585913,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-06-17T18:08:47",
        "last_updated": 1512660585913,
        "def_id": "def_4dfb982f5fa8a",
        "name": "spatial n-back task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Participants view a configuration of dots and must indicate whether the dot is in the same position as the dot in the picture presented n previously (0,1,2,or 3). In some variations, participants are asked to identify the location of the dot n pictures back, rather than indicating if the current dot matches.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949df1"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660585947,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-04-28T23:17:36",
        "last_updated": 1512660585947,
        "def_id": "def_4db9f5903606f",
        "name": "Spielberger's State-Trait Anxiety Questionnaire",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "instrument used to measure trait (chronic) anxiety, a general propensity to be anxious, and state (temporary) anxiety, a temporary state varying in intensity, in adults.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949dfe"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660585980,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-01-28T19:58:44",
        "last_updated": 1512660585980,
        "def_id": "def_4f24537448376",
        "name": "Sternberg delayed recognition task",
        "alias": "Sternberg task, delayed recognition task, Sternberg item recognition task",
        "definition_text": "Subjects view a string of letters.  After a delay, a probe letter is presented and subjects indicate if the presented letter was in the previously viewed group. ",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949e0c"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660586012,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51c4514d84e36",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-06-21T13:15:31",
        "last_updated": 1512660586012,
        "def_id": "def_51c451f25f796",
        "name": "stop signal task",
        "alias": "stop task",
        "definition_text": "Participants usually perform a choice reaction time in which they have to respond as quickly as possible to a particular stimulus feature (e.g. colour, shape, identity, or location). On a minority of the trials, the go stimulus is followed by an additional signal (e.g. an auditory tone or a visual cue), which instructs participants to withhold their planned response. ",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949e1a"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660586051,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-12-12T23:39:16",
        "last_updated": 1512660586051,
        "def_id": "def_4ee690a42b167",
        "name": "Stroop task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects view color names presented in various ink colors and are instructed to name the color of the ink.  In incongruent stimuli, color names and ink colors are non-matching. ",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949e27"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660586082,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-07-15T18:28:57",
        "last_updated": 1512660586082,
        "def_id": "def_55a6a66975e2a",
        "name": "Structured Clinical Interview for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV)",
        "alias": "SCID",
        "definition_text": "a diagnostic exam used to determine DSM-IV Axis I disorders (mental health disorders). It covers 6 diagnostic categories, and is often used in conjunction with an unstructured interview. The exam includes an administration booklet of questions for the examiner to ask and a scoresheet. Scores are not determined by "right" or "wrong" answers, but by number of questions that adhere to diagnostic criteria.\r\n\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949e35"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660586114,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_579611e01221d",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-07-25T17:08:42",
        "last_updated": 1512660586114,
        "def_id": "def_57964799e603c",
        "name": "symbol-digit substitution",
        "alias": "digit symbol substitution task, DSST",
        "definition_text": "DSST is a neuropsychological test sensitive to brain damage, dementia, age and depression. It isn’t sensitive to the location of brain-damage (except for damage comprising part of the visual field). It consists of (e.g. nine) digit-symbol pairs (e.g. 1/-,2/┴ ... 7/Λ,8/X,9/=) followed by a list of digits. Under each digit the subject should write down the corresponding symbol as fast as possible. The number of correct symbols within the allowed time (e.g. 90 or 120 sec) is measured.\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949e44"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660586150,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-05-18T21:02:21",
        "last_updated": 1512660586150,
        "def_id": "def_4dd433dd105fb",
        "name": "Symptom Checklist-90-Revised ",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "a relatively brief self-report psychometric instrument designed to evaluate a broad range of psychological problems and symptoms of psychopathology. It is also useful in measuring the progress and outcome of psychiatric and psychological treatments or for research purposes.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949e5b"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660586186,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-06-17T23:16:45",
        "last_updated": 1512660586186,
        "def_id": "def_4dfbe05d1f75c",
        "name": "syntactic acceptability judgement task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Also called the syntactic plausibility judgment task, this task asks participants to read sentences and indicate whether or not they are gramatically correct. ",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949e7c"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660586224,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4a5bc4a2a8aba",
        "def_event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:06:33",
        "last_updated": 1512660586224,
        "def_id": "def_4a57ad59e441e",
        "name": "task-switching ",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A task in which participants alternate between two or more judgments typically regarding the same set of stimuli. Accuracy and reaction time are measured for each judgment.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949e8a"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660586251,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-04-23T18:51:48",
        "last_updated": 1512660586251,
        "def_id": "def_5176d843ea119",
        "name": "temporal discounting task",
        "alias": "delay discounting task, intertemporal choice task",
        "definition_text": "A task in which subjects are asked to choose between a smaller reward earlier in time versus a larger reward later in time.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949e98"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660586293,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-04-29T00:27:36",
        "last_updated": 1512660586293,
        "def_id": "def_4dba05f889fce",
        "name": "Test of Word Reading Efficiency",
        "alias": "TOWRE",
        "definition_text": "a nationally normed measure of word reading accuracy and fluency that provides an efficient means of monitoring the growth of two kinds of word reading skills that are critical in the development of overall reading ability: the ability to accurately recognize familiar words as whole units or “sight words” and the ability to “sound out” words quickly. ",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949ea5"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660586336,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-04-11T22:21:30",
        "last_updated": 1512660586336,
        "def_id": "def_4da37eea6e457",
        "name": "Tobacco Craving Questionnaire",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "a multidimensional questionnaire to assess tobacco craving.  It consists of a 47-item TCQ and other forms assessing demographics, tobacco and other drug use history, quit attempts, and current mood.  It represents four specific constructs that characterize craving for tobacco: (a) Emotionality, or smoking in anticipation of relief from withdrawal symptoms or negative mood, (b) expectancy, or anticipation of positive outcomes from smoking, (c) compulsivity, or an inability to control tobacco use, and (d) purposefulness, or intention and planning to smoke for positive outcomes.  It is an instrument for assessing tobacco craving in individuals not attempting to reduce or quit smoking.\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949eb3"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660586384,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4a5bc4a2a8aba",
        "def_event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:06:33",
        "last_updated": 1512660586384,
        "def_id": "def_4a57ad59e8294",
        "name": "Trail Making Test A and B",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A neuropsychological test in which participants must connect-the-dots (traverse between items) according to some specified order. In Test A these items are numbers (1,2,3 etc.) and the order is determined by increasing magnitude. In Test B these items are both numbers and letters (1,2,3, A,B,C etc.) and the order is determined by a combination of increasing numbers AND letters (e.g., 1 A 2 B 3 C..) requiring participants to alternate between letters and numbers.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949ec0"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660586425,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-08-10T14:41:42",
        "last_updated": 1512660586425,
        "def_id": "def_4e4298a6645ce",
        "name": "Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale",
        "alias": "UPDRS",
        "definition_text": "a rating scale used to follow the longitudinal course of Parkinson's disease, made up of the following sections: (1)evaluation of Mentation, behavior, and mood, (2)self evaluation of the activities of daily life (ADLs), (3)clinician-scored motor evaluation, (4)Hoehn and Yahr stating of severity of Parkinson disease, (5)Schwab and England ADL scale; these are evaluated by interview and clinical observation.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949ece"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660586456,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-06-21T18:30:32",
        "last_updated": 1512660586456,
        "def_id": "def_4e00e34803e13",
        "name": "visual alignment task ",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Participants are shown misaligned lines and asked to indicate which side the top line is offset. Alternatively, participants may be asked to complete an alignment with a pencil or digital pointer.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949edb"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660586484,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-06-21T21:19:03",
        "last_updated": 1512660586484,
        "def_id": "def_4e010ac7e1fcc",
        "name": "visuospatial cueing task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "participants look at a computer screen and press buttons to respond to targets. In some of the trials, a visual cue will appear before the target, but in the same spot as the target.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949ee9"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660586510,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-06-21T21:33:13",
        "last_updated": 1512660586510,
        "def_id": "def_4e010e19ef1b8",
        "name": "Warrington's Face/Word Recognition Test",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Also called the Warrington Recognition Memory Test (RMT), "the RMT consists of the presentation of 50 printed words at the rate of one word every 3 s, and for each word the subject is required to judge the presented stimulus as "pleasant" or "unpleasant" to help ensure that they are attending to the stimulus items. The patient is then presented with a series of word pairs, and the task is to identify which of the two words came from the target list. A series of 50 faces is then presented at the same rate, and the patient is asked to provide the same pleasant versus unpleasant judgments; the patient\r\nis then presented with a series of 50 pairs of faces, and the task is again to identify which of the two faces came from the target list." - (Hermann, Connell, Barr, & Wyler 1995)",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949ef7"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660586551,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_595048b29ebdf",
        "def_event_stamp": "2017-08-30T12:39:12",
        "last_updated": 1512660586551,
        "def_id": "def_59a6b1f0d8dc4",
        "name": "Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised",
        "alias": "WAIS-R",
        "definition_text": "a general test of intelligence, which Wechsler defined as, "... the global capacity of the individual to act purposefully, to think rationally, and to deal effectively with his environment." In keeping with this definition of intelligence as an aggregate of mental aptitudes or abilities, the WAIS-R consists of 11 subtests divided into two parts, verbal and performance.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949f04"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660586585,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4b9003ea0be96",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-04-29T18:00:03",
        "last_updated": 1512660586585,
        "def_id": "def_4dbafca37f0e2",
        "name": "Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale - Revised",
        "alias": "WAIS",
        "definition_text": "used with adults ages 16 to 90 and measures cognitive ability using a core battery of 10 unique subtests that focus on four specific domains of intelligence: verbal comprehension, perceptual reasoning, working memory, and processing speed. ",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949f12"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660586623,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:27:50",
        "last_updated": 1512660586623,
        "def_id": "def_4fb41bd6241bf",
        "name": "Wisconsin card sorting test",
        "alias": "WCST",
        "definition_text": "The participant is presented with stimulus cards with shapes on them.  The cards differ in color of the shapes, number of the shapes, and the form of the shapes. The participant is asked to sort these cards into two piles. The participant is not told what stimulus dimension to use in order to sort the cards, but the administrator tells the participant if a particular match is correct. During the test, the sorting rules are changed and the participant must discover the new sorting rule in order to be successful. ",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949f21"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660586650,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-06-22T17:46:39",
        "last_updated": 1512660586650,
        "def_id": "def_4e022a7f3d569",
        "name": "word attack",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Participants must read non-words aloud. Raw scores are converted into a "reading comprehension age," which is then compared to the participant's real age to determine if they are a poor or gifted reader.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949f2f"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660586676,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:20:31",
        "last_updated": 1512660586676,
        "def_id": "def_4fb41a1f53e8a",
        "name": "word generation task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Covert: Semantic: subjects listen to or view nouns and silently generate an associated verb, or subjects view a category and silently generate as many exemplars as possible; Orthographic: subjects listen to or view a letter and silently generate as many words as possible that start with that letter; Phonologic: subjects listen to or view a word and silently generate words that rhyme. \r\n\r\nOvert: semantic: subjects listen to or view nouns and overtly generate an associated verb, or subjects view a category and overtly generate as many exemplars as possible; Orthographic: subjects listen to or view a letter and overtly generate as many words as possible that start with that letter; Phonologic: subjects listen to or view a word and overtly generate words that rhyme.",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949f3d"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660586702,
        "event_stamp": "2009-07-10T21:01:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-04-15T19:01:55",
        "last_updated": 1512660586702,
        "def_id": "def_4da89623d073c",
        "name": "word identification",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "is the process of determining the pronunciation and some degree of meaning of an unknown word. Note: Word- identification skills commonly taught are phonic analysis, structural analysis, context clues, configuration clues, dictionary skills, and sometimes picture clues.\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_0000000000",
        "id": "tsk_4a57abb949f4a"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660586727,
        "event_stamp": "2011-02-11T03:53:48",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-08-07T18:30:03",
        "last_updated": 1512660586727,
        "def_id": "def_50215eab23f75",
        "name": "Cambridge Gambling Task",
        "alias": "CGT",
        "definition_text": "Participants see ten boxes at the top of a screen, each of which is red or blue in some ratio. Under one of these boxes is a token, and participants must guess whether the token is under red or blue. On a gambling trial, participants can select some proportion of their allotted points to bet on their judgement.",
        "id_user": "usr_4ac2cdeede9e6",
        "id": "trm_4d54b2cc0f943"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660586752,
        "event_stamp": "2011-02-11T04:07:54",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4ac2cdeede9e6",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-02-11T21:02:24",
        "last_updated": 1512660586752,
        "def_id": "def_4d55a3e06c628",
        "name": "Probabilistic gambling task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Two cards are drawn without replacement from a deck containing cards numbered from one to ten (one of each). After the first card is presented, participants bet whether the next card will be higher or lower than the first card. Thus there is maximal risk when the first card is five or six, zero risk when it is ten or one. \r\n\r\nIn later version of the task participants bet on whether the second card will be higher or lower before seeing the first card.",
        "id_user": "usr_4ac2cdeede9e6",
        "id": "trm_4d54b61a14a14"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660586780,
        "event_stamp": "2011-02-11T04:16:54",
        "def_id_user": "usr_595048b29ebdf",
        "def_event_stamp": "2017-08-30T12:44:12",
        "last_updated": 1512660586780,
        "def_id": "def_59a6b31c32c56",
        "name": "behavioral investment allocation strategy",
        "alias": "BIAS",
        "definition_text": "On each trial, participants choose between two stocks (gain/loss gambles, one stochastically dominating the other) and one bond (a sure gain of $1). They must learn through trial-and-error the characteristics of the stocks, which change over blocks of trials. Feedback on payoffs of the forgone options is presented on each trial. ",
        "id_user": "usr_4ac2cdeede9e6",
        "id": "trm_4d54b8361e93e"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660586813,
        "event_stamp": "2011-02-11T20:18:04",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:46:23",
        "last_updated": 1512660586813,
        "def_id": "def_4fb4202f6b481",
        "name": "non-choice task",
        "alias": "non-choice task to study expected value and uncertainty",
        "definition_text": "Each of 12 stimuli (circles of different colors, numbers and sizes) is associated with a different reward magnitude and probability. These include all combinations of (100 and 200) point rewards with (0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75 and 1) probabilities, plus 300 and 400 rewards with 0.5 probability. Participants are first trained to learn the probabilities and outcomes associated with each stimulus. Next, on each trial, a stimulus appears in one of four quadrants of the screen, and participants indicate which quadrant using a button press.",
        "id_user": "usr_4ac2cdeede9e6",
        "id": "trm_4d55997cd3edb"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660586840,
        "event_stamp": "2011-02-11T20:27:57",
        "def_id_user": "usr_595048b29ebdf",
        "def_event_stamp": "2017-07-02T21:26:43",
        "last_updated": 1512660586840,
        "def_id": "def_595965138b2ea",
        "name": "balloon analogue risk task",
        "alias": "BART",
        "definition_text": "On each trial, participants pump a simulated balloon without knowing when it will explode. Each pump increases the potential reward to be gained but also the probability of explosion, which wipes out all potential gains for that trial. In most studies, balloon explosion probabilities are drawn from a uniform distribution, and participants must learn explosion probabilities through trial-and-error.",
        "id_user": "usr_4ac2cdeede9e6",
        "id": "trm_4d559bcd67c18"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660586868,
        "event_stamp": "2011-02-11T20:33:43",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T22:48:41",
        "last_updated": 1512660586868,
        "def_id": "def_4fb42ec9be209",
        "name": "devil's task",
        "alias": "Slovic's risk task",
        "definition_text": "This task is a forerunner to the BART: on each trial, participants decide howmany of seven treasure chests to open. They are informed that six boxes contain a prize and one box contains a ‘devil’ that will cause themto lose all their potential gains on that trial. Similar to the BART, participants make sequential choices and, after opening each chest, decide whether to continue to the next chest or cash in their earnings to that point.",
        "id_user": "usr_4ac2cdeede9e6",
        "id": "trm_4d559d2703bae"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660586899,
        "event_stamp": "2011-02-11T20:57:31",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-23T18:15:50",
        "last_updated": 1512660586899,
        "def_id": "def_4fbd2955924a7",
        "name": "choice task between risky and non-risky options",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "a choice made between two or more options when one of those options has some probability >0 of producing either a reinforcing or an aversive consequence",
        "id_user": "usr_4ac2cdeede9e6",
        "id": "trm_4d55a2bbcfdff"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660586935,
        "event_stamp": "2011-03-23T19:24:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T22:18:35",
        "last_updated": 1512660586935,
        "def_id": "def_4fb427bb7dfbe",
        "name": "inductive reasoning aptitude",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "how well a person can identify a pattern in data\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4d8a48e403c78"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660586962,
        "event_stamp": "2011-03-31T15:23:07",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:36:26",
        "last_updated": 1512660586962,
        "def_id": "def_4fb41dda4f04f",
        "name": "rhyme verification task",
        "alias": "rhyming judgment task, rhyming task, rhyme task, rhyme judgment task, rhyme decision task, rhyming decision task",
        "definition_text": "Stimuli are presented in pairs (either words or pseudowords) and the subject is asked to judge whether the pair of stimuli rhyme with one another.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4d949c5b0e380"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660586989,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-13T23:22:52",
        "def_id_user": "usr_523ef0e181acb",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-12-20T21:03:55",
        "last_updated": 1512660586989,
        "def_id": "def_52b4b0bb09f45",
        "name": "attention networks test",
        "alias": "ANT, Attentional Network Task",
        "definition_text": "a combination of the Posner cueing paradigm and the Eriksen flanker test, the ANT presents participants with a target item (>) surrounded by congruent (> > > > >), neutral (- - > - -), or incongruent flanker stimuli. Stimulus presentation is preceded by different cue conditions and the participant is instructed to identify the target stimulus.",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da6304c9aa23"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660587021,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-13T23:27:02",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-04-13T23:27:02",
        "last_updated": 1512660587021,
        "def_id": "def_4da63146f185a",
        "name": "remember/know task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "No definition submitted yet.",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da63146f12d7"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660587046,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-13T23:28:15",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-04-15T11:40:32",
        "last_updated": 1512660587046,
        "def_id": "def_5710d330705bb",
        "name": "probabilistic reversal learning task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "participants learn to respond according to the opposite, previously irrelevant, stimulus-reward pairing, often in a visual discrimination task",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da6318f7381b"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660587070,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-13T23:29:02",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-16T22:56:52",
        "last_updated": 1512660587070,
        "def_id": "def_50049c346bfd7",
        "name": "counting Stroop task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "participants count the number of words in a display of words describing numbers (e.g. "three")",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da631be60291"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660587100,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-13T23:32:01",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-30T23:15:00",
        "last_updated": 1512660587100,
        "def_id": "def_501715741c915",
        "name": "scene recognition task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "subjects are shown a scene and must later decide whether views from different vantage points are of the same scene",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da6327154fd4"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660587124,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-13T23:34:52",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-04-13T23:34:52",
        "last_updated": 1512660587124,
        "def_id": "def_4da6331cdf4b0",
        "name": "California Verbal Learning Test",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "No definition submitted yet.",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da6331cdeeb5"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660587149,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-13T23:36:40",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-08-06T17:54:21",
        "last_updated": 1512660587149,
        "def_id": "def_502004cdcfa2b",
        "name": "Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - Revised",
        "alias": "WISC, WISC-IV",
        "definition_text": "The WISC-IV comprises Picture Concepts, Letter-Number Sequencing, Matrix Reasoning and two supplemental tests: Cancellation and Word Reasoning.",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da6338803ed2"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660587177,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-13T23:38:03",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-04-13T23:38:03",
        "last_updated": 1512660587177,
        "def_id": "def_4da633dbb6023",
        "name": "word fluency test",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "No definition submitted yet.",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da633dbb5817"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660587210,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-13T23:38:38",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-16T22:00:26",
        "last_updated": 1512660587210,
        "def_id": "def_50048efa79097",
        "name": "Color Trails Test",
        "alias": "CTT",
        "definition_text": "Designed to be a culturally fair analog of the trail making test (TMT), the CTT presents numbered colored circles and universal sign language symbols. The participant is required to alternate between the number and color sequences in completing the task.",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da633fe917c4"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660587236,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-13T23:39:13",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-18T20:56:19",
        "last_updated": 1512660587236,
        "def_id": "def_500722f3a9f7d",
        "name": "dual-task paradigm",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "participant performs two tasks simultaneously",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da634216ebbc"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660587265,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T15:51:00",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-23T19:34:56",
        "last_updated": 1512660587265,
        "def_id": "def_500da760cad45",
        "name": "item recognition task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "participants view a series of items (e.g. pictures or words) and after some interval are shown a series including these, during which they specify what items they recognize",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da869646e5d1"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660587292,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T15:53:10",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-04-15T15:53:10",
        "last_updated": 1512660587292,
        "def_id": "def_4da869e68c15c",
        "name": "memory span test",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "No definition submitted yet.",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da869e68b5c4"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660587320,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T15:57:04",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-16T23:11:07",
        "last_updated": 1512660587320,
        "def_id": "def_50049f8bbe180",
        "name": "complex span test",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "a test in which participants must not only memorize items, but must perform an additional cognitive task (e.g. "2 + 2 = 5; A" in which the equation must be evaluated for whether it is true and the letter following must be memorized)",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da86ad02b3ea"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660587351,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T15:59:15",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-17T20:41:37",
        "last_updated": 1512660587351,
        "def_id": "def_50f86201bfb60",
        "name": "spatial span test",
        "alias": "(SSP)",
        "definition_text": "part of the Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale and Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery, it is an analog to a digit span task. White squares are shown, some of which briefly change colour in a variable sequence. The participant must then touch the boxes which changed colour in the same order that they were displayed by the computer (for clinical mode) or in the reverse order (for reverse mode). The number of boxes increases from 2 at the start of the test to 9 at the end, and the sequence and colour are varied through the test.",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da86b539924c"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660587379,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T16:02:50",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-18T20:46:35",
        "last_updated": 1512660587379,
        "def_id": "def_500720abc919e",
        "name": "dot pattern expectancy task",
        "alias": "DPX",
        "definition_text": "descendant of the expectancy AX task, participant views a combination of simple dot formations as cues and probes; for example, ".:." may be a target probe, but should only be responded to if preceded by the cue ":" rather than ".." or any other formation.",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da86c2a70a7d"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660587411,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T16:03:52",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-16T21:38:07",
        "last_updated": 1512660587411,
        "def_id": "def_500489bfcac17",
        "name": "Cattell's Culture Fair Intelligence Test",
        "alias": "CCFIT, CFIT",
        "definition_text": "a test of intelligence which Raymond Cattell subdivided into "fluid," or inherited, and "crystallized," or learned, designed to minimize the influence of cultural experiences",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da86c6808ddd"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660587440,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T16:04:27",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-23T19:47:06",
        "last_updated": 1512660587440,
        "def_id": "def_500daa3aaca99",
        "name": "letter comparison task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "participant views two rows of consonants and must indicate as quickly as possible whether these rows are identical",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da86c8bb3b04"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660587466,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T16:05:04",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-07T19:00:25",
        "last_updated": 1512660587466,
        "def_id": "def_50eb1b493e093",
        "name": "pattern comparison task",
        "alias": "NIH Toolbox Pattern Comparison Processing Speed Test",
        "definition_text": "This test measures speed of processing by asking participants to discern whether two sideby-side pictures are the same or not. The items are presented one pair at a time on the computer screen, and the participant is given 90 seconds to respond to as many items as possible (up to a maximum of 130). The items are designed to be simple so as to most purely measure processing speed.",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da86cb034ff6"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660587500,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T16:05:47",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-31T22:18:19",
        "last_updated": 1512660587500,
        "def_id": "def_501859ab58734",
        "name": "test of variables of attention",
        "alias": "T.O.V.A.",
        "definition_text": "a target detection task subtype, the T.O.V.A. uses geometric shapes as both target and distractor stimuli",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da86cdbd9eeb"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660587525,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T16:06:22",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-31T21:37:52",
        "last_updated": 1512660587525,
        "def_id": "def_501850304fea0",
        "name": "sustained attention to response task",
        "alias": "SART",
        "definition_text": "participants are to respond to frequent neutral signals and are required to withhold response to rare critical signals",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da86cfe8cf1b"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660587558,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T17:08:27",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-23T20:34:07",
        "last_updated": 1512660587558,
        "def_id": "def_500db53f715bb",
        "name": "matching familiar figures test",
        "alias": "MFFT",
        "definition_text": "participants are shown an image of a familiar object and several comparison images of that object, one of which is identical and the others of which are slightly different; the participant is to select the identical image",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da87b8bf1511"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660587584,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T17:20:03",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-31T22:59:53",
        "last_updated": 1512660587584,
        "def_id": "def_5018636988ec0",
        "name": "Tower of London",
        "alias": "ToL",
        "definition_text": "participant must rearrange a set of three colored balls arranged on pegs, in the fewest possible moves, to match a specified configuration",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da87e439c411"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660587612,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T17:20:50",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-31T22:43:33",
        "last_updated": 1512660587612,
        "def_id": "def_50185f958b613",
        "name": "Tower of Hanoi",
        "alias": "ToH",
        "definition_text": "participants see discs of various sizes distributed among three pegs and must organize them in a stack of decreasing size upward with specific constraints (i.e. only one disk can be moved at a time, each disk must be placed on one of the pegs, and a larger disk can never be placed on top\r\nof a smaller disk)",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da87e7282f92"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660587638,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T17:21:32",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-16T19:45:52",
        "last_updated": 1512660587638,
        "def_id": "def_50046f7093e17",
        "name": "dichotic listening task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "participants are asked to attend to one or both channels of different, sometimes disparate, stimuli played simultaneously through a headset",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da87e9c79847"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660587668,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T17:24:08",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-18T20:37:38",
        "last_updated": 1512660587668,
        "def_id": "def_50071e92023d3",
        "name": "directed forgetting task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "subjects are instructed halfway through an incidental or intentional learning task that they should forget what had been presented so far because it was just practice, but after learning is complete are asked to recall the entirety of the learning task (e.g. a list of words)",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da87f383435b"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660587699,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T17:25:21",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-04-15T17:25:21",
        "last_updated": 1512660587699,
        "def_id": "def_4da87f81bf580",
        "name": "retrieval-induced forgetting task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "No definition submitted yet.",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da87f81bc2c8"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660587728,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T17:26:10",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-24T21:44:21",
        "last_updated": 1512660587728,
        "def_id": "def_500f1735c72fa",
        "name": "Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test",
        "alias": "PASAT",
        "definition_text": "Participant is presented with a series of single digit numbers and are instructed to sum the two most recent digits.",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da87fb28978e"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660587759,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T17:26:53",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-30T19:33:52",
        "last_updated": 1512660587759,
        "def_id": "def_5016e1a07201e",
        "name": "Porteus maze test",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "participants must trace a path untimed through mazes of increasing complexity without backtracking or lifting their pencil",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da87fdd7820e"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660587785,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T17:28:25",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-04-15T17:28:25",
        "last_updated": 1512660587785,
        "def_id": "def_4da880396cf75",
        "name": "Rey-Ostereith Complex Figure Test",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "No definition submitted yet.",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da880396c76b"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660587811,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T17:31:43",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-04-15T17:31:43",
        "last_updated": 1512660587811,
        "def_id": "def_4da880ff90816",
        "name": "Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery ",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "is a computer-based cognitive assessment system consisting of a battery of neuropsychological tests, administered to subjects using a touch screen computer. The 22 tests in CANTAB examine various areas of cognitive function, including:\r\n\r\n    * general memory and learning,\r\n    * working memory and executive function,\r\n    * visual memory,\r\n    * attention and reaction time (RT),\r\n    * semantic/verbal memory,\r\n    * decision making and response control.\r\n\r\nThe CANTAB endeavours to import the accuracy and rigour of computerised psychological testing whilst retaining the wide range of ability measures demanded of a neuropsychological battery. It is suitable for young and old subjects, and aims to be culture and language independent through the use of non-verbal stimuli in the majority of the tests.",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da880ff8fd4a"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660587836,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T17:35:22",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-04-15T17:35:51",
        "last_updated": 1512660587836,
        "def_id": "def_4da881f7e3c44",
        "name": "Corsi Blocks",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "was developed in the early 1970s as a visuospatial counterpart to the verbal-memory span task (Milner, 1971). Over the years, it has frequently been used to assess visuospatial short-term memory performance in adults (e.g. Smyth & Scholey, 1992), children (e.g. Orsini, Schiappa, & Grossi, 1981), and patients with neuropsychological deficits (e.g. Vilkki & Holst, 1989). \r\n\r\nThe original Corsi apparatus consisted of a set of nine identical blocks (3 X 3 X 3 cm) irregularly positioned on a wooden board (23 X 28 cm). The experimenter points to a series of blocks at a rate of one block per second. Subsequently, the participant is required to point to the same blocks in their order of presentation. The length of the block sequences increases until recall is no longer correct. \r\n\r\nNumerous variations have since been employed in both display characteristics (e.g. colour, number and size of the blocks, block placement, size of the board) and test administration (e.g. presentation rate, block sequences, recall order, scoring technique) (for a review, see Berch, Krikorian, & Huha, 1998).",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da881dace79c"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660587865,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T17:57:16",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-04-15T17:57:16",
        "last_updated": 1512660587865,
        "def_id": "def_4da886fc2c9d3",
        "name": "Visual Patterns Test",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "is a measure of short term visual memory that has been designed for use both as a clinical tool and a research instrument.  In the VPT, the subject is presented with matrix patterns of black and white squares in grids of varying size and required to memorize a series of black and white checkerboard-like patterns of increasing complexity. Such matrix patterns are virtually impossible to code verbally.",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da886fc2bc46"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660587891,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T18:03:07",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-04-15T18:03:07",
        "last_updated": 1512660587891,
        "def_id": "def_4da8885b33ad5",
        "name": "Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "comprises a number of subtests focused on providing objective measures of everyday memory performance in people with observed and/or reported memory difficulties.",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da8885b33375"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660587924,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T18:10:50",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-16T23:07:19",
        "last_updated": 1512660587924,
        "def_id": "def_50f732a799a9c",
        "name": "paired associate learning",
        "alias": "associative learning task, (PAL)",
        "definition_text": "was invented by Mary Whiton Calkins in 1894 and involves the pairing of two items (usually words)—a stimulus and a response. For example, words such as calendar (stimulus) and shoe (response) may be paired, and when the learner is prompted with the stimulus, he responds with the appropriate word (shoe).",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da88a2a63d97"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660587948,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T18:12:30",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:28:47",
        "last_updated": 1512660587948,
        "def_id": "def_4fb41c0f65992",
        "name": "vigilance",
        "alias": "sustained attention task",
        "definition_text": "No definition submitted yet.",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da88a8e13f26"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660587976,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T18:13:52",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-07T21:45:21",
        "last_updated": 1512660587976,
        "def_id": "def_50eb41f13d58f",
        "name": "Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Task",
        "alias": "NIH Toolbox Auditory Verbal Learning Test",
        "definition_text": "The Rey is a word-list learning task in which 15 unrelated words are presented orally (usually via audio recording) over three consecutive learning trials. After each presentation, the participant is asked to recall as many of the words as he/she can. The Rey is one of the most widely studied measures of memory and has been used in different languages, cultures and ethnic groups around the world. The test can be administered as a supplement to the PSMT for even more detailed study of episodic memory, or as an accommodation in place of PSMT for those with significant visual impairment.",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da88ae0f2952"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660588001,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T18:14:47",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-24T17:33:25",
        "last_updated": 1512660588001,
        "def_id": "def_500edc659044c",
        "name": "nonword repetition task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "participant is instructed to repeat after each nonword (i.e. phoneme or series of phonemes) spoken in a recording",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da88b17b985b"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660588031,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T18:15:23",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:37:24",
        "last_updated": 1512660588031,
        "def_id": "def_4fb41e14d70f2",
        "name": "response mapping task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "No definition submitted yet.",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da88b3b0cbcc"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660588059,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T18:16:03",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:44:00",
        "last_updated": 1512660588059,
        "def_id": "def_4fb41fa0cebff",
        "name": "pursuit rotor task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "The pursuit rotor task is a task used in common use in the mid 20th century which involved a participant trying to follow (pursue) a small disc on a rotating turntable. Original mechanical versions had typical rotation rates of 60 RPM, which is probably too fast for mouse-controlled versions. The PEBL version offers a simple version with multiple trials and controllable parameters that can be used as a test of hand-eye coordination. ",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da88b63787d6"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660588086,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T18:16:43",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-08-15T17:58:20",
        "last_updated": 1512660588086,
        "def_id": "def_4e495e3c11904",
        "name": "alternating runs paradigm",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A type of task-switching paradigm in which two different tasks are presented in alternating runs or blocks",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da88b8b60ffb"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660588112,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T18:17:23",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-24T18:20:04",
        "last_updated": 1512660588112,
        "def_id": "def_500ee754a087a",
        "name": "object alternation task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "the participant is to locate a target under one of two objects, and the object it is located under changes each time the target is found",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da88bb3c2462"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660588140,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T18:17:56",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-08-15T18:05:39",
        "last_updated": 1512660588140,
        "def_id": "def_4e495ff3408aa",
        "name": "animal naming task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "animals are presented, usually pictorially, and participants are asked to name them aloud",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da88bd4412da"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660588178,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T18:18:39",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-11T22:50:43",
        "last_updated": 1512660588178,
        "def_id": "def_4ffe034332541",
        "name": "CatBat task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "participants are asked to fill in missing letters in a written short story; the first half describes contexts for which "c" would most appropriately complete "_at," while the second half describes contexts for which "b" would most appropriately complete "_at." ",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da88bff0507c"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660588219,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T18:19:12",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T22:29:54",
        "last_updated": 1512660588219,
        "def_id": "def_4fb42a62e9db0",
        "name": "haptic illusion task",
        "alias": "tactile illusion",
        "definition_text": "cognitive and physiological measures are taken while participant experiences a tactile illusion",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da88c205b16b"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660588249,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T18:20:03",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-28T17:23:54",
        "last_updated": 1512660588249,
        "def_id": "def_553fc22ac6595",
        "name": "Brixton spatial anticipation test",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "No definition submitted yet.",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da88c5302e06"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660588292,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T18:21:04",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T22:30:57",
        "last_updated": 1512660588292,
        "def_id": "def_4fb42aa14e766",
        "name": "Hayling sentence completion test",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Participants are given the beginnings of sentences to complete. The sentences appear to have expected answers. In the first condition, participants must complete the sentence with a/the word that makes sense. In the second condition, participants are asked to complete sentences by saying semantically unrelated words, thereby making the sentence nonsensical.",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da88c904862b"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660588344,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T18:21:38",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-07T18:31:58",
        "last_updated": 1512660588344,
        "def_id": "def_50eb149e1a090",
        "name": "NIH Toolbox Picture Sequence Memory Test",
        "alias": "PSMT, picture set test",
        "definition_text": "The Picture Sequence Memory Test involves recalling increasingly lengthy series of illustrated objects and activities that are presented in a particular order on the computer screen, with corresponding audiorecorded phrases played. The participants are asked to recall the sequence of pictures demonstrated over two learning trials; sequence length varies from 6-18 pictures, depending on age. Participants are given credit for each adjacent pair of pictures they correctly place (i.e., if pictures in locations 7 and 8 are placed in that order and adjacent to each other anywhere, such as slots 1 and 2, one point is awarded), up to the maximum value for the sequence, which is one less than the sequence length. (That is, if 18 pictures are in the sequence, the maximum score is 17 – the number of adjacent pairs of pictures \r\nthat exist). ",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da88cb222308"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660588372,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T18:30:30",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-16T19:32:12",
        "last_updated": 1512660588372,
        "def_id": "def_50046c3c253d1",
        "name": "Uznadze haptic illusion task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Two spheres of different sizes are repeatedly placed in participants' hands, and they are asked to compare the sizes; upon the final presentation these are replaced with identically sized spheres.",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da88ec6735ad"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660588401,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T18:37:13",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-18T21:46:54",
        "last_updated": 1512660588401,
        "def_id": "def_50072ececa305",
        "name": "emotional regulation task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "participant completes task that induces emotional conflict while behavioral and/or physiological data is collected",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da890594742a"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660588426,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T18:37:43",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-18T20:17:44",
        "last_updated": 1512660588426,
        "def_id": "def_500719e879d83",
        "name": "digit cancellation task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "a descendant of the Lifshitz distractibility test, participants are instructed to cross out particular digits in an array, either with or without an auditory distractor of numbers read aloud",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da89077f19ae"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660588457,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T18:38:01",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:19:11",
        "last_updated": 1512660588457,
        "def_id": "def_4fb419cfd4f35",
        "name": "zoo map test",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": " a planning subtask derived from the Behavioural Assessment of the Dysexecutive Syndrome test battery in which participants must plan in advance a route for visiting particular sites in a zoo",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da89089ce0af"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660588481,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T18:38:33",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-23T23:16:25",
        "last_updated": 1512660588481,
        "def_id": "def_500ddb496d4d2",
        "name": "Morris water maze",
        "alias": "MWM, Morris water task, Morris water navigation",
        "definition_text": "an open-field water-maze procedure in which rats learn to escape from opaque water onto a hidden platform, used to examine how rodents navigate in the absence of spatial cues",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da890a9bd7a3"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660588511,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T18:39:11",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-17T18:40:20",
        "last_updated": 1512660588511,
        "def_id": "def_50f84594dda57",
        "name": "Stockings of Cambridge Task",
        "alias": "(SOC)",
        "definition_text": ""The participant is shown two displays containing three coloured balls. The displays are presented in such a way that they can easily be perceived as stacks of coloured balls held in stockings or socks suspended from a beam. The participant must use the balls in the lower display to copy the pattern shown in the upper display. The balls may be moved one at a time by touching the required ball, then touching the position to which it should be moved."",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da890cf99b9e"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660588539,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T18:39:53",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-04-20T23:58:30",
        "last_updated": 1512660588539,
        "def_id": "def_4daf7326cee9c",
        "name": "Glasgow Coma Scale",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "is a neurological scale that aims to give a reliable, objective way of recording the conscious state of a person for initial as well as subsequent assessment. A patient is assessed against the criteria of the scale, and the resulting points give a patient score between 3 (indicating deep unconsciousness) and either 14 (original scale) or 15 (the more widely used modified or revised scale).",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da890f978492"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660588564,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T18:40:30",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-18T21:26:48",
        "last_updated": 1512660588564,
        "def_id": "def_50072a182f74d",
        "name": "Early Social and Communication Scales",
        "alias": "ESCS",
        "definition_text": "a 15–20 min videotaped, structured social observational measure designed to assess children's use of eye contact and gestures to regulate and respond to social interactions",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da8911e715e3"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660588590,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T18:41:13",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-10-22T19:04:07",
        "last_updated": 1512660588590,
        "def_id": "def_5266cc278ef0c",
        "name": "Reynell Developmental Language Scales",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "The Reynell Developmental Language Scales measures language skills in young or developmentally delayed children.  The scales include 1) verbal comprehension scale to assess receptive language skills, and 2) expressive language scale to assess expressive language skills.",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da8914987ee2"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660588616,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T18:42:01",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-08-08T00:32:01",
        "last_updated": 1512660588616,
        "def_id": "def_5021b38190c23",
        "name": "MacArthur Communicative Development Inventories",
        "alias": "CDIs",
        "definition_text": "a parent-report measure of language development in children between 8 and 30 months of age. The infant (8-16 months) form comprises vocabulary checklists, actions, and gestures, while the toddler (16-30 months) form comprises vocabulary, sentences, and grammar.",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da891794859f"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660588655,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T18:42:45",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-28T17:16:52",
        "last_updated": 1512660588655,
        "def_id": "def_553fc084a25f9",
        "name": "autism diagnostic observation schedule",
        "alias": "ADOS",
        "definition_text": "Series of structured and semi-structured tasks that involve social interaction between the examiner and the subject.  Subject is given opportunities to exhibit social and communication behaviors relevant to autism.",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da891a546d8c"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660588680,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-15T18:43:32",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-23T23:01:44",
        "last_updated": 1512660588680,
        "def_id": "def_500dd7d8bfa23",
        "name": "modified Erickson Scale of Communication Attitudes",
        "alias": "S24",
        "definition_text": "a questionnaire designed to understand how the participant feels about communication, often used in speech therapy",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4da891d43240c"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660588704,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-19T16:52:32",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-04-19T16:52:32",
        "last_updated": 1512660588704,
        "def_id": "def_4dadbdd0b6836",
        "name": "delayed response task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "No definition submitted yet.",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4dadbdd0b2b8c"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660588731,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-19T16:53:54",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-18T19:42:11",
        "last_updated": 1512660588731,
        "def_id": "def_5007119392d88",
        "name": "spatial delayed response task",
        "alias": "SDR, oculo-motor delayed response, OMDR",
        "definition_text": "subjects focus on a fixation cross while a dot-shaped cue appears elsewhere on the screen; after this the fixation cross is replaced by several geometric shapes, one of which the participant must respond to, and when the fixation cross appears again the participant must indicate where the cue had appeared.",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4dadbe225bdf1"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660588756,
        "event_stamp": "2011-04-19T17:01:11",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-30T18:44:42",
        "last_updated": 1512660588756,
        "def_id": "def_5016d61a56d57",
        "name": "picture-word Stroop test",
        "alias": "PWST",
        "definition_text": "participants view line drawings of commons objects paired with either congruent or incongruent names thereof (e.g. a drawing of an umbrella with the word "BALLOON" or "UMBRELLA" above it)",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4dadbfd771a54"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660588780,
        "event_stamp": "2011-07-28T21:10:09",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e31cbdaeab0d",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-08-05T04:29:05",
        "last_updated": 1512660588780,
        "def_id": "def_4e3b71914aead",
        "name": "synchrony judgment task",
        "alias": "simultaneity judgment task, SJ",
        "definition_text": "Participants decide whether the unimodal cues to a crossmodal event (stimulus) were in temporal synchrony or not, i.e., whether they were "in synch" or "out of synch".",
        "id_user": "usr_4e31cbdaeab0d",
        "id": "trm_4e31d031bc8c2"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660588806,
        "event_stamp": "2012-05-23T18:24:47",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-23T18:24:47",
        "last_updated": 1512660588806,
        "def_id": "def_4fbd2b6fd39d1",
        "name": "position of gap match task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "participants judge whether two objects presented side-by-side have a gap in the same position",
        "id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "id": "trm_4fbd2b6fd33c5"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660588837,
        "event_stamp": "2012-05-23T18:23:18",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-08-07T23:22:18",
        "last_updated": 1512660588837,
        "def_id": "def_5021a32a0225c",
        "name": "length match task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "part of the BIrmingham Object Recognition Battery; participants judge whether two objects presented side-by-side are the same length",
        "id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "id": "trm_4fbd2b16e7aff"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660588866,
        "event_stamp": "2011-07-28T21:37:31",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e31cbdaeab0d",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-08-05T04:30:50",
        "last_updated": 1512660588866,
        "def_id": "def_4e3b71fac1052",
        "name": "temporal order judgment task",
        "alias": "TOJ",
        "definition_text": "Participants decide which of two (or more) unimodal cues (e.g. audio or video) was presented first (or sometimes second) in a crossmodal stimulus. Alternatively, unimodal (auditory, visual or tactile) temporal order judgments generally involve deciding which of two spatial locations was presented first.",
        "id_user": "usr_4e31cbdaeab0d",
        "id": "trm_4e31d69b7f422"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660588892,
        "event_stamp": "2012-05-21T18:12:10",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-18T19:19:40",
        "last_updated": 1512660588892,
        "def_id": "def_50070c4cbd651",
        "name": "immediate memory task",
        "alias": "IMT",
        "definition_text": "a number between 2 and 7 digits is displayed for a brief period and is followed briefly by a blank screen, then another number to which participants respond only if it is identical to the first.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4fba857ad04ac"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660588923,
        "event_stamp": "2011-08-24T14:19:51",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e4a7f57b30e6",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-08-25T17:32:13",
        "last_updated": 1512660588923,
        "def_id": "def_4e56871daf064",
        "name": "heat stimulation",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A heat stimulus is applied to the skin and the participant rates the experienced sensation on a visual analogue scale",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4e550887d92de"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660588949,
        "event_stamp": "2011-08-25T14:54:47",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e4a7f57b30e6",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-09-09T15:59:15",
        "last_updated": 1512660588949,
        "def_id": "def_4e6a37d3e5305",
        "name": "heat sensitization/adaptation",
        "alias": "heat sensibilization / habituation, tonic stimulation model with continuous visual analogue scale",
        "definition_text": "A long (~ 30 seconds or more) heat stimulus is applied to the skin and the participant rates the experienced sensation continuously on a visual analogue scale",
        "id_user": "usr_4e4a7f57b30e6",
        "id": "trm_4e5662373bc89"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660588975,
        "event_stamp": "2011-08-29T15:33:33",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e4a7f57b30e6",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-08-29T16:08:56",
        "last_updated": 1512660588975,
        "def_id": "def_4e5bb9987425a",
        "name": "rubber hand illusion",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "One hand is occluded from sight and an artificial hand is lying in front of the participant. Synchronious paint brush strokes are applied to the same fingers of the occluded hand and the artificial hand. The participant rates the sense of ownership of the artificial hand on the Ownership Illusion Questionnaire or reports the felt position of his or her own hand against a ruler (proprioceptive drift).",
        "id_user": "usr_4e4a7f57b30e6",
        "id": "trm_4e5bb14d814a8"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660589025,
        "event_stamp": "2011-08-30T15:52:54",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e4a7f57b30e6",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-08-30T15:52:54",
        "last_updated": 1512660589025,
        "def_id": "def_4e5d075661150",
        "name": "mechanical stimulation",
        "alias": "Pin tip stimulation",
        "definition_text": "A mechanical stimulus is applied to the skin and the participant rates the experienced sensation on a visual analogue scale.",
        "id_user": "usr_4e4a7f57b30e6",
        "id": "trm_4e5d07565b68e"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660589054,
        "event_stamp": "2011-08-31T18:17:44",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T22:43:18",
        "last_updated": 1512660589054,
        "def_id": "def_4fb42d8654fad",
        "name": "dual sensitization",
        "alias": "tonic heat stimulation model",
        "definition_text": "Heat stimuli below, at, and above pain threshold (PT; stimulation interval: 30 – 40 seconds) are applied to the skin and the participant gives continuous pain ratings on a visual analogue scale. ",
        "id_user": "usr_4e4a7f57b30e6",
        "id": "trm_4e5e7ac84c2e5"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660589090,
        "event_stamp": "2011-09-01T18:22:45",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:32:37",
        "last_updated": 1512660589090,
        "def_id": "def_4fb41cf5445cf",
        "name": "thermal grill illusion",
        "alias": "Thunberg Illusion",
        "definition_text": "Innocuous warm and cool bars that are spatially interlaced are applied together to the skin and produce a painful burning sensation. The participant rates the experienced sensation.",
        "id_user": "usr_4e4a7f57b30e6",
        "id": "trm_4e5fcd75efb58"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660589117,
        "event_stamp": "2011-09-02T17:29:25",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:31:19",
        "last_updated": 1512660589117,
        "def_id": "def_4fb41ca791966",
        "name": "tonic pain stimulation",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A long pain stimulus (usually more than 20 seconds) is applied to the skin and the participant gives continuous ratings on a visual analogue scale. Pain can be induced with thermal (hot/cold), electrical, chemical or mechanical stimuli.",
        "id_user": "usr_4e4a7f57b30e6",
        "id": "trm_4e6112759926e"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660589142,
        "event_stamp": "2011-09-02T17:39:51",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:41:15",
        "last_updated": 1512660589142,
        "def_id": "def_4fb41efbc727c",
        "name": "phasic pain stimulation",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A short pain stimulus (usually up to 3 seconds) is applied to the skin and the participant rates the stimulus on a visual analogue scale. Pain can be induced with thermal (hot/cold), electrical or mechanical stimuli.",
        "id_user": "usr_4e4a7f57b30e6",
        "id": "trm_4e6114e7b1ff2"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660589166,
        "event_stamp": "2011-09-06T16:41:27",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e4a7f57b30e6",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-09-06T16:41:27",
        "last_updated": 1512660589166,
        "def_id": "def_4e664d371f254",
        "name": "cold stimulation ",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A noxious cold stimulus is applied to the skin and the participant rates the experienced sensation on a visual analogue scale.",
        "id_user": "usr_4e4a7f57b30e6",
        "id": "trm_4e664d3718e1b"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660589200,
        "event_stamp": "2011-09-08T15:34:33",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e4a7f57b30e6",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-09-08T15:34:33",
        "last_updated": 1512660589200,
        "def_id": "def_4e68e089b801d",
        "name": "electric stimulation",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "An electric stimulus is applied to the skin and the participant rates the perceived pain on a visual analogue scale.",
        "id_user": "usr_4e4a7f57b30e6",
        "id": "trm_4e68e08950157"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660589224,
        "event_stamp": "2011-09-09T15:23:13",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e4a7f57b30e6",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-09-09T15:23:13",
        "last_updated": 1512660589224,
        "def_id": "def_4e6a2f61b7a42",
        "name": "capsaicin-evoked pain",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Capsaicin, the active ingredient of chili peppers, is injected intradermally into the skin and participants rate the experienced sensation on a rating scale.",
        "id_user": "usr_4e4a7f57b30e6",
        "id": "trm_4e6a2f61b17b0"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660589251,
        "event_stamp": "2011-09-09T16:55:10",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-23T18:20:05",
        "last_updated": 1512660589251,
        "def_id": "def_4fbd2a552f22b",
        "name": "cold pressor test",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "The hand or foot is immersed into a bowl of iced water and participants report their sensation from first clear pain to unbearable pain on a scale.",
        "id_user": "usr_4e4a7f57b30e6",
        "id": "trm_4e6a44ee854f8"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660589277,
        "event_stamp": "2011-10-03T19:32:34",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e885e1ee3733",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-10-03T19:32:34",
        "last_updated": 1512660589277,
        "def_id": "def_4e8a0dd2be7d3",
        "name": "sequential shape matching",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Participants are shown an object for a fixed period. After an interstimulus interval, typically with no intervening object presentations, a second object is presented. The second object is either the same or a different object. Typically, at least one other factor is manipulated. For example, the object may be presented from different viewpoints at each presentation.",
        "id_user": "usr_4e885e1ee3733",
        "id": "trm_4e8a0dd29ec7b"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660589302,
        "event_stamp": "2011-10-06T16:12:51",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-11-10T23:51:27",
        "last_updated": 1512660589302,
        "def_id": "def_4ebc637fd67ef",
        "name": "deterministic classification",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Is a feedback-driven learning task in which participants classify stimuli into different categories.  A common version of this task is the "weather prediction task."\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4e8dd3831f0cc"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660589330,
        "event_stamp": "2011-10-06T16:14:23",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-11-11T00:31:18",
        "last_updated": 1512660589330,
        "def_id": "def_4ebc6cd6e5b18",
        "name": "mixed event-related probe",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "When an experimental run consists of blocks of two or more related behavioral tasks.  For example, a mixed event-related probe in a classification learning experiment can consist of alternating blocks of probabilistic classification trials and deterministic classification trials.",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4e8dd3dfd9fff"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660589356,
        "event_stamp": "2011-11-03T01:51:36",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-08-07T22:45:45",
        "last_updated": 1512660589356,
        "def_id": "def_50219a992b406",
        "name": "intermodal preferential looking paradigm",
        "alias": "IPL, IPLP",
        "definition_text": "Infants are trained to associate an image with a linguistic (often a nonsense word) cue and, during testing, hear this auditory cue and see its paired image next to a novel image. If the infant demonstrates a significant preference for the cue-paired word, this is considered evidence for the capacity for word learning.",
        "id_user": "usr_4eb1f22e35881",
        "id": "trm_4eb1f3a8ec119"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660589380,
        "event_stamp": "2011-11-11T00:20:59",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-11-11T14:39:09",
        "last_updated": 1512660589380,
        "def_id": "def_4ebd338dded5a",
        "name": "tone counting",
        "alias": "tone-counting",
        "definition_text": "A task in which a participant needs to count and remember the number of specific tones presented in an experimental run.",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4ebc6a6b75ebf"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660589409,
        "event_stamp": "2011-11-11T00:55:31",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-11-11T01:11:06",
        "last_updated": 1512660589409,
        "def_id": "def_4ebc762a23783",
        "name": "single-task weather prediction ",
        "alias": "single task weather prediction ",
        "definition_text": "is a feedback driven classification learning task in which a subject is presented with a stimuli (ex-geometric shapes) and has to classify them into one of two categories (ex-rainy or sunny weather), and then receives feedback on if the response was correct or incorrect.  This may or may not be presented with other stimuli (ex-tones of different frequencies), but the goal of the task is to only pay attention the the classification task at hand. \r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4ebc728326a13"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660589435,
        "event_stamp": "2011-11-11T03:38:52",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-11-11T04:52:40",
        "last_updated": 1512660589435,
        "def_id": "def_4ebcaa17f3c21",
        "name": "dual-task weather prediction",
        "alias": "dual task weather prediction",
        "definition_text": "A task in which a subject must attend and respond to two different tasks contained in one experimental run; one task is a feedback driven classification learning task in which a subject is presented with a stimuli (ex-geometric shapes) and has to classify them into one of two categories (ex-rainy or sunny weather), and then receives feedback on whether the response was correct or incorrect.  The other task requires the subject to listen to different tones and count the number of a specific tone.",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4ebc98cc77e7b"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660589465,
        "event_stamp": "2011-11-11T03:57:34",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-11-11T03:57:34",
        "last_updated": 1512660589465,
        "def_id": "def_4ebc9d2e3becd",
        "name": "classification probe without feedback",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "is preformed after receiving training in the classification learning task.  It is similar to the classification learning task but in this task the subject does not receive feedback.",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_4ebc9d2e397f2"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660589492,
        "event_stamp": "2011-11-11T15:52:45",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-15T19:55:31",
        "last_updated": 1512660589492,
        "def_id": "def_4fb2b4b2decea",
        "name": "abstract/concrete judgment: bilingual",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Task in which subjects are presented with words that are either abstract or concrete nouns, and decide for each term whether it is abstract or concrete.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4ebd44cd88360"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660589520,
        "event_stamp": "2011-11-11T16:04:10",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-11-11T16:04:10",
        "last_updated": 1512660589520,
        "def_id": "def_4ebd477ab680c",
        "name": "object n-back",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "An n-back task in which the stimuli are images of visual objects.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4ebd477ab5a11"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660589548,
        "event_stamp": "2011-11-11T16:05:12",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-11-11T16:05:12",
        "last_updated": 1512660589548,
        "def_id": "def_4ebd47b8bb1a0",
        "name": "object one-back task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A one-back task in which the stimuli are images of visual objects",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4ebd47b8bab6b"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660589576,
        "event_stamp": "2011-11-11T16:07:10",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2011-11-11T16:07:10",
        "last_updated": 1512660589576,
        "def_id": "def_4ebd482ebacf3",
        "name": "word one-back task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A one-back task on which subjects are presented with words or word-like stimuli",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4ebd482eba5b1"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660589603,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T13:47:56",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:59:17",
        "last_updated": 1512660589603,
        "def_id": "def_4fb4233528d6f",
        "name": "monetary incentive delay task",
        "alias": "MID, monetary incentive delay (mid) task",
        "definition_text": "task in which subject makes a response within a time window and is potentially rewarded for the response depending on their reaction time",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f23fc8c42d28"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660589628,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T14:56:48",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-01-28T14:56:48",
        "last_updated": 1512660589628,
        "def_id": "def_4f240cb0a148c",
        "name": "semantic decision task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A task in which a subject makes a decision about the meaning of a stimulus.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f240cb09f8e5"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660589656,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T14:59:00",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:29:50",
        "last_updated": 1512660589656,
        "def_id": "def_4f24146ec3254",
        "name": "covert naming task",
        "alias": "covert production task",
        "definition_text": "A task in which subjects name a stimulus silently",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f240d346320c"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660589682,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:00:06",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:00:06",
        "last_updated": 1512660589682,
        "def_id": "def_4f240d7664c7c",
        "name": "semantic relatedness task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A task in which subjects judge whether a set of stimuli are related by meaning.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f240d7664628"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660589708,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:04:31",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:04:31",
        "last_updated": 1512660589708,
        "def_id": "def_4f240e7f9927b",
        "name": "auditory temporal discrimination task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A task in which the subject discriminates auditory stimuli based on temporal characteristics.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f240e7f989f8"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660589732,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:06:07",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:06:36",
        "last_updated": 1512660589732,
        "def_id": "def_4fb416dcbc0b3",
        "name": "mental imagery task",
        "alias": "imagery task",
        "definition_text": "A task in which subjects create mental images",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f240edf92865"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660589760,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:07:08",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:07:08",
        "last_updated": 1512660589760,
        "def_id": "def_4f240f1c74714",
        "name": "verbal fluency task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A test of the ability to verbally produce words.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f240f1c740da"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660589784,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:09:49",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:09:49",
        "last_updated": 1512660589784,
        "def_id": "def_4f240fbdf1d6e",
        "name": "word comprehension task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A task that measures the comprehension of word meaning.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f240fbdf1601"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660589809,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:10:57",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T22:14:24",
        "last_updated": 1512660589809,
        "def_id": "def_4fb426c09b9d9",
        "name": "letter case judgment task",
        "alias": "case judgment task",
        "definition_text": "A task in which the subject decides whether letters are uppercase or lowercase.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f241001dfcee"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660589837,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:13:09",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:13:09",
        "last_updated": 1512660589837,
        "def_id": "def_4f24108555926",
        "name": "visually guided saccade task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A task in which subjects make visually guided eye movements.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f24108555294"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660589865,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:15:44",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:15:44",
        "last_updated": 1512660589865,
        "def_id": "def_4f24112058562",
        "name": "categorization task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Task in which a subject classifies stimuli into one of a set of categories",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f24112057e90"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660589895,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:17:07",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:17:07",
        "last_updated": 1512660589895,
        "def_id": "def_4f24117386f13",
        "name": "navigation task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A task in which the subject navigates a spatial layout.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f241173868a3"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660589920,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:18:33",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:18:33",
        "last_updated": 1512660589920,
        "def_id": "def_4f2411c91b4a9",
        "name": "recall test",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A test in which the subject is asked to produce a list of previously studied items.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f2411c91ae5e"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660589944,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:21:16",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:21:16",
        "last_updated": 1512660589944,
        "def_id": "def_4f24126c226de",
        "name": "abstract/concrete task",
        "alias": "abstract/concrete judgment",
        "definition_text": "A task in which subjects decide whether words are abstract or concrete.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f24126c22011"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660589971,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:23:00",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-05T18:31:09",
        "last_updated": 1512660589971,
        "def_id": "def_55217f6d2457f",
        "name": "semantic classification task",
        "alias": "semantic categorization task",
        "definition_text": "A task in which the subject classifies stimuli based on meaning; the detection and classification of semantic relationships between worlds",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f2412d4c3b88"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660589997,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:24:21",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:24:21",
        "last_updated": 1512660589997,
        "def_id": "def_4f241325580f3",
        "name": "problem solving task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A task in which subjects must solve a conceptual problem.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f241325579c6"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660590023,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:25:08",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:25:08",
        "last_updated": 1512660590023,
        "def_id": "def_4f241354542d4",
        "name": "spelling task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A task in which subjects are asked to spell words.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f24135453d65"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660590053,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:28:05",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-08-09T19:44:26",
        "last_updated": 1512660590053,
        "def_id": "def_5024131a0fa4f",
        "name": "instrumental learning task",
        "alias": "instrumental conditioning task, operant task",
        "definition_text": "A task in which a subject learns to respond through rewards.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f2414059baa8"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660590085,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:30:41",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:30:41",
        "last_updated": 1512660590085,
        "def_id": "def_4f2414a1bb169",
        "name": "phonetic discrimination task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A task in which the subject discriminates stimuli based on phonetic features.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f2414a1bab77"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660590117,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:33:28",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-08-08T00:08:51",
        "last_updated": 1512660590117,
        "def_id": "def_5021ae1376f1a",
        "name": "logical reasoning task",
        "alias": "Baddeley's logical reasoning task, Baddeley's grammatical transformation task",
        "definition_text": "Over 32 trials participants see a phrase (e.g. "A precedes B") and a letter sequence (e.g. "AB") and must evaluate the relationship as true or false.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f24154867d84"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660590147,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:36:52",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-28T17:16:06",
        "last_updated": 1512660590147,
        "def_id": "def_553fc056bc68e",
        "name": "attention switching task",
        "alias": "(AST), switching task",
        "definition_text": "A paradigm requiring subjects to switch between performing multiple different individual tasks. AST is a test of the participant’s ability to switch attention between the direction or location of an arrow on screen. This test is a sensitive measure of frontal lobe and ‘executive’ dysfunction. The test begins with an arrow in the centre of the screen which points either to the left or to the right. The participant is introduced to two buttons, one on the left and one on the right, and is asked to press a button corresponding to the direction in which the arrow is pointing.\r\n\r\nAfter this initial training, the participant is then told that the arrow might appear on the left or the right side of the screen, and depending on the cue given at the top of the screen, the participant must either press  the left or right button to indicate on which side of the screen the arrow is displayed, or else press the left or right button to correspond with the direction in which the arrow is pointing.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f241614d4a25"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660590174,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:43:13",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:43:13",
        "last_updated": 1512660590174,
        "def_id": "def_4f241791229e0",
        "name": "mental arithmetic task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A task  in which the subject performs arithmetic computations without an external means of recording their work.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f24179122380"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660590198,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:44:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:44:20",
        "last_updated": 1512660590198,
        "def_id": "def_4f2417d4a6a6c",
        "name": "random number generation task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A task in which the subject generates a series of random numbers.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f2417d4a63ae"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660590229,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:46:07",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:46:07",
        "last_updated": 1512660590229,
        "def_id": "def_4f24183fe86be",
        "name": "verb generation task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A task in which subjects are presented with nouns and generate an associated verb.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f24183fe80c6"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660590260,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:47:28",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:47:57",
        "last_updated": 1512660590260,
        "def_id": "def_4f2418ad78cd4",
        "name": "cyberball task",
        "alias": "cyberball social exclusion task",
        "definition_text": "A task in which subjects view a set of balls interacting in game.  At some point one of the balls is excluded from the game, simulating social exclusion.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f24189031a4a"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660590287,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:50:35",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:50:35",
        "last_updated": 1512660590287,
        "def_id": "def_4f24194bce955",
        "name": "conjunction search task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A task that requires the subject to search for a stimulus defined by a combination of visual features.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f24194bce29f"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660590312,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:52:36",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:58:57",
        "last_updated": 1512660590312,
        "def_id": "def_4fb4232193f80",
        "name": "multisource interference task",
        "alias": "MSIT",
        "definition_text": "a task in which the subject must resolve multiple sources of interference",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f2419c4a1646"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660590336,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:56:37",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-23T22:17:42",
        "last_updated": 1512660590336,
        "def_id": "def_500dcd86c6b14",
        "name": "mentalizing task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "a task in which the participant is asked to reflect on their own and other people's thoughts and feelings and the causes thereof, often by describing characters in stories or placing themselves in characters' places",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f241ab50513b"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660590362,
        "event_stamp": "2012-05-23T18:21:53",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-23T18:21:53",
        "last_updated": 1512660590362,
        "def_id": "def_4fbd2ac1de92e",
        "name": "copying task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "patients/participants copy pictures or geometric objects",
        "id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "id": "trm_4fbd2ac1cd035"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660590388,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:59:12",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:59:12",
        "last_updated": 1512660590388,
        "def_id": "def_4f241b50cb0ba",
        "name": "semantic task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Any task that requires subjects to process the meaning of stimuli",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f241b50caaf7"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660590414,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:59:49",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-01-28T15:59:49",
        "last_updated": 1512660590414,
        "def_id": "def_4f241b751cb3c",
        "name": "phonological task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Any task that requires the subject to process the sound structure of words.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f241b751c5a0"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660590438,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T16:01:25",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-30T23:40:50",
        "last_updated": 1512660590438,
        "def_id": "def_50171b82b7d88",
        "name": "semantic fluency task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "participants generate words to a given category (e.g. animals, foods)",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f241bd52b509"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660590463,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T16:01:40",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-24T23:35:02",
        "last_updated": 1512660590463,
        "def_id": "def_500f312652e0e",
        "name": "phonemic fluency task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "participants are to name as many words starting with a specified letter as possible in a given time interval",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f241be43458e"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660590488,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T16:02:15",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-01-28T16:02:15",
        "last_updated": 1512660590488,
        "def_id": "def_4f241c07381c8",
        "name": "semantic memory task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A task requiring the subject to use knowledge retrieved from semantic memory.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f241c0737cc0"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660590511,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T16:04:03",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-01-28T16:04:03",
        "last_updated": 1512660590511,
        "def_id": "def_4f241c735eeec",
        "name": "serial reaction time task",
        "alias": "SRT, serial response time task, SRTT",
        "definition_text": "None",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f241c735e7f6"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660590536,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T16:04:29",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-23T18:51:10",
        "last_updated": 1512660590536,
        "def_id": "def_500d9d1e6ab41",
        "name": "gender discrimination task",
        "alias": "gender judgment task, gender decision task",
        "definition_text": "participant is shown series of photos either of people in portraits or in scenes and asked to determine their gender",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f241c8d4a75c"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660590560,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T16:08:26",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-16T18:48:56",
        "last_updated": 1512660590560,
        "def_id": "def_50046218ce234",
        "name": "global-local task",
        "alias": "Navon figure task, Navon letters task",
        "definition_text": "participants view a stimulus composed of a large character (global) composed of smaller characters (local), e.g. a large "T" formed by an assembly of smaller letters",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f241d7adf14e"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660590584,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T16:12:58",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-31T00:00:01",
        "last_updated": 1512660590584,
        "def_id": "def_5017200154957",
        "name": "sentence-picture matching task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "participants listen to a sentence and must select from several images the one that correspond to the sentence",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f241e8a01052"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660590612,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T16:14:33",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-01-28T16:14:33",
        "last_updated": 1512660590612,
        "def_id": "def_4f241ee9c5565",
        "name": "word-picture matching task",
        "alias": "picture-word matching task",
        "definition_text": "None",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f241ee9c4e37"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660590640,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T16:18:01",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-30T22:33:30",
        "last_updated": 1512660590640,
        "def_id": "def_50170bbac7f28",
        "name": "recency judgment task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "participants are presented with two lists of words, then (after a brief reasoning test) tested to recall whether a given word had appeared on the first or the second list presented",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f241fb95918f"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660590668,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T16:18:28",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-24T22:20:01",
        "last_updated": 1512660590668,
        "def_id": "def_500f1f90f3ec0",
        "name": "passive avoidance task",
        "alias": "inactive avoidance task",
        "definition_text": "in animal models, aversion to an avoidable part of an apparatus is conditioned, and the animal is later tested for whether it will enter this area.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f241fd47f16b"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660590705,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T16:18:44",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-18T23:24:39",
        "last_updated": 1512660590705,
        "def_id": "def_500745b7b413a",
        "name": "fame judgment task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "participants are exposed to a list composed of famous and nonfamous names and then tested for recollection of which names are famous",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f241fe40a950"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660590733,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T16:20:18",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-16T20:57:09",
        "last_updated": 1512660590733,
        "def_id": "def_50048025da222",
        "name": "Cambridge risk task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "participant predicts which of two mutually exclusive outcomes will occur, but critically, the larger reward (and penalty) is associated with choice of the least likely outcome, whereas the smallest reward (and penalty) is associated with choice of the most likely outcome",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f242042e5805"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660590759,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T16:22:08",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-30T22:25:32",
        "last_updated": 1512660590759,
        "def_id": "def_501709dcc493a",
        "name": "reappraisal task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "participants regulate their emotional states using cognitive strategies",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f2420b042165"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660590784,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T16:23:54",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-01-28T16:23:54",
        "last_updated": 1512660590784,
        "def_id": "def_4f24211a04154",
        "name": "Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices",
        "alias": "RAPM",
        "definition_text": "None",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f24211a03b07"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660590812,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T16:25:22",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-31T23:26:34",
        "last_updated": 1512660590812,
        "def_id": "def_501869aa453bf",
        "name": "updating task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "participants are presented with lists of X items and be required to recall the N most recent; this means that the participant must hold in memory the first N items and, if X > N, update the contents of memory by dropping initial for most recent items",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f242172aea5d"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660590836,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T16:26:14",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-19T00:01:09",
        "last_updated": 1512660590836,
        "def_id": "def_50074e456e5ba",
        "name": "face working memory task",
        "alias": "face wm task",
        "definition_text": "a brief presentation of a face is followed by a delay during which participants are instructed to keep an image of the face in mind, followed by a test face they indicate to match or not to match the initial face",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f2421a62cdf8"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660590860,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T16:26:43",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-24T18:48:02",
        "last_updated": 1512660590860,
        "def_id": "def_500eede26aa19",
        "name": "object working memory task",
        "alias": "object wm task",
        "definition_text": "participants view a sequence of simple objects and after a short delay are instructed to name them in either a forward or backward sequence",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f2421c391b83"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660590887,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T16:29:35",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-18T23:11:03",
        "last_updated": 1512660590887,
        "def_id": "def_50074287e7b17",
        "name": "Fitts task",
        "alias": "Fitts' task, Fitts tapping task",
        "definition_text": "any task requiring a rapid, aimed movement to acquire a target, the time of which is measured and, according to Fitts' law, is generally inversely proportionate to distance required and target size",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f24226fa2903"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660590910,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T16:34:07",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-23T19:16:14",
        "last_updated": 1512660590910,
        "def_id": "def_500da2fe1229b",
        "name": "general knowledge task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "participants are asked to either assess a statement (e.g. "Doctors go through extensive training,") or provide simple answers to questions (e.g. "What color are emeralds?" about the world",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f24237f2ed47"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660590935,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T16:34:36",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-01-28T16:34:36",
        "last_updated": 1512660590935,
        "def_id": "def_4f24239cc29d8",
        "name": "short-term memory task",
        "alias": "STM task",
        "definition_text": "None",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f24239cc239e"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660590960,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T16:38:17",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-18T22:15:22",
        "last_updated": 1512660590960,
        "def_id": "def_5007357a6b5df",
        "name": "face matching task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "subjects view a reference face and must either simply compare two faces or select one of two differently-oriented comparison faces (e.g. reference face looks straight ahead while comparison face is a three-quarter view) that match it",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f24247912761"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660590988,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T16:38:49",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-05T18:54:36",
        "last_updated": 1512660590988,
        "def_id": "def_552184ebda382",
        "name": "target detection task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Refers broadly to a kind of task in which participants are to react to a target stimulus among distractor stimuli. Target detection tasks in the absence of competition are considered measures of sustained attention and not selective or divided attention, which are subsumed under cognitive control",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f242499b8952"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660591012,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-30T19:35:59",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-30T19:53:17",
        "last_updated": 1512660591012,
        "def_id": "def_5542882d59d86",
        "name": "color-word stroop with task switching",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "This is a modified Stroop task (Gauthier et al., 2012) that consists of two 60- second blocks each of control and Stroop conditions, interspersed with 60-second rest blocks. In total, there are 4 task and 5 resting blocks, for a total acquisition length of 9 minutes. During task blocks, control or Stroop events always lasts 2.5 seconds, preceded by 1.5 seconds with a fixation cross to maintain a constant gaze direction. For full details, see",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_5542841f3dcd5"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660591036,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T16:40:46",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-01-28T16:40:46",
        "last_updated": 1512660591036,
        "def_id": "def_4f24250e019ab",
        "name": "orthographic task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A task that requires processing of letter structure",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f24250e0137e"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660591067,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T16:42:51",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-23T19:50:03",
        "last_updated": 1512660591067,
        "def_id": "def_500daaeb40ccc",
        "name": "living-nonliving task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "participants are shown pictures of nameable things and must indicate as quickly as possible whether each is living or nonliving",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f24258b51e2c"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660591095,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T19:08:11",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-24T22:55:46",
        "last_updated": 1512660591095,
        "def_id": "def_500f27f2ef975",
        "name": "phoneme detection task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "participants listen to a pseudowords and after a delay are asked whether they contained specific phonemes",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f24479b0db8f"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660591119,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T19:09:19",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-01-28T19:09:19",
        "last_updated": 1512660591119,
        "def_id": "def_4f2447dfa5fb3",
        "name": "stop-change task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A task in which the subject makes a discriminative response by default, but makes a different response upon presentation of a stop signal.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f2447dfa5947"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660591145,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T19:09:50",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-01-28T19:09:50",
        "last_updated": 1512660591145,
        "def_id": "def_4f2447fe685e9",
        "name": "visual search task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "None",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f2447fe67fb9"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660591168,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T19:11:28",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-30T20:11:38",
        "last_updated": 1512660591168,
        "def_id": "def_5016ea7a983e1",
        "name": "prospective memory task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "participants are given goals either time-based (e.g. remembering to press a key every two minutes) or event-based (e.g. remembering to press a key when a given word appears on the screen)",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f244860c702c"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660591192,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T19:13:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-24T18:36:38",
        "last_updated": 1512660591192,
        "def_id": "def_500eeb36cdf7c",
        "name": "object naming task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "participants are shown a series of objects, sometimes as photos or as line drawings, typically selected for their commonality by previous experiments and/or articles",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f2448d02d4d9"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660591218,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T19:14:45",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-16T22:46:20",
        "last_updated": 1512660591218,
        "def_id": "def_500499bcaa7cd",
        "name": "contextual cueing task",
        "alias": "contextual cuing task",
        "definition_text": "participants perform visual search for targets among distractor stimuli in invariant or variable configurations randomly mixed within trials; because targets appear in the same locations within invariant configurations, these configurations function as a context cueing the participant.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f24492504ca0"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660591245,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T19:15:54",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-01-28T19:18:37",
        "last_updated": 1512660591245,
        "def_id": "def_4f244a0ded2b3",
        "name": "gambling task",
        "alias": "gamble task",
        "definition_text": "A class of tasks in which subjects make decisions about chance gambles.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f24496a80587"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660591270,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T19:17:17",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-16T21:26:38",
        "last_updated": 1512660591270,
        "def_id": "def_4fb41b8eecf30",
        "name": "Wason card selection task",
        "alias": "Wason card task, Wason task, selection task",
        "definition_text": "a logic puzzle in which participants must decide which cards are consistent with selection criteria",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f2449bdcb0b1"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660591297,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T19:19:33",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-01-28T19:19:33",
        "last_updated": 1512660591297,
        "def_id": "def_4f244a4535814",
        "name": "syntactic task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A class of tasks involving the processing of linguistic syntax.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f244a453522b"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660591325,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T19:20:07",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-04-23T18:12:12",
        "last_updated": 1512660591325,
        "def_id": "def_5176cefbbb1e4",
        "name": "mirror tracing task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "participant is to draw a specified pattern while only seeing their hand from a mirrored perspective",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f244a67d5b17"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660591351,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T19:20:40",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-06-25T16:44:15",
        "last_updated": 1512660591351,
        "def_id": "def_4fe8955ec3179",
        "name": "artificial grammar learning task",
        "alias": "AGL",
        "definition_text": "participant is presented with a series of letter strings constructed according to an artificial and finite set of rules, after which the participant must determine whether new strings follow or violate the grammar established by the first series.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f244a88013ae"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660591382,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T19:21:59",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-08-14T18:34:35",
        "last_updated": 1512660591382,
        "def_id": "def_502a9a3b63670",
        "name": "dot motion task",
        "alias": "dot-motion task, moving-dot task, RDM task, random-dot motion task",
        "definition_text": "participants view an array of dots of which some proportion is moving in a particular direction and the rest are moving in another.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f244ad7dcde7"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660591406,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T19:27:27",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-01-28T19:27:27",
        "last_updated": 1512660591406,
        "def_id": "def_4f244c1f6bb17",
        "name": "color naming task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "None",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f244c1f6b53f"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660591432,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T19:31:54",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-16T20:21:40",
        "last_updated": 1512660591432,
        "def_id": "def_500477d4da065",
        "name": "autobiographical memory task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "in a semi-structured interview a participant is asked to recall recent events (within one week, within one month) in his or her own life, and this recollection is compared with report(s) from a "collateral source," a person close to the participant",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f244d2a54e27"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660591454,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T19:32:52",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-24T16:56:35",
        "last_updated": 1512660591454,
        "def_id": "def_500ed3c36219e",
        "name": "negative priming task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "The participant selects a target in the presence of one or more distractors; the negative priming arises between consecutive trials, in which the participant must respond to a target on the current trial that had appeared as a distractor on the previous trial.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f244d64e45bc"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660591478,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T19:39:46",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-16T20:01:11",
        "last_updated": 1512660591478,
        "def_id": "def_500473072be27",
        "name": "analogical reasoning task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "any task investigating participant ability to find correspondences between structures of distinct mental representations",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f244f0286947"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660591502,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T19:40:54",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-08-06T19:39:36",
        "last_updated": 1512660591502,
        "def_id": "def_50201d78302b5",
        "name": "",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "None",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f244f46ebf58"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660591532,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T19:42:17",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-16T20:37:17",
        "last_updated": 1512660591532,
        "def_id": "def_50047b7da0c96",
        "name": "bimanual coordination task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "participants are instructed to move their arms and/or hands according to a novel spatiotemporal relationship",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f244f997615c"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660591560,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T19:43:42",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-23T23:32:57",
        "last_updated": 1512660591560,
        "def_id": "def_500ddf292f833",
        "name": "multi-attribute decision making task",
        "alias": "MADM",
        "definition_text": "participant is asked to make decisions with several criteria in mind, e.g. to decide whether to purchase a car while considering its cost, image, efficiency, comfort, etc.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f244fee7d195"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660591585,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T19:55:25",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-24T19:05:01",
        "last_updated": 1512660591585,
        "def_id": "def_500ef1dd6e23b",
        "name": "odd-even task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "participant is presented with a digit and instructed to assess whether it is odd or even",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f2452adb7d23"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660591618,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T19:57:26",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-16T20:48:41",
        "last_updated": 1512660591618,
        "def_id": "def_50047e29aedce",
        "name": "biological motion task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "participant views stimuli composed of objects like points of light moving in several patterns to detect which of these correspond to biological motion",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f245326e2eaf"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660591645,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T19:59:52",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-17T20:47:16",
        "last_updated": 1512660591645,
        "def_id": "def_50f86354e69ad",
        "name": "spatial working memory task",
        "alias": "(SWM)",
        "definition_text": "refers broadly to a paradigm in which the participant's working memory for spatial characteristics of stimuli is tested, such as the SWM in the Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery (CANTAB). SWM is a test of the participant’s ability to retain spatial information and to manipulate remembered items in working memory. It is a self-ordered task, which also assesses heuristic strategy. This test is a sensitive measure of frontal lobe and ‘executive’ dysfunction. It has been shown in recent studies that impaired performance on SWM emerges as a common factor in prepsychosis. The test begins with a number of coloured squares (boxes) being shown on the screen. The aim of this test is that, by touching the boxes and using a process of elimination, the participant should find one blue ‘token’ in each of a number of boxes and use them to fill up an empty column on the right hand side of the screen. The number of boxes is gradually increased, until it is necessary to search a total of eight boxes. The colour and position of the boxes used are changed from trial to trial to discourage the use of stereotyped search strategies.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f2453b806fe1"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660591673,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T20:00:14",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-31T20:53:51",
        "last_updated": 1512660591673,
        "def_id": "def_501845dfa40e5",
        "name": "social judgment task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "broadly describing many disparate subtasks, a social judgment task typically describes one in which participants are asked to decide what other people are thinking or would think, or to interpret their behavior",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f2453ce33f16"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660591700,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T20:04:47",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-01-28T20:04:47",
        "last_updated": 1512660591700,
        "def_id": "def_4f2454dfca9de",
        "name": "relational reasoning task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "None",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f2454dfca337"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660591739,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T20:05:35",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-30T20:48:35",
        "last_updated": 1512660591739,
        "def_id": "def_5016f3236daaf",
        "name": "prototype distortion task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "participant is trained to categorize high and low distortions of a dot array prototype, and are then tested for recognition when shown the prototype, its distortions, and random arrays",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f24550fc5f38"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660591781,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T20:09:38",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-18T23:37:22",
        "last_updated": 1512660591781,
        "def_id": "def_500748b206ef8",
        "name": "false belief task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": ""The ‘standard version’ of the false belief task presents the child with a character, Sally, who leaves a desirable object such as a chocolate in her basket, before departing the scene. In her absence, another character, Anne, removes the object and places it in a box. Children are asked to predict, on Sally's return to the room, where Sally will look for the object (or, sometimes, where she thinks the object is). Four-year-olds tend to succeed at this task – correctly attributing a false belief to Sally, saying that she will look for the object in the basket – while younger children tend to fail."",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f2456027809f"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660591810,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T20:12:03",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-31T20:29:52",
        "last_updated": 1512660591810,
        "def_id": "def_501840404dc74",
        "name": "shadowing task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "participants are to repeat target words as quickly as possible under various conditions, and when primed, after a brief interval",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f2456932f11b"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660591836,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T20:14:36",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-24T22:00:56",
        "last_updated": 1512660591836,
        "def_id": "def_500f1b185ba13",
        "name": "parity judgment task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Participants must judge whether two numbers, either Arabic or verbal (as words), are equal.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f24572cb42e4"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660591861,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T20:15:01",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-24T17:50:02",
        "last_updated": 1512660591861,
        "def_id": "def_500ee04a3de67",
        "name": "numerosity estimation task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "participants estimate number of targets",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f2457454e458"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660591886,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T20:16:40",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-17T00:05:56",
        "last_updated": 1512660591886,
        "def_id": "def_50f74064a9b21",
        "name": "verbal working memory task",
        "alias": "(VRM), Verbal Recognition Memory",
        "definition_text": "A class of tasks involving the online maintenance and/or manipulation of verbal information. The Verbal Recognition Memory test, which assesses immediate and delayed memory of verbal information under free recall and forced choice recognition conditions, should provide comparable results. In the VRM test, the participant is shown a list of 12 words, one at a time, and then asked to:\r\n1)produce as many of the words as possible immediately following the presentation.\r\n2)recognize the words they have seen before from a list of 24 words containing the original 12 words and 12 distractors.\r\n3)following a delay of 20 minutes, recognize the words they have seen before from another list of 24 words containing the original list and 12 new distractors.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f2457a8b0bc8"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660591911,
        "event_stamp": "2012-01-28T20:17:29",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-07-23T20:41:09",
        "last_updated": 1512660591911,
        "def_id": "def_500db6e513365",
        "name": "memory guided saccade task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "participants fixate on a cross in the center of a screen while a visual cue appears elsewhere on screen; they are instructed that once the fixation cross disappears, they are to direct a saccade to the place where the cue had been",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_4f2457d94fd93"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660591936,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-16T22:54:39",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-28T17:20:02",
        "last_updated": 1512660591936,
        "def_id": "def_553fc1421fd48",
        "name": "big/little circle",
        "alias": "(BLC)",
        "definition_text": "The Big/Little Circle test assesses comprehension, learning and reversal. It is also intended to train participants in the general idea of following and reversing a rule, before proceeding to the Intra/Extradimensional Shift test (IED), so should ideally precede the IED task in a battery. Participants must first touch the smaller of the two circles displayed, then, after 20 trials, touch the larger circle for 20 further trials.",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_50f72fafa53ec"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660591961,
        "event_stamp": "2012-05-23T18:33:21",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-23T18:33:21",
        "last_updated": 1512660591961,
        "def_id": "def_4fbd2d71ae73f",
        "name": "minimal feature match task ",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "participants are asked to select a picture that is the same as the original picture, but the saliency of the object’s most distinctive feature is reduced",
        "id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "id": "trm_4fbd2d71adf87"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660591987,
        "event_stamp": "2012-05-23T18:34:40",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-23T18:34:40",
        "last_updated": 1512660591987,
        "def_id": "def_4fbd2dc02b791",
        "name": "foreshortened view task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "participants are asked to select a picture that is the same as the original picture, but the object's principle axis is foreshortened",
        "id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "id": "trm_4fbd2dc0273d9"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660592014,
        "event_stamp": "2012-05-23T18:37:10",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-05-23T18:37:10",
        "last_updated": 1512660592014,
        "def_id": "def_4fbd2e5618d1c",
        "name": "drawing from memory task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "participants draw images varying in complexity from simple shapes to complex objects like faces",
        "id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "id": "trm_4fbd2e5614028"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660592036,
        "event_stamp": "2012-11-28T18:58:57",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-11-28T18:58:57",
        "last_updated": 1512660592036,
        "def_id": "def_50b65ef12e961",
        "name": "Partial Report Procedure",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Participants are given several sets of characters or stimuli to respond to. In Sperling's version of the task, participants are cued to recall just one subset. Due to the fact that participants did not know which row would be cued for recall, performance in the partial report condition can be regarded as a random sample of an observer's memory for the entire display. Another version involves participants responding by pressing a button when they see only a certain stimulus out of a set appear.",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_50b65ef129e23"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660592060,
        "event_stamp": "2012-11-28T19:29:15",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-11-28T19:29:15",
        "last_updated": 1512660592060,
        "def_id": "def_50b6660b1c4c8",
        "name": "Implicit Association Task",
        "alias": "IAT",
        "definition_text": "A task designed to measure automatic associations, particularly those which are often affected by social desirability bias in self-report measures. They test the association of positive and negative words or images with certain concepts such as race, gender, religion, self-esteem, and sexuality. Respondents to the IAT experience a higher (conscious, controlled, explicit, reflective, analytic, rational, etc.) level of mental operation, when they try to overcome the effects of the automatic associations, and thus a longer response time when they answer counter to their implicit associations.",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_50b6660b1b847"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660592097,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-16T23:12:23",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-16T23:12:23",
        "last_updated": 1512660592097,
        "def_id": "def_50f733d730ba6",
        "name": "Spatial Recognition Memory",
        "alias": "(SRM)",
        "definition_text": "This is a test of visual spatial recognition memory in a 2-choice forced discrimination paradigm. This test is often used, in conjunction with Pattern Recognition Memory (PRM) , before the Paired Associates Learning (PAL) test, as both these tests help to train the participant for PAL. PRM and SRM contain different elements of PAL and the results considered together help to decide on the exact nature of the cognitive deficit being considered. The participant is presented with a white square, which appears in sequence at five different locations on the screen. In the recognition phase, the participant sees a series of five pairs of squares, one of which is in a place previously seen in the presentation phase. The other square is in a location not seen in the presentation phase. As with the PRM test, locations are tested in the reverse of the presentation order. This sub-test is repeated three more times, each time with five new locations",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_50f733d7305a1"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660592133,
        "event_stamp": "2012-08-09T17:12:46",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-08-09T17:13:13",
        "last_updated": 1512660592133,
        "def_id": "def_5023efa943687",
        "name": "delay conditioning",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "a subtype of classical conditioning in which the conditional stimulus (CS) is presented and, during this presentation, a biologically relevant unconditional stimulus (US) is also presented. Afterward the subject is tested for its reaction to the CS in isolation.",
        "id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "id": "trm_5023ef8eab626"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660592167,
        "event_stamp": "2012-08-09T18:40:39",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-08-09T18:40:39",
        "last_updated": 1512660592167,
        "def_id": "def_50240427b50ba",
        "name": "counterconditioning",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "a CS already paired with a particular US is associated with a second US that is often incompatible with the first US",
        "id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "id": "trm_50240427b4c1b"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660592202,
        "event_stamp": "2012-08-09T19:27:02",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-08-09T19:44:45",
        "last_updated": 1512660592202,
        "def_id": "def_5024132d0760b",
        "name": "operant task",
        "alias": "instrumental learning task, instrumental conditioning task",
        "definition_text": "participant learns to associate a particular outcome with a particular effort and characteristics thereof (e.g. frequency, strength)",
        "id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "id": "trm_50240f06af135"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660592229,
        "event_stamp": "2012-08-09T20:42:14",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-08-09T20:43:45",
        "last_updated": 1512660592229,
        "def_id": "def_50242101be3fb",
        "name": "NPU-threat test",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "participants are variably exposed to aversive stimuli and cues thereof while being monitored for their behavioral and physiological responses",
        "id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "id": "trm_502420a682976"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660592258,
        "event_stamp": "2012-08-13T22:54:44",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-08-13T22:54:44",
        "last_updated": 1512660592258,
        "def_id": "def_502985b4bbc4d",
        "name": "psychophysics task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "stimuli within and/or across modalities are presented to participants, who are then to detect and/or estimate their presence or magnitude",
        "id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "id": "trm_502985b4baaed"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660592281,
        "event_stamp": "2012-08-14T21:03:12",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-08-14T22:31:01",
        "last_updated": 1512660592281,
        "def_id": "def_502ad1a58354b",
        "name": "ambiguous figure task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "a kind of psychophysical task, participants view a stimulus that can be perceived as oriented and/or moving in more than one way",
        "id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "id": "trm_502abd109f255"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660592304,
        "event_stamp": "2012-08-14T23:02:31",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-08-14T23:17:14",
        "last_updated": 1512660592304,
        "def_id": "def_502adc7a86f4b",
        "name": "apparent verticality judgment",
        "alias": "AV task",
        "definition_text": "participants make judgments of their verticality after holding specific body orientations for some duration",
        "id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "id": "trm_502ad907e3299"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660592328,
        "event_stamp": "2012-08-15T18:12:06",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-08-15T21:23:15",
        "last_updated": 1512660592328,
        "def_id": "def_502c1343c4493",
        "name": "contrast detection task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "a psychophysical task in which participants are to discriminate between a nonzero low-contrast stimulus and a blank",
        "id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "id": "trm_502be67697201"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660592353,
        "event_stamp": "2012-11-28T19:56:00",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-11-28T19:56:00",
        "last_updated": 1512660592353,
        "def_id": "def_50b66c50cbccd",
        "name": "Symbol Counter Task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Participants observe a stimulus sequence comprising triangles and rectangles, keeping two counts, one for the triangles and one for the rectangles. Once each stimulus appears, participants update the appropriate mental count and then press a key to proceed to the next trial. Garavan’s central finding was that the reaction times signaled by the key press were longer when the incremented counter was different from the counter incremented on the previous trial (a switch trial) than when the same counter was incremented again (a no-switch trial). Garavan interpreted this switch–no-switch reaction time (RT) difference (the ‘‘switching effect’’) as an index of the time required to switch attention\r\nfrom one internal counter to another, suggesting that the internal focus of attention was limited in capacity. ",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_50b66c50ca2ac"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660592376,
        "event_stamp": "2012-10-31T05:12:13",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-10-31T05:12:14",
        "last_updated": 1512660592376,
        "def_id": "def_5090b32e445c5",
        "name": "facial recognition task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "participants are shown faces expressing various emotions and asked to describe what emotion they believe is being expressed, sometimes also in conjunction with physiological (including neurophysiological) measures",
        "id_user": "usr_4f177506dde77",
        "id": "trm_5090b32d6b376"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660592399,
        "event_stamp": "2012-12-06T19:37:10",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-12-06T19:37:11",
        "last_updated": 1512660592399,
        "def_id": "def_50c0f3e72204d",
        "name": "Time Wall",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "a  small  object  moving  at  constant  velocity  passes behind  an  opaque  barrier.  The  task  is  to  estimate  the  moment  when  the  object will  reappear.  It  differs  from  a  number  of  other  time-estimate  tasks  in  that discrete  mediating  responses  such  as  counting  or  taping  are  of  no  direct obvious  aid.",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_50c0f3e6c596e"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660592430,
        "event_stamp": "2013-05-02T05:23:07",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-05-02T05:23:07",
        "last_updated": 1512660592430,
        "def_id": "def_5181f83b879c2",
        "name": "stop signal task with letter naming",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A task in which an external stimulus signals the participant to interrupt an already-initiated motor response.",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_5181f83b77fa4"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660592457,
        "event_stamp": "2012-12-29T15:34:37",
        "def_id_user": "usr_50dedbcfb78f2",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-12-29T15:34:37",
        "last_updated": 1512660592457,
        "def_id": "def_50df0d8dc7a51",
        "name": "attention bias",
        "alias": "dot-probe",
        "definition_text": "Attention bias refers to the tendency for an emotional stimulus to influence attention.  The term is most typically used to refer to biases related to emotional content, typically in bottom-up-capture attention tasks. ",
        "id_user": "usr_50dedbcfb78f2",
        "id": "trm_50df0d8dc717b"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660592481,
        "event_stamp": "2012-12-29T15:35:53",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-12-29T15:35:53",
        "last_updated": 1512660592481,
        "def_id": "def_50df0dd9d150c",
        "name": "Incidental encoding task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A task in which the subject is creating new memories without purposely knowing that memorization is the task at hand.  Their memories are created thorough working in their environment and picking up information in the process.  ",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_50df0dd9d0b6f"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660592505,
        "event_stamp": "2012-12-29T16:36:29",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-05-02T04:43:54",
        "last_updated": 1512660592505,
        "def_id": "def_5181ef0912cfe",
        "name": "Space Fortress",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "The Space Fortress videogame is used as a platform for investigating skill learning. The game was originally developed by cognitive psychologists at the University of Illinois, as a tool to study learning and training strategies. Notably, it is one of the few cognitive training tools that has shown transfer of training to real-world performance. Flight students that trained on Space Fortress performed better on a battery of real-world flight tests, and were more likely to be selected to pursue pilot training compared to a no-training control group. Studies have also found that learning Space Fortress with a strategy that involves flexibly shifting attention to different aspects of the game results in improved learning. Thus, the Space Fortress game serves as a great tool for studying how the brain acquires new, complex skills, and how the trained ability can extend to new contexts. (\r\n\r\nAnother version of the task involved performing an oddball task while simultaneouly playing Space Fortress.",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_50df1c0d946b8"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660592533,
        "event_stamp": "2012-12-29T16:44:05",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2012-12-29T16:44:05",
        "last_updated": 1512660592533,
        "def_id": "def_50df1dd5355e5",
        "name": "Space Fortress with Oddball",
        "alias": "Space Fortress + Oddball",
        "definition_text": "Playing Space Fortress while simultaneously performing an oddball task.",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_50df1dd534ff2"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660592556,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-16T23:17:12",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-16T23:17:12",
        "last_updated": 1512660592556,
        "def_id": "def_50f734f86b720",
        "name": "Emotion Recognition Task",
        "alias": "(ERT)",
        "definition_text": "ERT measures the ability to identify emotions in facial expressions. The participant is shown a series of faces which appear on the screen briefly and asked to identify the emotion (happiness, sadness, anger, disgust, surprise and fear). One hundred and eighty stimuli, which are computer morphed images derived from the facial features of real individuals each showing a specific emotion, are displayed on the screen, one at a time, in two blocks of ninety. Each face is displayed for a short while (200ms) and then immediately covered up, and then six buttons are displayed, each describing an emotion which could be portrayed in the photograph. The participant must decide which is the appropriate button to describe the emotion and touch the button. There are fifteen different photographs for each of the six emotions, each showing different levels of intensity.",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_50f734f86b11a"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660592581,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-16T23:26:02",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-16T23:26:02",
        "last_updated": 1512660592581,
        "def_id": "def_50f7370aceb90",
        "name": "Visual Analogue Scales",
        "alias": "(VAS)",
        "definition_text": "Visual Analogue Scales are psychometric response scales which can be used as a measurement instrument for subjective states. The CANTAB VAS assess subjective measurements of drug effect, energy levels, sickness, alertness and mood. The participant must respond to sixteen questions as they appear on the screen by touching the on-screen slider and moving it to the appropriate position on the scale.",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_50f7370ace495"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660592609,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-16T23:52:53",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-16T23:52:53",
        "last_updated": 1512660592609,
        "def_id": "def_50f73d557db5c",
        "name": "Information Sampling Task",
        "alias": "(IST)",
        "definition_text": "The Information Sampling Task (IST) tests impulsivity and decision making. The participant is presented with a 5x5 array of grey boxes on the screen, and two larger coloured panels below these boxes. The participant is instructed that they are playing a game for points, which they can win by making a correct decision about which colour is in the majority under the grey boxes. They must touch the grey boxes one at a time, which open up to reveal one of the two colours shown at the bottom of the screen. Once a box has been touched, it remains open. When the participant has made their decision about which colour is in the majority, they must touch the panel of that colour at the bottom of the screen to indicate their choice. After the participant has indicated their choice, all the remaining grey boxes on the screen reveal their colours and a message is displayed to inform the participant whether or not they were correct. The colours change from trial to trial. At the end of a trial the grey boxes are displayed on the screen again at a speed which depends on how fast the trial was completed, so that there is always at least 30 seconds between trials.\r\n\r\nThere are two conditions – the fixed win condition, in which the subject is awarded 100 points for a correct decision regardless of the number of boxes opened, and the decreasing win condition, in which the number of points that can be won for a correct decision starts at 250 and decreases by 10 points for every box touched. In either condition, an incorrect decision costs 100 points.",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_50f73d557c967"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660592635,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-07T17:46:41",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-07T17:53:48",
        "last_updated": 1512660592635,
        "def_id": "def_50eb0bab34377",
        "name": "NIH Toolbox Words-in Noise Test",
        "alias": "WIN",
        "definition_text": "This test was developed by Dr. Richard Wilson to measure a person’s ability to recognize single words presented amid varying levels of background noise.  It measures how much difficulty a person might have hearing in a noisy environment. A recorded voice instructs the participant to listen to and then repeat words. The task becomes increasingly difficult as the background noise gets louder. The best score that can be attained (35 correct) for either ear is -2.0 dB S/N, and the worst score (0 correct) is 26.0 dB S/N. Lower scores, therefore, are indicative of better performance on this test.",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_50eb0a01bfd05"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660592659,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-07T18:02:46",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-07T18:02:46",
        "last_updated": 1512660592659,
        "def_id": "def_50eb0dc670fad",
        "name": "NIH Toolbox Picture Vocabulary Test",
        "alias": "TPVT",
        "definition_text": "This measure of receptive vocabulary is administered in a computerized adaptive format. That is, the next question a participant receives depends on his/her response to the previous question; Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT) ensures a test that is tailored to the participant’s needs. The respondent is presented with an audio recording of a word and four photographic images on the computer screen and is asked to select the picture that most closely matches the meaning of the word. ",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_50eb0dc6668e1"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660592684,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-07T18:18:03",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-07T18:18:04",
        "last_updated": 1512660592684,
        "def_id": "def_50eb115c0b7dd",
        "name": "NIH Toolbox Dimensional Change Card Sort Test",
        "alias": "DCCS",
        "definition_text": "DCCS is a measure of cognitive flexibility. Two target pictures are presented that vary along two dimensions (e.g., shape and color). Participants are asked to match a series of bivalent test pictures \r\n(e.g., yellow balls and blue trucks) to the target pictures, first according to one dimension (e.g., color) and then, after a number of trials, according to the other dimension (e.g., shape). “Switch” trials are also employed, in which the participant must change the dimension being matched. For example, after four straight trials matching on shape, the participant may be asked to match on color on the next trial and then go back to shape, thus requiring the cognitive flexibility to quickly choose the correct stimulus.",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_50eb115b6c476"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660592710,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-07T18:43:04",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-07T18:43:04",
        "last_updated": 1512660592710,
        "def_id": "def_50eb17385fbdf",
        "name": "NIH Toolbox List Sorting Working Memory Test",
        "alias": "List Sorting",
        "definition_text": "The List Sorting test requires immediate recall and sequencing of different visually and orally presented stimuli. Pictures of different foods and animals are displayed with accompanying audio recording and written text (e.g., “elephant”), and the participant is asked to say the items back in size order from smallest to largest, first within a single dimension (either animals or foods, called 1-List) and then on two dimensions (foods, then animals, called 2-List).",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_50eb17385e9a6"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660592733,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-07T21:16:29",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-07T21:16:29",
        "last_updated": 1512660592733,
        "def_id": "def_50eb3b2d230a8",
        "name": "NIH Toolbox Oral Reading Recognition Test",
        "alias": "oral reading",
        "definition_text": " Separate but parallel reading tests have been developed in English and Spanish. In either language, the participant is asked to read and pronounce letters and words as accurately as possible. The test administrator scores them as right or wrong. For the youngest children, the initial items require them to identify letters (as opposed to symbols) and to identify a specific letter in an array of four symbols.",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_50eb3b2d1de11"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660592767,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-07T22:03:09",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-07T22:03:09",
        "last_updated": 1512660592767,
        "def_id": "def_50eb461d45e93",
        "name": "NIH Toolbox Oral Symbol Digit Test",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "In this test, a coding key with nine abstract symbols is presented – each paired with a number between 1 and 9. Participants are asked to orally indicate which numbers go with symbols that are presented in a long string on the computer screen. The participant is given 120 seconds to call out as many numbers that go with the corresponding symbols as he/she can – without skipping any. This test is administered to ages 8-85 and takes approximately three minutes. The Oral Symbol Digit Test is a measure of processing speed. It can be administered as an accommodation in place of the Pattern Comparison processing Speed Test for those with significant motor limitations in the upper extremities.",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_50eb461d446e1"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660592793,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-07T22:33:33",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-07T22:33:33",
        "last_updated": 1512660592793,
        "def_id": "def_50eb4d3d99625",
        "name": "NIH Toolbox 9-Hole Pegboard Dexterity Test",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "This simple test of manual dexterity records the time required for the participant to accurately place and remove nine plastic pegs into a plastic pegboard. The protocol includes one practice and one timed trial with each hand. Raw scores are recorded as time in seconds it takes the participant to complete the task with each hand (separate score for each).",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_50eb4d3d96ff8"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660592821,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-07T22:52:50",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-07T22:52:50",
        "last_updated": 1512660592821,
        "def_id": "def_50eb51c2ced59",
        "name": "NIH Toolbox Grip Strength Test",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "This protocol is adapted from the grip strength testing protocol of the American Society of Hand Therapy. Participants are seated in a chair with their feet touching the ground. With the elbow bent to 90 degrees and the arm against the trunk, wrist at neutral, participants squeeze the Jamar Plus Digital dynamometer as hard as they can for a count of three. The dynamometer provides a digital reading of force in pounds. A practice trial at less than full force and one test trial are completed with each hand.",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_50eb51c2cd9fe"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660592844,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-07T23:05:59",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-07T23:06:38",
        "last_updated": 1512660592844,
        "def_id": "def_50eb54fe8d602",
        "name": "NIH Toolbox Standing Balance Test",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "The Standing Balance Test is a measure developed to assess static standing balance. It involves the participant assuming and maintaining up to five poses for 50 seconds each. The sequence of poses is: eyes open on a solid surface, eyes closed on a solid surface, eyes open on a 18 foam surface, eyes closed on a foam surface, eyes open in tandem stance on a solid surface. Detailed stopping rules are in place to ensure participant safety with these progressively demanding poses. Postural sway is recorded for each pose using an accelerometer that the participant wears at waist level.",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_50eb54d78841b"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660592877,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-07T23:21:03",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-07T23:21:03",
        "last_updated": 1512660592877,
        "def_id": "def_50eb585f63815",
        "name": "NIH Toolbox 4-Meter Walk Gait Speed Test ",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "This test is adapted from the 4-meter walk test in the Short Physical Performance Battery.  Participants are asked to walk a short distance (four meters) at their usual pace. Participants complete one practice and then two timed trials. Raw scores are recorded as the time in seconds required to walk 4 meters on each of the two trials, with the better trial used for scoring. ",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_50eb585f62f24"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660592900,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-08T00:34:45",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-08T00:34:45",
        "last_updated": 1512660592900,
        "def_id": "def_50eb69a57c5e0",
        "name": "NIH Toolbox 2-Minute Walk Endurance Test",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "This test is adapted from the American Thoracic Society’s 6-Minute Walk Test Protocol. This test measures sub-maximal cardiovascular endurance by recording the distance that the participant is able to walk on a 50-foot (out and back) course in two minutes. The participant’s raw score is the distance in feet and inches walked in two minutes.",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_50eb69a57bc96"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660592922,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-14T02:58:57",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-14T02:58:57",
        "last_updated": 1512660592922,
        "def_id": "def_50f3747194e65",
        "name": "NIH Toolbox Hearing Threshold Test",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "This automated audiometric test measures hearing thresholds at six different frequencies, separately in the left and right ears. The frequencies presented are: .5, 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 kHz. On each trial, the participant’s task is to detect whether a pure tone was presented via headphones by answering yes (tone heard) or no (tone not heard). Catch trials are administered to detect false-alarm responses (cases where the participant says “yes” when no tone was presented).",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_50f374718a91c"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660592948,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-14T03:11:35",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-14T03:11:35",
        "last_updated": 1512660592948,
        "def_id": "def_50f37767e323f",
        "name": "NIH Toolbox Hearing Handicap Inventory",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "This is the screening version of the Hearing Handicap Inventory; different versions are presented for adults (ages 18-64) and the elderly (ages 65+). Both versions are 10-item self-report measures of hearing-related disability that have been widely used in hearing research. Each of the ten items has three response options. Each item has three response options, assigned point values of 0, 2 or 4, with higher scores indicative of more of a self-reported problem for each item. The score provided for the test is thus a total summed score, ranging from 0-40.",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_50f37767e2958"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660592982,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-14T03:21:42",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-14T03:21:42",
        "last_updated": 1512660592982,
        "def_id": "def_50f379c6ca78d",
        "name": "NIH Toolbox Taste Intensity Test",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "This test measures the perceived intensity of quinine (a bitter tastant) and salt administered in liquid solutions. The tastants are each applied to the tip of the tongue as well as swished around in the whole mouth and are rated on a generalized labeled magnitude scale (gLMS). The gLMS is a measure of perceived intensity, with seven anchor labels provided (Strongest imaginable, Very strong, Strong, Moderate, Weak, Barely detectable, No sensation). Participants can rate their intensity by clicking with a computer mouse on any point on the scale from Strongest imaginable to No sensation. The computer records the exact location of the response. A score from 0-100 on a semi-logarithmic scale is produced for each of the four items (quinine whole mouth, salt whole mouth, quinine tip of tongue, salt tip of tongue), corresponding to the point on the gLMS where the participant clicked. A higher score represents greater perceived intensity of the tastant. ",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_50f379c6c9ea9"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660593017,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-14T03:34:07",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-14T03:34:07",
        "last_updated": 1512660593017,
        "def_id": "def_50f37caf81e4d",
        "name": "NIH Toolbox Visual Acuity Test",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "This test directly measures participants’ visual acuity or distance vision. The participant is seated 12.5 feet away from a computer monitor at eye level, and letters (called “optotypes”) are displayed one at a time on the screen for the participant to identify, using both eyes at the same time, with the participant wearing his/her normal corrective lenses for distance vision (glasses or contact lenses), if worn. As the participant successfully identifies optotypes of a given size, smaller ones appear on the screen, until the computer program ascertains the smallest-size optotype the participant can successfully see. Conversely, the program displays larger optotypes if the participant cannot see the size that is first displayed, until a size that he/she can accurately see is found. For participants ages 3-7, only the letters H, O, T and V are used, and children may point to a laminated card showing the letters if they cannot verbalize or recall the letter names. For participants ages 8 and above, the entire set of optotypes is used, following a common protocol used in professional vision testing. This is the standard binocular visual acuity measure scored in LogMAR units.",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_50f37caf81432"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660593054,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-14T03:44:35",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-14T03:44:35",
        "last_updated": 1512660593054,
        "def_id": "def_50f37f231b154",
        "name": "NIH Toolbox Vision-Related Quality of Life Survey",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "This Toolbox Supplemental measure assesses an individual’s self-reported quality of life related to visual function in six different areas: color vision, distance vision, near vision, ocular symptoms, psycho-social and role performance. The participant responds to 53 questions, most of which start with, “How much,” “To what extent,” or “How much of a problem,” choosing from a list of answer options ranging from “Not difficult at all” to “Very difficult.”",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_50f37f231aa4c"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660593089,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-14T03:50:48",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-14T03:50:48",
        "last_updated": 1512660593089,
        "def_id": "def_50f3809895c3a",
        "name": "NIH Toolbox Dynamic Visual Acuity Test",
        "alias": "DVA",
        "definition_text": "This test is a measure of gaze stability during head movement, which helps identify individuals who may have a deficit of the vestibular system (which regulates internal balance). First, the NIH Toolbox Visual Acuity Test must be administered, followed by the DVA Test. Participants are again seated 12.5 feet from a computer monitor at eye level. For the DVA Test, participants wear lightweight headgear that contains a rate sensor and are asked to move the head back and forth, as if indicating “no.” Once the head is measured to be moving at greater than 180 degrees per second by the rate sensor, an optotype flashes on the monitor, and the participant is asked to identify it. As with the Visual Acuity Test, only the letters H, O, T and V are used for ages 3-7, while ages 8+ use the entire letter set. Smaller optotypes are displayed as the participant correctly identifies letters, and larger ones are displayed if the participant cannot correctly identify the letter shown, until the computer has calculated the smallest size that the participant can see with the head moving. This is calculated separately for head rotation leftward and rightward from center (though the participant continues shaking the head both ways), and this performance is compared to the participant’s visual acuity when the head was stationary (the NIH Toolbox Visual Acuity Test score, sometimes referred to as “static” visual acuity in the context of the DVA test). The difference between static and dynamic visual acuity represents the vestibular contribution to gaze stability. DVA scoring, as with visual acuity, is based in LogMAR units",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_50f38098952cb"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660593114,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-14T04:04:55",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-14T04:04:55",
        "last_updated": 1512660593114,
        "def_id": "def_50f383e76e554",
        "name": "NIH Toolbox Odor Identification Test",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "This task assesses a person’s ability to identify various odors. Participants use scratch-andsniff cards and after scratching them one at a time, are asked to identify which of four pictures on the computer screen matches the odor they have just smelled. Participants ages 10-85 are administered nine odor cards, while those ages 3-9 are administered five odor cards. Child participants (ages 3-9 years) are first asked to identify the eight pictures used as answer choices to ensure they can complete the task. Having identified the pictures, they are asked if they have tasted or smelled the objects or foods depicted.",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_50f383e76e03b"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660593151,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-14T04:12:24",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-14T04:12:24",
        "last_updated": 1512660593151,
        "def_id": "def_50f385a826ef0",
        "name": "NIH Toolbox Pain Intensity Survey",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "This measure consists of a single item measuring immediate (i.e., acute) pain in adults. It asks a participant to rate level of pain experienced “over the last seven days.” The single item is simply scored on a 0-10 scale, with 0 representing no pain, and 10 representing the “worst imaginable pain.”",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_50f385a8269ce"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660593176,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-14T04:14:28",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-14T04:14:28",
        "last_updated": 1512660593176,
        "def_id": "def_50f3862422964",
        "name": "NIH Toolbox Pain Interference Survey",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "This brief self-report scale measures the degree to which pain interferes with other activities in life in adults. Pain interference items were developed as part of the NIH PROMIS. Each item administered has a 5-point scale with options ranging from “not at all” to “very much” on questions about how much pain interferes with aspects of one’s life. The survey is scored using IRT methods.",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_50f3862422509"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660593199,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-14T08:04:22",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-14T08:04:22",
        "last_updated": 1512660593199,
        "def_id": "def_50f3bc06cf5f0",
        "name": "NIH Toolbox Positive Affect Survey",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "This self-report measure assesses both activated (i.e., happiness, joy) as well as unactivated (i.e., serenity, peace) aspects of positive affect. Affect is defined as "feelings that reflect a level of pleasurable engagement with the \r\nenvironment, such as happiness, joy, excitement, enthusiasm and contentment." Each item administered has a 5-point scale with options ranging from “not at all” to “very much.” Each survey is scored using IRT methods.",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_50f3bc06cae36"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660593226,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-14T08:21:23",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-14T08:21:23",
        "last_updated": 1512660593226,
        "def_id": "def_50f3c003330a3",
        "name": "NIH Toolbox General Life Satisfaction Survey",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "This self-report measure assesses global feelings and attitudes about one's life. A CAT is used for adults, a CAT version is used for ages 13-17, and a 5-item fixed-length form is used for ages 8-12, as well as for the parent-report version with ages 3-12. Items administered include those with both 5-point and 7-point scales, with options in each case ranging from “strongly disagree” to “strongly agree.” The self-report surveys are scored using IRT methods, whereas the parent-report version is scored as a raw sum.",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_50f3c003327c4"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660593251,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-15T16:21:58",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-15T16:21:58",
        "last_updated": 1512660593251,
        "def_id": "def_50f582262a35e",
        "name": "articulatory suppression task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A short-term memory task in which the subject must produce irrelevant speech while maintaining information in memory.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_50f5822624e53"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660593277,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-15T20:45:35",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-15T20:45:35",
        "last_updated": 1512660593277,
        "def_id": "def_50f5bfef610cd",
        "name": "NIH Toolbox Meaning and Purpose Survey",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "This is a self-report measure administered only to ages 18-85 as a CAT. In addition, a fixed-length self-report form is available for ages 18-85 as a supplemental measure. Items administered use a 5-point scale, with options ranging from “strongly disagree” to “strongly agree,” or from “not at all” to “very much.” The survey is scored using IRT methods.",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_50f5bfef58abb"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660593303,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-17T00:11:21",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-17T00:11:21",
        "last_updated": 1512660593303,
        "def_id": "def_50f741a965a23",
        "name": "Graded Naming Test",
        "alias": "(GNT)",
        "definition_text": "The Graded Naming Test, developed by Professor Elizabeth Warrington and Dr Pat McKenna in 1980 , has been used extensively in cognitive neuropsychology. The Graded Naming Test (GNT) avoids the problem of ceiling effects in previous naming tests by having subjects name drawings of objects in ascending difficulty. Reduced efficiency in retrieving the name of an object can be the first and only indication of impaired language functioning. This test assesses object-naming ability, but is in addition graded in difficulty to allow for individual differences. This means that it may be able to detect any word-finding difficulty even in those with an extensive naming vocabulary. Currently available in UK English only (this test is culturally biased and there are no alternative versions at present).",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_50f741a965470"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660593328,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-17T19:06:37",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-17T19:06:37",
        "last_updated": 1512660593328,
        "def_id": "def_50f84bbdd037b",
        "name": "One Touch Stockings of Cambridge",
        "alias": "(OTS)",
        "definition_text": "One Touch Stockings of Cambridge is a spatial planning task which gives a measure of frontal lobe function. OTS is a variant of the Stockings of Cambridge task and places greater demands on working memory as the participant has to visualise the solution. As for SOC (Stockings of Cambridge), the participant is shown two displays containing three coloured balls. The displays are presented in such a way that they can easily be perceived as stacks of coloured balls held in stockings or socks suspended from a beam. This arrangement makes the 3-D concepts involved apparent to the participant, and fits with the verbal instructions.\r\n\r\nThere is a row of numbered boxes along the bottom of the screen. The test administrator first demonstrates to the participant how to use the balls in the lower display to copy the pattern in the upper display, and completes one demonstration problem, where the solution requires one move. The participant must then complete three further problems, one each of 2 moves, 3 moves and 4 moves.\r\n\r\nNext the participant is shown further problems, and must work out in their head how many moves the solutions to these problems require, then touch the appropriate box at the bottom of the screen to indicate their response.",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_50f84bbdcfa4e"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660593353,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-17T19:18:34",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-17T19:18:34",
        "last_updated": 1512660593353,
        "def_id": "def_50f84e8ab82b3",
        "name": "Reaction Time",
        "alias": "(RTI)",
        "definition_text": "Reaction Time (RTI) is a latency task with a comparative history (the five choice task) and uses a procedure to separate response latency from movement time. It is more useful than CRT or SRT where it is necessary to control for tremor. The task is divided into five stages, which require increasingly complex chains of responses. In each case, the participant must react as soon as a yellow dot appears. In some stages the dot may appear in one of five locations, and the participant must sometimes respond by using the press-pad, sometimes by touching the screen, and sometimes both.",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_50f84e8ab7af8"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660593385,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-17T19:30:42",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-17T19:30:42",
        "last_updated": 1512660593385,
        "def_id": "def_50f8516279c0c",
        "name": "Rapid Visual Information Processing",
        "alias": "(RVP)",
        "definition_text": "Rapid Visual Information Processing (RVP) is a test of sustained attention (similar to the Continuous Performance Task) and has proved useful in many studies in which drugs are used to help develop a disease model.. It is sensitive to dysfunction in the parietal and frontal lobe areas of the brain and is also a sensitive measure of general performance. A white box appears in the centre of the computer screen, inside which digits, from 2 to 9, appear in a pseudo-random order, at the rate of 100 digits per minute. Participants are requested to detect target sequences of digits (for example, 2-4-6, 3-5-7, 4-6-8) and to register responses using the press pad.",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_50f8516279419"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660593413,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-17T19:36:32",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-05-04T18:43:12",
        "last_updated": 1512660593413,
        "def_id": "def_5547bdbf990c6",
        "name": "match to sample visual search",
        "alias": "(MTS)",
        "definition_text": "Match to Sample Visual Search (MTS) is a matching test, with a speed/accuracy trade-off. It is a simultaneous visual search task with response latency dissociated from movement time. Efficient performance on this task requires the ability to search among the targets and ignore the distractor patterns which have elements in common with the target. This test can help to differentiate between Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease, and also between Lewy Body dementia and Alzheimer's disease. The participant is shown a complex visual pattern (the sample) in the middle of the screen, and then, after a brief delay, a varying number of similar patterns is shown in a circle of boxes around the edge of the screen. Only one of these boxes matches the pattern in the centre of the screen, and the participant must indicate which it is by touching it. Reaction time is measured on the basis of the release of the press-pad, which allows for its more accurate measurement.",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_50f852c084fde"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660593440,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-18T18:32:12",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-18T18:32:12",
        "last_updated": 1512660593440,
        "def_id": "def_50f9952c2b296",
        "name": "Penn Conditional Exclusion Test",
        "alias": "(PCET)",
        "definition_text": "A measure of abstraction and concept formation by hypothesis testing, where the principle shifts after its discovery is established.. Subjects decide which of 4 objects does not belong with the other 3 based on one of three sorting principles (e.g., shape, size, line thickness). Sorting principles change after 10 successive correct responses, and feedback is used to guide discovery of the principle and indicate its change. There are 4 alternate forms available. An accuracy score is calculated by multiplying the proportion of correct responses by the number of categories attained (out of 3 possible).",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_50f9952c2311a"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660593464,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-18T18:47:56",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-18T18:48:20",
        "last_updated": 1512660593464,
        "def_id": "def_50f998f4675fe",
        "name": "Penn Word Memory Test",
        "alias": "(PWMT)",
        "definition_text": "The Penn Word Memory Test presents 20 target words that are then mixed with 20 distractors equated for frequency, length, concreteness and low imageability. The participant’s score reflects the number of correctly recognized targets and correctly rejected foils. Median response times for correct responses serves as a measure of speed. A 20 min delayed recall procedure is also administered.",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_50f998dcbfcc8"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660593490,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-18T19:11:18",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-08-24T16:11:00",
        "last_updated": 1512660593490,
        "def_id": "def_5218db147b6a9",
        "name": "Penn Face Memory Test",
        "alias": "(PFMT)",
        "definition_text": "presents 20 digitized faces that are then mixed with 20 distractors equated for age, gender and ethnicity. The participant’s score reflects the number of correctly recognized targets and correctly rejected foils, and median response times for correct responses serves as a measure of speed. The procedure is repeated at 20 min delay. ",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_50f99e56117fe"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660593514,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-18T23:29:53",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-18T23:29:53",
        "last_updated": 1512660593514,
        "def_id": "def_50f9daf1c6e05",
        "name": "Visual Object Learning Test ",
        "alias": "(VOLT)",
        "definition_text": "uses Euclidean shapes as stimuli with the same paradigm as the CNB word and face tests. The participant’s score reflects the number of correctly recognized targets and correctly rejected foils, and again median response times for correct responses serves as a measure of speed. The procedure is repeated at 20 min delay. Two forms are available for each test.",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_50f9daf1c3834"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660593538,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-28T21:17:22",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-28T21:17:22",
        "last_updated": 1512660593538,
        "def_id": "def_5106eae2c617f",
        "name": "WAIS-Information",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "The examinee 29 answers questions that address a broad range of general knowledge topics. This subtest measures the ability to acquire, retain, and retrieve general factual information. ",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_5106eae236c21"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660593577,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-28T21:34:33",
        "def_id_user": "usr_58e556654fea9",
        "def_event_stamp": "2017-04-05T20:44:13",
        "last_updated": 1512660593577,
        "def_id": "def_58e5571cacd39",
        "name": "WAIS Digit Span",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "For Digit Span Forward, the examinee is read a sequence of numbers and recalls the numbers in the same order. For Digit Span Backward, the examinee is read a sequence of numbers and recalls the numbers in reverse order. For Digit Span Sequencing, the examinee is read a sequence of numbers and recalls the numbers in ascending order. This subtest measures working memory, mental manipulation, cognitive flexibility, rote memory and learning, attention, and encoding. ",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_5106eee90937a"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660593604,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-28T21:45:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-28T21:45:20",
        "last_updated": 1512660593604,
        "def_id": "def_5106f170261f8",
        "name": "WAIS Vocabulary",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "For picture items, the examinee names the object presented visually. For verbal items, the examinee defines words that are presented visually and orally. This subtest measures word knowledge and verbal concept formation. 35 words are defined in this measure of expressive word knowledge. It correlates very highly with Full Scale IQ.",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_5106f17025386"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660593628,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-28T21:59:59",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-28T21:59:59",
        "last_updated": 1512660593628,
        "def_id": "def_5106f4dfe81fd",
        "name": "WAIS Arithmetic",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Working within a specified time limit, the examinee mentally solves a series of 14  arithmetic story type problems. This subtest measures mental manipulation, concentration, attention, short- and long-term memory, numerical reasoning ability, and mental alertness. Tests distractibility as well as numerical reasoning.",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_5106f4dfe08b1"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660593654,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-28T22:13:57",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-28T22:13:57",
        "last_updated": 1512660593654,
        "def_id": "def_5106f82532e3c",
        "name": "WAIS Comprehension",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "The examinee answers questions based on his or her understanding of general principles and social situations. This subtest measures verbal reasoning and conceptualization, verbal comprehension and expression, the ability to evaluate and use past experience, and the ability to demonstrate practical knowledge and judgment.",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_5106f82530aff"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660593678,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-28T23:04:09",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-28T23:04:09",
        "last_updated": 1512660593678,
        "def_id": "def_510703e93a047",
        "name": "WAIS Similarities",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "The examinee is presented two words that represent common objects or concepts, and asked to describe how two seemingly dissimilar items might in fact be similar. This subtest measures verbal concept formation and reasoning.",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_510703e93367e"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660593704,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-28T23:14:58",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-28T23:14:58",
        "last_updated": 1512660593704,
        "def_id": "def_510706725b1c9",
        "name": "WAIS Picture Completion",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Working within a specified time limit, the examinee views a picture with an important part missing and identifies the missing part. This subtest measures visual perception and organization, concentration, and visual recognition of essential details of objects.",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_5107067241007"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660593730,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-28T23:34:00",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-28T23:34:00",
        "last_updated": 1512660593730,
        "def_id": "def_51070ae88a804",
        "name": "WAIS Picture Arrangement",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "The subject is given 10 small pictures and asked to arrange them in a logical sequence.",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_51070ae889d95"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660593752,
        "event_stamp": "2013-01-29T01:03:04",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-01-29T01:03:04",
        "last_updated": 1512660593752,
        "def_id": "def_51071fc880842",
        "name": "WAIS Object Assembly",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "The subject is given 4 puzzles (like jigsaw puzzles) and must put together the pieces to form the intended shape. ",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_51071fc87a61f"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660593776,
        "event_stamp": "2013-02-27T21:09:53",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-02-27T22:46:56",
        "last_updated": 1512660593776,
        "def_id": "def_512e8cdff32e4",
        "name": "criteria task",
        "alias": "criteria, criteria task",
        "definition_text": "A decision making task designed to test how individuals can use different criteria to classify perceptual stimuli.  In the criteria with line stimuli version of the task, participants are asked to decide if lines are "big" or "small" compared to a criterion line that can differ in size.  At the beginning of each block of trials, they are shown which criterion line to use for their decisions.  In the criteria with dot stimuli version of the task, participants are asked to decide if a matrix of dots is "big" or "small" compared to a matrix of dots that can differ in size. At the beginning of each block of trials, they are shown which criterion matrix of dots to use for their decisions.  \r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_512e7621189ad"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660593799,
        "event_stamp": "2013-05-02T05:23:47",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-05-02T05:23:47",
        "last_updated": 1512660593799,
        "def_id": "def_5181f863d49a4",
        "name": "stop signal task with pseudo word naming",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A task in which an external stimulus signals the participant to interrupt an already-initiated motor response.",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_5181f863d24f4"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660593823,
        "event_stamp": "2013-03-28T18:48:12",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-03-28T18:53:57",
        "last_updated": 1512660593823,
        "def_id": "def_515491c4dcc60",
        "name": "Change Detection Task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "The subject is presented with an array, then after a short delay, presented with a second array. In the no-change condition, the second array is identical to the first. In the change condition, the second array differs by a single item. Subjects must identify whether a change has occurred or not, and if so, are often asked to point out the change. Other versions target different sensory abilities, such as auditory change detection or face change detection.",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_5154906cbead5"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660593850,
        "event_stamp": "2013-03-28T19:10:47",
        "def_id_user": "usr_595048b29ebdf",
        "def_event_stamp": "2017-09-26T12:13:20",
        "last_updated": 1512660593850,
        "def_id": "def_59ca4460187ee",
        "name": "AX-DPX",
        "alias": "Dot Pattern Expectancy,Dot Probe Expectancy",
        "definition_text": "An alternative version of the AX-CPT in which the letter stimuli are replaced with simple dot patterns derived from Braille language. Dot patterns are more easily parametrically manipulated, and require less time between stimuli presentations because they are not as easily stored in working memory as letters, thus increasing the proportion of errors.",
        "id_user": "usr_4de5345b3b6a8",
        "id": "trm_515495b718cd6"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660593881,
        "event_stamp": "2016-05-13T17:05:33",
        "def_id_user": "usr_5550e439ddade",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-05-13T19:01:05",
        "last_updated": 1512660593881,
        "def_id": "def_57362471e7e66",
        "name": "delayed intention task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects are presented with a cue indicating which of several tasks to perform. After a delay phase, they see a task screen and perform the task. Typically, brain activity related to the tasks is analyzed during the delay period.",
        "id_user": "usr_5550e439ddade",
        "id": "trm_5736095d91380"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660593913,
        "event_stamp": "2013-04-23T18:13:00",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-04-23T18:13:00",
        "last_updated": 1512660593913,
        "def_id": "def_5176cf2c1a318",
        "name": "mirror reading task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A task in which subjects are presented with mirror-reversed written stimuli and asked to process them in some way.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_5176cf2c19e89"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660593941,
        "event_stamp": "2013-04-23T18:14:53",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-04-23T18:15:59",
        "last_updated": 1512660593941,
        "def_id": "def_5176cfdf57219",
        "name": "living/nonliving judgment on mirror-reversed and plain-text words",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects are presented with words in either plain text or mirror-reversed format, and are asked to judge whether the stimulus refers to a living or nonliving object.  Items are presented in a mixed fashion and separated by whether each stimulus is a switch in presentation form from the previous trial.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_5176cf9d3d512"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660593964,
        "event_stamp": "2013-05-02T05:36:59",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-05-02T05:37:44",
        "last_updated": 1512660593964,
        "def_id": "def_5181fba889cdd",
        "name": "reversal weather prediction",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "is a feedback driven classification learning task in which a subject is presented with a stimuli (ex-geometric shapes) and has to classify them into one of two categories (ex-rainy or sunny weather), and then receives feedback on if the response was correct or incorrect.  This may or may not be presented with other stimuli (ex-tones of different frequencies), but the goal of the task is to only pay attention the the classification task at hand.  This is the same task as the weather prediction task but with the reward contingencies reversed\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_4cf5de07654c8",
        "id": "trm_5181fb7bf350b"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660593994,
        "event_stamp": "2013-05-29T17:16:15",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51994f6a9b9d2",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-05-29T17:16:16",
        "last_updated": 1512660593994,
        "def_id": "def_51a637e044d24",
        "name": "McGurk effect",
        "alias": "McGurk-MacDonald effect",
        "definition_text": "An auditory illusion discovered by H. McGurk and J. MacDonald, demonstrating the contribution made by visible face movements to normal speech perception",
        "id_user": "usr_51994f6a9b9d2",
        "id": "trm_51a637dfeffd5"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660594021,
        "event_stamp": "2013-06-21T13:24:06",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51c4514d84e36",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-06-21T15:15:09",
        "last_updated": 1512660594021,
        "def_id": "def_51c46dfd489e1",
        "name": "psychological refractory period (PRP) paradigm",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "In this task, participants are required to select responses for two stimuli. The intervals between the two stimuli vary, but are  usually so brief that the second stimulus often appears before the response to the first one is finished.",
        "id_user": "usr_51c4514d84e36",
        "id": "trm_51c453f64d2a6"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660594060,
        "event_stamp": "2013-07-05T17:11:27",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-28T17:17:05",
        "last_updated": 1512660594060,
        "def_id": "def_553fc091120b5",
        "name": "autism spectrum quotient",
        "alias": "AQ",
        "definition_text": "The Autism Spectrum Quotient (AQ) is used to assess if adults of average intelligent have symptoms typical of individuals in the autism spectrum.  Published by Simon Baron-Cohen at the Autism Research Centre in Cambridge in 2001, it consists of fifty questions to assess social and communication skills, as well as imagination, attention to detail, and attention switching.\r\n\r\nSubscales: social skill (items 1,11,13,15,22,36,44,45,47,48)\r\nattention switching (items 2,4,10,16,25,32,34,37,43,46) \r\nattention to detail (items 5,6,9,12,19,23,28,29,30,49) \r\ncommunication (items 7,17,18,26,27,31,33,35,38,39) \r\nimagination (items 3,8,14,20,21,24,40,41,42,50) \r\n\r\nEach of the items listed above scores 1 point if the respondent records the abnormal or autistic-like behavior either mildly or strongly.\r\n“Definitely agree” or “slightly agree” responses scored 1 point, on the following items: 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 33, 35, 39, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46. \r\n“Definitely disagree” or “slightly disagree” responses scored 1 point, on the following items: 3, 8, 10, 11, 14, 15, 17, 24, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 36, 37, 38, 40, 44, 47, 48, 49, 50.\r\n\r\nBaron-Cohen, S., et al. (2001). "The Autism-Spectrum Quotient (AQ): Evidence from Asperger Syndrome/High-Functioning Autism, Malesand Females, Scientists and Mathematicians." Journal of Autism & Developmental Disorders 31(1): 5-17.",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_51d6fe3f3942f"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660594091,
        "event_stamp": "2013-08-10T22:30:29",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-08-10T22:30:29",
        "last_updated": 1512660594091,
        "def_id": "def_5206bf05606b3",
        "name": "Piaget's Water Jar Task",
        "alias": "water jug task, water jug problem",
        "definition_text": "This task tests whether children understand the principle of conservation, or the idea that two objects are still equivalent after a transformation of one of them.  Specifically, the "Water Jar Task" tests if children have attained "conservation of liquid quantity." The child is asked to assess if the same amount of water in different glasses is in fact equal.  ",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_5206bf053acf4"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660594127,
        "event_stamp": "2013-08-12T15:25:27",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-08-12T15:25:27",
        "last_updated": 1512660594127,
        "def_id": "def_5208fe67cebac",
        "name": "Social Responsiveness Scale",
        "alias": "SRS, SRS-2",
        "definition_text": "The social responsiveness scale (SRS) is a 65 item rating scale used to assess social awareness, social information processing, capacity for reciprocal social communication, social anxiety/avoidance, and autistic preoccupations and traits.  The original SRS is completed by a parent or teacher for children from 4 to 18 years of age. The second version of the SRS is extended to 2.5 years into adulthood, validated on a larger sample, and allowing for self-report.\r\n\r\nSubscales Include:\r\n1. Social Awareness\r\n2. Social Cognition\r\n3. Social Communication\r\n4. Social Motivation\r\n5. Restricted Interests and Repetitive Behavior\r\n\r\nAdditionally, the Total Score reflects overall severity of social deficits.",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_5208fe678c652"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660594161,
        "event_stamp": "2013-08-22T21:08:03",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-08-22T21:23:09",
        "last_updated": 1512660594161,
        "def_id": "def_5216813d5c48a",
        "name": "Children's Memory Scale",
        "alias": "CMS",
        "definition_text": "The Children's Memory Scale (CMS) assesses attention, declarative memory, and learning for children from 5 to 16 years of age, specifically with subscales that reflect 1) Attention/Concentration, 2) Verbal Immediate, 3) Verbal Delayed, 4) Delayed Recognition, 5) Visual Immediate, 6) Visual Delayed, 7) Learning, and 8) General Memory.\r\n\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_52167db323438"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660594194,
        "event_stamp": "2013-08-22T21:47:47",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-10-24T15:38:14",
        "last_updated": 1512660594194,
        "def_id": "def_52693ee5f32e6",
        "name": "Social Communication Questionnaire",
        "alias": "SCQ, Autism Screening Questionnaire, ASQ",
        "definition_text": "The Social Communication Questionnaire consists of 40 yes/no questions (answered by parents) to screen for autism spectrum disorders in children four years of age and older.  Specifically, the questions ask about social functioning and communication skills.  Two forms of the SCQ include the Lifetime and Current, which assesst behaviors for each of those periods. \r\n\r\nTheoretically derived subscales include 1) Reciprocal Social Interaction subscale, 2) Communication subscale, and 3) Restricted, Repetitive, and Stereotyped Patterns of Behavior subscale, although they have not been formally validated.\r\n\r\nQuestions 20 through 40 (Lifetime) focus on behaviors occurring between the ages of 4 and 5.\r\nTotal scores can range from 0 to 39\r\nThe first question is a language screening item that is not included in the final score.\r\nTotal SCQ raw score of ≥ 15 is highly suggestive of ASD",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_521687032f822"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660594223,
        "event_stamp": "2013-09-20T16:38:34",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-28T17:14:54",
        "last_updated": 1512660594223,
        "def_id": "def_553fc00e503fb",
        "name": "aberrant behavior checklist - community",
        "alias": "ABC, ABC-C",
        "definition_text": "The Aberrant Behavior Checklist- Community version (ABC-C) is a symptom checklist for assessing problem behaviors of children and adults with mental retardation, to be completed by a parent, educator, or care-giver.  The community version is specifically for individuals living at home. \r\n\r\nThe rater is asked to provide ratings for 58 specific symptoms to compute scores for the following subscales:\r\n\r\n  1. Irritability/Agitation\r\n​  2. Lethargy/Social Withdrawal\r\n  3. Stereotypic Behavior\r\n  4. Hyperactivity/Noncompliance\r\n  5. Inappropriate Speech\r\n\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_523c7a0a73cf5"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660594248,
        "event_stamp": "2013-09-20T19:48:11",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-28T17:15:55",
        "last_updated": 1512660594248,
        "def_id": "def_553fc04b670e2",
        "name": "adult behavior checklist",
        "alias": "ABC, ABCL",
        "definition_text": "The Adult Behavior Checklist is a 126 item measure that assesses withdrawn, somatic, anxious/depressed, internalizing, intrusive, thought, attention, delinquent behavior, aggressive, and externalizing problems.",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_523ca67b786d5"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660594271,
        "event_stamp": "2013-09-21T19:40:06",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-28T17:15:33",
        "last_updated": 1512660594271,
        "def_id": "def_553fc0356fc78",
        "name": "adolescent symptom inventory",
        "alias": "ASI, ASI-4",
        "definition_text": "The Adolescent Symptom Inventory (4th version) is a 120 question rating scale that screens for 18 DSM-IV emotional and behavioral disorders in youths between 12 and 18 years old.  These scores have shown a high correspondence with psychiatric diagnoses.",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_523df616da8a6"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660594294,
        "event_stamp": "2013-09-21T20:11:07",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-28T17:21:32",
        "last_updated": 1512660594294,
        "def_id": "def_553fc19c0155a",
        "name": "broad autism phenotype questionnaire",
        "alias": "BAP",
        "definition_text": "The Broad Autism Phenotype Questionnaire (BAPQ) is designed to measure the BAP (the Broad Autism Phenotype, a set of personality and language characteristics that reflect the phenotypic expression of the genetic liability to autism) in adults.  The subscales include: aloof personality, rigid personality, and pragmatic language.\r\n\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_523dfd5b7a9f1"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660594317,
        "event_stamp": "2013-09-21T21:34:02",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-28T17:18:09",
        "last_updated": 1512660594317,
        "def_id": "def_553fc0d112bd3",
        "name": "battelle developmental inventory",
        "alias": "BDI",
        "definition_text": "The Battelle Developmental Inventory (BDI) is an assessment for children (newborn to 7 years 11 months) that assesses early childhood developmental milestones in the domains of personal-social, adaptive, motor, communication, and cognitive ability.",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_523e10cad0ce6"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660594346,
        "event_stamp": "2013-09-22T20:53:45",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-28T17:18:45",
        "last_updated": 1512660594346,
        "def_id": "def_553fc0f4ecb8b",
        "name": "beery-buktenica developmental test of visual-motor integration",
        "alias": "Beery VMI",
        "definition_text": "The Beery VMI is a screener for visual-motor deficits that can lead to learning, neuropsychological, and behavior problems, available in both a child and adult form.  It also helps to assess the extent to which individuals can integrate their visual and motor abilities.\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_523f58d91f2c0"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660594384,
        "event_stamp": "2013-09-22T21:07:35",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-28T17:19:35",
        "last_updated": 1512660594384,
        "def_id": "def_553fc1271039c",
        "name": "big five questionnaire",
        "alias": "BFQ",
        "definition_text": "The BFQ is a self-report measure for assessing the big five personality dimensions of energy/extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional instability, and intellect/openness in youths.\r\n\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_523f5c17d7edb"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660594410,
        "event_stamp": "2013-09-23T14:52:28",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-28T17:21:45",
        "last_updated": 1512660594410,
        "def_id": "def_553fc1a9844d1",
        "name": "broader phenotype autism symptom scale",
        "alias": "BPASS",
        "definition_text": "The Broader Phenotype Autism Symptom Scale (BPASS) measures traits that have likely effects on autism susceptibility genes, including social motivation, social expressiveness, conversational skills, and flexibility. \r\n\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_524055ac4fecf"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660594440,
        "event_stamp": "2013-09-23T15:17:03",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-28T17:21:04",
        "last_updated": 1512660594440,
        "def_id": "def_553fc180a39f5",
        "name": "brief symptom inventory",
        "alias": "BSI",
        "definition_text": "The Brief Symptom Inventory (BSI) is a brief psychological self-report assessment intended to help measure psychological distress and psychiatric disorders in medical and community populations.  It is a shorter version of the SCL-90-R.\r\n\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_52405b6f7ebe9"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660594469,
        "event_stamp": "2013-10-01T22:18:40",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-10-01T22:18:40",
        "last_updated": 1512660594469,
        "def_id": "def_524b4a406b9f8",
        "name": "Child Behavior Checklist",
        "alias": "CBCL",
        "definition_text": "The Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) obtains reports from parents, relatives, and/or guardians about competencies and behavioral or emotional problems relating to social relations and school performance.  This metric is intended for ages 6 through 18, and measures anxiety, depression, somatic complaints, social problems, thought and attention problems, and rule-breaking and aggressive behavior.",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_524b4a402c87e"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660594516,
        "event_stamp": "2013-10-01T23:09:51",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-10-01T23:09:51",
        "last_updated": 1512660594516,
        "def_id": "def_524b563fdb938",
        "name": "Conners Comprehensive Behavior Rating Scales",
        "alias": "CBRS",
        "definition_text": "The Conners Comprehensive Behavior Rating Scale(s) is an instrument designed to provide a complete overview of child and adolescent behaviors, emotions, academic, and social problems.  These scales include the DSM-IV symptom scales.\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_524b563fb87c8"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660594556,
        "event_stamp": "2013-10-09T21:24:43",
        "def_id_user": "usr_595048b29ebdf",
        "def_event_stamp": "2017-08-30T15:45:54",
        "last_updated": 1512660594556,
        "def_id": "def_59a6ddb295f5b",
        "name": "Children's Communication Checklist",
        "alias": "CCC",
        "definition_text": "The Children’s Communication Checklist is a 70 item questionnaire that assesses children's speech, vocabulary, sentence structure, and social language skills, to be filled out by an adult or caregiver.  language and pragmatics.",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_5255c99be1e53"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660594588,
        "event_stamp": "2013-10-11T17:25:02",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-10-11T17:25:02",
        "last_updated": 1512660594588,
        "def_id": "def_5258346eb2fe6",
        "name": "Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale",
        "alias": "CES-D",
        "definition_text": "The CES-D scale is a short self-report scale designed to measure depressive symptomatology in the general population, and is composed of items from longer scales that have been previously validated.",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_5258346e72223"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660594632,
        "event_stamp": "2013-10-14T19:48:08",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-10-14T19:48:08",
        "last_updated": 1512660594632,
        "def_id": "def_525c4a7849544",
        "name": "Social Competence Questionnaire",
        "alias": "ComQ",
        "definition_text": "A questionnaire to assess social competence in children.",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_525c4a78089ad"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660594710,
        "event_stamp": "2013-10-14T19:57:45",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-10-14T19:57:45",
        "last_updated": 1512660594710,
        "def_id": "def_525c4cb959713",
        "name": "Conners 3rd Edition",
        "alias": "Conners 3",
        "definition_text": "The Conners 3 is an extended version of the Conners' Rating Scales-Revised that, in addition to the original metrics, assesses comorbid disorders such as Oppositional Defiant Disorder, and Conduct Disorder.  Specifically, it addresses:\r\n\r\nGeneral Psychopathology\r\nInattention\r\nHyperactivity/Impulsivity\r\nLearning Problems\r\nExecutive Functioning\r\nAggression\r\nPeer Relations\r\nFamily Relations\r\nADHD Inattentive\r\nADHD Hyperactive-Impulsive\r\nADHD Combined\r\nOppositional Defiant Disorder\r\nConduct Disorder",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_525c4cb94bfff"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660594745,
        "event_stamp": "2013-10-14T20:39:04",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-10-14T20:39:04",
        "last_updated": 1512660594745,
        "def_id": "def_525c56682512a",
        "name": "Children's Psychiatric Rating Scale",
        "alias": "CPRS",
        "definition_text": "The Children's Psychiatric Rating Scale (CPRS) is a multidimensional rating scale of childhood psychopathology.  It is not diagnostic, but rather a broad-ranging rating scale of symptoms and behaviors which may contribute to diagnosis. In addition, the scoring system enables the rating of severity of symptoms and presentation. Since the scale measures the presence or absence of symptoms over a particular period of time, it is a useful instrument of treatment efficacy and has regularly been the instrument of choice employed in clinical trials.\r\n\r\nFor more information, see",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_525c56680c13c"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660594773,
        "event_stamp": "2013-10-15T18:07:58",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-28T17:16:40",
        "last_updated": 1512660594773,
        "def_id": "def_553fc078d4371",
        "name": "autism diagnostic interview - revised",
        "alias": "ADI-R",
        "definition_text": "the ADI-R is a comprehensive interview that provides a thorough assessment of individuals suspected of having autism or other autism spectrum disorders. It has proven highly useful for formal diagnosis as well as treatment and educational planning.",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_525d847e2bd0b"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660594800,
        "event_stamp": "2013-10-17T18:09:13",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-10-17T18:09:13",
        "last_updated": 1512660594800,
        "def_id": "def_526027c9ccbec",
        "name": "Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing",
        "alias": "CTOPP",
        "definition_text": "The CTOPP-2 can be used to help evaluate phonological processing abilities as a prerequisite to reading fluency. The revised version of this popular assessment is now appropriate for use with children as young as 4 years old. \r\n\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_526027c99b726"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660594829,
        "event_stamp": "2013-10-17T18:27:32",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-10-17T18:27:32",
        "last_updated": 1512660594829,
        "def_id": "def_52602c143f138",
        "name": "Children's Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale",
        "alias": "CY-BOCS",
        "definition_text": "a widely used measure of obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) symptom severity in youth.",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_52602c143d3a9"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660594854,
        "event_stamp": "2013-10-17T18:36:30",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-10-17T18:36:30",
        "last_updated": 1512660594854,
        "def_id": "def_52602e2e0e9b3",
        "name": "Expressive Vocabulary Test",
        "alias": "EVT",
        "definition_text": "The Expressive Vocabulary Test assesses receptive and expressive vocabulary, and word retrieval.",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_52602e2e0c43b"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660594881,
        "event_stamp": "2013-10-19T18:03:54",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-10-19T18:03:54",
        "last_updated": 1512660594881,
        "def_id": "def_5262c98a32751",
        "name": "Expressive One Word-Picture Vocabulary Test",
        "alias": "EOWPVT",
        "definition_text": "The Expressive One Word-Picture Vocabulary Test assesses English speaking vocabulary and verbal intelligence for individuals age 2 to 95 years.\r\n\r\n,272879&_dad=portal&_schema=PORTAL\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_5262c98a09546"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660594904,
        "event_stamp": "2013-10-19T18:11:09",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-10-19T18:11:09",
        "last_updated": 1512660594904,
        "def_id": "def_5262cb3d8a88f",
        "name": "Leiter International Performance Scale",
        "alias": "Leiter",
        "definition_text": "The Leiter International Performance Scale is an intelligence test for children ages 2 to 18 in the form of a strict performance scale.  The test purports to "provide a nonverbal measure of general intelligence by sampling a wide variety of functions from memory to nonverbal reasoning."  Because of the exclusion of language, it claims to be more accurate than other tests when testing children who cannot or will not provide a verbal response, including children who are non native speaking, or have autism, traumatic brain injury, speech impairment, and hearing problems.\r\n\r\nScales and subscales include: \r\n\r\nReasoning:\r\n\r\nClassification\r\nSequential order\r\nRepeated patterns\r\nDesign analogies\r\n\r\nVisualization:\r\n\r\nMatching\r\nFigure-ground\r\nPaper folding\r\nFigure rotation\r\nPicture context\r\nForm completion\r\n\r\nMemory:\r\n\r\nMemory span (Forward)\r\nMemory span (Backward)\r\nImmediate recognition\r\nDelayed recognition\r\nAssociative memory\r\nAssociative delayed memory\r\nSpatial memory\r\nVisual coding\r\n\r\nAttention:\r\nAttention sustained (marking one kind of figures printed on a page with several different figures)\r\nAttention divided (observing a display and simultaneously sorting cards correctly)\r\n\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_5262cb3d852c0"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660594931,
        "event_stamp": "2013-10-19T19:00:39",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-10-19T19:00:39",
        "last_updated": 1512660594931,
        "def_id": "def_5262d6d7c4bba",
        "name": "Mullen Scales of Early Learning",
        "alias": "Mullen",
        "definition_text": "The Mullen Scales of Early Learning encompass five scales used to assess cognitive and motor ability and development.  Specifically, including Gross Motor, Visual Reception, Fine Motor, Expressive Language, and Receptive Language.",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_5262d6d7b2097"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660594961,
        "event_stamp": "2013-10-19T19:09:55",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-10-19T19:09:55",
        "last_updated": 1512660594961,
        "def_id": "def_5262d903b039e",
        "name": "PDD Behavior Inventory",
        "alias": "PDDBI",
        "definition_text": "The Pervasive Developmental Disorder Behavioral Inventory assess responsiveness to intervention in children with a pervasive developmental disorder.  The extended form assesses two categories, each including a set of subscales:\r\n\r\nApproach/Withdrawal Problems:\r\n\r\nSensory/Perceptual Approach\r\nRitualisms/Resistance to Change\r\nSocial Pragmatic Problems\r\nSemantic Pragmatic Problems\r\nArousal Regulation Problems (extended form)\r\nSpecific Fears (extended form)\r\nAggressiveness (extended form)\r\n\r\nReceptive/Expressive Social Communication Abilities:\r\n\r\nSocial Approach Behaviors\r\nExpressive Language\r\nLearning, Memory, and Receptive Language (extended form)",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_5262d903ae91d"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660594993,
        "event_stamp": "2013-10-22T17:56:52",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-10-22T17:56:52",
        "last_updated": 1512660594993,
        "def_id": "def_5266bc649dc6c",
        "name": "Preschool Language Scale",
        "alias": "PLS",
        "definition_text": "The Preschool Language Scale (PLS) provides a comprehensive assessment of language development, specifically it measures total language, auditory comprehension, and expressive communication. ",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_5266bc6473fd8"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660595019,
        "event_stamp": "2013-10-22T18:06:54",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-10-22T18:06:54",
        "last_updated": 1512660595019,
        "def_id": "def_5266bebe2182a",
        "name": "Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test",
        "alias": "PPVT",
        "definition_text": "The Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT) is a vocabulary assessment to assess receptive and expressive vocabulary performance.",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_5266bebe14d2e"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660595049,
        "event_stamp": "2013-10-24T15:59:31",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-10-24T15:59:31",
        "last_updated": 1512660595049,
        "def_id": "def_526943e3e2fef",
        "name": "Sensory Profile",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "The Sensory Profile is a test to assess sensory processing for a wide range of age groups.  Domains (and subscles within domains) include:\r\n\r\n1) Sensory processing domain: auditory processing, visual processing, vestibular processing, touch processing, and multi-sensory processing, oral processing.\r\n\r\n2) Modulation domain: sensory processing related to endurance and tone, modulation related to body position and movement, modulation of movement affecting activity level, modulation of sensory input affecting emotional responses, modulation of visual input affecting emotional responses and activity level.\r\n\r\n3) Behavior and emotional responses: emotional/social responses, behavioral outcomes of sensory processing, items indicating threshold for response.\r\n\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_526943e3cbaaf"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660595093,
        "event_stamp": "2013-10-25T22:53:15",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-10-29T18:56:45",
        "last_updated": 1512660595093,
        "def_id": "def_527004ed2548d",
        "name": "Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "The Stanford-Binet (SB) - the best and most popular intelligence test, is a Cognitive ability assessment used to measure intelligence (IQ). It measures five factors of cognitive ability: Fluid Reasoning, Knowledge, Quantitative Reasoning, Visual-Spatial Processing, and Working Memory. Each of these factors is tested in two separate domains, verbal and nonverbal.\r\n\r\nSubtests include: Vocabulary, Comprehension, Pattern Analysis, Quantitative, Bead Memory, and Memory for Sentences.\r\n\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_526af65b16c82"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660595120,
        "event_stamp": "2013-10-30T16:47:14",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-10-30T16:47:14",
        "last_updated": 1512660595120,
        "def_id": "def_52713812830b3",
        "name": "Test of Early Language Development",
        "alias": "TELD",
        "definition_text": "The Test of Early Language Development (TELD) is a standardized test to assess spoken language skills at early ages. Subtests include Receptive Language and Expressive Language, and these metrics yield an overall Spoken Language score.",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_527138126fb20"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660595154,
        "event_stamp": "2013-10-30T17:06:13",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-10-30T17:06:13",
        "last_updated": 1512660595154,
        "def_id": "def_52713c85cce81",
        "name": "Test of Adolescent and Adult Language",
        "alias": "TOAL",
        "definition_text": "The Test of Adolescent and Adult Language (TOAL) measures spoken and written language abilities of adolescents and young adults with varying degrees of knowledge of the English language. It includes the following six subtests: Word opposites, word deviations, spoken analogies, word similarities, sentence combining, and orthographic usage.\r\n\r\nComposite scores include spoken language, written language, and general language.",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_52713c85c0bd2"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660595179,
        "event_stamp": "2013-10-30T17:36:34",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-10-30T17:36:34",
        "last_updated": 1512660595179,
        "def_id": "def_527143a271b37",
        "name": "Test of Language Development",
        "alias": "TOLD",
        "definition_text": "The Test of Language Development (TOLD) provides six subtests that measure components of spoken language, including 1) Sentence Combining, 2) Picture Vocabulary, 3) Word Ordering, 4) Relational Vocabulary, 5) Morphological Comprehension, and 6) Multiple Meanings.",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_527143a263937"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660595207,
        "event_stamp": "2013-10-30T21:31:01",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-10-30T21:31:01",
        "last_updated": 1512660595207,
        "def_id": "def_52717a95c4ca7",
        "name": "Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales",
        "alias": "Vineland",
        "definition_text": "The Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales are the leading instrument for supporting the diagnosis of intellectual and developmental disabilities.  It assesses an individual in the domains of communication, daily living skills, socialization, motor skills, and a maladaptive behavior index.",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_52717a95a3b03"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660595242,
        "event_stamp": "2013-10-30T22:20:33",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-10-30T22:20:33",
        "last_updated": 1512660595242,
        "def_id": "def_52718631ce96c",
        "name": "Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales Development Profile",
        "alias": "CSBS",
        "definition_text": "The Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales Development Profile (CSBS) is an assessment to pick up early delays in social communication, expressive speech/language, and symbolic functioning.",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_52718631bc934"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660595268,
        "event_stamp": "2013-10-31T16:08:06",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-10-31T16:08:06",
        "last_updated": 1512660595268,
        "def_id": "def_52728066a7415",
        "name": "Differential Ability Scales",
        "alias": "DAS",
        "definition_text": "The Differential Ability Scales (DAS) make an assessment about how a child processes information, and at cognitive abilities that are important for learning.  Specifically, the test measures verbal and visual working memory, immediate and delayed recall, visual recognition and matching, processing and naming speed, phonological processing, and understanding of basic number concepts.",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_5272806688e63"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660595299,
        "event_stamp": "2013-11-29T19:14:44",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-11-29T19:17:34",
        "last_updated": 1512660595299,
        "def_id": "def_5298e84e793b3",
        "name": "Early Childhood Behavioral Questionnaire",
        "alias": "ECBQ",
        "definition_text": "The Early Childhood Behavioral Questionnaire encompasses 18 scales, and 201 items to measure several aspects of temperament in toddlers.  A short form (107 items; 18 scales), and a very short form (36 items; 3 broad scales) are available.\r\n\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_5298e7a465b41"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660595356,
        "event_stamp": "2013-11-29T19:37:55",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-11-29T19:37:55",
        "last_updated": 1512660595356,
        "def_id": "def_5298ed1349155",
        "name": "Early Development Interview (EDI)",
        "alias": "EDI",
        "definition_text": "The Early Development Interview measures the following:\r\n\r\nCommunication\r\nRepetitive Behavior\r\nRegulatory\r\nSocial\r\nSensory\r\nTone\r\nFamily Changes\r\nChild Medical Events\r\nStressful Events\r\n\r\n\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_5298ed1336e43"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660595401,
        "event_stamp": "2013-11-29T19:56:15",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-11-29T19:56:16",
        "last_updated": 1512660595401,
        "def_id": "def_5298f160001de",
        "name": "Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test",
        "alias": "EOWPVT",
        "definition_text": "The Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test can be used to assess expressive language for individuals who have experienced stroke, concussion, traumatic brain injury, or neurodegenerative disease. \r\nThe test provides a comprehensive assessment of expressive and receptive vocabulary.\r\n \r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_5298f15fe0fcf"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660595448,
        "event_stamp": "2013-11-29T22:12:38",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-11-29T22:12:38",
        "last_updated": 1512660595448,
        "def_id": "def_52991156ca7ff",
        "name": "Halstead-Reitan Battery",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "The Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Battery is a combination of neuropsychological tests used to assess the possible physical aspects and localization of neurological damage. \r\n\r\nTrails A and B\r\nVerbal Fluency\r\nHalstead Category Test\r\nSpatial Positional Reasoning\r\nTactual Performance Test\r\nRhythm Test\r\nSpeech Sounds Perception Test\r\nFinger Oscillation Test\r\n\r\nand several ancillary tests.  See: for details.\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_529911569b592"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660595485,
        "event_stamp": "2013-12-02T19:32:27",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-12-02T19:32:27",
        "last_updated": 1512660595485,
        "def_id": "def_529ce04bb5e06",
        "name": "Joint Attention / Social and Nonsocial Orienting Task",
        "alias": "jasnot",
        "definition_text": "This task makes an assessment of the extent that a child can respond to different stimuli, or exhibit joint attention:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nI was not able to find the original paper detailing the task.",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_529ce04b778b6"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660595524,
        "event_stamp": "2013-12-02T19:47:30",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-12-02T19:47:30",
        "last_updated": 1512660595524,
        "def_id": "def_529ce3d238704",
        "name": "Judgment of Line Orientation Task",
        "alias": "jol",
        "definition_text": "This test is a standardized measure of visuospatial judgment.  See",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_529ce3d22be3e"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660595553,
        "event_stamp": "2013-12-02T20:00:44",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-12-02T20:00:44",
        "last_updated": 1512660595553,
        "def_id": "def_529ce6ecbf29b",
        "name": "Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test",
        "alias": "KBIT,K-BIT",
        "definition_text": "The Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test (K-BIT) measures both verbal and nonverbal ability.\r\n\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_529ce6ecb35f8"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660595605,
        "event_stamp": "2013-12-02T22:23:51",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2013-12-02T22:23:51",
        "last_updated": 1512660595605,
        "def_id": "def_529d0877334d4",
        "name": "Loneliness Rating Scale",
        "alias": "LRS",
        "definition_text": "The loneliness rating scale is a 40 item questionnaire to assess current level of loneliness.\r\n\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_529d087705bfa"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660595639,
        "event_stamp": "2014-04-10T12:38:08",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2014-04-10T12:43:30",
        "last_updated": 1512660595639,
        "def_id": "def_534691f256a50",
        "name": "Overt word repetition",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects are presented auditorily with words and asked to repeat them aloud.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_534690b0e9dc5"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660595672,
        "event_stamp": "2014-04-10T12:45:43",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2014-04-10T12:45:52",
        "last_updated": 1512660595672,
        "def_id": "def_53469280abfcc",
        "name": "Covert verb generation task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A task in which subjects are presented with nouns and generate an associated verb silently.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_5346927710e88"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660595709,
        "event_stamp": "2014-04-10T12:47:43",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2014-04-10T12:47:43",
        "last_updated": 1512660595709,
        "def_id": "def_534692ef41533",
        "name": "Tapping task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects are instructed to move a body part corresponding to a picture. The following instructions were issued: “You have to tap your index finger when you see a picture of a finger, flex your foot when you see a picture of a foot, and purse your lips when you see a picture of lips”. ",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_534692ef3b5df"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660595749,
        "event_stamp": "2014-04-10T12:50:22",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2014-04-10T12:50:22",
        "last_updated": 1512660595749,
        "def_id": "def_5346938ef3373",
        "name": "Landmark task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects performed two alternate tasks, namely tell if a horizontal line is crossed precisely in the middle (LANDMARK) and tell if a horizontal line is crossed at all (DETECTION). The following instructions were used: “Press the button with your left index finger if the line is bisected in the middle otherwise press the button with your right finger” or “Press the button with your left index finger if the line is crossed otherwise press the button with your right finger”. ",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_5346938eed092"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660595783,
        "event_stamp": "2014-07-14T21:06:35",
        "def_id_user": "usr_53c44398e3284",
        "def_event_stamp": "2014-07-14T21:06:35",
        "last_updated": 1512660595783,
        "def_id": "def_53c4465b2380a",
        "name": "why/how task",
        "alias": "yes/no why/how task, why/how localizer",
        "definition_text": "The Why/How Task is a neuroimaging task for manipulating and measuring abstract conceptualization of sensory stimuli, especially social stimuli. In the version validated in Spunt and Adolphs (2014, NeuroImage), participants answer attributional (why) and factual (how) questions about visual social scenes using a yes/no manual response. The Why/How manipulation is attentional: Each photograph appears once as the target of a Why question, and once as the target of a How question. A standardized version of this task is available for download here: Further information can be acquired in the following paper: Spunt, R. P., & Adolphs, R. (2014). Validating why/how the contrast for functional MRI studies of Theory of Mind. NeuroImage. 99, 301-311.\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_53c44398e3284",
        "id": "trm_53c4465b0466f"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660595822,
        "event_stamp": "2015-02-20T02:31:00",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-02-20T02:31:00",
        "last_updated": 1512660595822,
        "def_id": "def_54e69c6436a25",
        "name": "rest eyes closed",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects rest passively with their eyes closed. Often used as a baseline for comparison for other tasks.",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_54e69c642d89b"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660595858,
        "event_stamp": "2015-03-06T04:45:53",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-03-06T04:45:53",
        "last_updated": 1512660595858,
        "def_id": "def_54f93101e4b15",
        "name": "think/no-think task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A task in which subjects are cued to either remember or suppress the memory for a specific association that was previously learned.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_54f93101b2fd8"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660595887,
        "event_stamp": "2015-03-19T22:39:05",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-28T17:26:59",
        "last_updated": 1512660595887,
        "def_id": "def_553fc2e3a6eb6",
        "name": "working memory fMRI task paradigm",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "This is the "working memory" task used in the Human Connectome Project. The category specific representation task and the working memory task are combined into a single task paradigm. Participants were presented with blocks of trials that consisted of pictures of places, tools, faces and body parts (non-mutilated parts of bodies with no “nudity”). Within each run, the 4 different stimulus types were presented in separate blocks. Also, within each run, ½ of the blocks use a 2-back working memory task and ½ use a 0-back working memory task (as a working memory comparison). A 2.5 second cue indicates the task type (and target\r\nfor 0-back) at the start of the block. Each of the two runs contains 8 task blocks (10 trials of 2.5 seconds each, for 25 seconds) and 4 fixation blocks (15 seconds). On each trial, the stimulus is presented for 2 seconds, followed by a 500 ms inter-task interval (ITI). \r\n\r\nPotential Additional Event Related Contrasts: Researchers can also use the TAB.txt E-Prime\r\ndata files to generate the following potential event-related contrasts:\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nReferences for Working Memory: Localizer (Drobyshevsky et al. 2006); Reliable across subjects (Drobyshevsky et al. 2006) and time (Caceres et al. 2009).",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_550b50095d4a3"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660595920,
        "event_stamp": "2015-03-19T22:55:19",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-28T17:25:52",
        "last_updated": 1512660595920,
        "def_id": "def_553fc2a0c3444",
        "name": "motor fMRI task paradigm",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "This task was adapted from the one developed by Buckner and colleagues (Buckner et al. 2011; Yeo et al. 2011). Participants are presented with visual cues that ask them to either tap their left or right fingers, or squeeze their left or right toes, or move their tongue to map motor areas. Each block of a movement type lasted 12 seconds (10 movements), and is preceded by a 3 second cue. In each of the two runs, there are 13 blocks, with 2 of tongue movements, 4 of hand movements (2 right and 2 left), and 4 of foot movements (2 right and 2 left). In addition, there are 3 15-second fixation blocks per run. This task contains the following events, each of which is computed against the fixation baseline.\r\n\r\nThis task is included in the Human Connectome Project (HCP) 500 subject data release.\r\n\r\n\r\nReferences for Motor Task: Localizer (Morioka et al. 1995; Bizzi et al. 2008; Buckner et al. 2011; Yeo et al. 2011).",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_550b53d7dd674"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660595952,
        "event_stamp": "2015-03-19T22:58:48",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-28T17:25:39",
        "last_updated": 1512660595952,
        "def_id": "def_553fc29331c1e",
        "name": "language processing fMRI task paradigm",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "This task was developed by Binder and colleagues (Binder et al. 2011) and uses the E-prime scripts provided by these investigators. The task consists of two runs that each interleave 4 blocks of a story task and 4 blocks of a math task. The lengths of the blocks vary (average of approximately 30 seconds), but the task was designed so that the math task blocks match the length of the story task blocks, with some additional math trials at the end of the task to complete the 3.8 minute run as needed. The story blocks present participants with brief auditory stories (5-9 sentences) adapted from Aesop’s fables, followed by a 2-alternative forcedchoice question that asks participants about the topic of the story. The example provided in the original Binder paper (p. 1466) is “For example, after a story about an eagle that saves a man who had done him a favor, participants were asked, “Was that about revenge or reciprocity?” The math task also presents trials aurally and requires subjects to complete addition and subtraction problems. The trials present subjects with a series of arithmetic operations (e.g., “fourteen plus twelve”), followed by “equals” and then two choices (e.g., “twenty-nine or twentysix”). Participants push a button to select either the first or the second answer. The math task is adaptive to try to maintain a similar level of difficulty across participants. For more details on the task, please see (Binder et al. 2011).\r\n\r\nReferences for Language Task: Reliable across subjects and robust activation (Binder et al.\r\n2011).\r\n\r\nThis task is included in the Human Connectome Project.\r\n\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_550b54a8b30f4"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660595987,
        "event_stamp": "2015-03-19T23:02:22",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-28T17:23:05",
        "last_updated": 1512660595987,
        "def_id": "def_553fc1f932ee6",
        "name": "social cognition (theory of mind) fMRI task paradigm",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Participants were presented with short video clips (20 seconds) of objects (squares, circles, triangles) that either interacted in some way, or moved randomly on the screen. These videos were developed by either Castelli and colleagues (Castelli et al. 2000) or Martin and colleagues (Wheatley et al. 2007). After each video clip, participants judge whether the objects had a mental interaction (an interaction that appears as if the shapes are taking into account each other’s feelings and thoughts), Not Sure, or No interaction (i.e., there is no obvious interaction between the shapes and the movement appears random). Each of the two task runs has 5 video blocks (2 Mental and 3 Random in one run, 3 Mental and 2 Random in the other run) and 5 fixation blocks (15 seconds each). \r\n\r\nReferences for the Social Cognition Task: Reliable across subjects and robust activation\r\n(Castelli et al. 2000; Castelli et al. 2002; Wheatley et al. 2007; White et al. 2011).\r\n\r\nThis task is used in the Human Connectome Project.\r\n\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_550b557e5f90e"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660596019,
        "event_stamp": "2015-03-19T23:22:47",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-28T17:26:23",
        "last_updated": 1512660596019,
        "def_id": "def_553fc2bfd78ce",
        "name": "relational processing fMRI task paradigm",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "This task was adapted from the one developed by Christoff and colleagues (Smith et al. 2007). The stimuli are 6 different shapes filled with 1 of 6 different textures. In the relational processing condition, participants are presented with 2 pairs of objects, with one pair at the top of the screen and the other pair at the bottom of the screen. They are told that they should first decide what dimension differs across the top pair of objects (differed in shape or differed in texture) and then they should decide whether the bottom pair of objects also differ along that same dimension (e.g., if the top pair differs in shape, does the bottom pair also differ in shape). In the control matching condition, participants are shown two objects at the top of the screen and one object at the bottom of the screen, and a word in the middle of the screen (either “shape” or “texture”). They are told to decide whether the bottom object matches either of the top two objects on that dimension (e.g., if the word is “shape”, is the bottom object the same shape as either of the top two objects. For both conditions, the subject responds yes or no using one button or another. For the relational condition, the stimuli are presented for 3500 ms, with a 500 ms ITI, and there are four trials per block. In the matching condition, stimuli are presented for 2800 ms, with a 400 ms ITI, and there are 5 trials per block. Each type of block (relational or matching) lasts a total of 18 seconds. In each of the two runs of this task, there are 3 relational blocks, 3 matching blocks and 3 16-second fixation blocks.\r\n\r\nReferences for the Relational Processing Task: Localizer (Smith et al. 2007).\r\n\r\nThis task is included in the Human Connectome Project (HCP) 500 Dataset Release\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_550b5a47aa23e"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660596044,
        "event_stamp": "2015-03-19T23:25:58",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-28T17:24:32",
        "last_updated": 1512660596044,
        "def_id": "def_553fc2503592a",
        "name": "emotion processing fMRI task paradigm",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "This task was adapted from the one developed by Hariri and colleagues (Hariri et al. 2002). Participants are presented with blocks of trials that either ask them to decide which of two faces presented on the bottom of the screen match the face at the top of the screen, or which of two shapes presented at the bottom of the screen match the shape at the top of the screen. The faces have either an angry or fearful expression. Trials are presented in blocks of 6 trials of the same task (face or shape), with the stimulus presented for 2000 ms and a 1000 ms ITI. Each block is preceded by a 3000 ms task cue (“shape” or “face”), so that each block is 21 seconds including the cue. Each of the two runs includes 3 face blocks and 3 shape blocks, with 8 seconds of fixation at the end of each run.\r\n\r\nThis task is included in the Human Connectome Project (HCP) 500 subject data release.\r\n\r\n\r\nReferences for the Emotion Processing Task: Localizer (Hariri et al. 2002); Moderate reliability\r\nacross time (Manuck et al. 2007).",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_550b5b066d37b"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660596070,
        "event_stamp": "2015-03-19T23:30:34",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-28T17:25:05",
        "last_updated": 1512660596070,
        "def_id": "def_553fc271b47ad",
        "name": "gambling fMRI task paradigm",
        "alias": "gambling task",
        "definition_text": "This task was adapted from the one developed by Delgado and Fiez (Delgado et al. 2000). Participants play a card guessing game where they are asked to guess the number on a mystery card (represented by a “?”) in order to win or lose money. Participants are told that potential card numbers range from 1-9 and to indicate if they think the mystery card number is more or less than 5 by pressing one of two buttons on the response box. Feedback is the number on the card (generated by the program as a function of whether the trial was a reward, loss or neutral trial) and either: 1) a green up arrow with “$1” for reward trials, 2) a red down arrow next to -$0.50 for loss trials; or 3) the number 5 and a gray double headed arrow for neutral trials. The “?” is presented for up to 1500 ms (if the participant responds before 1500 ms, a fixation cross is displayed for the remaining time), following by feedback for 1000 ms. There is a 1000 ms ITI with a “+” presented on the screen. The task is presented in blocks of 8 trials that are either mostly reward (6 reward trials pseudo randomly interleaved with either 1 neutral and 1 loss trial, 2 neutral trials, or 2 loss trials) or mostly loss (6 loss trials pseudorandomly interleaved with either 1 neutral and 1 reward trial, 2 neutral trials, or 2 reward trials). In each of the two runs, there are 2 mostly reward and 2 mostly loss blocks, interleaved with 4 fixation blocks (15 seconds each).\r\n\r\nThis task is part of the Human Connectome Project (HCP) 500 subject data relase.\r\n\r\n\r\nReferences for Gambling Task: Reliable across subjects and robust activation in fMRI (Delgado\r\net al. 2000; May et al. 2004; Tricomi et al. 2004; Forbes et al. 2009)",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_550b5c1a7f4db"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660596094,
        "event_stamp": "2015-03-30T21:38:44",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-03T20:47:54",
        "last_updated": 1512660596094,
        "def_id": "def_551efc7a9c5cb",
        "name": "Tone Matching",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "The tone matching task is designed to measure pitch perception. Subjects are presented with pairs of tones and are asked to indicate whether they sounded the same or different.\r\n\r\nSource:",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_5519c2645167e"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660596119,
        "event_stamp": "2015-03-30T21:40:40",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-18T21:44:06",
        "last_updated": 1512660596119,
        "def_id": "def_5532d0262957e",
        "name": "Deviance Detection",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Detect the change in sound from one stimulus to another",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_5519c2d8d7b1d"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660596146,
        "event_stamp": "2015-03-30T21:42:01",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-03-30T21:42:01",
        "last_updated": 1512660596146,
        "def_id": "def_5519c329f35a2",
        "name": "Regularity and Change Detection",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "None",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_5519c329eb334"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660596174,
        "event_stamp": "2015-03-30T21:45:14",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-03-30T21:45:14",
        "last_updated": 1512660596174,
        "def_id": "def_5519c3eaa47d0",
        "name": "Speech Detection",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "None",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_5519c3eaa3fb7"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660596198,
        "event_stamp": "2015-03-30T21:48:43",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-20T21:21:46",
        "last_updated": 1512660596198,
        "def_id": "def_55356dea30ef6",
        "name": "Bistability",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "When viewing an image with multiple interpretations, subjective perception alternates stochastically between the different interpretations.",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_5519c4bb1d1ee"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660596221,
        "event_stamp": "2015-03-30T21:53:54",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-18T22:12:24",
        "last_updated": 1512660596221,
        "def_id": "def_5532d6c842ff7",
        "name": "Tone Detection (JND)",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "just-noticeable difference or JND is the amount something must be changed in order for a difference to be noticeable, detectable at least half the time",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_5519c5f2ad56f"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660596249,
        "event_stamp": "2015-03-30T22:02:25",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-07T22:32:38",
        "last_updated": 1512660596249,
        "def_id": "def_55245b06dbd6f",
        "name": "Vernier discrimination task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "observers judge whether one line is displaced above or below a second line",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_5519c7f17de9f"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660596275,
        "event_stamp": "2015-03-30T22:04:14",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-12T20:31:05",
        "last_updated": 1512660596275,
        "def_id": "def_552ad609e3278",
        "name": "contour integration task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "observers are asked to detect the presence of a contour of Gabor elements embedded in a background of similar but otherwise unrelated elements",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_5519c85ed1e8d"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660596299,
        "event_stamp": "2015-03-31T20:38:56",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-12T19:57:10",
        "last_updated": 1512660596299,
        "def_id": "def_552ace167fa39",
        "name": "perceptual closure task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "the ability to form coherent mental pictures with very little visual information. Perceptual closure is a process whereby an incomplete stimulus is perceived to be complete.",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_551b05e03be48"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660596328,
        "event_stamp": "2015-03-31T20:42:55",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-12T21:06:56",
        "last_updated": 1512660596328,
        "def_id": "def_552ade70d74d7",
        "name": "Parallel/serial search",
        "alias": "Visual search task",
        "definition_text": "In a serial search, you look at one item at a time, and respond as soon as you see a target. In a parallel search, you look at multiple items at a time and the relevant aspect of the target can be detected quickly regardless of how many distractors there are.",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_551b06cf9783b"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660596351,
        "event_stamp": "2015-03-31T21:03:49",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-12T20:41:32",
        "last_updated": 1512660596351,
        "def_id": "def_552ad87c1d849",
        "name": "contour interpolation task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Contour interpolation mechanisms allow perception of bounded objects despite incomplete edge information. ",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_551b0bb59173d"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660596383,
        "event_stamp": "2015-03-31T21:05:14",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-03-31T21:05:14",
        "last_updated": 1512660596383,
        "def_id": "def_551b0c0a7f575",
        "name": "lateral facilitation",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "None",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_551b0c0a742d2"
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        "creation_time": 1512660596407,
        "event_stamp": "2015-03-31T21:06:41",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-03-31T21:06:41",
        "last_updated": 1512660596407,
        "def_id": "def_551b0c6171083",
        "name": "coherent motion",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "None",
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        "id": "trm_551b0c616de16"
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        "creation_time": 1512660596430,
        "event_stamp": "2015-03-31T21:08:44",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-03-31T21:08:44",
        "last_updated": 1512660596430,
        "def_id": "def_551b0cdce210e",
        "name": "multistability",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "None",
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        "id": "trm_551b0cdcde976"
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        "creation_time": 1512660596454,
        "event_stamp": "2015-03-31T21:11:04",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-20T19:44:50",
        "last_updated": 1512660596454,
        "def_id": "def_553557323a4a5",
        "name": "figure ground task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "find the figure that is embedded in the background, ignoring the background",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_551b0d687ee33"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660596480,
        "event_stamp": "2015-03-31T21:12:36",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-03-31T21:12:36",
        "last_updated": 1512660596480,
        "def_id": "def_551b0dc4e6b90",
        "name": "visual illusion susceptibility",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "None",
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        "creation_time": 1512660596503,
        "event_stamp": "2015-03-31T21:13:59",
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        "def_event_stamp": "2015-03-31T21:13:59",
        "last_updated": 1512660596503,
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        "name": "cross modality",
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        "definition_text": "None",
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        "event_stamp": "2015-03-31T21:15:23",
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        "def_event_stamp": "2015-03-31T21:15:23",
        "last_updated": 1512660596527,
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        "name": "perceptual organization",
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        "definition_text": "None",
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        "creation_time": 1512660596554,
        "event_stamp": "2015-03-31T21:17:28",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-03-31T21:17:28",
        "last_updated": 1512660596554,
        "def_id": "def_551b0ee824d22",
        "name": "object perception task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "None",
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        "id": "trm_551b0ee81fb6b"
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        "creation_time": 1512660596577,
        "event_stamp": "2015-03-31T21:18:35",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-12T19:54:10",
        "last_updated": 1512660596577,
        "def_id": "def_552acd6235d10",
        "name": "object recognition task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Object recognition is the ability to perceive an object’s physical properties (such as shape, colour and texture) and apply semantic attributes to the object, which includes the understanding of its use, previous experience with the object and how it relates to others.",
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        "id": "trm_551b0f2b930ab"
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        "creation_time": 1512660596599,
        "event_stamp": "2015-03-31T21:21:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-03-31T21:21:20",
        "last_updated": 1512660596599,
        "def_id": "def_551b0fd041539",
        "name": "retinotopic representation",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "None",
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        "id": "trm_551b0fd03d7d8"
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        "creation_time": 1512660596621,
        "event_stamp": "2015-03-31T21:22:12",
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        "def_event_stamp": "2015-03-31T21:22:12",
        "last_updated": 1512660596621,
        "def_id": "def_551b1004bd18f",
        "name": "local computation",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "None",
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        "creation_time": 1512660596644,
        "event_stamp": "2015-03-31T21:24:12",
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        "def_event_stamp": "2015-03-31T21:24:12",
        "last_updated": 1512660596644,
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        "name": "object classification",
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        "definition_text": "None",
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        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660596668,
        "event_stamp": "2015-03-31T21:40:48",
        "def_id_user": "usr_5582f60ee9c42",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-06-19T12:08:28",
        "last_updated": 1512660596668,
        "def_id": "def_5584063c54a48",
        "name": "auditory scene perception",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Any task that requires the perception of complex auditory stimuli, such as music",
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        "creation_time": 1512660596692,
        "event_stamp": "2015-03-31T21:42:47",
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        "def_event_stamp": "2015-03-31T21:42:47",
        "last_updated": 1512660596692,
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        "name": "gating",
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        "definition_text": "None",
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        "creation_time": 1512660596717,
        "event_stamp": "2015-03-31T21:44:27",
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        "def_event_stamp": "2015-03-31T21:44:27",
        "last_updated": 1512660596717,
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        "name": "self monitoring task",
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        "definition_text": "None",
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        "creation_time": 1512660596742,
        "event_stamp": "2015-03-31T21:46:23",
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        "def_event_stamp": "2015-03-31T21:46:23",
        "last_updated": 1512660596742,
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        "name": "action-perception loop",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "None",
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        "id": "trm_551b15af981c6"
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        "creation_time": 1512660596770,
        "event_stamp": "2015-03-31T21:54:57",
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        "def_event_stamp": "2015-03-31T21:54:57",
        "last_updated": 1512660596770,
        "def_id": "def_551b17b1964d9",
        "name": "intensity for somatosensory stimulation",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "None",
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        "id": "trm_551b17b190582"
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        "creation_time": 1512660596794,
        "event_stamp": "2015-03-31T22:10:55",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-28T17:16:18",
        "last_updated": 1512660596794,
        "def_id": "def_553fc0623ecc6",
        "name": "auditory masking task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Auditory masking occurs when the perception of one sound is affected by the presence of another sound.",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_551b1b6f6a262"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660596817,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-03T20:51:05",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-03T20:51:05",
        "last_updated": 1512660596817,
        "def_id": "def_551efd39c4506",
        "name": "Re-entrant processing",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "None",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_551efd39a74dd"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660596844,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-03T20:52:26",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-12T20:53:07",
        "last_updated": 1512660596844,
        "def_id": "def_552adb332e235",
        "name": "emotion expression identification",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "participants are presented with faces whose expressions slowly change from neutral to full intensity",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_551efd8a98162"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660596867,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-03T20:53:33",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-12T21:09:07",
        "last_updated": 1512660596867,
        "def_id": "def_552adef333b88",
        "name": "contrast sensitivity test",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A contrast sensitivity test measures your ability to distinguish between finer and finer increments of light versus dark (contrast).",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_551efdcd10677"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660596893,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-03T20:54:21",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-03T20:54:21",
        "last_updated": 1512660596893,
        "def_id": "def_551efdfd24d27",
        "name": "Face Identification task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "None",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_551efdfd1a356"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660596921,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-03T20:57:16",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-07T22:21:27",
        "last_updated": 1512660596921,
        "def_id": "def_552458674a29e",
        "name": "Manipulation of ISI",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "The interstimulus interval (ISI) is the temporal interval between the offset of one stimulus to the onset of another",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_551efeacb9deb"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660596948,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-03T20:58:55",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-03T20:58:55",
        "last_updated": 1512660596948,
        "def_id": "def_551eff0fe45fb",
        "name": "Novelty detection task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "None",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_551eff0fdab74"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660596971,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-03T21:29:24",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-09T21:58:25",
        "last_updated": 1512660596971,
        "def_id": "def_5526f60112004",
        "name": "Spatial cuing paradigm",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "spatial cueing task has been used to measure manual and eye-movement reaction times to target stimuli in order to investigate the effects of covert orienting of attention in response to different cue conditions.",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_551f0634b2607"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660596996,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-03T21:31:12",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-28T17:16:28",
        "last_updated": 1512660596996,
        "def_id": "def_553fc06c5ed13",
        "name": "attentional blink paradigm",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Attentional blink is a phenomenon observed in rapid serial visual presentation. When presented with a sequence of visual stimuli in rapid succession at the same spatial location on a screen, a participant will often fail to detect a second salient target occurring in succession if it is presented between 180-450 ms after the first one. ",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_551f06a08dcc4"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660597020,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-03T21:33:07",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-11T17:25:33",
        "last_updated": 1512660597020,
        "def_id": "def_5529590d172d9",
        "name": "Inter-modal selective attention task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "subjects attend selectively to auditory or visual stimuli",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_551f0713a5a17"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660597044,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-03T21:34:15",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-03T21:34:15",
        "last_updated": 1512660597044,
        "def_id": "def_551f075798cf9",
        "name": "Blocked channel-selection task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "None",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_551f0757982bc"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660597068,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-03T21:35:30",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-11T18:02:32",
        "last_updated": 1512660597068,
        "def_id": "def_552961b866d7d",
        "name": "Distraction paradigm (capture)",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "-",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_551f07a281283"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660597097,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-03T21:38:31",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-18T20:56:16",
        "last_updated": 1512660597097,
        "def_id": "def_5532c4f0cfb7c",
        "name": "ANT task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "The ANT is a task designed to test three attentional networks in children and adults: alerting, orienting, and executive control. Efficiency of the alerting network is examined by changes in reaction time resulting from a warning signal. Efficiency of orienting is examined by changes in the reaction time that accompany cues indicating where the target will occur. The efficiency of the executive network is examined by requiring the participant to respond by pressing two keys indicating the direction (left or right) of a central arrow surrounded by congruent, incongruent or neutral flankers.",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_551f0857e1db8"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660597121,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-03T21:47:55",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-21T22:51:38",
        "last_updated": 1512660597121,
        "def_id": "def_5536d47ab6cca",
        "name": "Sternberg Item Recognition Task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "is a working memory task requiring participants to first encode a set of digits (encode-phase) and then to maintain them ‘on-line’ in WM while responding to each of the probe digits that follow by indicating whether or not it was a member of the memorized set (probe-phase).",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_551f0a8b5ba2c"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660597155,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-03T21:50:16",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-18T22:42:05",
        "last_updated": 1512660597155,
        "def_id": "def_5532ddbdce13e",
        "name": "Running Memory",
        "alias": "running memory span task",
        "definition_text": "in running memory task , a list ends unpredictably and the last few items are to be recalled.",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_551f0b18d7ca0"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660597191,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-03T21:52:22",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-18T23:00:40",
        "last_updated": 1512660597191,
        "def_id": "def_5532e218b23fc",
        "name": "Simple span task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "The test begins with two to three numbers, increasing until the person commits errors. At the end of a sequence, the person being tested is asked to recall the items in order.",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_551f0b9654d23"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660597215,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-03T21:54:49",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-18T21:09:04",
        "last_updated": 1512660597215,
        "def_id": "def_5532c7f057998",
        "name": "Continuous Performance Test - AX version",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A version of the continuous performance task in which subjects are told to make one response for the letter X when it was preceded by the letter A, and another response for all other stimuli. AX trials are "target trials"; in these types of trials a valid cue is followed by a valid probe. The 3 other trial types are "Non-target trials" in which either a valid cue is followed by an invalid probe ("AY" type trials) or an invalid cue is followed by either a valid or invalid probe ("BX" or "BY" probes, respectively).",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_551f0c294ce23"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660597236,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-03T21:57:28",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-21T22:09:33",
        "last_updated": 1512660597236,
        "def_id": "def_5536ca9d59843",
        "name": "Sequence encoding",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "test the ability to encode a sequence of letters or words into memory in the presence or absence of distractors",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_551f0cc82ed49"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660597258,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-03T22:12:11",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-21T22:42:56",
        "last_updated": 1512660597258,
        "def_id": "def_5536d270cd4a6",
        "name": "Sequence reproduction",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "requires tapping keys as rapidly and as accurately as possible to reproduce different finger movement sequences demonstrated on a visual display panel.",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_551f103b3edeb"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660597281,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-03T22:30:41",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-21T23:49:43",
        "last_updated": 1512660597281,
        "def_id": "def_5536e217655fe",
        "name": "Transitive inference task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Transitive inference is a form of inferential reasoning. For example, if  A > B and B > C and C > D and D > E, then it can be concluded without being told than B > D.  "greater than (>)" can be replaced with any other (supposedly) transitive relation, such as "better than" or "darker-colored than".",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_551f1491a2fe8"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660597303,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-03T22:33:03",
        "def_id_user": "usr_595048b29ebdf",
        "def_event_stamp": "2017-08-19T14:30:07",
        "last_updated": 1512660597303,
        "def_id": "def_59984b6fb1b9a",
        "name": "acquired equivalence",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Acquired equivalence is a paradigm in which generalization is increased between two superficially dissimilar stimuli (or antecedents) that have previously been associated with similar outcomes (or consequents).",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_551f151f7347e"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660597326,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-05T17:44:38",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-21T23:56:10",
        "last_updated": 1512660597326,
        "def_id": "def_5536e39a483ad",
        "name": "Naming tasks",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Tests ability to retrieve words ",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_552174863d51e"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660597355,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-05T17:45:55",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-05T18:43:59",
        "last_updated": 1512660597355,
        "def_id": "def_5521826f567cc",
        "name": "Verbal description of visual depiction",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Verbal descriptions of visual depictions of events and states",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_552174d3b61fb"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660597382,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-05T17:47:21",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-05T18:45:01",
        "last_updated": 1512660597382,
        "def_id": "def_552182adc24d9",
        "name": "Corpus analysis",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Linguistic corpus-based analysis of language output",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_5521752956bb2"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660597405,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-05T18:01:04",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-05T18:33:54",
        "last_updated": 1512660597405,
        "def_id": "def_552180126c39d",
        "name": "Coherent/Incoherent discourse distinction task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Measures ability to distinguish between coherent and incoherent sentences and discourse",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_55217860a9dea"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660597428,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-05T18:09:08",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-05T18:09:08",
        "last_updated": 1512660597428,
        "def_id": "def_55217a4476f89",
        "name": "Discourse content questions",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "None",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_55217a446eb3b"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660597451,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-05T18:10:39",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-05T18:29:48",
        "last_updated": 1512660597451,
        "def_id": "def_55217f1c4aa8f",
        "name": "Listening and reading task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Listening and reading times to critical words and regions in linguistic input",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_55217a9f473f0"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660597477,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-05T18:13:28",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-05T18:16:35",
        "last_updated": 1512660597477,
        "def_id": "def_55217c03e28f9",
        "name": "Eye tracking paradigms",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Patterns of eye movements to critical words and regions in linguistic input",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_55217b48995ce"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660597501,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-05T18:15:52",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-05T18:15:52",
        "last_updated": 1512660597501,
        "def_id": "def_55217bd873559",
        "name": "Mouse tracking paradigms",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Patterns of motor movements to critical words and regions in linguistic input",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_55217bd86ee12"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660597525,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-05T18:18:41",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-05T18:18:41",
        "last_updated": 1512660597525,
        "def_id": "def_55217c817d1e9",
        "name": "Visual world paradigm",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Patterns of eye movements to non-verbal visual stimuli during spoken language comprehension",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_55217c8179b00"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660597548,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-05T18:22:55",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-05T18:28:27",
        "last_updated": 1512660597548,
        "def_id": "def_55217ecb65e38",
        "name": "Manipulation of predictability and acceptability",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Manipulations of predictability and acceptability, at different levels of representation, in a linguistic input.",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_55217d7fbfdba"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660597573,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-05T18:27:03",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-05T18:27:03",
        "last_updated": 1512660597573,
        "def_id": "def_55217e7749f28",
        "name": "Manipulation of language and non-verbal behaviors",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Experimental manipulations of relationships between language and non-verbal behaviors",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_55217e77441b0"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660597596,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-05T18:35:42",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-05T18:35:42",
        "last_updated": 1512660597596,
        "def_id": "def_5521807e56b68",
        "name": "Sentence/discourse content test",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Measures the ability to answer questions about the content of sentences and discourse",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_5521807e50549"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660597619,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-05T18:38:14",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-05T18:38:14",
        "last_updated": 1512660597619,
        "def_id": "def_55218116cc90d",
        "name": "Manipulation of individual words",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Experimental manipulations of different types of relationships between individual words in priming paradigms",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_55218116cbf40"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660597641,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-05T18:41:27",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-05T18:41:27",
        "last_updated": 1512660597641,
        "def_id": "def_552181d7bef7a",
        "name": "Manipulation of coherence and cohesion",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Experimental manipulations of different types of coherence and cohesion between clauses in discourse",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_552181d7be45e"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660597663,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-05T18:51:16",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-05T18:51:16",
        "last_updated": 1512660597663,
        "def_id": "def_552184243e751",
        "name": "Surface properties of object paradigms",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "For intermediate vision, nonlocal properties of images, transformations beyond retinotopic representations (e.g., surface properties of the object independent of light, head position)",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_552184243d7ab"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660597685,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-05T18:55:50",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-05T18:55:50",
        "last_updated": 1512660597685,
        "def_id": "def_55218536d550b",
        "name": "Time-series of response time",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "To extract variability and frequency domain analysis",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_55218536d1710"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660597706,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-11T17:01:54",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-11T17:15:21",
        "last_updated": 1512660597706,
        "def_id": "def_552956a90a7fb",
        "name": "non-spatial cuing paradigm",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Unlike in spatial cuing task where left, right, up, down arrows shows the direction to which the stimuli appear, in non-spatial cuing task the directions right, left, up, and down are replaced by the words e.g., quick, slow, good, and bad avoiding providing spatial cues to the stimuli.",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_55295382db2c5"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660597728,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-20T20:31:56",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-12-01T20:49:30",
        "last_updated": 1512660597728,
        "def_id": "def_565e07d9f2c69",
        "name": "Muller-Lyer Illusion",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "An optical illusion consisting of a stylized arrow. ",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_5535623c2536a"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660597751,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-21T21:15:47",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-21T21:15:47",
        "last_updated": 1512660597751,
        "def_id": "def_5536be035d54d",
        "name": "Motion processing",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "None",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_5536be03400e7"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660597775,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-27T17:02:06",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-27T17:02:30",
        "last_updated": 1512660597775,
        "def_id": "def_553e6ba65702e",
        "name": "predictive-inference helicopter task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "This task involves repeatedly predicting the next in a sequence of numbers. The inference problem is embedded in a cover task in which the number corresponded to the horizontal position at which a bag of money would drop from a helicopter concealed behind clouds. The objective is to catch coins in a bucket by predicting where the bag lands, and this is equivalent to inferring the generative mean (i.e., the position of the helicopter) and centering the bucket at that position.  Learning rate can be measured by the shift in the participant's prediction and the prediction error. \r\n\r\nThe description above, as well as full details of the task:",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_553e6b8e33da4"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660597803,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-27T17:37:38",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-27T17:37:38",
        "last_updated": 1512660597803,
        "def_id": "def_553e73e2b9299",
        "name": "contextual semantic priming task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "This task presents blocks of fixation and words, with the words varying in the degree to which they are predictable (given the context of the previous words). On each trial, a fixation cross is presented followed by a visual prompt (asterisk) and a sequence of five centrally presented words (in lower case). The experimental variable is the predictability of the terminal, target word, represented in four conditions (Congruent == highly predictable,Incongruent == target word is highly predictable, but the prediction was violated by presenting a terminal word that was inappropriate given the context, Scrambled == initial four words did not establish a context for a grammatical sentence and the target word was not predictable, and Letter String == meaningless letter strings of identical consonants as a control). After presentation of the target word, the participant is asked if the sentence is meaningful. The above description was derived from (and full details are available) here:",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_553e73e29cf7d"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660597828,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-27T17:53:12",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-28T17:23:39",
        "last_updated": 1512660597828,
        "def_id": "def_553fc21b4e555",
        "name": "Becker-Degroot-Marschak (BDM) procedure",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "This is an economics-derived task that broadly measures willingness to pay (WTP).  Implementations generally involve the participant formulating a bid, and comparing the bid to a randomly generated price.  If bid > price, the participant pays the price and receives the item. If bid ",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_553e77887abc7"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660597856,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-27T17:54:45",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-30T18:26:00",
        "last_updated": 1512660597856,
        "def_id": "def_554273b8e615f",
        "name": "cue approach task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "This task is a type of cue-approach training in which participants observe images of individual food items presented for 1 s  and are instructed to press a button as fast as possible (before the image disappears) only when they hear a tone (i.e., Go trials). There is no feedback to the participants regarding the success of the button press in the allotted time window. Full details can be read about:",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_553e77e53497d"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660597886,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-27T18:51:18",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-28T17:24:46",
        "last_updated": 1512660597886,
        "def_id": "def_553fc25ecf84d",
        "name": "functional localizer fMRI tasks",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "This is a simple and fast acquisition procedure based on a 5-minute functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) sequence that can be run as easily and as systematically as an anatomical scan. This protocol captures the cerebral bases of auditory and visual perception, motor actions, reading, language comprehension and mental calculation at an individual level. Individual functional maps are reliable and quite precise. This description, and full details are available at:",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_553e85265f51e"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660597909,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-27T19:05:38",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-27T19:05:38",
        "last_updated": 1512660597909,
        "def_id": "def_553e8882ebae5",
        "name": "Ultimatum Game (UG)",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A social interactive bargaining task that measures social preferences via the degree to which participants accept unfair and unequal offers.",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_553e8882e3cb6"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660597931,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-27T19:06:14",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-28T17:22:41",
        "last_updated": 1512660597931,
        "def_id": "def_553fc1e1c3cac",
        "name": "social bargaining fMRI task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "This is an instantiation of the Ultimatum Game (UG) in fMRI. In this game, a proposer is charged with splitting a sum of money with a partner. The responder decides either to accept or reject this proposed offer. If accepted, the money is split as suggested, but if rejected then neither player receives anything. The parterns can be a combination of real people, computers. Offers are preceded by a picture of the partner for that round, and partner pictures are randomly paired to an offer amount. Full details of the task are available:",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_553e88a66b676"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660597954,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-27T22:04:52",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-27T22:04:52",
        "last_updated": 1512660597954,
        "def_id": "def_553eb2844da45",
        "name": "multi-attribute reward-guided decision task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Participants are trained on the relative likelihood of receiving a reward on a set of images,"stimuli," and a set of button presses, "actions," and learn action-reward probabilities and stimulus-reward probabilities (pS) separately by performing pairwise choices between two randomly selected alternatives from each set. Choosing the better or worse of the two options gives positive or negative feedback (smiley and sad faces).  For the actual task, participants performed a three-option choice task in which each option comprised one previously learned stimulus and one previously learned action. They are instructed to weight stimulus and action information equally on each trial and select the best option to obtain points that subsequently converted into monetary reward. This summarized text, and full details are available: ",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_553eb28436233"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660597977,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-27T22:12:46",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-28T18:35:21",
        "last_updated": 1512660597977,
        "def_id": "def_553fd2e919f5c",
        "name": "social judgment of faces task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "This task aims to measure social judgment in the domains of trustiness, attractiveness, happiness, and cognitive age.  Participants are shown pictures of human faces, are required to compare the face pair based on 4 different questions: “(Who do you regard as) More trustworthy?,” “More attractive?,” “Happier?,” and “Older?.”",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_553eb45e2b709"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660597999,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-27T23:01:23",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-28T19:33:31",
        "last_updated": 1512660597999,
        "def_id": "def_553fe08b91819",
        "name": "perceptual discrimination task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Participants are asked to distinguish a gabor display that is "popping out" from one that is not, and rate their confidence on the decision on a scale of 1 (low confidence) to 6 (high confidence).  Full details are available:",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_553ebfc390256"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660598023,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-27T23:19:41",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-27T23:20:02",
        "last_updated": 1512660598023,
        "def_id": "def_553ec422091ed",
        "name": "Numerical Working Memory Task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "a sequence of numeric stimuli was encoded and participants were intermittently probed regarding the parity of the prior stimulus.",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_553ec40d44c51"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660598046,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-27T23:29:18",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-30T18:39:03",
        "last_updated": 1512660598046,
        "def_id": "def_554276c7da10f",
        "name": "associative memory encoding task",
        "alias": "declarative memory encoding task",
        "definition_text": "Broadly, participants are taught to visually identify a facial feature or face, link a phonological cue or name to that feature or face, and either recall the associated name/cue or recognize it from a list\r\n\r\nSpecifically, this is an associative memory encoding task for which participants are asked to remember names paired with pictures of faces, and rate their confidence on the assertion.",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_553ec64e6cb1b"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660598074,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-28T16:56:05",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-28T16:56:06",
        "last_updated": 1512660598074,
        "def_id": "def_553fbba6150a7",
        "name": "Object Rating Task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Any task where participants are asked to evaluate preferences for one or more stimuli on a scale.",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_553fbba5d5327"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660598103,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-28T16:57:27",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-30T18:52:56",
        "last_updated": 1512660598103,
        "def_id": "def_55427a08aca19",
        "name": "social influence for food preferences task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "This task assesses the impact of social influence on ratings for healthy and unhealthy foods.  Participants are shown images of foods, and asked to rate how much they would like to eat each food on a scale [1,8]. Participants are then shown an "average" rating from their peers that will either be much lower, higher, or the same, and this procedure is followed by another block to ask participants to re-evaluate foods after exposure to the peer ratings.  Paper is available at: (Social norms shift behavioral and neural responses to foods. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.)",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_553fbbf79ebc5"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660598134,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-28T18:35:40",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-30T18:48:18",
        "last_updated": 1512660598134,
        "def_id": "def_554278f24d405",
        "name": "complex trait judgment task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "This task aims to measure judgment in the domains of trustworthiness (social), attractiveness (social), happiness (affective), and cognitive age (cognitive). Participants are presented with stimuli are required to evaluate each voice based on 4 different questions: “(Who do you regard as) More trustworthy?,” “More attractive?,” “Happier?,” and “Older?.” Judgments may be made based on stimuli including voices, faces, or other characteristics.",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_553fd2fc7a648"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660598157,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-28T17:41:14",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-28T17:41:14",
        "last_updated": 1512660598157,
        "def_id": "def_553fc63a6e5a4",
        "name": "motion discrimination task",
        "alias": "direction discrimination task",
        "definition_text": "any task for which a participant views stimuli with some proportion moving in a particular direction and must decide the direction the stimuli is moving in",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_553fc63a54ae6"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660598182,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-28T17:50:16",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-28T17:50:16",
        "last_updated": 1512660598182,
        "def_id": "def_553fc858d0bef",
        "name": "consensus decision-making task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A participant must come to consensus with a set of other participants on a choice between two items. If consensus is reached, the item is obtained and the next block begins. If consensus is not reached, the next trial contains the same choice. If consensus is not reached by the end of the block, no item is gained. The experiment uses actual people, and the control condition uses has th participant interacting with a computer algorithm. Full details:",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_553fc858cacc5"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660598207,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-28T18:04:46",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-07-30T00:52:51",
        "last_updated": 1512660598207,
        "def_id": "def_55b97562cca98",
        "name": "stop signal walking task with stroop",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Participants walk around a virtual reality environment controlled by a foot pedal and must respond to STOP and WALK commands. In a low cognitive load condition, participants respond to these commands verbatim. In a high cognitive load condition, participants are presented with stroop stimuli, and congruent words == WALK, and incongruent words == STOP. Full details:",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_553fcbbe974ba"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660598229,
        "event_stamp": "2015-04-28T18:15:57",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-04-28T18:16:31",
        "last_updated": 1512660598229,
        "def_id": "def_553fce7f0b259",
        "name": "Bistable percept paradigm",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "a computer-based task that requires participants to evaluate a battery of monochromatic “monostable” and “bistable” percepts and impaired performance on this task distinguishes those PD patients who experience VH. From:",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_553fce5d21da7"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660598252,
        "event_stamp": "2015-05-05T20:50:46",
        "def_id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-05-05T20:50:46",
        "last_updated": 1512660598252,
        "def_id": "def_55492d2656420",
        "name": "Manipulation of predictability",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "None",
        "id_user": "usr_4e42a3196fbcd",
        "id": "trm_55492d262a847"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660598276,
        "event_stamp": "2015-05-11T17:21:05",
        "def_id_user": "usr_5550e439ddade",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-05-11T17:21:05",
        "last_updated": 1512660598276,
        "def_id": "def_5550e5014175d",
        "name": "audio narrative",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Audio narratives tell stories through sound alone: narration, interviews, live and archival sound recordings, environmental soundscapes, sound effects, found sounds, etc. Audio narratives use storytelling along with other audio means to create intimate experiences through characters, plot, and setting.",
        "id_user": "usr_5550e439ddade",
        "id": "trm_5550e5011ce10"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660598301,
        "event_stamp": "2015-06-20T20:08:29",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-06-20T20:08:41",
        "last_updated": 1512660598301,
        "def_id": "def_5585c8492e05c",
        "name": "Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index",
        "alias": "PSQI, Pittsburgh Sleep Questionnaire",
        "definition_text": "The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) is a self-rated questionnaire which assesses sleep quality and disturbances over a 1-month time interval. Nineteen individual items generate seven "component" scores: subjective sleep quality, sleep latency, sleep duration, habitual sleep efficiency, sleep disturbances, use of sleeping medication, and daytime dysfunction. The sum of scores for these seven components yields one global score.\r\n\r\nfrom",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_5585c83d15fad"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660598324,
        "event_stamp": "2015-06-21T18:16:39",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-06-21T18:16:39",
        "last_updated": 1512660598324,
        "def_id": "def_5586ff87acf47",
        "name": "Adult ADHD Clinical Diagnostic Scale",
        "alias": "ACDS",
        "definition_text": "A primary diagnostic measure developed to establish the presence of current adult symptoms of ADHD. This is an 18-item, clinician-based, semistructured interview hat employs adult-specific language to ensure adequate probing of adult manifestations of ADHD symptoms. The 18 items in the scale correspond to the 18 diagnostic criteria in the DSM criteria.\r\n\r\nFrom:",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_5586ff878155d"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660598346,
        "event_stamp": "2015-06-21T18:27:48",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-06-21T18:27:48",
        "last_updated": 1512660598346,
        "def_id": "def_558702244a079",
        "name": "Young Mania Rating Scale",
        "alias": "YMRS",
        "definition_text": "The Young Mania Rating Scale is an eleven-item, multiple-choice diagnostic questionnaire that psychiatrists use to measure the severity of manic episodes in patients. The scale was originally developed for use in the evaluation of adult patients who were suffering from bipolar disorder, but has since been modified for use in pediatric patients. A similar scale was then developed to allow clinicians to interview parents about their children's symptoms, in order to ascertain a better diagnosis of mania in children. Clinical studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of the parent version of the scale.\r\n\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_558702243da12"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660598374,
        "event_stamp": "2015-06-25T16:54:28",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-06-25T16:54:28",
        "last_updated": 1512660598374,
        "def_id": "def_558c3244cb213",
        "name": "Multi-class n-back task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "An n-back task including faces, scenes, and chinese characters as stimuli",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_558c324478d22"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660598397,
        "event_stamp": "2015-06-25T16:58:56",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-06-25T16:58:56",
        "last_updated": 1512660598397,
        "def_id": "def_558c3350ceb79",
        "name": "Stop signal task with dot motion discrimination",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A stop signal task in which the primary task is a dot motion discrimination task",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_558c3350c6a9f"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660598421,
        "event_stamp": "2015-06-25T17:01:27",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-06-25T17:04:25",
        "last_updated": 1512660598421,
        "def_id": "def_558c349904a2c",
        "name": "multi-object localizer task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A task involving presentation of multiple classes of visual objects, meant to localize category-specific regions of visual cortex.  The subject monitors for a target (red dot) and responds when target appears.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_558c33e7714ba"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660598444,
        "event_stamp": "2015-06-25T17:08:39",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-06-25T17:08:39",
        "last_updated": 1512660598444,
        "def_id": "def_558c35979e574",
        "name": "Sentence/nonword language localizer",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A task in which strings of stimuli (either sentences or strings of nonwords) are presented, followed by a probe on which the subject responds whether the probe item was present in the string of stimuli.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_558c35979a284"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660598469,
        "event_stamp": "2015-06-25T17:12:51",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-06-25T17:12:51",
        "last_updated": 1512660598469,
        "def_id": "def_558c369367254",
        "name": "spatial working memory localizer task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A task in which targets are presented on a spatial grid,  followed by a probe in which the subject must choose between two spatial layouts, one of which matches the locations presented in the initial set.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_558c36935a0e9"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660598496,
        "event_stamp": "2015-06-25T18:49:21",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-06-25T18:49:21",
        "last_updated": 1512660598496,
        "def_id": "def_558c4d31116e3",
        "name": "retinotopic mapping task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "The subject is presented with stimuli including rotating wedges and expanding/contracting rings, while maintaining fixation and performing a target detection task for an eccentric target.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_558c4d3105abf"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660598521,
        "event_stamp": "2015-07-09T08:04:01",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-07-09T08:04:02",
        "last_updated": 1512660598521,
        "def_id": "def_559e2af23bd3b",
        "name": "Hamilton Psychiatric Rating Scale for Depression",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "The Hamilton Psychiatric Rating Scale for Depression is a multiple item questionnaire used to provide an indication of depression, and as a guide to evaluate recovery. It was originally published in 1960 by Max Hamilton and revised it in 1966, 1967, 1969, and 1980. The questionnaire is designed for adults and is used to rate the severity of their depression by probing mood, feelings of guilt, suicide ideation, insomnia, agitation or retardation, anxiety, weight loss, and somatic symptoms.\r\n\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_559e2af1cc0ce"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660598545,
        "event_stamp": "2015-07-15T18:16:13",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-07-15T18:16:13",
        "last_updated": 1512660598545,
        "def_id": "def_55a6a36de2aa4",
        "name": "Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms",
        "alias": "SANS",
        "definition_text": "The Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms (SANS) is a rating scale to measure negative symptoms in schizophrenia. The scale was developed by Nancy Andreasen and was first published in 1984. SANS is split into 5 domains, and within each domain separate symptoms are rated from 0 (absent) to 5 (severe). The scale is closely linked to the Scale for the Assessment of Positive Symptoms (SAPS) which was published a few years later.\r\n\r\nFrom",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_55a6a36d9c3f9"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660598569,
        "event_stamp": "2015-07-15T18:23:33",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-07-15T18:23:33",
        "last_updated": 1512660598569,
        "def_id": "def_55a6a525487c3",
        "name": "Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale",
        "alias": "BPRS",
        "definition_text": "The Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) is rating scale which a clinician or researcher may use to measure psychiatric symptoms such as depression, anxiety, hallucinations and unusual behaviour.[1] Each symptom is rated 1-7 and depending on the version between a total of 18-24 symptoms are scored. The scale is the one of the oldest, widely used scales to measure psychotic symptoms and was first published in 1962.\r\n\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_55a6a52537c2b"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660598593,
        "event_stamp": "2015-07-15T18:34:03",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-07-15T18:34:03",
        "last_updated": 1512660598593,
        "def_id": "def_55a6a79b5cb2c",
        "name": "Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale",
        "alias": "ASRS",
        "definition_text": "The Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale (ASRS) Symptom Checklist is a self-reported questionnaire used to assist in the diagnosis of adult ADHD.\r\n\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_55a6a79b55c8b"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660598619,
        "event_stamp": "2015-07-15T18:37:20",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-07-15T18:37:20",
        "last_updated": 1512660598619,
        "def_id": "def_55a6a860aba87",
        "name": "Hopkins Symptom Checklist",
        "alias": "HOPKINS, HSCL",
        "definition_text": "The Hopkins Symptoms Checklist (HSCL) is a well-known and widely used screening instrument whose history dates from the 1950s. It was originally designed by Parloff, Kelman, and Frank at Johns Hopkins University. The HSCL-25 is a symptom inventory which measures symptoms of anxiety and depression.\r\n\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_55a6a860a7088"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660598642,
        "event_stamp": "2015-07-15T18:39:36",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-07-15T18:39:36",
        "last_updated": 1512660598642,
        "def_id": "def_55a6a8e821a0a",
        "name": "Barratt Impulsiveness Scale",
        "alias": "BIS",
        "definition_text": "The Barratt Impulsiveness Scale (BIS) is a widely used measure of impulsiveness. It includes 30 items that are scored to yield six first-order factors (attention, motor, self-control, cognitive complexity, perseverance, and cognitive instability impulsiveness) and three second-order factors (attentional, motor, and non-planning impulsiveness).\r\n\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_55a6a8e81b7f4"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660598667,
        "event_stamp": "2015-07-15T18:41:35",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-07-15T18:41:35",
        "last_updated": 1512660598667,
        "def_id": "def_55a6a95f6ec81",
        "name": "Dickman Impulsivity Inventory",
        "alias": "DICK",
        "definition_text": "The Dickman Inventory classifies impulsivity into functional and dysfunctional categories. Dysfunctional impulsivity is a type of impulsivity that is associated with a tendency to make quick decisions when this type of decision-making is non-optimal. This differs from functional impulsivity which is a tendency to make quick decisions where this is optimal. As dysfunctional impulsivity is often associated with a failure to consider the consequences of one’s behavior, it can often lead to life difficulties.\r\n\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_55a6a95f66508"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660598689,
        "event_stamp": "2015-07-15T18:45:54",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-07-15T18:45:54",
        "last_updated": 1512660598689,
        "def_id": "def_55a6aa62da975",
        "name": "Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire",
        "alias": "MPQ",
        "definition_text": "The Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire (MPQ) is a personality test meant to measure normal personality developed by Auke Tellegen in 1982. It is currently sold by the University of Minnesota Press.\r\n\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_55a6aa62c54f8"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660598714,
        "event_stamp": "2015-07-15T19:03:43",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-07-15T19:03:43",
        "last_updated": 1512660598714,
        "def_id": "def_55a6ae8f4a649",
        "name": "Eysenck Personality Questionnaire",
        "alias": "EPQ, EPI",
        "definition_text": "In psychology, Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ) is a questionnaire to assess the personality traits of a person, with the result sometimes referred to as the Eysenck's personality Inventory or (EPI).\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nEysenck Personality Questionnaire",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_55a6ae8f44ac3"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660598735,
        "event_stamp": "2015-07-15T20:52:27",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-07-15T20:52:27",
        "last_updated": 1512660598735,
        "def_id": "def_55a6c80b339db",
        "name": "Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory",
        "alias": "MMPI",
        "definition_text": "The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is the most widely used and researched standardized psychometric test of adult personality and psychopathology. Psychologists and other mental health professionals use various versions of the MMPI to develop treatment plans; assist with differential diagnosis; help answer legal questions (forensic psychology); screen job candidates during the personnel selection process; or as part of a therapeutic assessment procedure.\r\n\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_55a6c80b2c1d6"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660598758,
        "event_stamp": "2015-07-15T20:57:17",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-07-15T20:57:17",
        "last_updated": 1512660598758,
        "def_id": "def_55a6c92db1cde",
        "name": "Hypomanic Personality Scale",
        "alias": "HPS",
        "definition_text": "The Hypomanic Personality Scale (HPS) was designed to measure a predispositional personality style to bipolar disorder.\r\n\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_55a6c92db12b0"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660598781,
        "event_stamp": "2016-08-26T22:40:48",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-08-26T22:40:48",
        "last_updated": 1512660598781,
        "def_id": "def_57c0c57047a9b",
        "name": "Chapman Magical Ideation Scale",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "assesses erroneous beliefs that are based in magical thinking (e.g., “I have occasionally had the silly feeling that a TV or radio broadcaster knew I was listening to him.”). (from",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_57c0c570473d3"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660598810,
        "event_stamp": "2015-07-15T21:06:23",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-07-15T21:06:23",
        "last_updated": 1512660598810,
        "def_id": "def_55a6cb4f97787",
        "name": "Temperament and Character Inventory",
        "alias": "TCI",
        "definition_text": "The Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI) is an inventory for personality traits devised by Cloninger et al. It is closely related to and an outgrowth of the Tridimensional Personality Questionnaire (TPQ), and it has also been related to the dimensions of personality in Zuckerman's alternative five and Eysenck's models and those of the Five Factor Model.\r\n\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_55a6cb4f951ea"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660598833,
        "event_stamp": "2015-07-15T21:26:19",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-07-15T21:26:19",
        "last_updated": 1512660598833,
        "def_id": "def_55a6cffbcd24b",
        "name": "Scale for the Assessment of Positive Symptoms",
        "alias": "SAPS",
        "definition_text": "The Scale for the Assessment of Positive Symptoms (SAPS) is a rating scale to measure positive symptoms in schizophrenia. The scale was developed by Nancy Andreasen and was first published in 1984. SAPS is split into 4 domains, and within each domain separate symptoms are rated from 0 (absent) to 5 (severe). The scale is closely linked to the Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms (SANS) which was published a few years earlier.\r\n\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_55a6cffbcb5f7"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660598861,
        "event_stamp": "2016-01-13T19:29:29",
        "def_id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-01-17T21:15:35",
        "last_updated": 1512660598861,
        "def_id": "def_569c04779e9bf",
        "name": "Bickel Titrator",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A task that adjusts delay across a series of delay discounting trials, while holding the later amounts constant. This determines the Effective Delay 50(ED50), a delay period that results in the smaller immediate reward having the same value as a larger later reward.",
        "id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "id": "trm_5696a599bfcb6"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660598893,
        "event_stamp": "2015-08-08T22:46:56",
        "def_id_user": "usr_55b972918e005",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-08-08T22:46:56",
        "last_updated": 1512660598893,
        "def_id": "def_55c686e0c51fa",
        "name": "Single item food choice task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A task in which subjects decide for several (snack) foods, sequentially, whether they would like to eat them. In order to make the choices realistic, participants are instructed that one of the trials counts for real and that they actually receive a portion of the snack chosen in that trial at the end of the study session.\r\n\r\nIn every trial, they view one of the study stimuli (3000 ms, choice period) and subsequently indicate with a button press (1500 ms, button press period) whether they want to eat a portion of the snack or not. During the button press period the words “yes” and “no” are shown left/right (randomized) on the screen. After indicating their choice, a yellow box appears around the yes or no. Participants are instructed to make their choice already during the period that the image was shown. To ensure that choices are made in direct response to the food pictures, the button press period was so short that it only allows them to locate whether they have to push the left or right button. The choice trials are interspersed with a random interval (between 2000 and 5000 ms). At the beginning, halfway (after 50 trials) and at the end an additional baseline period of 30 s is included in the task (fixation cross). \r\n\r\nThe visual stimuli consist of 100 pictures of regularly available snack foods on plates with a grey background: 50 high energy (HE) foods (energy content in kcal/100gram: M = 419, SD = 103) and 50 low energy (LE) foods (M = 56, SD = 37). Examples of HE snacks were crisps, cookies, cakes and candies. Examples of LE snacks were grapes, apples, bananas and mixed snack salads. The standardized image set can be downloaded from:\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_55b972918e005",
        "id": "trm_55c686e0824e8"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660598922,
        "event_stamp": "2015-08-08T23:32:32",
        "def_id_user": "usr_55b972918e005",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-08-08T23:32:32",
        "last_updated": 1512660598922,
        "def_id": "def_55c69190b7472",
        "name": "Two item food choice task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "In this task, subjects decide for a series of binary food choice options which of the two they would like to eat. In populations with weight-concerned and dieting subjects this task is employed to investigate aspects of food-related self-control. It has also been employed in general population and non-dieters (e.g., Charbonnier et al., 2015) in a slightly adapted forms. Here the implementation of Van der Laan (2014) is described. \r\n\r\nIn the food choice task, participants make a total of 100 choices. In every trial, a high energy (HE) (energy content in kcal/100 gram: M = 419, SD = 103) and a low energy (LE) (M = 56, SD = 37) snack are shown side by side. Participants have 3000 ms to indicate which of the two products they would most like to eat a portion of by pushing the left or right but ton of a button box. After indicating their choice, a yellow box appears around the chosen product for 500 ms. The trials are interspersed with a random interval between 2000 and 5000 ms.\r\n\r\nTo investigate response conflict during food choice participants  are required to choose between pairs of HE and LE snacks matched such (on the basis of their own tastiness ratings given in the first session) that either a self-control dilemma was posed or not. In half of the trials, LE snacks are combined with HE snacks rated two or three points higher on tastiness (Self-Control required(SC)trials), posing a self-control dilemma concerning the trade-off between immediate eating enjoyment (choosing the appealing HE snack) and weight-watching intentions (choosing the less appealing LE snack). In the other half of the trials, the LE and HE snacks are matched on tastiness (equal or ±1 point in tastiness rating; No Self-Control required (NSC) trials), such that no trade-off between eating enjoyment and weight watching intentions is needed to choose the long-term superior LE snack.\r\n\r\nThe visual stimuli consist of 100 pictures of regularly available snack foods on plates with a grey background: 50 high energy (HE) foods (energy content in kcal/100gram: M = 419, SD = 103) and 50 low energy (LE) foods (M = 56, SD = 37). Examples of HE snacks were crisps, cookies, cakes and candies. Examples of LE snacks were grapes, apples, bananas and mixed snack salads. The standardized image set can be downloaded from:\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_55b972918e005",
        "id": "trm_55c691909c580"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660598947,
        "event_stamp": "2015-12-08T21:03:55",
        "def_id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-12-08T21:03:56",
        "last_updated": 1512660598947,
        "def_id": "def_566745bc044fb",
        "name": "task switching (3x2)",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects are presented with a task cue followed by a colored number (1-9 excluding 5 in orange or blue). The task cue indicates whether to respond to the colored number based on parity (odd-even), magnitude (higher-lower than 5) or color (orange-blue).  There are three different tasks, and each task has two task cues that evoke the task action.  For example, the task cue could be either parity or odd-even.  Both of these task cues indicate that the subject should judge the subsequent colored number based on whether it is an odd or even number.  ",
        "id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "id": "trm_566745bbf272a"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660598968,
        "event_stamp": "2015-12-08T21:11:11",
        "def_id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-12-08T21:11:11",
        "last_updated": 1512660598968,
        "def_id": "def_5667476fcb400",
        "name": "Inter-dimensional/Extra-dimensional Shift Task",
        "alias": "IDED, IDED+reversal",
        "definition_text": "A combination of the intradimensional task and extradimensional task. Subjects are presented with two compound stimuli, each composed of a 'line stimulus" and a "shape stimulus". Thus the stimuli are multi-dimensional, in that they are composed of two separable features (line and shape).  There are 8 different “lines”, and 8 different “shapes”.  Subjects are told to choose between the two stimuli, and receive feedback on their choices.  The correct choice depends upon the current target, where the target can take on any one of the 8 “lines” or 8 “shapes”.  The current target shifts after several trials.  This allows for an inter-dimensional shift, where the subject learns the new correct target within the same dimension (old target: “line 1”, new target “line 2”) or for an extra-dimensional shift, where the subject learns the new target outside of the old dimension (old target: “line 1” new target: “shape 2”).",
        "id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "id": "trm_5667476fc14dd"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660598990,
        "event_stamp": "2015-12-08T21:12:35",
        "def_id_user": "usr_58348e34eeb70",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-11-22T18:31:24",
        "last_updated": 1512660598990,
        "def_id": "def_58348efc1c413",
        "name": "Dimensions task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects are presented with three three-dimensional (e.g., color, texture, shape) stimuli. Each dimension has three exemplars so all exemplars are on the screen at any time. One dimension (e.g., color) determines reward, and one exemplar in this dimension (e.g. "red") has a higher probability of reward than the others (75% vs. 25%). If rewarded, the subject earns 1 point (the subject is instructed to maximize points). After 15-25 trials the relevant dimension and higher probability feature is switched. This switch is either signaled to the participant (in most versions so far) or not (in one paper).",
        "id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "id": "trm_566747c3d757f"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660599011,
        "event_stamp": "2015-12-08T21:14:37",
        "def_id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-12-08T21:14:37",
        "last_updated": 1512660599011,
        "def_id": "def_5667483ddbf9e",
        "name": "Probabilistic Selection Task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "The probabilistic selection task assesses whether participants learn better from positive or negative reinforcement.  The subject is instructed to choose between abstract stimuli via key press.  The task is composed of two phases.  During the first phase, subjects learn to associate 6 abstract visual stimuli with different reward probabilities (e.g., stim 1= 80%, stim 2 = 70%, stim 3= 60%, stim 4= 40%, stim 5 = 30%, stim 6= 20%).  In phase 1, the various stimuli are always presented in pairs, where the sum of the two reward probabilities associated with each stimuli equal 100%.  For example, stim 1 will always be paired with stim 6 (80%+20%=100%).  Subjects eventually learn that for each pair, choosing one stimuli over the other results in more reward (80%>20%).  The subject is tested on this association in phase two.  During phase two, the subject must decide between novel combinations of stimuli. Each stimuli is presented with the remaining four stimuli that it was not paired with in phase 1.  For example, stim1 (80%) can be paired with either stim2(70%), stim3(60%), stim4(40%), or stim5(30%), but not with itself or with the stimuli it was associated with during phase 1, stim6 (20%). Subjects are instructed to win as many points as possible.  There is no feedback given during the second phase.",
        "id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "id": "trm_5667483dcc371"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660599035,
        "event_stamp": "2015-12-08T21:15:57",
        "def_id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-12-08T21:15:57",
        "last_updated": 1512660599035,
        "def_id": "def_5667488d59bec",
        "name": "Angling Risk Task",
        "alias": "ART",
        "definition_text": "In this task subjects "fish" in rounds trying to accumulate as much money as possible. If they catch a red fish, they earn .05 cents. However, if they catch a blue fish they lose all the money earned on that round. They are able to stop any round at any time to collect that round's earnings into their "tournament bank". There is one blue fish and many red fish. The subjects complete 4 tournaments of 30 rounds each. The tournaments differ in their weather condition: Sunny (subjects can see/know how many red/blue fish are in the pond) and cloudy (subjects cannot see the fish) and release law: catch N Keep (probability of catching a red fish goes down as they are taken out of the pond) and catch N Release (probability stays constant). ",
        "id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "id": "trm_5667488d52ccc"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660599062,
        "event_stamp": "2015-12-08T21:16:57",
        "def_id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-12-08T21:16:57",
        "last_updated": 1512660599062,
        "def_id": "def_566748c92f335",
        "name": "Delay Discounting Titration",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects must choose between sooner but smaller rewards versus larger but later rewards.  This task differs from the preceding Kirby Delay Discounting Task in two ways, 1) the smaller reward will not always be immediate and 2) the reward amounts will be chosen randomly from a uniform distribution of a given interval.  This allows for the estimation of a subjects’ discount rate and for the comparison of different model fits of discounting behavior.",
        "id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "id": "trm_566748c929afc"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660599085,
        "event_stamp": "2015-12-08T21:18:36",
        "def_id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-02-11T01:42:53",
        "last_updated": 1512660599085,
        "def_id": "def_56bbe71cec9e4",
        "name": "Columbia Card Task",
        "alias": "CCT",
        "definition_text": "This task is composed of two conditions: hot and cold, with 27 rounds in each condition. In each round subjects are presented with 32 cards; some are gain cards, some are loss cards. Subjects are told how many points a gain card is worth, how many points a loss card costs, and how many loss cards there are in a round. Each round ends when a loss card is turned. In the cold version subjects choose how many cards they want to turn but don't see the result for the round until the end. In the hot version subjects click and turn each card themselves and sees their earning for that round.  In both conditions, subjects see their final score at the end of 27 rounds. ",
        "id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "id": "trm_5667492c555b7"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660599109,
        "event_stamp": "2015-12-08T21:20:07",
        "def_id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-12-08T21:23:30",
        "last_updated": 1512660599109,
        "def_id": "def_56674a52348ed",
        "name": "Sternberg Recent Probes",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects will be asked to remember a training set of 6 stimuli.  After a delay interval, subjects are probed with a single stimulus. Via key press, subjects will be instructed to give one response if the probe was part of the training set for that trial and a different response if the probe was not part of the training set for that trial.   ",
        "id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "id": "trm_56674987c8f0c"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660599132,
        "event_stamp": "2015-12-08T21:32:44",
        "def_id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-12-08T21:34:52",
        "last_updated": 1512660599132,
        "def_id": "def_56674cfcb8889",
        "name": "Sternberg Directed Forgetting",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects will be asked to remember 6 letters presented in a 2x3 matrix. Each trial begins with a central fixation point  followed by the training set of 6 letters to remember, followed by a retention interval.  After the retention interval, subjects are presented with a cue, either TOP or BOT, which instructs the participant to forget the 3 letters presented in the cued location (forget set).  The remaining 3 letters consist of the memory set. ",
        "id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "id": "trm_56674c7c2fa4f"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660599159,
        "event_stamp": "2015-12-08T21:36:42",
        "def_id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-12-08T21:36:42",
        "last_updated": 1512660599159,
        "def_id": "def_56674d6aae453",
        "name": "Dietary Decisions Task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects rate 50 items on a five point scale separately for health and for tastiness. A reference item for health and tastiness, rated neutrally previously on both scales, is chosen for each subject. In stage 3 they are first presented with this reference item and told to choose between the other food items and the reference item. Participants are grouped as self-controllers or non-self-controllers depending on whether they choose the items in stage 3 based upon health or taste, respectively. ",
        "id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "id": "trm_56674d6aa9faf"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660599182,
        "event_stamp": "2015-12-08T21:40:25",
        "def_id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-12-08T21:43:13",
        "last_updated": 1512660599182,
        "def_id": "def_56674ef1352dd",
        "name": "Adaptation of marshmellow test",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects are told that they have 10 minutes to gain as much money as possible by selling tokens and to adopt any strategy that they prefer.  Each trial begins with a circular token (green or purple) at the center of the screen.  After a random delay, the token turns blue and its value changes from 0 cents to 30 cents.  A white progress bar marks the amount of time the current token had been on the screen, with a maximum length corresponding to 100seconds.  Participants could sell the token at anytime by pressing a key.  Subjects were explicitly instructed that the green and purple tokens might differ in their timing, and to learn the nature of the differences from direct experience.  ",
        "id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "id": "trm_56674e49d15e9"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660599208,
        "event_stamp": "2015-12-08T21:45:21",
        "def_id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-12-08T21:45:21",
        "last_updated": 1512660599208,
        "def_id": "def_56674f716fb77",
        "name": "Holt and Laury Risk Titrator",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects are presented with a series of paired lottery choices. For example subjects choose between option A that is a lottery that wins $2 with probability 0.1 and $1.6 with probability 0.9 (safe bet) and option B that is a lottery that wins $3.85 with probability 0.1 and $0.1 with probability 0.9 (risky bet). The paired lottery choices are structured so that the crossover point to the high-risk lottery can be used to infer the degree of risk aversion. ",
        "id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "id": "trm_56674f71483b0"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660599231,
        "event_stamp": "2015-12-08T22:02:01",
        "def_id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-12-08T22:02:01",
        "last_updated": 1512660599231,
        "def_id": "def_56675359bb9ba",
        "name": "Cognitive Reflection Test",
        "alias": "CRT",
        "definition_text": "Subjects are presented with three questions.  These questions at first glance are relatively easy and intuitive. However in order to solve the problem correctly, subjects must correctly inhibit the intuitive/impulsive answer.",
        "id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "id": "trm_56675359b663a"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660599255,
        "event_stamp": "2015-12-13T17:55:17",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2015-12-13T17:55:17",
        "last_updated": 1512660599255,
        "def_id": "def_566db10537afa",
        "name": "roving somatosensory oddball task",
        "alias": "RSOT",
        "definition_text": "A task in which stimuli are presented in a continuous stream and participants must detect the presence of an oddball stimulus. The oddball is a stimulus that occurs infrequently relative to all other stimuli, and has distinct characteristics. For this particular implementation, the trains of stimuli are electrical pulses that between high and low intensity after a variable number of repetitions.  For full details see:\r\n\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_566db10532583"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660599277,
        "event_stamp": "2016-01-13T19:47:27",
        "def_id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-01-13T19:47:28",
        "last_updated": 1512660599277,
        "def_id": "def_5696a9d007d90",
        "name": "letter memory",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A 45-item forced-choice recognition task that uses consonant letters as stimuli and manipulates face difficulty level along 2 dimensions: number of letters to be remembered and number of choices amongst which the target stimulus must be identified.\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "id": "trm_5696a9cfe45b1"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660599300,
        "event_stamp": "2016-01-13T19:56:28",
        "def_id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-01-13T19:56:29",
        "last_updated": 1512660599300,
        "def_id": "def_5696abed16f26",
        "name": "DOSPERT ",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A psychometric scale that assesses risk taking in five content domains: financial decisions (separately for investing versus gambling), health/safety, recreational, ethical, and social decisions. Respondents rate the likelihood that they would engage in domain-specific risky activities (Part I). An optional Part II assesses respondents’ perceptions of the magnitude of the risks and expected benefits of the activities judged in Part I.",
        "id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "id": "trm_5696abecf2569"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660599323,
        "event_stamp": "2016-01-13T20:20:16",
        "def_id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-01-13T20:20:16",
        "last_updated": 1512660599323,
        "def_id": "def_5696b180317b8",
        "name": "Volatile Bandit",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A decision maker chooses between two alternatives, both with a fixed unknown rate of reward.  The subject is instructed to try to gain as much money as possible across all trials. ",
        "id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "id": "trm_5696b180169bd"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660599348,
        "event_stamp": "2016-01-13T20:27:02",
        "def_id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-01-13T20:27:02",
        "last_updated": 1512660599348,
        "def_id": "def_5696b316c86f6",
        "name": "Plus-minus",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A task where subjects are told to add by a number and are subsequently instructed to subtract by that number.",
        "id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "id": "trm_5696b316c220a"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660599370,
        "event_stamp": "2016-01-13T20:39:59",
        "def_id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-01-13T20:40:00",
        "last_updated": 1512660599370,
        "def_id": "def_5696b62033817",
        "name": "multi-source interference task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects are presented with a 3 digit number and are asked to respond which of the digits differ from the other two.",
        "id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "id": "trm_5696b61ff253e"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660599393,
        "event_stamp": "2016-01-13T21:02:41",
        "def_id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-01-13T21:02:41",
        "last_updated": 1512660599393,
        "def_id": "def_5696bb71a0ab3",
        "name": "hierarchical rule task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "subjects must complete a  battery of four response-selection tasks that were designed to test progressively higher degrees of hierarchically ordered control",
        "id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "id": "trm_5696bb7166121"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660599417,
        "event_stamp": "2016-01-13T21:09:05",
        "def_id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-01-13T21:09:05",
        "last_updated": 1512660599417,
        "def_id": "def_5696bcf1c59f7",
        "name": "Tower of London Imagine",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "participants must mentally rearrange a set of three colored balls arranged on pegs, in the fewest possible moves, to match a specified configuration.",
        "id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "id": "trm_5696bcf1b5c64"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660599441,
        "event_stamp": "2016-01-13T21:33:52",
        "def_id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-01-13T21:33:52",
        "last_updated": 1512660599441,
        "def_id": "def_5696c2c0658a4",
        "name": "Multiplication task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "On every trial, subjects are presented with two numbers to multiply.  They can mentally figure out the answer or use pen and paper, but the method must stay constant.",
        "id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "id": "trm_5696c2c063222"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660599464,
        "event_stamp": "2016-01-13T21:39:06",
        "def_id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-01-13T21:39:06",
        "last_updated": 1512660599464,
        "def_id": "def_5696c3fa03b38",
        "name": "Shift Task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects are presented with three objects that differ along three dimensions (color, shape, texture).  At any trial, the relevant dimension gives a higher probability of reward than the other two.  This dimension may shift from trial to trial.",
        "id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "id": "trm_5696c3fa0061a"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660599491,
        "event_stamp": "2016-01-13T22:32:01",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-01-13T22:32:01",
        "last_updated": 1512660599491,
        "def_id": "def_5696d061bec73",
        "name": "WRAT-4 Math Computation",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Math Computation component of the Wide Range Achievement Test 4",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_5696d061adfb5"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660599515,
        "event_stamp": "2016-01-13T22:33:08",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-01-13T22:33:08",
        "last_updated": 1512660599515,
        "def_id": "def_5696d0a490b0d",
        "name": "WRAT-4 Word Reading",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Word reading component of the Wide Range Achievement Test 4",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_5696d0a4902df"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660599539,
        "event_stamp": "2016-01-13T23:43:11",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-01-13T23:43:11",
        "last_updated": 1512660599539,
        "def_id": "def_5696e10fe6561",
        "name": "Penn Vocabulary Test",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Vocabulary component of the Penn WebCNP Battery",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_5696e10fcd36a"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660599563,
        "event_stamp": "2016-01-16T00:08:15",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-01-16T00:08:15",
        "last_updated": 1512660599563,
        "def_id": "def_569989efe34d9",
        "name": "willingness to wait task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A task that asks participants to repeatedly decided how long to keep waiting for future monetary rewards (See Fig. 1a in paper link below). On each trial, the participant views a token that has no initial value but matures to a value of $0.30 after a random delay, and the participant can sell the token at any time to start a new trial and (possibly) maximize earnings. \r\n\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_569989ef8cff4"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660599586,
        "event_stamp": "2016-01-18T23:02:07",
        "def_id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-01-18T23:02:07",
        "last_updated": 1512660599586,
        "def_id": "def_569d6eef54203",
        "name": "gm Paradigm",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A task that crosses reward-valence associations with a stop-signal task",
        "id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "id": "trm_569d6eef27433"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660599609,
        "event_stamp": "2016-01-20T17:47:55",
        "def_id_user": "usr_569fc42c3002f",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-01-20T17:47:56",
        "last_updated": 1512660599609,
        "def_id": "def_569fc84c190f9",
        "name": "Penn Fractal N-Back",
        "alias": "sFNBx2, FNB2",
        "definition_text": "A measure of attention and working memory. In this task, participants are asked to pay attention to fractal designs displayed on the computer screen, one at a time, and to press the spacebar according to one rule: the 2-back. During the 2-back, the participant must press the spacebar whenever the design on the screen is the same as the one displayed before the previous one (i.e. in the series design A, design B, design A, the participant should press the spacebar on or immediately after the second design A . In all trials, the participant has 2500 ms to press the spacebar. The participant practice the 2-Back rule, in which he/she is allowed to make mistakes and then, when he/she completes all practices successfully, the task will begin.",
        "id_user": "usr_569fc42c3002f",
        "id": "trm_569fc84bd541d"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660599637,
        "event_stamp": "2016-01-22T23:14:08",
        "def_id_user": "usr_569fc42c3002f",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-01-22T23:14:08",
        "last_updated": 1512660599637,
        "def_id": "def_56a2b7c08f6ca",
        "name": "Short Penn Continuous Performance Test-Number and Letter Version",
        "alias": "sPCPTNL, Short Penn CPT, Short PCPT-nl, Short NumLet-CPT",
        "definition_text": "A measure of visual attention and vigilance based on the Penn CPT [1]. In this task, a series of red vertical and horizontal lines flash in a digital numeric frame (resembling a digital clock . The task is divided into two types of blocks: one in which the participant must press the spacebar whenever these lines form a complete number, and one in which the participant must press the spacebar whenever these lines form a complete letter. Each block lasts 1.5m. Each stimulus flashes for 300 milliseconds followed by a blank page displayed for 700 milliseconds, giving the participant 1 sec to respond to each trial. The participant practices both types of trials before the task begins.\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_569fc42c3002f",
        "id": "trm_56a2b7c08a279"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660599662,
        "event_stamp": "2016-01-22T21:58:16",
        "def_id_user": "usr_569fc42c3002f",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-01-22T21:58:16",
        "last_updated": 1512660599662,
        "def_id": "def_56a2a5f83f045",
        "name": "Penn Matrix Reasoning Test",
        "alias": "PMAT24-A, PMAT",
        "definition_text": "A measure of abstraction and mental flexibility. It is a multiple choice task in which the participant must conceptualize spatial, design and numerical relations that range in difficulty from very easy to increasingly complex [2]. During the PMAT, the participant must click with the mouse on the square he/she thinks best fits in the missing square of the pattern. There are three types of patterns made up of 2x2, 3x3 and 1x5 arrangements of squares. Each item has five response choices. Each PMAT form has 24 items and 3 bonus items. There are two forms, PMAT24-A and PMAT24-B. The test is arranged in order of increasing difficulty of items and is discontinued after the participant chooses an incorrect response for any five items. The bonus items are selected based on the participant’s performance. There are two forms, PMAT24-A and PMAT24-B. The test is arranged in order of increasing difficulty of items and is discontinued after the participant chooses an incorrect response for any five items.\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_569fc42c3002f",
        "id": "trm_56a2a5f8315c5"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660599693,
        "event_stamp": "2016-01-22T21:58:58",
        "def_id_user": "usr_569fc42c3002f",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-01-22T21:58:58",
        "last_updated": 1512660599693,
        "def_id": "def_56a2a622e3e13",
        "name": "Penn Facial Memory Test Delayed Memory",
        "alias": "CPFd, Penn Face Memory Test - Delayed, PFMT, CPFd, CPFdelay, RCPFd",
        "definition_text": "A measure of delayed face memory. In the first part of this test, participants were shown 20 faces that they were asked to identify for immediate recall (CPF . Now, during the delayed recall (CPFd , participants are shown a series, one at a time, of 40 faces: the 20 study stimuli/faces they were asked to memorize and 20 novel faces, all of which are different from the 20 distracters shown during the CPF. The participants’ task is to decide whether they have seen each face before by clicking one of four buttons, presented in a 4-point scale: “definitely yes”, “probably yes”, “probably no” and “definitely no,” using the mouse. There is one alternate form of the CPFd: the CPFd-b.\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_569fc42c3002f",
        "id": "trm_56a2a622cdfbd"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660599727,
        "event_stamp": "2016-01-22T22:00:05",
        "def_id_user": "usr_595048b29ebdf",
        "def_event_stamp": "2017-08-30T15:44:36",
        "last_updated": 1512660599727,
        "def_id": "def_59a6dd642d434",
        "name": "Adult's Penn Word Memory Test Delayed Memory",
        "alias": "CPWd, CPWdelay",
        "definition_text": "A measure of delayed word memory. In the first part of this test, participants are shown 20 words that they were asked to identify for immediate recall (CPW . Now, during the delayed recall, participants are shown a series, one at a time, of 40 words: the 20 study stimuli they were asked to memorize and 20 novel stimuli, completely different from the 20 distracters showed on the CPW. The participants’ task is to decide whether they have seen the word before by clicking one of four buttons, presented in a 4-point scale: “definitely yes”, “probably yes”, “probably no” and “definitely no,” using the mouse. There is one alternate form of the CPWd: the CPWd-b.\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_569fc42c3002f",
        "id": "trm_56a2a665baeb1"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660599758,
        "event_stamp": "2016-01-22T22:01:17",
        "def_id_user": "usr_569fc42c3002f",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-01-22T22:01:17",
        "last_updated": 1512660599758,
        "def_id": "def_56a2a6ad71c86",
        "name": "Penn Visual Object Learning Test",
        "alias": "Short VOLT, VOLT, sVOLT",
        "definition_text": "A measure of visual object learning and memory. It was designed as a spatial analog of the California Verbal Learning Test. The sVOLT includes only the first set of trials of a series of 7 sets from the full version (VOLT  [1]. In the first part of this test, participants are shown 10 threedimensional Euclidean shapes that they will be asked to identify for both immediate and delayed recalls (delayed recall = sVOLTd . During the immediate recall (sVOLT , participants are shown a series, one at a time, of 20 three-dimensional Euclidean shapes - the 10 shapes they were asked to memorize mixed with 10 novel shapes. The participant’s task is to decide whether he/she has seen the shape before by clicking with the mouse on one of four buttons: “DEFINITELY YES”, “PROBABLY YES”, "PROBABLY NO" and "DEFINITELY NO". (NOTE: The original sVOLT had only two response choices: “YES I have seen the shape” and “NO I have not seen the shape.” . Participants have 20 seconds to select a response before the test moves on to the next trial. There are two forms of the sVOLT: the sVOLT-A and sVOLT-B.\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_569fc42c3002f",
        "id": "trm_56a2a6ad6edee"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660599786,
        "event_stamp": "2016-01-22T22:01:50",
        "def_id_user": "usr_569fc42c3002f",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-01-22T22:01:50",
        "last_updated": 1512660599786,
        "def_id": "def_56a2a6ce2e2fb",
        "name": "Penn Emotion Recognition Task",
        "alias": "ER40, Children's ER40)",
        "definition_text": "A measure of emotion recognition. Participants are shown a series of 40 faces, one at a time, and asked to determine what emotion the face is showing for each trial. There are 5 answer choices: Happy, Sad, Angry, Scared and No Feeling. Participants respond to each trial by clicking word describing the emotion each faces expresses using the mouse. There are 4 female faces for each emotion (4 x 5 = 20  and 4 male faces for each emotion (4 x 5 = 20 . The children's version (k-ER40  uses the same stimuli as the adult version, but some of the emotion prompts are simplified: Anger => Angry, Fear=>Scared, No Emotion=>No Feeling. There are two forms of the children’s version: the k-er40-a and k-er40-b.\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_569fc42c3002f",
        "id": "trm_56a2a6ce24586"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660599836,
        "event_stamp": "2016-01-22T22:03:54",
        "def_id_user": "usr_569fc42c3002f",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-01-22T22:03:54",
        "last_updated": 1512660599836,
        "def_id": "def_56a2a74abf32e",
        "name": "Measured Emotion Differentiation Test",
        "alias": "MEDF36, Measured EMODIFF, Morphed EMODIFF",
        "definition_text": "Measures the ability to detect emotion intensity. The subject is presented with pairs of faces. The MEDF presents a pair of faces and asks the participant to click the button labeled “This Face” below the face that is showing more emotion (anger, fear, happiness, sadness , or the central button labeled “Equal” if both faces are showing equal emotion. The stimuli are created using software to morph faces into differing intensities of emotion. For example, a 50  morph will be a 50  morph between a neutral face and the same identity expressing the target emotion. There are 36 trials in total, divided into happy, sad, angry, and fearful faces. Of the 36 trials, 4 show no emotional difference. The remaining 32 trials have emotion differentials in increments of 10  ranging from 10  - 60 , distributed more heavily toward 30  and 40  items. Trials are presented in random order, and the test is a forced-choice task with no time limit per trial. After the subject answers one trial, the test automatically moves to the next trial. Response time is recorded for each trial.\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_569fc42c3002f",
        "id": "trm_56a2a74ab3ef6"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660599872,
        "event_stamp": "2016-01-22T22:04:37",
        "def_id_user": "usr_569fc42c3002f",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-01-22T22:04:37",
        "last_updated": 1512660599872,
        "def_id": "def_56a2a7751d4db",
        "name": "Penn’s Logical Reasoning Test",
        "alias": "sPVRT, Short PVRT, PVRT, shortPVRT",
        "definition_text": "A measure of verbal intellectual ability. It is a short version of the Penn Verbal Reasoning Test (PVRT  [1, 2]. It is a multiple-choice task in which the participant must answer age-appropriate verbal analogy problems [2]. The shortPVRT has a total of 8 questions from the regular PVRT, which has 29 questions. The 8 questions were chosen after a statistical analysis of the PVRT, which demonstrated that these 8 questions could predict the scores of the regular 29- questions PVRT. There is a one alternate form for the shortPVRT: the shortPVRT-B.\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_569fc42c3002f",
        "id": "trm_56a2a7750ffd0"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660599921,
        "event_stamp": "2016-01-22T22:10:31",
        "def_id_user": "usr_569fc42c3002f",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-01-22T22:10:31",
        "last_updated": 1512660599921,
        "def_id": "def_56a2a8d78e85e",
        "name": "Ataxia",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "A measure for balance.\r\n\r\nInstructions:\r\nI want to see how well you can balance doing different things with your feet.  I don’t want you to fall, however, so if you feel as if you are going to fall, please step off the line and use  the wall for support.  If at any time you feel that you can’t do these balance tests, please tell me and we will stop.",
        "id_user": "usr_569fc42c3002f",
        "id": "trm_56a2a8d78dd39"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660599952,
        "event_stamp": "2016-01-22T22:13:27",
        "def_id_user": "usr_569fc42c3002f",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-01-22T22:13:27",
        "last_updated": 1512660599952,
        "def_id": "def_56a2a98787db9",
        "name": "Penn Visual Object Learning Test Delayed Memory",
        "alias": "sVOLTd, Short VOLT delay, VOLTd, sVOLTd",
        "definition_text": "The delayed memory portion of the sVOLT tasj. \r\n\r\nIn the first part of this test, participants were shown 10 three-dimensional Euclidean shapes that they were asked to identify for immediate recall (sVOLT . Now, during the delayed recall (sVOLTd , participants are shown a series, one at a time, of 20 three-dimensional Euclidean shapes - the 10 shapes they were asked to memorize during the SVOLT mixed with 10 novel shapes. The participant’s task is to decide whether he/she has seen the shape before by clicking with the mouse on one of four buttons: “DEFINITELY YES”, “PROBABLY YES”, "PROBABLY NO" and "DEFINITELY NO". (NOTE: The original sVOLT had only two response choices: “YES I have seen the shape” and “NO I have not seen the shape.” . Participants have 20 seconds to select a response before the test moves on to the next trial. There are two forms of the sVOLTd: the sVOLTd-A and sVOLTd-B.\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_569fc42c3002f",
        "id": "trm_56a2a98785453"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660599977,
        "event_stamp": "2016-01-22T22:23:59",
        "def_id_user": "usr_569fc42c3002f",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-01-22T22:23:59",
        "last_updated": 1512660599977,
        "def_id": "def_56a2abffd1789",
        "name": "Penn Motor Praxis",
        "alias": "Mpraxis, Mouse Practice",
        "definition_text": "A measure of sensorimotor ability. Also, it was designed to familiarize the participant with the computer mouse used during most of the WebCNP tasks. During the MPraxis, the participant needs to move the computer mouse cursor over an ever-shrinking green box and click on it once each time it appears on a different location on the test-page. If participants can’t complete the MPraxis, it is likely they won’t be able to complete any other WebCNP task.\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_569fc42c3002f",
        "id": "trm_56a2abffcfae3"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660600004,
        "event_stamp": "2016-01-27T18:53:51",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-01-27T19:24:52",
        "last_updated": 1512660600004,
        "def_id": "def_56a91984969ea",
        "name": "stimulus selective stop signal task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "This stop signal paradigm focuses on stimulus selective stopping, in which subjects stop to one signal and ignore another.\r\n\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_56a9123fe580f"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660600043,
        "event_stamp": "2016-01-27T18:59:09",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-01-27T18:59:55",
        "last_updated": 1512660600043,
        "def_id": "def_56a913ab10216",
        "name": "behavioral approach/inhibition systems",
        "alias": "BIS/BAS,BIS,BAS,BIS-BAS",
        "definition_text": "A questoinnaire that gets at motivational that systems underlie behavior. A behavioral approach system (BAS) is believed to regulate appetitive motives, in which the goal is to move toward something desired. A behavioral avoidance (or inhibition) system (BIS) is said to regulate aversive motives, in which the goal is to move away from something unpleasant.  \r\n\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_56a9137d9dce1"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660600070,
        "event_stamp": "2016-01-27T19:06:46",
        "def_id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-02-11T01:39:04",
        "last_updated": 1512660600070,
        "def_id": "def_56bbe63856a7d",
        "name": "brief self control scale",
        "alias": "BSCS",
        "definition_text": "A 15-item scale that attempts to measure "good self control" using a likert scale (1-5)\r\n\r\n ",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_56a915461cd91"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660600095,
        "event_stamp": "2016-01-27T19:09:50",
        "def_id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-02-11T02:01:30",
        "last_updated": 1512660600095,
        "def_id": "def_56bbeb7aa68ba",
        "name": "future time perspective questionnaire",
        "alias": "FTP",
        "definition_text": "This questionnaire assesses an individuals’ perception of how much time they have left to live.  Subjects will be presented with 10 items, which they must rate on a scale (1-5) how much they agree with the statement.  \r\n\r\nFTP: Carsten-Lang Future Time Perspective Questionnaire (FTP)\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_56a915fe77945"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660600120,
        "event_stamp": "2016-01-27T19:11:32",
        "def_id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-01-27T19:11:32",
        "last_updated": 1512660600120,
        "def_id": "def_56a916643c9e1",
        "name": "duckworth's short grit scale",
        "alias": "GRIT-S",
        "definition_text": "This is a brief self-report and informant-report version of the Grit Scale, which measures trait-level perseverance and passion for long-term goals.\r\n\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_56a9166421494"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660600146,
        "event_stamp": "2016-01-27T19:25:24",
        "def_id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-02-11T01:55:40",
        "last_updated": 1512660600146,
        "def_id": "def_56bbea1c572a6",
        "name": "ten item personality questionnaire",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "This 10-item questionnaire was designed to assess an individuals’ general personality using a reduced version of the Big-Five personality dimensions (openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism).  Subjects must respond to each question using a scale (1-7) where 1=strongly disagree, and 7=strongly agree.  \r\n\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_56a919a478935"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660600171,
        "event_stamp": "2016-01-27T19:27:44",
        "def_id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-02-11T01:59:25",
        "last_updated": 1512660600171,
        "def_id": "def_56bbeafd1ec73",
        "name": "theories of willpower scale",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "This scale assesses an individuals’ perception on the availability of mental exertion, whether or not it is a limited or unlimited resource.  Subjects are presented with 8 items, which they must rate on a scale (1-6) how much they agree with the statement.\r\n\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_56a91a3082c31"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660600195,
        "event_stamp": "2016-01-27T19:29:22",
        "def_id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-02-11T02:11:02",
        "last_updated": 1512660600195,
        "def_id": "def_56bbedb622f4d",
        "name": "UPPS-P Impulsivity Scale",
        "alias": "UPPS-P",
        "definition_text": "The UPPS+P assesses impulsivity across five facets: 1) premeditation, 2) positive urgency, 3) negative urgency, 4) perseverance, and 5) sensation-seeking.  Subjects must answer 59 questions (~11 questions each domain). \r\n\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_56a91a92043bc"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660600223,
        "event_stamp": "2016-01-27T19:45:02",
        "def_id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-02-11T02:11:46",
        "last_updated": 1512660600223,
        "def_id": "def_56bbede25475e",
        "name": "I7 impulsiveness and venturesomeness questionnaire",
        "alias": "I7, I-7",
        "definition_text": "This questionnaire assesses an individuals’ score on impulsivity, venturesomeness, and empathy.  Subjects are presented with 54 yes or no questions regarding the three above stated behavioral characteristics.\r\n\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_56a91e3e982f9"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660600247,
        "event_stamp": "2016-01-27T19:46:26",
        "def_id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-02-11T02:06:37",
        "last_updated": 1512660600247,
        "def_id": "def_56bbecad3f745",
        "name": "zimbardo time perspective inventory",
        "alias": "ZTPI",
        "definition_text": "A 56-item questionnaire that measures attitude towards time perspective across five domains: past-negative, present-hedonistic, future, past-positive, and present-fatalistic.\r\n\r\nZTPI: Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_56a91e92eab46"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660600271,
        "event_stamp": "2016-01-27T19:47:33",
        "def_id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-02-11T01:45:55",
        "last_updated": 1512660600271,
        "def_id": "def_56bbe7d34d968",
        "name": "self regulation questionnaire",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects will be presented with a 63-item questionnaire answerable through a Likert Scale (1=strongly disagree, 5=strongly agree).  These questions are designed to assess an individuals generalized ability to regulate behavior according to the seven-step model of self-regulation as proposed by Miller & Brown (1991).  These seven steps include: receiving, evaluating, triggering, searching, formulating, implanting, and assessment. \r\n\r\n\r\nA Follow-Up Psychometric Analysis of the Self-Regulation Questionnaire\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_51bc76ae9636c",
        "id": "trm_56a91ed5f1ccc"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660600294,
        "event_stamp": "2016-01-28T22:37:39",
        "def_id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-02-11T02:09:23",
        "last_updated": 1512660600294,
        "def_id": "def_56bbed53e2947",
        "name": "treatment self-regulation questionnaire",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "The TSRQ determines the underlying motivational system used by individuals to regulate behavior.  According to the Self-Determination theory, motivation ranges from least to most self-determined, starting with 1) amotivation, 2) external, 3) introjected, 4) identified, and 5) integrated and intrinsic.  The TSRQ is a 15-item questionnaire, where each item is a reason for changing or engaging in a health behavior.  Subjects must respond to each question using a scale (1-7) where 1=not at all true, and 7=very true. ",
        "id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "id": "trm_56aa9833c4be2"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660600318,
        "event_stamp": "2016-11-21T20:52:24",
        "def_id_user": "usr_58335ce1c0dc5",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-11-21T20:52:24",
        "last_updated": 1512660600318,
        "def_id": "def_58335e889f246",
        "name": "Hidden State Decision Making Task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "On each trial, participants have to direct their attention to either a face or a house within a visual compound stimulus and judge the age of the shown example. Participants are instructed to determine whether to attend to face or house as follows: The category on the first trial of each block is instructed. Then, the category remained the same as long as the ages of the images in that category remained the same. If the age changed between trials, the participant should switch attention to the other category on the following trial. Finally, we told participants that no age comparison was required on the first trial after a switch.",
        "id_user": "usr_58335ce1c0dc5",
        "id": "trm_58335e885873f"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660600344,
        "event_stamp": "2016-01-29T01:52:54",
        "def_id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-01-29T01:52:55",
        "last_updated": 1512660600344,
        "def_id": "def_56aac5f712177",
        "name": "Eating questionnaire",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "3 factor eating questionnaire: cognitive restraint (CR), uncontrolled eating (UE), and emotional eating",
        "id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "id": "trm_56aac5f6e4702"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660600368,
        "event_stamp": "2016-01-29T07:21:04",
        "def_id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-01-29T07:21:05",
        "last_updated": 1512660600368,
        "def_id": "def_56ab12e12330d",
        "name": "Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Observing  \r\nDescribing \r\nActing with Awareness\r\nNon-judging of experience \r\nNon-reactivity to experience ",
        "id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "id": "trm_56ab12e0f1a61"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660600395,
        "event_stamp": "2016-01-29T20:29:23",
        "def_id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-01-29T20:29:24",
        "last_updated": 1512660600395,
        "def_id": "def_56abcba416a87",
        "name": "Mindful Attention and Awareness Scale",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Attention to and awareness across several domains of experience in daily life (e.g., cognitive, emotional, physical, and general)",
        "id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "id": "trm_56abcba3df89b"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660600419,
        "event_stamp": "2016-01-29T22:47:26",
        "def_id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-02-11T01:47:03",
        "last_updated": 1512660600419,
        "def_id": "def_56bbe817be694",
        "name": "Zuckerman Sensation Seeking Scale",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "This questionnaire is a list of 34 forced choice questions designed to assess an individuals’ optimal level of stimulation.  Sample questions include: I would like to have a job which would require a lot of traveling (choice a) or I would prefer to have a job in one location (choice b).\r\n\r\nFour factors below:\r\nThrill and adventure seeking (TAS)\r\nExperience seeking (ES)\r\nDisinhibition (DIS)\r\nBoredom susceptibility (BS)",
        "id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "id": "trm_56abebfe9aaa3"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660600444,
        "event_stamp": "2016-01-30T00:41:30",
        "def_id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-02-11T01:44:44",
        "last_updated": 1512660600444,
        "def_id": "def_56bbe78c9b1fa",
        "name": "Selection-Optimization-Compensation (SOC) questionnaire ",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "The SOC questionnaire assesses an individuals’ developmental regulation across three processes: 1) Selection, 2) optimization, and 3) compensation.  Subjects will be presented with 48 items (3 above + loss-based selection, 12 items each category) in which they must make a choice between an action corresponding to SOC behavior and an answer that is a distractor (reasonable alternative action not corresponding to SOC behavior).  ",
        "id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "id": "trm_56ac06bac9334"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660600468,
        "event_stamp": "2016-02-11T01:17:29",
        "def_id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-02-11T01:17:29",
        "last_updated": 1512660600468,
        "def_id": "def_56bbe129dc7f6",
        "name": "Stanford Leisure-Time Activity Categorical Item",
        "alias": "L-Cat",
        "definition_text": "Subjects are presented with 6 statements regarding levels of physical activity.  Subjects must read all 6 statements and choose which statement best characterizes their physical behavior.",
        "id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "id": "trm_56bbe12994926"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660600492,
        "event_stamp": "2016-09-28T15:48:40",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-09-28T15:48:40",
        "last_updated": 1512660600492,
        "def_id": "def_57ebe658a29e1",
        "name": "Moral Dilemma Task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects are presented with vignettes describing either moral dilemmas or non-moral (control) situations.  Each vignette is associated with a question requiring a yes/no answer, and the subject responds with a button press.",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_57ebe6583f52d"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660600516,
        "event_stamp": "2016-02-11T01:30:56",
        "def_id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-02-11T01:30:56",
        "last_updated": 1512660600516,
        "def_id": "def_56bbe45028bc2",
        "name": "Motor Selective Stop Signal Task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Similar to the traditional Stop Signal task except subjects stop to one "stop signal" (e.g., the imperative go stimulus turning blue) but not to another, similar "ignore signal" (e.g., the imperative go stimulus turning orange)",
        "id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "id": "trm_56bbe45003cf7"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660600552,
        "event_stamp": "2016-02-11T01:57:22",
        "def_id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-02-11T01:57:22",
        "last_updated": 1512660600552,
        "def_id": "def_56bbea82c8f70",
        "name": "Emotion Regulation Task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects are given the default instruction of viewing a negative image. They have the option to press a button and switch their instructions to "distract" or "reappraise." Electing to press the button and following those instructions will allow subjects to decrease the negative affect they are likely to be experiencing. However, to choose to distract or reappraise, subjects will have to proactively override their (inferior) default state of viewing, which requires monitoring and attention. ",
        "id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "id": "trm_56bbea82c12bb"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660600577,
        "event_stamp": "2016-02-11T01:58:41",
        "def_id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-02-11T01:58:41",
        "last_updated": 1512660600577,
        "def_id": "def_56bbead1a87ec",
        "name": "Emotion Regulation Questionnaire",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "The ERQ is a 10-item questionnaire designed to assess an individual’s strategy for coping with emotions, either reappraisal or suppression.  Subjects must respond to each question using a scale (1-7) where 1=strongly disagree, and 7=strongly agree.",
        "id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "id": "trm_56bbead1a7ed4"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660600603,
        "event_stamp": "2016-02-11T02:14:45",
        "def_id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-02-11T02:14:45",
        "last_updated": 1512660600603,
        "def_id": "def_56bbee9531d72",
        "name": "Kirby Delay Discounting Task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects must choose between smaller immediate monetary rewards or larger delayed rewards.  There are 27 total items divided into three groups depending on the size of the larger reward (small, medium, large).",
        "id_user": "usr_566738e285cfc",
        "id": "trm_56bbee951f161"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660600630,
        "event_stamp": "2016-07-25T16:39:57",
        "def_id_user": "usr_579611e01221d",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-07-27T14:09:12",
        "last_updated": 1512660600630,
        "def_id": "def_5798c087a1317",
        "name": "Birkbeck Reversible Sentence Comprehension Test",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "participants listen to a sentence and must select from several images the one that correspond to the sentence",
        "id_user": "usr_579611e01221d",
        "id": "trm_579640ddba2c0"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660600654,
        "event_stamp": "2016-07-25T17:25:30",
        "def_id_user": "usr_579611e01221d",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-07-25T17:43:52",
        "last_updated": 1512660600654,
        "def_id": "def_57964fd86c982",
        "name": "Montreal Cognitive Assessment",
        "alias": "MoCA",
        "definition_text": "The Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) was designed as a rapid screening instrument for mild cognitive dysfunction. It assesses different cognitive domains: attention and concentration, executive functions, memory, language, visuoconstructional skills, conceptual thinking, calculations, and orientation. Time to administer the MoCA is approximately 10 minutes. The total possible score is 30 points; a score of 26 or above is considered normal. Participants with 12 years of education or less are awarded an extra point.",
        "id_user": "usr_579611e01221d",
        "id": "trm_57964b8a66aed"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660600680,
        "event_stamp": "2016-07-27T14:35:21",
        "def_id_user": "usr_579611e01221d",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-07-27T14:35:21",
        "last_updated": 1512660600680,
        "def_id": "def_5798c6a94f2e5",
        "name": "word recognition task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "The participant is presented with a set of words to learn. The words are then presented again, mixed with words that the participant has not seen/heard. The participant must correctly identify the previously presented words.\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_579611e01221d",
        "id": "trm_5798c6a933abc"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660600703,
        "event_stamp": "2016-07-27T14:55:28",
        "def_id_user": "usr_579611e01221d",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-07-27T14:55:28",
        "last_updated": 1512660600703,
        "def_id": "def_5798cb60410a3",
        "name": "following commands",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "The participant is given verbal instructions such as "make a fist" or "point to the ceiling". Execution of the command is scored as correct. The commands may be simple or complex (for example having multiple steps).",
        "id_user": "usr_579611e01221d",
        "id": "trm_5798cb6027f28"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660600730,
        "event_stamp": "2016-07-27T15:19:23",
        "def_id_user": "usr_579611e01221d",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-07-27T15:19:24",
        "last_updated": 1512660600730,
        "def_id": "def_5798d0fc0dda3",
        "name": "ideational praxis task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "The participant is given a sheet of paper and a long envelope. The participant is instructed to pretend to send the letter to himself or herself. The participant is told to put the paper into the envelope, seal it, address it to himself or herself, and stamp it. If the participant forgets part of the task, reinstruction is given. Impairment on this item should reflect dysfunction in executing an overlearned task only and not recall difficulty. The five components to this task are 1) fold letter, 2) put letter in envelope, 3) seal envelope, 4) address envelope, 5) put stamp on envelope.",
        "id_user": "usr_579611e01221d",
        "id": "trm_5798d0fbe2bd1"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660600755,
        "event_stamp": "2016-07-27T15:25:29",
        "def_id_user": "usr_579611e01221d",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-07-27T15:25:29",
        "last_updated": 1512660600755,
        "def_id": "def_5798d269401d7",
        "name": "clock drawing task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "The participant is asked to draw a clock showing a specific time. The task is scored based on the number of features correctly drawn.",
        "id_user": "usr_579611e01221d",
        "id": "trm_5798d2693915d"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660600779,
        "event_stamp": "2016-07-27T15:48:10",
        "def_id_user": "usr_579611e01221d",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-07-27T15:48:10",
        "last_updated": 1512660600779,
        "def_id": "def_5798d7ba0a33c",
        "name": "orientation test",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "The participant is asked questions to test their orientation in time and place. These include questions about the date, day of the week, season, name of current hospital and name of city.",
        "id_user": "usr_579611e01221d",
        "id": "trm_5798d7ba0197d"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660600906,
        "event_stamp": "2016-07-27T17:56:21",
        "def_id_user": "usr_595048b29ebdf",
        "def_event_stamp": "2017-08-30T12:40:21",
        "last_updated": 1512660600906,
        "def_id": "def_59a6b235de3cd",
        "name": "National Adult Reading Test",
        "alias": "NART",
        "definition_text": "The NART was specifically designed to provide a means of estimating the premorbid intelligence levels of adult patients suspected of suffering from intellectual deterioration.\r\nThe NART comprises a list of 50 words printed in order of increasing difficulty. The words are relatively short in order to avoid the possible adverse effects of stimulus complexity on the reading of dementing subjects, and they are all 'irregular' with respect to the common rules of pronunciation in order to minimise the possibility of reading by phonemic decoding rather than word recognition.\r\nThe subject reads aloud down the list of words and the number of errors made is recorded. WAIS Verbal, Performance and Full-Scale IQs can be predicted from this reading error score by inserting it into the appropriate formulae.\r\n(Hazel E. Nelson, 1982)",
        "id_user": "usr_579611e01221d",
        "id": "trm_5798f5c57048d"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660600969,
        "event_stamp": "2016-07-27T18:11:19",
        "def_id_user": "usr_579611e01221d",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-07-27T18:12:45",
        "last_updated": 1512660600969,
        "def_id": "def_5798f99d4c0a5",
        "name": "NART-R",
        "alias": "National Adult Reading Test revised for use in North America",
        "definition_text": "The NART was specifically designed to provide a means of estimating the premorbid intelligence levels of adult patients suspected of suffering from intellectual deterioration.\r\nThe NART-R is a revision of the NART comprising 61 words with irregular pronunciations in North American English. It was standardized on participants from the USA and Canada.",
        "id_user": "usr_579611e01221d",
        "id": "trm_5798f94752841"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660600996,
        "event_stamp": "2016-07-27T18:15:21",
        "def_id_user": "usr_595048b29ebdf",
        "def_event_stamp": "2017-08-30T12:41:39",
        "last_updated": 1512660600996,
        "def_id": "def_59a6b283b365d",
        "name": "American National Adult Reading Test",
        "alias": "AMNART",
        "definition_text": "The NART was specifically designed to provide a means of estimating the premorbid intelligence levels of adult patients suspected of suffering from intellectual deterioration.\r\nThe AMNART was developed for use in the USA. Words particular to British English were replaced and predicted IQ was re-standardised.",
        "id_user": "usr_579611e01221d",
        "id": "trm_5798fa39b4315"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660601023,
        "event_stamp": "2016-08-26T22:15:07",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-08-26T22:15:07",
        "last_updated": 1512660601023,
        "def_id": "def_57c0bf6b3baa4",
        "name": "Eckblad and Chapman's Hypomanic Personality Scale",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "None",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_57c0bf6b14b90"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660601047,
        "event_stamp": "2016-08-26T22:17:57",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-08-26T22:17:57",
        "last_updated": 1512660601047,
        "def_id": "def_57c0c015c13f1",
        "name": "Chapman Infrequency Scale",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "None",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_57c0c015b603c"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660601071,
        "event_stamp": "2016-08-26T22:23:02",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-08-26T22:23:02",
        "last_updated": 1512660601071,
        "def_id": "def_57c0c146e73bb",
        "name": "Chapman Perceptual Aberration Scale",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "assesses psychotic-like experiences such as bodily discontinuities and unusual scenery experiences (e.g., “I have felt that something outside my body was a part of my body”). (from",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_57c0c146e0019"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660601098,
        "event_stamp": "2016-08-26T22:24:06",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-08-26T22:24:06",
        "last_updated": 1512660601098,
        "def_id": "def_57c0c186c57cf",
        "name": "Chapman Social Anhedonia Scale",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "assesses deficits in the ability to experience pleasure from non physical stimuli such as other people, talking, exchanging expressions of feelings (e.g., “A car ride is much more enjoyable if someone is with me.”). (from",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_57c0c186b07d4"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660601123,
        "event_stamp": "2016-08-26T22:24:47",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-08-26T22:24:47",
        "last_updated": 1512660601123,
        "def_id": "def_57c0c1af02153",
        "name": "Chapman Physical Anhedonia Scale",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "assesses a self-reported deficit in the ability to experience pleasure from typically pleasurable physical stimuli such as food, sex, and settings e.g., “Beautiful scenery has been a great delight to me.”). (from",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_57c0c1af018a5"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660601149,
        "event_stamp": "2016-08-26T22:31:42",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-08-26T22:31:42",
        "last_updated": 1512660601149,
        "def_id": "def_57c0c34e91ca9",
        "name": "Continuous Performance Task",
        "alias": "CPT",
        "definition_text": "None",
        "id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "id": "trm_57c0c34e61fdf"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660601190,
        "event_stamp": "2016-12-05T17:46:49",
        "def_id_user": "usr_5844d248213dc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2016-12-05T18:20:01",
        "last_updated": 1512660601190,
        "def_id": "def_5845afd1581f6",
        "name": "False Belief task",
        "alias": "FB",
        "definition_text": "In the 'false belief' condition of this task, subjects read a short vignette about a character, and then are asked to respond with 'True' or 'False' to a question that requires inferring the character's beliefs. A sample false-belief trial might be:\r\n\r\nVIGNETTE: The Garcia family goes to a Red Sox baseball game. They leave early, when the Red Sox are up 5-1, and take the train home. While they are on the train, the game finishes with the Red Sox down 5-6.  \r\nTRUE/FALSE QUESTION: When the Garcia family get off the train, they believe that the Red Sox have lost the game.\r\n\r\nIn the control or 'photo' condition, subjects read a short vignette about an image, and then are asked to respond with 'True' or 'False' to a question that requires inferring the nature of the image. A sample photo trial might be:\r\n\r\nVIGNETTE: In 1856, when a painter depicted the river in an oil painting that now hangs in the Metropolitan Museum, many trees grew along the riverbank. In 1913, the trees were cut down and replaced with bushes.\r\nTRUE/FALSE QUESTION: In the painting, there are bushes lining the riverbank.\r\n\r\nIn fMRI paradigms, the contrast 'false belief' > 'photo' is used to isolate neural activation associated with Theory of Mind.",
        "id_user": "usr_5844d248213dc",
        "id": "trm_5845a809e30d5"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660601216,
        "event_stamp": "2017-01-06T17:31:09",
        "def_id_user": "usr_583366685f18a",
        "def_event_stamp": "2017-01-06T17:31:09",
        "last_updated": 1512660601216,
        "def_id": "def_586fd45d40071",
        "name": "vertical checkerboard",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "The subject views a flashing checkerboard with a vertical elongated shape. As a simplified retinotopic mapping procedure., this provides a rough definition of the boundary between some visual areas, e.g. V1 and V2. This is often contrasted with horizontal checkerboards.",
        "id_user": "usr_583366685f18a",
        "id": "trm_586fd45d1bd21"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660601241,
        "event_stamp": "2017-01-06T17:33:49",
        "def_id_user": "usr_583366685f18a",
        "def_event_stamp": "2017-01-06T17:33:49",
        "last_updated": 1512660601241,
        "def_id": "def_586fd4fd98763",
        "name": "horizontal checkerboard",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "The subject views a flashing checkerboard with a horizontal elongated shape. As a simplified retinotopic mapping procedure, this provides a rough definition of the boundary between some visual areas, e.g. V2 and V3. This is often used in conjunction and contrasted with vertical checkerboards. ",
        "id_user": "usr_583366685f18a",
        "id": "trm_586fd4fd8754a"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660601268,
        "event_stamp": "2017-01-06T17:49:22",
        "def_id_user": "usr_583366685f18a",
        "def_event_stamp": "2017-01-06T17:49:23",
        "last_updated": 1512660601268,
        "def_id": "def_586fd8a2e4ff2",
        "name": "hand side  recognition",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "State whether a given hand image is a palm or back image",
        "id_user": "usr_583366685f18a",
        "id": "trm_586fd8a2c77ca"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660601294,
        "event_stamp": "2017-01-06T17:51:03",
        "def_id_user": "usr_583366685f18a",
        "def_event_stamp": "2017-01-06T17:51:03",
        "last_updated": 1512660601294,
        "def_id": "def_586fd907e585d",
        "name": "hand chirality recognition",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "State whether a hand image is a left or right hand image.",
        "id_user": "usr_583366685f18a",
        "id": "trm_586fd907e4fc6"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660601318,
        "event_stamp": "2017-01-09T17:49:16",
        "def_id_user": "usr_583366685f18a",
        "def_event_stamp": "2017-01-09T17:49:17",
        "last_updated": 1512660601318,
        "def_id": "def_5873cd1ce1a2e",
        "name": "standard localizer fMRI task paradigm",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "\tFunctional localizer to map various large-scale functional cognitive networks. These are the various contrasts obtained by opposing the simple tasks as defined in [Pinel 2007 "Fast reproducible identification and large-scale databasing of individual functional cognitive networks"]. This standard localizer is a simple and fast acquisition procedure based on a 5-minute functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) sequence that can be run as easily and as systematically as an anatomical scan. This protocol captures the cerebral bases of auditory and visual perception, motor actions, reading, language comprehension and mental calculation.",
        "id_user": "usr_583366685f18a",
        "id": "trm_5873cd1c9d4c4"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660601343,
        "event_stamp": "2017-01-09T17:55:26",
        "def_id_user": "usr_583366685f18a",
        "def_event_stamp": "2017-01-09T17:55:26",
        "last_updated": 1512660601343,
        "def_id": "def_5873ce8e78dac",
        "name": "spatial localizer fMRI task paradigm",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "This task examined cognitive functions involved on spatial mapping. The paradigm consisted in four categories of blocks. Each block was formed by a set of short events, in which visual instructions related to one or two conditions of the same kind were displayed. These four categories of blocks were characterized as follows: \r\n(1) saccade, in which ocular movements were performed according to the displacement of a fixation cross from the center towards peripheral points in the image displayed; \r\n(2) mimicry of object grasping with right hand, in which the corresponding object was displayed on the screen; \r\n(3) mimic orientation of rhombus, displayed as image background on the screen\r\nTasks of conditions  (2) and (3) were featured by the same visual stimuli in order to capture grasping-specific activity, using\r\nright hand along with fingers; \r\n(4) mental judgement on the left-right direction of a hand displayed as visual stimulus; and\r\n(5) mental judgement on the palmar-dorsal direction of a hand displayed as visual stimulus. \r\nThe first three aforementioned conditions contained one active condition. In contrast, the forth and fifth blocks included two active conditions, referring each one to the relative directions of the hand represented.",
        "id_user": "usr_583366685f18a",
        "id": "trm_5873ce8e77d1d"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660601368,
        "event_stamp": "2017-01-09T18:01:56",
        "def_id_user": "usr_583366685f18a",
        "def_event_stamp": "2017-01-09T18:01:56",
        "last_updated": 1512660601368,
        "def_id": "def_5873d014cc7a2",
        "name": "Social localizer fMRI task paradigm",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "This task tackles cognitive functions implicated on social cognition, namely mental abilities linked to the *theory of mind* or social interplay. There are three categories of blocks constituted by a set of events related to specific conditions. Each block integrates two conditions of the same kind. They can be described as follows: \r\n1. mechanistic audio: interpret short stories (presented as auditory stimuli) through mental reply (no active response was involved), featuring a cause-consequence plot;\r\n2. mechanistic video: interpret short stories (presented as visual stimuli) through mental reply (no active response was\r\n  involved), featuring a cause-consequence plot;\r\n3 triangle mental: watch short movies of triangles, which\r\n  exhibit a putative movement;\r\n4 triangle random: watch short movies of triangles, which\r\n  exhibit a random movement;\r\n5 false belief audio: interpret short stories (presented as auditory stimuli) through mental reply (no active response was involved), featuring a false-belief plot;\r\n6 false belief video: interpret short stories (presented as visual stimuli) through mental reply (no active response was involved), featuring  a false-belief plot;\r\n7 speech sound: listen passively to short samples of human voices;\r\n8 non speech sound: listen passively to short samples of natural sounds.",
        "id_user": "usr_583366685f18a",
        "id": "trm_5873d014bcfc8"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660601396,
        "event_stamp": "2017-01-09T18:04:46",
        "def_id_user": "usr_583366685f18a",
        "def_event_stamp": "2017-01-09T18:04:46",
        "last_updated": 1512660601396,
        "def_id": "def_5873d0be41627",
        "name": "emotional localizer fMRI task paradigm",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "This is an emotional paradigm that include facial judgements of gender, trustworthiness and expression based on face photographs or photographs reduced to the eyes. More precisely, the following conditions were presented:\r\n1 face gender: gender evaluation of the presented human faces;\r\n2 face control: mental assessment on the slope of a gray-scale grid image that may be tilted or not;\r\n3 face trusty: trustworthy evaluation of the presented human faces;\r\n4 expression intention: trustworthy evaluation of the presented human eye images;\r\n5 expression gender: gender evaluation of the presented human eye images;\r\n6 expression control: mental assessment on the slope of a gray-scale grid image that may be tilted or not.",
        "id_user": "usr_583366685f18a",
        "id": "trm_5873d0be34b8f"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660601421,
        "event_stamp": "2017-01-09T19:19:34",
        "def_id_user": "usr_583366685f18a",
        "def_event_stamp": "2017-01-09T19:19:34",
        "last_updated": 1512660601421,
        "def_id": "def_5873e246a542f",
        "name": "synatcting and semantic fMRI task paradigm",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "This is a language mapping task designed for fMRI, in which subjects are presented sequences of 10-items in rapid serial visual presentation. These sequences can be\r\n1. A sentence with complex syntactic structure\r\n2. A sentence with simple syntactic structure\r\n3. A list of words\r\n4. A sentence of jabberwocky\r\n5. A list of pseudo-words (from the same distribution as jabberwocky)\r\n6. Consonant strings\r\nA probe is then presented and the subject has to respond whether it was one of 10 items of the previously presented sequence.\r\nEach trial lasts 10 seconds.\r\nContrasts between these conditions can be used to probe syntactic-specific or semantic-specific responses.",
        "id_user": "usr_583366685f18a",
        "id": "trm_5873e2469dd0d"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660601446,
        "event_stamp": "2017-01-13T18:17:03",
        "def_id_user": "usr_49a467bf4e0db",
        "def_event_stamp": "2017-01-14T15:15:44",
        "last_updated": 1512660601446,
        "def_id": "def_587a40a083e90",
        "name": "body image self-reflection task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Participants view images of virtual models dressed in underclothing or swimwear. Upon viewing each image, they are instructed to 'Imagine that someone is comparing your body to the body of the woman/man you see in the picture. That is, imagine someone is saying "your body looks like hers/his."' Participants view images from their own sex only.\r\n\r\nFor more details, see:",
        "id_user": "usr_5846eef191b8b",
        "id": "trm_5879199fde201"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660601469,
        "event_stamp": "2017-01-24T20:59:21",
        "def_id_user": "usr_5844d248213dc",
        "def_event_stamp": "2017-01-24T20:59:22",
        "last_updated": 1512660601469,
        "def_id": "def_5887c02a363a7",
        "name": "Gustatory stimulation with liquid tastes or flavors ",
        "alias": "Taste stimulation, Flavor stimulation",
        "definition_text": "In this task, liquid flavors or tastes are orally presented in quantities of one to several milliliters. Oral stimuli are presented by using a gusto-meter consisting of a pump mechanism, tubes and a mouthpiece attached to the MRI head coil. Usually, visual and/or auditory cues are used to provide instructions and/or cues to participants. These may include but are not limited to when to expect oral stimulation and when to swallow. Trials usually last up to 30 seconds and include an oral stimulus of interest, a behavioral response from the participant, and a rinsing procedure to rinse the palate. \r\n\r\nReferences:\r\nSee e.g.,\r\nDalenberg, J. R., Hoogeveen, H. R., Renken, R. J., Langers, D. R. M., & ter Horst, G. J. (2015). Functional specialization of the male insula during taste perception. NeuroImage, 119, 210–220.\r\nMarciani, L., Pfeiffer, J. C., Hort, J., Head, K., Bush, D., Taylor, A. J., … Gowland, P. A. (2006). Improved methods for fMRI studies of combined taste and aroma stimuli. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 158, 186–194.\r\nVeldhuizen, M. G., Bender, G., Constable, R. T., & Small, D. M. (2007). Trying to detect taste in a tasteless solution: modulation of early gustatory cortex by attention to taste. Chemical Senses, 32(6), 569–81.\r\n",
        "id_user": "usr_5844d248213dc",
        "id": "trm_5887c029d46f4"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660601496,
        "event_stamp": "2017-02-16T16:28:15",
        "def_id_user": "usr_58a5d272c31ee",
        "def_event_stamp": "2017-02-16T16:33:31",
        "last_updated": 1512660601496,
        "def_id": "def_58a5d45b5e551",
        "name": "Biological Motion Perception (Passive Viewing) Paradigm",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Participants passively view point-light displays of either coherent human biological motion or scrambled versions of those same displays.",
        "id_user": "usr_58a5d272c31ee",
        "id": "trm_58a5d31f5c72d"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660601520,
        "event_stamp": "2017-02-21T00:31:29",
        "def_id_user": "usr_5846eef191b8b",
        "def_event_stamp": "2017-02-24T20:44:57",
        "last_updated": 1512660601520,
        "def_id": "def_58b09b493e679",
        "name": "route learning",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects study sets of real-world routes. For each subject, the set of routes includes (a) pairs that share a common path before diverging to terminate at distinct destinations (‘overlapping routes’) and (b) pairs with no paths in common (‘non-overlapping routes’) Importantly, each route contributes to both conditions. For example, ‘route 1’ and ‘route 2’ are overlapping routes, but ‘route 1’ and ‘route 3’ are non-overlapping routes. Each route contains an initial segment that is shared with another route , and a later segment, including the destination, that is route-specific. Although the real-world spatial locations of the overlapping segments are identical, the pictures for each route are taken at different times and therefore differ subtly in terms of pedestrians, vehicles, etc. Routes are studied twice per round for 14 rounds. Subjects are instructed to learn each route (i.e., the specific path to each destination) but are not told the destination at the start of the route. After each study round, subjects are shown individual pictures drawn from the routes and are asked to select the destination associated with each picture. Of central interest is accuracy for pictures drawn from Segment 1 of each route because selecting the correct destination for these pictures requires discriminating between overlapping routes. \r\n\r\nFor more details, see:",
        "id_user": "usr_5846eef191b8b",
        "id": "trm_58ab8a6131c5a"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660601552,
        "event_stamp": "2017-03-14T15:28:51",
        "def_id_user": "usr_58c8092c0082a",
        "def_event_stamp": "2017-03-14T15:28:51",
        "last_updated": 1512660601552,
        "def_id": "def_58c80c3394a98",
        "name": "Social Norm Processing Task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "The revised Social Norm Processing Task (SNPT-R) is a paradigm enabling the study of behavioral and neural responses to intended and unintended social norm violations, among both adults and adolescence (Bas-Hoogendam et al., under review). ",
        "id_user": "usr_58c8092c0082a",
        "id": "trm_58c80c3376c95"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660601579,
        "event_stamp": "2017-07-12T21:05:13",
        "def_id_user": "usr_596689bde0c1a",
        "def_event_stamp": "2017-07-12T21:05:13",
        "last_updated": 1512660601579,
        "def_id": "def_59668f09e01e8",
        "name": "Yellow Light Game",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "The Yellow Light Game (YLG) is a computerized driving simulation task that was modified from the Stoplight Task (Gardner & Steinberg, 2005; Chein et al., 2011). Similar to the Stoplight Task, each run in the YLG involves participants driving on a straight road with 20 intersections, each controlled by a traffic light. Participants are instructed that the goal of the game is to get the fastest time. At each intersection, when the traffic light turns yellow, participants choose to either continue through the intersection (Go decision), or to stop the car (Stop decision); they are not able to accelerate or steer. Participants are instructed that Go decisions would result in the fastest time, unless another car is present on the cross street, in which case the participant would crash. Crashes double the time spent at an intersection compared to if the participant had decided to stop. Therefore, Go decisions are considered ‘risky’, whereas Stop decisions are considered ‘safe’. Upon completion of a run, participants are presented with their completion time and the number of crashes during that run.\r\n\r\nA unique feature of the YLG is that there are three different types of intersections, which vary based on the timing of yellow light onset and the presence or absence of a car on the cross street. Some intersections have a 75% probability of crashing, others have a 25% probability of crashing, and the remaining intersections have a 50% probability of crashing. To prevent the task from promoting risk taking overall, the cumulative probability of crashing is set to 50% (i.e., 10 out of the 20 intersections have cars approaching on the cross street, resulting in a crash if the participant made a Go decision). This task feature is not explicitly communicated to participants, although participants have the opportunity to implicitly learn this information based on the differential timing of the yellow light onsets associated with each type of intersection. That is, intersections at which the light turns yellow earlier (i.e., when the participant was further away from the intersection) signal a greater crash probability. By including the different types of intersections, we are able to distinguish between adaptive and maladaptive risk taking, without promoting risk taking overall, as the cumulative probability of crashing is 50%. For more information about and access to the task, please visit: ",
        "id_user": "usr_596689bde0c1a",
        "id": "trm_59668f09db813"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660601607,
        "event_stamp": "2017-07-21T18:37:21",
        "def_id_user": "usr_58cc374bc5154",
        "def_event_stamp": "2017-07-21T18:37:22",
        "last_updated": 1512660601607,
        "def_id": "def_597249e2005e9",
        "name": "network traversal task",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "Subjects are presented with a sequence of stimuli whose order is determined by a walk (e.g., Random, Eulerian, Hamiltonian) over an underlying network.",
        "id_user": "usr_58cc374bc5154",
        "id": "trm_597249e1ec9d3"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660601633,
        "event_stamp": "2017-07-24T13:42:17",
        "def_id_user": "usr_5975f8d4ebc29",
        "def_event_stamp": "2017-07-24T13:47:29",
        "last_updated": 1512660601633,
        "def_id": "def_5975fa717e4d0",
        "name": "motorphotic",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "This task is intended to stimulate both primary visual and motor cortices.\r\nDuring this task, subjects are instructed to tap their fingers (right-hand, left-hand or bilateral) on a visual cue, in the form of a black-and-white, flashing checkerboard, that appears on the screen. A fixation cross may also appear at the center of the screen to help subjects maintain their gaze.",
        "id_user": "usr_5975f8d4ebc29",
        "id": "trm_5975f939336c0"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660601660,
        "event_stamp": "2017-09-28T14:15:10",
        "def_id_user": "usr_583366685f18a",
        "def_event_stamp": "2017-09-28T14:15:10",
        "last_updated": 1512660601660,
        "def_id": "def_59cd03eeed79c",
        "name": "Fictitious event ordering",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "The participant has to judge which one from two events taken from a fictitious story took place first. \r\nFor this, the participant, need to be aware of the story.\r\nThis task probes mental Time Travel abilities.\r\n\r\nA variant of this task consists in ordering the events in space (North/south, East/West). ",
        "id_user": "usr_583366685f18a",
        "id": "trm_59cd03eeeab30"
        "id_concept_class": "",
        "creation_time": 1512660601690,
        "event_stamp": "2017-10-22T22:45:14",
        "def_id_user": "usr_5773c75dae524",
        "def_event_stamp": "2017-10-22T23:25:25",
        "last_updated": 1512660601690,
        "def_id": "def_59ed28e535a4c",
        "name": "episodic recombination paradigm",
        "alias": "",
        "definition_text": "The episodic recombination paradigm (Addis et al., 2009) was designed to study episodic simulations (remembering past events, or imagining novel future events). In this paradigm, participants first provide a set of autobiographical memories, each comprised of a set of details, e.g., a person, place, and object. They later return for a separate session in which they are cued to recall some of these episodes. For the imagination trials, details concerning person, place, and object are experimentally recombined across events, and participants are asked to imagine an event that might occur in the future involving the recombined set of details. Participants press a button once they have constructed the past or future event and after that continue to simulate the event, generating as much detail as possible. This is typically followed by ratings of phenomenological characteristics of the simulated events, e.g., detail or difficulty. \r\n\r\n(description adapted from Addis et al., 2010)",
        "id_user": "usr_5773c75dae524",
        "id": "trm_59ed1f7a0ac9c"
        "creation_time": 1513102981403,
        "last_updated": 1513102981403,
        "name": "Generalization of Instrumental Avoidance Task",
        "definition_text": "Active avoidance paradigm, probing choice behaviour (avoidance or \r\nnon-avoidance) in the face of stimuli associated with an aversive \r\nreinforcer (e.g. painful electric shock; CS+s), stimuli associated with \r\nthe ommission of the aversive reinforcer (CS-), and, additionally, \r\ngeneralization stimuli (GSs), that are individually generated for each \r\nparticipant to be 75% reliably distinguishable from adjacent CS+s (on \r\nthe basis of a previous perceptual task), and that are not associated \r\nwith administration of the aversive reinforcer. On each trial, one \r\nstimulus is presented, and the participant must decide whether to make \r\nan avoidance response (press a key), or remain and face the consequences \r\nof that stimulus. Critically, making an avoidance response is associated \r\nwith a small cost (e.g. one additional aversive reinforcer administered \r\nat the end of each block for every 5 avoidance responses made during \r\nthat block, with total responses per block recorded on a counter at the \r\nbottom of the screen). The optimal strategy (in order to minimise number \r\nof aversive reinforcers received) is therefore to make an avoidance \r\nresponse if the stimulus is a CS+, but not otherwise (participants must \r\nlearn the identity of each stimulus through trial and error). \r\nGeneralization of instrumental avoidance is operationalized as avoidance \r\nresponses made on GS+ trials.",
        "review_status": "True",
        "id": "tsk_BuPIiFcjBo2aX"
        "creation_time": 1520360005385,
        "last_updated": 1520360005385,
        "name": "error awareness task",
        "definition_text": "The EAT is a modified Go/No-Go response inhibition paradigm providing behavioral and neural indices of both error awareness and inhibitory control. Participants are shown color words (e.g., red, blue, green) printed in congruent or incongruent fonts (as in a Stroop task) such that most stimuli are congruent (80%; e.g., the word “BLUE” in blue font). Congruent stimuli are Go trials requiring a button-press response (eg., button 1). In contrast, participants are to withhold button-presses when either the same color word is repeated on two successive trials (No-Go Rule-1) or an incongruent stimulus is presented (e.g., the word “BLUE” in red font; No-Go Rule-2). Continuously monitoring both No-Go rules is difficult and participants are predisposed to monitor for REPEAT (Rule-1) more so than INCONGRUENT trials (Rule-2). This leads to a sufficient number of errors (~45%), a portion of which remain undetected by participants (~10-20%). The task begins with words presented for 900ms followed by a 600ms inter-stimulus interval (ISI). To equate task performance across groups and maintain overall errors at ~45%, task difficulty dynamically adapts based on individual performance by varying the stimulus presentation and ISI durations. Participants indicate “error awareness” by pressing a separate 'error signaling button' (e.g., button 2) on the trial following a commission error.",
        "id": "tsk_nzi0bkdoO8a23"
        "creation_time": 1527727578652,
        "last_updated": 1527727578652,
        "name": "Social influence on emotion task",
        "definition_text": "This task assesses how participants emotion ratings can be influenced by others. In the first session, participants are presented with images of people in negative contexts. They are asked to imagine that they are the person in the picture and indicate, on a scale from 1 (Neutral) to 10 (Very Negative), how they feel. This part of the task is self-paced. Approximately one week later, participants come back to the lab and are shown how other people (for example, ingroup and outgroup members) rated the same images (sometimes no group feedback is presented). After each feedback presentation, participants are asked to rate the images once more. In reality, group ratings are experimentally manipulated based on the participants’ initial ratings during the behavioral session. Participants are shown ratings that are higher (+2, +3, +4) and lower (-2, -3, -4) than their initial scores with an equal distribution of higher/lower scores.",
        "id": "tsk_ec4xbqynlG1uR"
        "creation_time": 1528250759316,
        "last_updated": 1528250759316,
        "name": "letter matching task",
        "definition_text": "Subjects must compare pairs of letters regarding exact physical identity, name identity, or categorical identity by pressing one of two response keys. These three different instructions require increasing depth of processing stimulus information which is reflected by differences in response latency. ",
        "id": "tsk_PNUOMlNOAajsT"
        "creation_time": 1528259841977,
        "last_updated": 1528259841977,
        "name": "Hidden Path Learning Task",
        "definition_text": "Subjects must find a pathway within a grid from a cell A to a cell B. Typically, the path starts in the upper left corner and end in the lower right corner. After successfully exploring a grid by trial and error, the task repeats with the same hidden path and subjects have to reconstruct the previously explored path. The task is considered to have a a strong learning and planning component and as such measures executive functions.",
        "id": "tsk_o32s7ULZu8ATo"
        "creation_time": 1528260009743,
        "last_updated": 1528260009743,
        "name": "Compensatory Tracking Task",
        "definition_text": "A compensatory tracking task is a task that assesses eye–hand coordination, in which a user is operating a display that has an indicator and a zero point using a joystick, computer mouse, trackball, or other controlling device. The user must try to keep the indicator within the zero point while the indicator is being acted upon by outside forces.",
        "id": "tsk_eDRFWNl1ktVsf"
        "creation_time": 1528260430186,
        "last_updated": 1528260430186,
        "name": "Pursuit Tracking Task",
        "definition_text": "A pursuit tracking task is a task that assesses eye–hand coordination, in which a user is operating a display that has an indicator controlled by a computer mouse, trackball, or other controlling device. The user must try to keep the indicator on a moving trail or road with or without preview. ",
        "id": "tsk_GdteOhkqZJLYg"
        "creation_time": 1528260765860,
        "last_updated": 1528260765860,
        "name": "Continuous Tapping Task",
        "definition_text": "In a continuous tapping task, subjects must tap as quick as possible one key for a one minute test period. You can introduce different treatments by instruction, e.g. comfortable speed vs max speed, dominant vs non-dominant hand",
        "id": "tsk_zaClbCwuCeWt2"
        "creation_time": 1528846579518,
        "last_updated": 1528846579518,
        "name": "Non-instrumental information seeking task",
        "definition_text": "In this task, participant play lotteries with gain and loss blocks. On gain trials they either win $1 or $0. On loss trials they either lose $1 or $0. The probability of winning or losing varies from trial to trial from 0.1 to 0.9 and is explicitly displayed in the form of a pie chart. The participants' task is to indicate whether they would like to reveal the outcome of the lottery or not, by selecting between two offers, each representing a different probability of having the outcome revealed. Whether they receive information about the outcome of the lottery or not is non-instrumental because the outcome of all lotteries are added to the participant's final payment, regardless of whether information was obtained. Therefore, information about the outcome of each lottery had no bearing on participants' actual earnings.\r\nAfter selecting the offer (high or low probability of receiving information), participants are presented with a green knowledge cue, indicating that the outcome of the lottery is about to be shown to them ('WIN', 'ZERO' or 'LOSS'), or with a red ignorance cue, indicating that a non-informative outcome cue would follow ('XXXX'). Color associations are counterbalanced across participants.",
        "id": "tsk_xFpgex9zOvlOu"
        "creation_time": 1528868375040,
        "last_updated": 1528868375040,
        "name": "Remote Associates Test",
        "definition_text": "Originally developed by Mednick (Mednick SA. 1968. Remote associates test. J Creat Behav.<br>2:213–214), the Remote Associates Test (RAT) asks examinees to look at 3 words, which are not obviously related by a single concept, and generate a 4th word that is related to all 3.  An example: putting, bean, envy are the stimulus words, and a correct answer is \"green\".<br><br>From Wikipedia: <br>The Remote Associates Test (RAT) is a creativity test used to determine a human's creative potential. The test typically lasts forty minutes and consists of thirty to forty questions each of which consists of three common stimulus words that appear to be unrelated. The person being tested must think of a fourth word that is somehow related to each of the first three words.[1] Scores are calculated based on the number of correct questions.<br><br>",
        "id": "tsk_ZMTNk4Oce5b2j"
        "creation_time": 1530434096641,
        "last_updated": 1530434096641,
        "name": "Reciprocal Artwork Evaluation Task",
        "definition_text": "This task is to measure how a participant's evaluation about a current partner's artwork is biased by the social feedback (regarding one's won artwork) from the current partner and previous partners. This task is for measuring self-protective motivation when receiving constant social evaluations. See Yoon et al (2018)",
        "id": "tsk_zcuAj6VrsFmfV"
        "creation_time": 1533223662923,
        "last_updated": 1533223662923,
        "name": "prospective sequential decision making task",
        "definition_text": "Decision making task in which participants compare an offer with a set of alternatives with varying values and probabilities. Participants are given variable 'search horizons' i.e. attempts to get a new offer from the set of alternatives. In order to make optimal decisions participants need to reason prospectively, i.e. take into account future states. In other words, they need to plan a potential sequence of decisions. ",
        "id": "tsk_VokAidevRX1Vs"
        "creation_time": 1537997350825,
        "last_updated": 1537997350825,
        "name": "Food viewing (passive)",
        "definition_text": "A task in which subjects view food images without specific instructions on image evaluation. Measures visual food cue reactivity.",
        "id": "tsk_rjSJbUa5Jk2Mb"
        "creation_time": 1539691058532,
        "last_updated": 1539691058532,
        "name": "Memory encoding task",
        "definition_text": "A memory encoding task measures memory encoding mechanisms via multiple sensory modalities.",
        "id": "tsk_mFS3uwUMAhXxe"
        "creation_time": 1548418820579,
        "last_updated": 1548418820579,
        "name": "Self evaluation task",
        "definition_text": "A task in which participants evaluate how well several short trait descriptions fit the self.",
        "id": "tsk_29IL64WzhiO9u"
        "creation_time": 1548418847856,
        "last_updated": 1548418847856,
        "name": "Other evaluation task",
        "definition_text": "A task in which participants evaluate how well several short trait descriptions fit known or unknown others.",
        "id": "tsk_i6bcjHSADB30O"
        "creation_time": 1568194563443,
        "last_updated": 1568194563443,
        "name": "social decision-making task",
        "definition_text": "Social decision-making tasks comprise alternative forced choice tasks in which participants make decisions that are relevant for themselves as well as at least one other person. These decisions can be of any nature (most commonly monetary or dietary).",
        "id": "tsk_Ncknr0soiM4IV"
        "creation_time": 1572126533804,
        "last_updated": 1572126533804,
        "name": "risky decision-making under social influence",
        "definition_text": "In this task, individuals are asked to make choices between two Holt and Laury style (10.1257/000282802762024700) gamble options, both alone and after viewing the choices made by two other players. For more details about the task, see: 10.1038/nn.4022.",
        "id": "tsk_d9vPgovlo7aJU"
        "creation_time": 1576759829580,
        "last_updated": 1576759829580,
        "name": "Mental time travel task",
        "definition_text": "Mental time and space judgment involved in allocentric mapping implemented in narratives.\r\nAssuming that a time judgement is preeformed, this assesses chronestesia.",
        "id": "tsk_xxVr20Bf4zyme"
        "creation_time": 1576760531651,
        "last_updated": 1576760531651,
        "name": "pleasantness rating task",
        "definition_text": "Task assessing the decision-making of potentially rewarding outcomes ( aka positive-incentive value) as well as the level of confidence of such type of action.",
        "id": "tsk_Jb7hdmvDY3rLV"
        "creation_time": 1576761016882,
        "last_updated": 1576761016882,
        "name": "Enumeration task",
        "definition_text": "The task consists in concurrently processing of a variable number of items, irrespective of their location, orientation or other features.",
        "id": "tsk_wiCMUNujvVRCR"
        "creation_time": 1576761479215,
        "last_updated": 1576761479215,
        "name": "Visual short term memory task",
        "definition_text": "Task involving concurrently processing of a variable number of items, while requiring high-encoding precision of items due to their multiple features, like location and orientation.\r\n",
        "id": "tsk_1eLUszKc87tI1"
        "creation_time": 1576762095592,
        "last_updated": 1576762095592,
        "name": "Pain-matrix narrative localizer",
        "definition_text": "Participants are presented with stories  that portray characters suffering from emotional pain or physical pain.",
        "id": "tsk_vbkfbu486lzDr"
        "creation_time": 1576763260784,
        "last_updated": 1576763260784,
        "name": "movie watching task",
        "definition_text": "The task relies on watching ---viewing and listening--- of a movie.",
        "id": "tsk_jbg1oF4D9OTkO"
        "creation_time": 1580306592512,
        "last_updated": 1580306592512,
        "name": "Donation task",
        "definition_text": "Donation Task inspired by Dictator Game, developed by van de Groep et al. ",
        "id": "tsk_wmFvpdB0Y6UYl"
        "creation_time": 1581418272343,
        "last_updated": 1581418272343,
        "name": "point subtraction aggression paradigm",
        "definition_text": "The point subtraction aggression paradigm (PSAP) is a paradigm aimed to measure reactive aggression in humans",
        "id": "tsk_zMlmDcfxjld0K"
        "creation_time": 1581871166413,
        "last_updated": 1581871166413,
        "name": "facial expression observation",
        "definition_text": "Passive observation of another person's facial expression",
        "id": "tsk_02fiuOOFboHmh"
        "creation_time": 1581872802775,
        "last_updated": 1581872802775,
        "name": "facial expression of emotion",
        "definition_text": "faciallly express ones current affective state to another person",
        "id": "tsk_4HuWbAQzF0tgZ"
        "creation_time": 1582751500209,
        "last_updated": 1582751500209,
        "name": "task-set learning",
        "definition_text": "Task designed by Anne Collins and Etienne Koechlin for task-set learning.\r\n\r\nReasoning, learning, and creativity: frontal lobe function and human decision-making\r\nCollins A, Koechlin E (2012)\r\nPLoS Biology",
        "id": "tsk_n4koOyLJMyobG"
        "creation_time": 1588740935421,
        "last_updated": 1588740935421,
        "name": "P300 BCI",
        "definition_text": "P300-based brain-computer interface is a BCI paradigm relying on the online classification of event-related potentials. The user is required to attend specific target stimuli that are considered important and to ignore other, more frequent stimuli. The target stimuli elicit large P300 response that can easily be classified from epoched EEG. P300 BCI can rely almost on any type of stimuli, that are capable to evoke discernable ERPs - visual, tactile, auditory, etc. P300 BCI paradigm can be adopted for the gamification of ERP studies, as well as for communication in disabled patients.",
        "id": "tsk_GxjZBNiJorj1K"
        "creation_time": 1590153694151,
        "last_updated": 1590153694151,
        "name": "Facial Expression Display Task",
        "definition_text": "Participants are instructed to display a facial expression corresponding to a category (e.g., Anger, Joy, Disgust).",
        "id": "tsk_xQrUFIhZsBUFE"
        "creation_time": 1590153770836,
        "last_updated": 1590153770836,
        "name": "Facial Expression Observing Task",
        "definition_text": "Participants are instructed to observe a video presenting a facial expression corresponding to a specific category (e.g., Anger, Joy, Disgust).",
        "id": "tsk_JaF5u33GgYRT3"
        "creation_time": 1590170810097,
        "last_updated": 1590170810097,
        "name": "correlated bandits",
        "definition_text": "In each trial, subjects view one of two stimuli, and need to make a binary decision about the outcome that will follow this stimulus. The outcome probabilities associated with each stimulus are correlated: when the outcome probability of one stimulus switches, the outcome probability of the other stimulus switches too. Hence, you can learn from outcomes on one stimulus about the other stimulus. \r\n\r\nVariants of the task can include a third, control stimulus, with an independent outcome probability. ",
        "id": "tsk_r8koF3we48jcA"
        "creation_time": 1597959812,
        "last_updated": 1597959812,
        "name": "Language Rule Learning",
        "definition_text": "An artificial language counting twenty-eight bi-syllabic (consonant-vowel-consonant-vowel) nonsense words each was created. The twenty-eight words were synthesized using Mbrola speech synthesizer software by concatenating diphones from the Spanish male database ( at 16 KHz. Words (385 ms), were combined using Adobe Audition® software to form three-word phrases with 100 ms gaps between word. Phrase stimuli were presented via Presentation® software (Neurobehavioral Systems) through appropriate headphones and at a volume level adjusted for the participant.\r\nA total of 96 rule and 96 no-rule phrases (trials) were used in this task. Rule phrases conformed to an AXC structure whereby the initial word (A) always predicted the final word (C), while the middle word (X) was variable. Two different A_C dependencies (A1_C1 and A2_C2) were created out of 4 words from the total word pool. The remaining 24 served as middle (X) elements for each of the two A_C dependencies. The transitional probability was always 1 between A and C elements, 0.04 between A and X, and 0.5 between X and C. Half of the no-rule trials consisted in the combination of 3 of the 24 X elements and so took the form XXX, with the only constraints that each X had an equal probability to appear in each position but could never appear twice in the same phrase. The other half of the no-rule trials consisted of the combination of two XX elements (following the same constraints as for XXX) followed by the participant’s target word (C1 or C2). The probability of target occurrence in both the rule and the no-rule blocks was therefore 50%. Note that in the set of no-rule trials, the C element (the participant’s target) occurred also in the last position but, in contrast to the rule block, this could not be predicted on the basis of previous elements. \r\nParticipants were presented with the randomized 96 rule and 96 no-rule phrases in four alternated rule and no-rule blocks, with the order of blocks counterbalanced between participants. In the fMRI version of the task, data was acquired in two runs, including a block of rule and no-rule each (counterbalanced). A short break was given between runs in the fMRI. A single offline recognition test was issued after the fourth block . In order to obtain a measure of incidental rule-learning, participants performed a cover word-monitoring task. Specifically, they were instructed to detect, as fast and accurately as possible via a button press, the presence or absence of a given target word, which was always one of the C elements (C1 or C2, counterbalanced). A given target word remained constant for each participant throughout the experiment and was displayed in the middle of the screen at all times for reference during the blocks. Participants were not informed about the presence of rules. Inter-trial interval was jittered, using pseudo-random values between 1000 and 3000 ms for optimal fMRI acquisition, and fixed at 500 ms in the remaining phases. A maximum of 1000 ms after the end of a given phrase was allowed for participants to respond before the next trial started. Reaction times (RTs) were calculated from the onset the last word in the phrase until button press. Performance in interleaved rule and no-rule blocks was jointly analyzed by concatenating blocks of a same kind. Only correct response trials with RTs within mean ± 2sd were included for the analysis .\r\n\r\nWe reasoned that if incidental rule-learning occurs over exposure in the rule block, participants’ gradual ability to predict the appearance or non-appearance of a target word Cj on the basis of the identity of the initial word Aj should be reflected in a RT gain (i.e., faster RTs) over trials within the blocks. We also expected an overall RT advantage over target words in the no-rule blocks (rule effect), where prediction is possible (no prediction can be made during no-rule blocks). Participants’ rule effect for the different parts/sessions was calculated as the mean RT difference between no-rule and rule trials. \r\n",
        "id": "tsk_KVUZHlsv8pesh"
        "creation_time": 1602497537,
        "last_updated": 1602497537,
        "name": "Thirst perception",
        "definition_text": "A task in which subjects view blocks of beverage and non-beverage images, and rate their perceived thirst after each block.",
        "id": "tsk_lihqGPC9Y8ge0"
        "creation_time": 1617265491,
        "last_updated": 1617265491,
        "name": "risky lotteries task",
        "definition_text": "Subjects choose between two lotteries (first published by Bruhin, Fehr‐Duda, & Epper (2010). Risk and Rationality: Uncovering Heterogeneity in Probability Distortion. Econometrica 78(4), 1375–1412, DOI: 10.3982/ECTA7139). Each lottery can yield one of two monetary outcomes (all positive outcomes, no losses). The range of magnitudes of the outcomes is {0,50}, the range of probabilities for each outcome {0,1}. Each lottery is displayed as a pie chart with the outcomes' probabilities represented by a shaded area of the pie and the magnitude displayed as a number in the respective area of the pie. Subjects are assumed to choose mostly the lottery with the higher subjective value. ",
        "id": "tsk_wPIAFIkSlX3Tm"
        "creation_time": 1607083965,
        "last_updated": 1607083965,
        "name": "value-based decision making",
        "definition_text": "Participants were instructed to imagine a realistic situation where they have the option to enact a specific behavior, and then to make a decision indicating their preference. provided",
        "id": "tsk_QM81yNuuioVho"
        "creation_time": 1610435129,
        "last_updated": 1610435129,
        "name": "Internal menu choice task",
        "definition_text": "This experimental paradigm consists of three different tasks (conditions): (1) Internal menu choice task, requiring subjects to name a most preferred item in a given category (e.g. fruits) without a menu; (2) External menu choice task, requiring subjects to choose a most preferred item in a given category (e.g. fruits) from a pre-defined menu; and (3) Semantic fluency task, requiring subjects to name as many examples as they can from a given category (e.g. fruits).",
        "id": "tsk_3KF7rOdrBGivs"
        "creation_time": 1615336246,
        "last_updated": 1615336246,
        "name": "center of mass approximation",
        "definition_text": "The perception of the center of an object's distribution of matter, dependent on factors such as the geometry of the object, the perceived distribution of its density, and its orientation relative to the direction of gravity.",
        "id": "tsk_iSDZtD6pTyB2c"
        "creation_time": 1618388221,
        "last_updated": 1618388221,
        "name": "CAToon (cognitive and affective Theory of Mind Cartoon Task)",
        "definition_text": "The Cognitive and Affective Theory of Mind Cartoon task <b>(CAToon)</b> is designed to measure affective and cognitive Theory of Mind (ToM) using cartoon stories. The task has an entertaining and timely design understandable and engaging for children as well as for adults. The task consists of 30 cartoon stories, representing three conditions (two experimental conditions targeting affective ToM (AT) and cognitive ToM (CT) and a control condition targeting physical causality (PC)). Each condition comprises 10 stories of similar visual complexity (i.e. backgrounds were matched across conditions). Three additional stories (one per condition) are available for practice purposes.  <br>AT trials require participants to infer how a character would react to a fellow character’s expressed or expected emotions, whereas during CT trials participants have to assume how characters would act based on another character’s intentions or beliefs. PC trials serve as a control condition, requiring a basic understanding of cause and effect and basic physical laws.<br>All trials start with three images presented sequentially, followed by a single image display of three possible endings. CT trial endings consist of one correct, and two incorrect solutions. Incorrect solutions depict either a situation which would be illogical based on the storyline or physically impossible (e.g. object flies, character transforms). AT trial endings consist of two correct solutions (negative expectancy/positive expectancy) and one incorrect solution. In positive expectancy endings a character’s emotional needs are met with caring or reassuring, whereas in negative expectancy outcomes the character is scolded, ridiculed or ignored. This manipulation allows the investigation of differences in positive or negative outcome expectancy. PC trial endings have one correct and two incorrect solutions.<br><br><br><b>Developers' website: </b>",
        "id": "tsk_37y3EdRertJba"
        "creation_time": 1607982798,
        "last_updated": 1607982798,
        "name": "Positive and Negative Images Task",
        "definition_text": "A task in which participants view positive images (sunsets and landscapes), negative IAPS images (guns, spiders), and neutral images (cups, chairs). ",
        "id": "tsk_pl4uqVGM1uj3Z"
        "creation_time": 1632340180,
        "last_updated": 1632340180,
        "name": "motivational go/no-go learning task",
        "definition_text": "Equiprobable Go/NoGo learning task (i.e. the ratio Go cues: NoGo cues is 50:50) featuring Win cues (chance for winning points/ money vs. neutral outcome) and Avoid cues (chance for neutral outcome vs. losing points/money).<br>The task features 4 conditions (at least 1 cue per condition):<br>- Go-to-Win: Cue with chance for winning money, requires Go response<br>- Go-to-Avoid: Cue with chance for losing money, requires Go response<br>- NoGo-to-Win: Cue with chance for winning money, requires NoGo response<br>- NoGo-to-Avoid: Cue with chance for losing money, requires NoGo response<br>All conditions feature the same amount of trials, i.e. Go/NoGo and Win/Avoid are fully orthogonalized (unlike other go/nogo tasks that are aimed at measuring inhibition and thus feature more go trials).<br><br>The correct response (Go/NoGo) is not instructed, but has been learned by trial-and-error from feedback. <br>Cue valence (Win/Avoid) is either instructed (e.g. cue edges in certain color) or has to be inferred from feedback (only Win cues can yield winning money, only Avoid cues can yield losing money).<br>Outcomes are usually probabilistic (e.g. 80% valid feedback, i.e. correct responses lead to winning money for Win cues/ neutral outcomes for Avoid cues in only 80% of trials, otherwise to invalid feedback; reversed probabilities for incorrect responses).<br><br>The task is used to measure Pavlovian biases/ motivational biases, i.e. the tendency to show more Go responses (and faster reaction times) to Win cues than Avoid cues.<br><br>",
        "id": "tsk_uzbPk1YB47Iqd"
        "creation_time": 1659959962,
        "last_updated": 1659959962,
        "name": "Narrative-based Pain Empathy Task",
        "definition_text": "A task elicting pain empathy based on written short stories about simultaneously displayed protagonists. In the narrative of each story, protagonist is either hurt physically (pain condition) or has non-painful events (control condition). Task can be expanded by adding new factor, e.g. nationality of the protagonist. ",
        "id": "tsk_tlatUto2tMCYC"
        "creation_time": 1661325584,
        "last_updated": 1661325584,
        "name": "Boston Naming Test",
        "definition_text": "The Boston Naming Test (BNT), consisting of 60 black and white line drawings of objects, is a measure of confrontation naming that takes into account the finding that patients with dysnomia often have greater difficulties with the naming of low frequency objects. Thus, instead of a simple category of anomia, naming difficulties may be rank ordered along a continuum. Items on the BNT are ordered according to their ability to be named, which is thought to be correlated with their frequency. This type of picture-naming vocabulary test is useful in the examination of children with learning disabilities and the evaluation of adults with brain injury or dysfunction. <br><br>(from Roth, C. (2011). Boston Naming Test. In: Kreutzer, J.S., DeLuca, J., Caplan, B. (eds) Encyclopedia of Clinical Neuropsychology. Springer, New York, NY.",
        "id": "tsk_ovuQxhbAPPMLs"
        "creation_time": 1667769760,
        "last_updated": 1667769760,
        "name": "fMRI localizer for the frontotemporal language system",
        "definition_text": "An fMRI localizer of frontal, temporal, and parietal brain regions involved in high-level linguistic processing. The task reliably identifies these brain regions in individual subjects using fMRI, by contrasting neural responses to meaningful and structured language stimuli vs. stimuli matched for low-level properties but lacking meaning and/or structure. In particular, responses to auditorily presented excerpts from engaging interviews or stories are contrasted vs. acoustically degraded versions of these materials. ",
        "id": "tsk_ORAzdOO86kNfM"
        "creation_time": 1676885615,
        "last_updated": 1676885615,
        "name": "tri-modal roving stimulus paradigm",
        "definition_text": "A roving stimulus paradigm in which tri-modal stimuli are simultaneously presented in a continuous stream with two possible intensities each. Participants are asked to attend to the stream and to respond to occasional target questions (catch trials) prompting participants to report the most recent intensity of a specific modality.\r\n\r\n",
        "id": "tsk_QyZsV96fiVlT1"
        "creation_time": 1728912450,
        "last_updated": 1728912450,
        "name": "contextual bandit",
        "definition_text": "In a contextual bandit task, a decision maker chooses between multiple alternatives, where each choice's probability of reward is influenced by the current context or situation. The context consists of a set of features or conditions that provide information about the environment at each trial. The participant's goal is to maximize total rewards across trials by learning which actions lead to the best outcomes for different contexts. This involves adapting decision-making strategies to match the specific circumstances of each trial, balancing exploration of new actions with exploitation of known, rewarding choices.",
        "id": "tsk_3ICXMd8R3ekcb"
        "creation_time": 1729016070,
        "last_updated": 1729016070,
        "name": "Aesthetic Exprience Questionnaire (AEQ)",
        "definition_text": "The AEQ is a 22-item tool for assessing aesthetic exprience in the folowing dimensions: emotional, cultural, perceptual, understanding, proximal flow conditions and the flow exprience. it can evaluates the intensity of individual components of aesthetic exprience during a work of art.\r\n\r\nin this test subjects assess how much they agree or disagree with each of the statements (1-7 scale)",
        "id": "tsk_STbROQuOk0Qo5"
        "creation_time": 1719300550,
        "last_updated": 1719300550,
        "name": "cue-based expectation task",
        "definition_text": "Based on a cue, different expectations are established. We then investigate whether these expectations modulate stimulus representations.",
        "id": "tsk_kQEU3vjgDNcJP"
        "creation_time": 1724875191,
        "last_updated": 1724875191,
        "name": "Visuomotor rotation task",
        "definition_text": "\r\nA visuomotor rotation task is a type of experimental paradigm used in neuroscience and psychology to study how the brain adapts to changes in the relationship between visual input and motor actions. In this task, participants are typically asked to perform a movement, such as moving a joystick or cursor toward a target, while the visual feedback they receive (usually the cursor on the screen) is rotated by a certain angle.\r\n\r\nFor example, if a person is asked to move a cursor straight up, but the visual feedback shows the cursor moving at a 30° angle to the right, the person must learn to adjust their movements to compensate for this mismatch. Over time, the brain adapts by changing the motor output, despite the visual feedback being distorted.\r\n\r\nThe purpose of this task is to understand how the brain recalibrates motor actions based on altered sensory input. It helps researchers explore motor learning, sensorimotor adaptation, and the brain mechanisms underlying coordination between sensory perception and motor control.\r\n\r\nThis task is often used in research on motor learning, neuroplasticity, and rehabilitation, particularly for understanding how people adapt to new motor environments or recover from injuries affecting movement.",
        "id": "tsk_iLPEMA3QRsS3K"
        "creation_time": 1726490615,
        "last_updated": 1726490615,
        "name": "Trier Social Stress Test",
        "definition_text": "The Trier Social Stress Test (TSST) is an acute stress protocol used in neuroscience research to study the stress response in human subjects. It involves a combination of social-evaluative threat and uncontrollable tasks, such as public speaking and mental arithmetic, which induce moderate stress responses in participants. The TSST is particularly effective in eliciting responses in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, and it is commonly used to investigate the effects of stress on various physiological and psychological variables. \r\n(",
        "id": "tsk_Qa4kXAzvUyaGL"
        "creation_time": 1729186120,
        "last_updated": 1729186120,
        "name": "Patient health questionnaire (PHQ-9)",
        "definition_text": "Depresion inventory",
        "id": "tsk_Y0LwjRqYtJSQO"
        "creation_time": 1689190756,
        "last_updated": 1689190756,
        "name": "Mindstrong for Regulation of Emotion",
        "definition_text": "Mindstrong is a phone application that continuously collects data regarding the phone-user’s naturalistic patterns of typing and scrolling. This application will be installed on participant’s phone at a baseline visit and data will be collected on participants’ 45 keyboard and scroll patterns (generated from distinct swiping and tapping patterns) over a two-year period. Regarding emotional states and regulation, this technology will specifically collect data on word usage and frequency (via input from texts, emails, internet searches) to indicate participants’ emotional states. Behavioral change will also be inferred by evaluating changes in social activity (e.g., incoming and outgoing calls, messages), language, and location over the two-year timeframe.",
        "id": "tsk_kBYLTvZx59uOC"
        "creation_time": 1689191115,
        "last_updated": 1689191115,
        "name": "Five-Trial Adjusting Delay Discounting Task",
        "definition_text": "The Five-Trial Adjusting Delay Discounting Task is a very brief variant of the traditional Delay Discounting Task. The construct of delay discounting refers to people’s tendency to value rewards less as the amount of time increases until those rewards would be received. This brief task uses only five trials to estimate a person’s discounting rate by adjusting the specifications of each subsequent trial based on performance of the preceding trial. Each 5-trial version of this task uses one monetary amount for each trial (e.g., $1,000; $1,000,000). Each participant is asked on the first trial of the task whether they would prefer to receive that amount in three weeks or half that amount now. On the next trial the question is repeated but with a different time delay according to the participant’s response on the previous trial.",
        "id": "tsk_qBdQueJHSouuF"
        "creation_time": 1689191356,
        "last_updated": 1689191356,
        "name": "Go-NoGo fMRI paradigm",
        "definition_text": "The computerized task consists of 240 trials in which participants see a stimulus printed on the screen and they are asked to vary their response according to the stimulus color. In the more frequent 180 “Go” trials, participants are instructed to respond by pressing a button when they see green text on the screen displaying the word “press.” The main dependent behavioral measures in Go-NoGo tasks are response time and the commission error rate (making an incorrect “Go” response on “No-Go” trials); fewer commission errors signify better response inhibition. The Go-NoGo fMRI paradigm utilizes this same task to measure activation of participants’ cognitive control circuit (dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate cortex, dorsal parietal cortex [DPC], and posterior cingulate gyrus), as well as the functional connectivity among these regions.",
        "id": "tsk_tTKd4o04KpUDA"
        "creation_time": 1689218204,
        "last_updated": 1689218204,
        "name": "Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K6+)",
        "definition_text": "The Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K6+) is a 6-item self-report measure of psychological distress intended to be used as a quick tool to assess risk for serious mental illness in the general population. The feelings and experiences for this first item are the following: “nervous,” “hopeless,”, “restless or fidgety,” “so depressed that nothing could cheer you up,” “that everything was an effort,” and “worthless.” The next item assesses the extent to which the feelings are typical for the person. The remaining items assess to what extent these experiences led to functional impairment.",
        "id": "tsk_OA90UJX5qwTyc"
        "creation_time": 1689609836,
        "last_updated": 1689609836,
        "name": "Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale",
        "definition_text": "The original Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale contains 10 items designed to tap into a global sense of self-efficacy, or belief of an individual in his or her ability (e.g., “I can always solve difficult problems if I try hard enough,” and “I can usually handle whatever comes my way.”) The revised version here includes these 10 items and two, which are repeated and reversed to examine acquiescence bias. Response options range from 1, never true, to 7, always true. Higher scores indicate greater generalized self-efficacy.",
        "id": "tsk_p7cabUkVvQPBS"
        "creation_time": 1689610375,
        "last_updated": 1689610375,
        "name": "Verbal Interference Test",
        "definition_text": "The Verbal Interference Test is a behavioral assessment of cognitive regulation. In this task participants are presented with visual word stimuli that appear with incongruent text and color meaning (e.g., the word “RED” printed in blue, the word “BLUE” printed in green, the word “GREEN” printed in red). There are two phases of the task: Name (Part I) and Color (Part II). In the Name phase, participants are asked to identify the meaning of the word (e.g., red is the correct answer for the word “RED” printed in blue). In the Color phase, participants are asked to identify the color in which the word is printed (e.g., blue is the correct answer for the word “RED” printed in blue). This test assesses aspects of inhibition and interference corresponding to those indexed by the Stroop test.",
        "id": "tsk_ccTKYnmv7tOZY"
        "creation_time": 1698922461,
        "last_updated": 1698922461,
        "name": "Chicken Game task",
        "definition_text": "The game of chicken, also known as the hawk-dove game or snowdrift game, is a model of conflict for two players in game theory ( Two players drive cars towards each other, the player turning loses and if none of them swerve, there is a car crash. The outcome of the Chicken Game is determined by both players’ decisions. From one person’s perspective, unilateral defection and mutual cooperation represent the best and second-best outcomes. Cooperation is preferable to defection if the other defects because mutual defection is worse than the benefit of unilateral cooperation, each payoff corresponding to different outcomes of the social interaction (Hernandez-Pena, et al., 2023)\r\n\r\nHernandez-Pena, L., Hoppe, W., Koch, J., Keeler, C., Waller, R., Habel, U., ... & Wagels, L. (2023). The role of dominance in sibling relationships: differences in interactive cooperative and competitive behavior. Scientific Reports, 13(1), 11863.",
        "id": "tsk_l7ApDPhpQkcmT"
        "creation_time": 1701193563,
        "last_updated": 1701193563,
        "name": "attribute amnesia",
        "definition_text": "In an attribute amnesia experiment, participants are asked only to report one attribute of a multi-attribute object on the first few trials. But on a surprise trial, they fail to report another attribute of the same object. ",
        "id": "tsk_YrmQX6rtPeujt"
        "creation_time": 1704471810,
        "last_updated": 1704471810,
        "name": "Trust game (TG)",
        "definition_text": "It is a sequential game involving two players, the trustor and the trustee. In a one-shot anonymous interaction, subject A (“the Investor” or \"the Trustor\") endowed with an amount of 10-dollar decides how much of this show-up fee will be given to subject B (“the Trustee”), knowing that this share will be tripled before it’s actually given to subject B. Subject B receives this tripled amount and decides how much to send back to subject A (From Tzieropoulos, 2013, doi: 10.1080/17470919.2013.832375). It can be played in one-shot or in multi-round format.\r\n\r\nInitially called the Investment Game by Berg, Dickhaut and McCabe in 1995 (doi: 10.1006/game.1995.1027), the trust game originated as a design experiment to study trust and reciprocity in an investment setting (From In the Berg et al. version, subjects in room A decide how much of their 10 dollar show-up fee to send to an anonymous counterpart in room B. Subjects in room B then decide how much of the tripled money to keep and how much to send back to their respective counterparts. This game is similar to the trust game described by Kreps (1990,, except that the Kreps game allow only two choices at each stage, whereas the Berg version (and the current version of trust game) has a larger choice space and allows for different degrees of trust and reciprocity) (Berg et al., 1995). ",
        "id": "tsk_uzol7erTzr9Ix"
        "creation_time": 1704472857,
        "last_updated": 1704472857,
        "name": "prisoner's dilemma (PD)",
        "definition_text": "The prisoner's dilemma is a game theory thought experiment that involves two rational agents, each of whom can cooperate for mutual benefit or betray their partner (\"defect\") for individual reward. If both players cooperate, they both receive the reward R for cooperating. If both players defect, they both receive the punishment payoff P. If Blue defects while Red cooperates, then Blue receives the temptation payoff T, while Red receives the \"sucker's\" payoff, S. Similarly, if Blue cooperates while Red defects, then Blue receives the sucker's payoff S, while Red receives the temptation payoff T. To be a prisoner's dilemma game in the strong sense, the following condition must hold for the payoffs: T>R>P>S. The payoff relationship R>P implies that mutual cooperation is superior to mutual defection, while the payoff relationships T>R and P>S imply that defection is the dominant strategy for both agents. \r\n\r\nThis dilemma was originally framed by Merrill Flood and Melvin Dresher in 1950 while they worked at the RAND Corporation.[citation needed] Albert W. Tucker later formalized the game by structuring the rewards in terms of prison sentences and named it the \"prisoner's dilemma\". William Poundstone described this \"typical contemporary version\" of the game in his 1993 book Prisoner's Dilemma (From",
        "id": "tsk_KRl3zbyaJcKWM"
        "creation_time": 1689109497,
        "last_updated": 1689109497,
        "name": "Pittsburgh Stress Battery",
        "definition_text": "The Pittsburg Stress Battery is a standardized means of evaluating cardiovascular reactions as a response to acute stressors which have been linked to an increased risk for cardiovascular disease.  The original protocols vary but normally consisted of three tasks designed to maximize various psychological demands: a visual short term memory task (scanning), an accuracy evaluation (targeting), and a cognitive motor/reflex task (tracking).",
        "id": "tsk_U9gDp8utahAfO"
        "creation_time": 1689109724,
        "last_updated": 1689109724,
        "name": "Future Orientation Scale of the Time Perspective Survey (child version)",
        "definition_text": "The Future Orientation Scale of the Time Perspective Survey (child version) assesses the extent to which school-aged children have the ability or inclination to focus their attention on the future, as opposed to focusing on the past or present moments. Children are asked to respond with how well each statement describes what they believe on a Likert scale ranging from 1 (“Very Untrue”) to 5 (“Very True”). There are 13 total items (e.g., “Finishing homework and doing other jobs at home comes before play”, “I make lists of things to do.”) This scale was modified from the original measure that was developed for adults.",
        "id": "tsk_gskvlEiCHg899"
        "creation_time": 1689112869,
        "last_updated": 1689112869,
        "name": "Parent-Child Coercion Scale",
        "definition_text": "This 9-item self-report scale assesses a parent's perception of how much coercion characterizes their relationship with their child.",
        "id": "tsk_alz5hjlUXp4WY"
        "creation_time": 1689115332,
        "last_updated": 1689115332,
        "name": "Immersive Virtual Reality Assay for Target: Regulation of Cognition (Behavioral and Self-Report)",
        "definition_text": "The Immersive Virtual Reality Assay (IVRA) is a virtual reality paradigm designed to engage three self-regulation targets (self-focused reflection, affect, and cognition) and four corresponding brain circuits in a fixed order: (1) default mode circuit (related to self-focused reflection), (2) the negative affect circuit, (3) the positive affect circuit, and (4) the cognitive control circuit. Participants undergo different virtual environments using the Oculus Rift DK2 (virtual reality headset developed and manufactured by Oculus VR). This paradigm is intended to assess a participant’s regulation of cognition with the use of 3 optional virtual reality environments.",
        "id": "tsk_H2hu4WmHYl8Tu"
        "creation_time": 1689182444,
        "last_updated": 1689182444,
        "name": "Daily Inventory of Stressful Events (DISE)",
        "definition_text": "The Daily Inventory of Stressful Events (DISE) is a semi-structured survey in which participants report whether any of a series of stressful events had occurred within the past 24 hours. This end-of-day measure consists of a brief set of stem and conditional questions that can be can be administered via smartphones. This instrument yields several variables for each reported stressor including: (a) content classification of the stressor (e.g., work overload, argument over housework, traffic problem); (b) subjective severity of stressors; (c) primary appraisals (i.e., areas of life that were at risk because of the stressor); and (d) perceived control of the situation.",
        "id": "tsk_eDDTJCIrL19Qj"
        "creation_time": 1690567864,
        "last_updated": 1690567864,
        "name": "social vs physical perception task",
        "definition_text": "This fMRI task was devised by Fischer et al. (2013, PNAS). This stimuli from this task consists 10-s movies of two 2D dots moving as though they are physical objects, or as though they are interacting socially. Participants are asked to imagine as though they are looking down on the scene from above. They are asked to watch the dots, imagine the trajectory of one of the dots when it disappeared briefly, and indicate whether the final position of the hidden dot matches what they imagined. ",
        "id": "tsk_ASxfTzukfK3Te"
        "creation_time": 1689110493,
        "last_updated": 1689110493,
        "name": "SIDES Affect Dysregulation Scale (Child-Reported)",
        "definition_text": "The Affect Dysregulation Scale (Child-Reported) is a six-item self-reported measure of adolescents’ frequency of difficulties with affect regulation. Items were suggested by the Structured Interview for Disorders of Extreme Stress (SIDES) with modifications made to simplify the wording for an adolescent sample and to generalize items to reference all feelings rather than just anger.",
        "id": "tsk_HfEOU5RLqcxAD"
        "creation_time": 1689113363,
        "last_updated": 1689113363,
        "name": "Video-Mediated Affective Recall",
        "definition_text": "The Video-Mediated recall procedure is a self-reported measure of remembered emotional responses and cognitions during a previous experience of social interaction with a close other such as one’s romantic partner or one’s child. The video-mediated recall procedure is a procedure by which parents and/or a member of a couple view a videotape of their interaction with their partner or child. While watching the video, they use a dial to rate their experienced emotion and/or cognitions moment-by-moment during the interaction task.",
        "id": "tsk_161qcskOyTlfY"
        "creation_time": 1689115441,
        "last_updated": 1689115441,
        "name": "Immersive Virtual Reality Assay for Target: Regulation of Self-Reflection (Behavioral and Self-Report)",
        "definition_text": "The Immersive Virtual Reality Assay (IVRA) is a virtual reality paradigm designed to engage three self-regulation targets (self-focused reflection, affect, and cognition) and four corresponding brain circuits in a fixed order: (1) default mode circuit (related to self-focused reflection), (2) the negative affect circuit, (3) the positive affect circuit, and (4) the cognitive control circuit. Participants undergo different virtual environments using the Oculus Rift DK2 (virtual reality headset developed and manufactured by Oculus VR). This paradigm is intended to assess a participant’s regulation of self-reflection.",
        "id": "tsk_ZaJZLqgqcXCLq"
        "creation_time": 1689115947,
        "last_updated": 1689115947,
        "name": "Maze",
        "definition_text": "The Maze is a behavioral assessment of cognitive regulation. This computerized variation seeks to assess similar cognitive constructs as the Austin Maze (Walsh, 1991). Participants are asked to uncover a hidden path through a visual maze made up of an 8-by-8 grid of rectangles. As the participant navigates this path, green and red ticks on the bottom of the computer screen will appear to indicate correct moves and incorrect moves, respectively. A total of 24 correct moves are required for full completion of the maze, and the test ends with either two error-free completions or a time-out after 7 minutes.",
        "id": "tsk_uh2RnLbc0PU3v"
        "creation_time": 1689116400,
        "last_updated": 1689116400,
        "name": "fMRI Facial Emotion Paradigm",
        "definition_text": "The fMRI Facial Emotion Paradigm concerns regulation of emotion. It is a passive viewing task designed to engage participants’ affective neural circuits (including the amygdala, insula, and anterior cingulate cortex/ventral and dorsal medial prefrontal cortex). This task engages both implicit regulation of emotion reactivity and explicit appraisal, which allow for the conscious and nonconscious discrimination of emotional stimuli. Stimuli for this paradigm are facial expressions of threat-related emotions (i.e., fear and anger), loss-related emotions (i.e., sadness), reward-related emotions (i.e., happiness), and neutral emotions, selected from standardized series and modified so that the eyes are centrally positioned.",
        "id": "tsk_qsprWaphqkwim"
        "creation_time": 1689113777,
        "last_updated": 1689113777,
        "name": "Hierarchical Task",
        "definition_text": "The Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning Task measures participants’ ability to discover and use higher-order structure in their environment. Participants are presented with 18 stimuli composed of three dimensions: shape, orientation, and border color. The task requires that participants respond to stimuli by pressing one of three keys in response to each of the stimuli. In a \"flat\" condition, the keys are randomly associated with the shapes so that the participant must learn each association independently. In a \"hierarchical\" condition, the stimulus-response mappings are instead structured, such that participants can use a rule to determine the correct response based on the combination of the three features.",
        "id": "tsk_EaAMakeLSEYxm"
        "creation_time": 1689114551,
        "last_updated": 1689114551,
        "name": "Relative Reinforcing Efficacy Purchase Task",
        "definition_text": "The Relative Reinforcing Efficacy Purchase Task (RREPT) is a 9-item task that assesses different aspects of behavioral demand based on the relationship between demand and price. Demand is reduced as price is increased, and the differences in shape of the demand curve are measures of how reinforcing a substance is. Participants are asked to indicate how many cigarettes they would purchase and consume in a single day if the price per cigarette was $0.00 (free), $0.10, $1.00, $3.00, $10.00, $30.00, $100.00, $300.00, and $1,000.00.",
        "id": "tsk_dn4ejmrGGaUAZ"
        "creation_time": 1689116848,
        "last_updated": 1689116848,
        "name": "Emotion Identification Task",
        "definition_text": "The Emotion Identification Task is a behavioral assay that utilizes two tasks to measure an individual’s ability to identify facial emotions and emotional bias. The first phase (the “study phase”) is an explicit emotion identification task, and the second phase is an implicit emotion recognition task. Using an internet-based test (“WebNeuro”), participants view 96 photographs of 8 different individuals expressing six different emotions: (1) neutral, (2) happy, (3) sad, (4) fear, (5) anger, and (6) disgust.",
        "id": "tsk_A1AEVp7clZsCB"
        "creation_time": 1689182267,
        "last_updated": 1689182267,
        "name": "Go-No-Go Zoo Task",
        "definition_text": "The Go-No-Go Zoo Task is a measure of inhibitory control. Child subjects are instructed to press a key in response to a displayed “go” stimulus (presented for 300 ms) but to avoid response when they are displayed a no-go stimulus. Children are instructed to respond as quickly as they can and to maintain accuracy. Trials are successful in the Go condition when child correctly responds to any animal that is not an orangutan and trials are successful in the No-Go condition when child correctly inhibits a response when seeing an orangutan. Errors are evaluated only for No-go trials (i.e., errors of commission), while successes are evaluated only for each correct Go trial.",
        "id": "tsk_k6MaDfNGbHqDx"
        "creation_time": 1689190480,
        "last_updated": 1689190480,
        "name": "Mindstrong for Regulation of Cognition",
        "definition_text": "Mindstrong is a phone application that continuously collects data regarding the phone-user’s naturalistic patterns of typing and scrolling. This application will be installed on participant’s phone at a baseline visit and data will be collected on participants’ 45 keyboard and scroll patterns (generated from distinct swiping and tapping patterns) over a two-year period. Regarding cognitive regulation, this technology will specifically collect data on typing latencies, response times, and phone stimuli detection indicating attention, executive function, memory, and processing speed.",
        "id": "tsk_zfiXINJdIc1DM"
        "creation_time": 1689218321,
        "last_updated": 1689218321,
        "name": "Angling Risk Task – Always Sunny",
        "definition_text": "The Angling Risk Task (ART) Always Sunny assesses cognitive processes underlying decision making in a sequential risk-taking paradigm. This task is comprised of tournaments of 30 rounds each. In each round, participants “fish” for red and blue fish in an attempt to earn as much money as possible. Of the N fish, N-1 are red and 1 is blue. Each red fish the participant catches is worth five cents; if the participant catches the blue fish, however, the round ends, and the participant loses all the money accumulated in that round. In the “Always Sunny” version of the task, participants are able to see the number of red and blue fish.",
        "id": "tsk_zhAW4G31jTPrw"
        "creation_time": 1689182143,
        "last_updated": 1689182143,
        "name": "Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire: Control vs. Impulsivity Scale",
        "definition_text": "The Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire (MPQ) is a 276-item self-report measure of a broad range of personality traits. It assesses 11 personality traits. Items about control vs. impulsivity assess whether participants report being “reflective,” “cautious,” “careful,” “level-headed,” and “sensible,” and whether they make “detailed plans.” Items are summed to compute a total score for each trait. Higher total scores for the control-vs.-impulsivity trait reflect acting rationally, preferring to plan one’s actions, making decisions carefully, and lack of spontaneity.",
        "id": "tsk_tp1574mCRYbWD"
        "creation_time": 1689190332,
        "last_updated": 1689190332,
        "name": "Brief Risk-Resilience Index for Screening (BRISC)",
        "definition_text": "The Mini Brief Risk-Resilience Index for Screening (BRISC) is a 15-item self-report measure of self-regulation of emotions. The BRISC measures three core domains: negativity bias (5 items; one’s hypersensitivity to stress and anticipation of negative outcomes, e.g., “I tended to overreact to situations”), emotional resilience (5 items; one’s capacity for self-efficacy, e.g., “I felt very satisfied with the way I look and act”), and social skills (5 items; one’s capacity to engage in social situations and seek support, e.g., “I enjoyed socializing and chatting to other people”). Negativity bias is concerned with risk for negative emotional states, whereas emotional resilience and social skills concern regulatory responses to negative emotional states.",
        "id": "tsk_NrSniDhXY2NKm"
        "creation_time": 1689609631,
        "last_updated": 1689609631,
        "name": "Internal Self-Efficacy Task",
        "definition_text": "The Internal Self-Efficacy Task was designed to capture individual differences in the tendency to set challenging goals. In the first stage (Stage 1: Piece-rate real effort task), participants are given three minutes in which they need to complete as many matches as possible in a real-effort slider-matching task. In this task, participants touch the computer screen to move a slider to its “goal” position (i.e., match the slider to the goal).  In the second stage (Stage 2: Goal-setting) participants are told that they will again complete the real-effort slider-matching task for a three-minute interval but with a different payment scheme.In the third and final stage (Stage 3) participants complete the three-minute real-effort slider-matching task.",
        "id": "tsk_nHhIFQgl91Nkc"
        "creation_time": 1689609902,
        "last_updated": 1689609902,
        "name": "Consideration of Future Consequences Scale",
        "definition_text": "The Consideration of Future Consequences Scale is comprised of 14 items that tap into an individual’s tendency to think about long-term consequences of his or her actions, or to guide behavior based on short- versus long-term considerations.",
        "id": "tsk_LURJ93Bk1echa"
        "creation_time": 1689114905,
        "last_updated": 1689114905,
        "name": "Immersive Virtual Reality Assay for Target: Regulation of Emotion (Behavioral and Self-Report)",
        "definition_text": "The Immersive Virtual Reality Assay (IVRA) is a virtual reality paradigm designed to engage three self-regulation targets (self-focused reflection, affect, and cognition) and four corresponding brain circuits in a fixed order: (1) default mode circuit (related to self-focused reflection), (2) the negative affect circuit, (3) the positive affect circuit, and (4) the cognitive control circuit. Participants undergo different virtual environments using the Oculus Rift DK2 (virtual reality headset developed and manufactured by Oculus VR). This paradigm is intended to assess a participant’s regulation of emotion by having participants undergo two negative emotion regulation environments for the negative affect circuit and two positive emotion regulation environments for the positive affect circuit.",
        "id": "tsk_Sgb6i1nFqMVjQ"
        "creation_time": 1689190914,
        "last_updated": 1689190914,
        "name": "Mindstrong for Regulation of Self-Focused Reflection",
        "definition_text": "Mindstrong is a phone application that continuously collects data regarding the phone-user’s naturalistic patterns of typing and scrolling. This application will be installed on participant’s phone at a baseline visit and data will be collected on participants’ 45 keyboard and scroll patterns (generated from distinct swiping and tapping patterns) over a two-year period. Regarding self-reflection-related behavior, this technology will collect data on pertinent smartphone variables including identified resting periods via phone GPS. Over time, these variables will be tracked and monitored for changes in participants’ pattern of daily behavior.",
        "id": "tsk_aojKzJ2tvdhGZ"
        "creation_time": 1689609993,
        "last_updated": 1689609993,
        "name": "Stroop-like Arrows Task",
        "definition_text": "The Stroop-like Arrows Task aims to measure aspects of executive control, such as attentional control and inhibitory control. This adaptation of the Stroop-like Arrows Task consists of a series of 30 red and blue arrows (stimuli), which participants must respond to by pressing a “button” (a green rectangle) either in the congruent direction of the arrow (when it is red) or in the incongruent direction of the arrow (when it is blue). In other words, when the arrow is red and points to the left, the respondent should press the button to the left. On the other hand, when the arrow is blue and points to the left, the respondent should press the button to the right. Respondents must complete the task as quickly as possible.",
        "id": "tsk_ZnDT4SbTZ2Bye"
        "creation_time": 1689610202,
        "last_updated": 1689610202,
        "name": "International Physical Activity Questionnaire – Short Form (IPAQ-SF)",
        "definition_text": "The International Physical Activity Questionnaire – Short Form (IPAQ-SF) is a 7-item self-report scale designed to measure physical activity in adults. The scale is used to generate a single total score. Participants are asked to report activities performed across leisure time, work, domestic activities, and travel for at least 10 minutes during the last seven days at each of three intensities: walking, moderate, and vigorous intensity.",
        "id": "tsk_QlXQe5gup7UFj"
        "creation_time": 1701977123,
        "last_updated": 1701977123,
        "name": "optogenetic stimulation",
        "definition_text": "Optogenetic stimulation is a genetic technique that enables scientists to activate or inhibit the activity of specific neuron populations using light.",
        "id": "tsk_pmvG0R2l7APPE"
        "creation_time": 1689190146,
        "last_updated": 1689190146,
        "name": "Ecological Momentary Assessment of Stressful Events",
        "definition_text": "The Ecological Momentary Assessment of Stressful Events is a brief measure of momentary experiences of stress aimed to be administered in ecologically valid environments close in time to the occurrence of stressful events. The goal of this measurement strategy is to minimize retrospective recall biases that can accompany the reporting of stress. The EMA measure consists of a brief set of stem and conditional questions that can be administered via smartphones as people go about their daily activities.",
        "id": "tsk_c6667oSpAnrBT"
        "creation_time": 1689100426,
        "last_updated": 1689100426,
        "name": "Anxiety Sensitivity Index - 3 (ASI-3)",
        "definition_text": "The Anxiety Sensitivity Index-3 (ASI-3) is an 18 item scale containing items specifying different concerns someone could have regarding their anxiety. It contains 3 subscales \"ASI-3 Physical Concerns\", \"ASI-3 Cognitive Concerns\", \"ASI-3 Social Concerns\". The subject rates each item by selecting one of five phrases: “very little” (0 points), “a little” (1 point), “some” (2 points), “much” (3 points), and “very much” (4 points). No items are reversed coded.",
        "id": "tsk_L1akyyjEGdiUs"
        "creation_time": 1689108947,
        "last_updated": 1689108947,
        "name": "Interoceptive Attentiveness fMRI Task",
        "definition_text": "The Interoceptive Attentiveness fMRI Task is a functional magnetic resonance imaging assay of the ability to deploy attention toward information that is internal (i.e., inside the body) versus external (e.g., outside the body). In this task brain activation is measured while the participant is asked to alternate between turning their attention inward (‘Interoception’ condition) and outward (‘Exteroception’ condition). The interoceptive target can be any internal body organ, such as the heart, bladder, stomach, or lungs, although a focus on the heart and the sensations of heartbeats is most commonly used. The exteroceptive target is typically a standard external attention task, such as monitoring for changes in visual stimuli that appear on the screen, as in the widely used Continuous Performance Test.",
        "id": "tsk_Rpfz9hVRPtUcq"
        "creation_time": 1689608958,
        "last_updated": 1689608958,
        "name": "Two-Stage Task",
        "definition_text": "This task assess two types of reinforcement learning (RL): model-free and model-based RL. In this task, participants make two sequential decisions that navigate them through two \"stages\" defined by different stimuli. First-stage choices are associated with one of two second stages (e.g., 2a and 2b): one first-stage choice leads to 2a 70% of the time and 2b 30% of the time, while the opposite is true of the other first-stage choice (i.e. 2a occurs 30% of the time and 2b occurs 70% of the time). Each second-stage choice is associated with some probability of receiving a reward. This probability changes slowly over time, requiring continuous learning in order to succeed at the task.",
        "id": "tsk_Jdo0KE737b9N8"
        "creation_time": 1689609057,
        "last_updated": 1689609057,
        "name": "Convex Time Budgets",
        "definition_text": "The Convex Time Budgets (CTB) task measures delay discounting, which is the tendency to discount value in the future (e.g., a lower subjective value of money at a later date relative to an earlier date).  In this task, participants make 48 decisions total. Twenty-four of these decisions are in the gains domain, and 24 decisions are in the losses domain. These decisions occur for three compared times: (1) 2 vs. 4 weeks from today, (2) today vs. 4 weeks from today, and (3) today vs. 2 weeks from today.",
        "id": "tsk_mUMzkG2xVn82g"
        "creation_time": 1689609468,
        "last_updated": 1689609468,
        "name": "Emotion Regulation Strategies Scale",
        "definition_text": "The Emotion Regulation Strategies Scale is a 21-item self-reported measure of children’s methods for controlling anger and worry. Children complete a one-on-one interview to assess endorsement of emotion regulation strategies such as inhibition and expression using the 11-item Children’s Anger Management Scale (CAMS) and the 10-item Children’s Worry Management Scale (CWMS). All items are scored using a 3-point Likert scale (1 = hardly ever, 2 = sometimes, 3 = often).",
        "id": "tsk_EeJGKBAbpHkIm"
        "creation_time": 1690567478,
        "last_updated": 1690567478,
        "name": "violation-of-expectation task",
        "definition_text": "The violation of expectation (VOE) task can be used to query adults' and young children's knowledge and learning about many topics. A minimum, participants are shown a pair of events - one that is more expected, and one that is more unexpected. Participants can be asked to make all sorts of judgments - adults can rate how surprising the outcomes are, and infants can be given the opportunity to look at the events for as long as they choose. The logic behind this task is that if participants have the hypothesized expectation entailed in the contrast between these stimuli, then they should rate one events as more surprising than the other. \r\n\r\nIn studies of infants, especially those that measure looking behavior, there is usually a sequence of familiarization trials first, to give participants enough opportunity to encode the events, and (sometimes) to teach them a particular expectation. After this phase, infants are then shown the expected and unexpected outcomes.\r\n\r\nThe validity of this task hinges on how well-controlled the stimuli are. Oftentimes researchers run many conditions in order to narrow in on exactly what aspects of the stimuli participants are responding to.",
        "id": "tsk_2lU25qYLrwkfj"
        "creation_time": 1689612091,
        "last_updated": 1689612091,
        "name": "Couples Conflict Task",
        "definition_text": "Couples engage in two 10-minute conflict discussions (e.g., one from each partner; top two important topics for couple).The assessor leaves the room for 10 minutes, during which the couple converses uninterrupted. The most fundamental property of a coding system is the sampling strategy for behavior, otherwise known as the coding unit. Major sampling strategies are event, duration, interval, and time. Coding systems can be molar/global (i.e. makes summary ratings) or molecular/microbehavioral (i.e. codes behavior as it unfolds over time). Investigators may use scores to analyze means, variability, or sequences.",
        "id": "tsk_zj7EaCdOZ1dae"
        "creation_time": 1689109322,
        "last_updated": 1689109322,
        "name": "Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness",
        "definition_text": "The Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness is a 32 item self-report measure composed of the following 8 subscales: (i) Noticing: awareness of uncomfortable, comfortable and neutral bodily sensations; (ii) Not-Distracting: the tendency to not ignore or distract oneself from sensations of pain or discomfort; (iii) Not-Worrying: the tendency to not react with emotional distress or worry to sensations of pain or discomfort; (iv) Attention Regulation: the ability to sustain and control attention to bodily sensation; (v) Emotional Awareness: the awareness of the connection between bodily sensations and emotional states; (vi) Self-Regulation: the ability to regulate psychological distress by attention to bodily sensations; (vii) Body Listening: actively listening to the body for insight; and (viii) Trusting: experiencing one’s body as safe and trustworthy. The MAIA is available free from the University of California OCMI webpage at (",
        "id": "tsk_2wRB9XpiA4xMN"
        "creation_time": 1689218065,
        "last_updated": 1689218065,
        "name": "Pearlin Mastery Scale",
        "definition_text": "The Pearlin Mastery Scale consists of seven items designed to assess one aspect of psychological coping resources (Mastery). Example items include, “Sometimes I feel that I am being pushed here and there in life” (reverse-scored) and “What happens to me in the future mostly depends on me.” Response options range from 1, strongly disagree, to 7, strongly agree. Higher scores indicate greater mastery.",
        "id": "tsk_osfnJ7DNe8DB0"
        "creation_time": 1689108347,
        "last_updated": 1689108347,
        "name": "Parent-Child Interaction Protocol",
        "definition_text": "Parent-child interaction typically takes place in a small room containing a chair for the parent and three low tables. Objects that are attractive to children in this age range, but are not typically considered toys (e.g., a manual typewriter, an old school bell, a sealed glass jar of hard candy) are on the tables. The parent is instructed that the child is forbidden to touch these objects. The interaction consists of three tasks that present the parent with typical but challenging situations for the parent and child: 1. the parent is instructed to supervise the child for a maximum of 10 minutes in putting a set of toys into a plastic bin. 2. the parent gives the child another set of toys and is instructed to have the child play independently while the parent engages in a 10-minute simulated phone conversation with the experimenter. 3. the parent is told to have the child play quietly and independently on a mat while the parent completes questionnaires for 10 minutes.",
        "id": "tsk_HJI7NLY38yZgx"
        "creation_time": 1689181971,
        "last_updated": 1689181971,
        "name": "Raven’s Progressive Matrices Test",
        "definition_text": "Raven’s Progressive Matrices Test is a behavioral task that assesses non-verbal, analytic intelligence. Participants are presented with a display showing a matrix (e.g., a 3 x 3 grid consisting of three rows with three cells in each row). With the exception of the cell on the bottom right, each of the other cells in the display is occupied by a complex visual stimulus. Participants’ task is to determine which of eight other possible stimuli is the correct entry for the single empty cell.",
        "id": "tsk_SJ4Q7gOYfy25Y"
        "creation_time": 1689608741,
        "last_updated": 1689608741,
        "name": "Risk Preferences Task",
        "definition_text": "The Risk Preferences Task is a behavioral measure of risky decision-making that occurs in three series. In each series, participants must choose to draw a ball from one of two jars: Jar A or Jar B. Jar A and Jar B each contain two balls with an equal probability of being chosen at random (50%). The first round is an unpaid practice round, after which Series 1-3 occur (Series 1: choices over gains, Series 2: choices over losses, Series 3: choices over gains and losses).",
        "id": "tsk_22KTtBdDDjZrU"
        "creation_time": 1684226609,
        "last_updated": 1684226609,
        "name": "cue-based expectancy paradigm combining emotion regulation task",
        "id": "tsk_9UB5vNDvAKzYw"
        "creation_time": 1689111537,
        "last_updated": 1689111537,
        "name": "Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS)- Child Version",
        "definition_text": "The Positive Affect and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) is a 20-item self-report questionnaire used to measure the emotions of the respondent’s child during the past few weeks. The items are grouped into the two subscales with 10 items each: positive affect and negative affect. The respondent is asked to read several words which describe different feelings and emotions and enter a number that corresponds to the value on a scale to indicate the extent to which his/her child feels this way on average.",
        "id": "tsk_bc6vIpoShChdF"
        "creation_time": 1689113610,
        "last_updated": 1689113610,
        "name": "NIH Self-Efficacy Scale",
        "definition_text": "The NIH Toolbox Self-Efficacy Scale is a 10-item self-reported measure that assesses belief in one’s capacity to manage and have control over meaningful events in life. Children answer questions (e.g., “I can manage to solve difficult problems if I try hard enough”; “When I have a problem, I can find several ways to solve it”) using a 5-point Likert response scale (1=Never, 2=Almost Never, 3=Sometimes, 4=Fairly Often, 5=Very Often). Total self-efficacy score ranges from 10-50.",
        "id": "tsk_UwGwPHdQkMJqi"
        "creation_time": 1689110200,
        "last_updated": 1689110200,
        "name": "Rapid Marital Interaction Coding System (RMICS)",
        "definition_text": "The Rapid Marital Interaction Coding System (RMICS) is an event-based system designed to code observed dyadic behavior. Behavior is defined broadly to include all observable actions (i.e. affective, motoric, paralinguistic, and linguistic). The RMICS was designed to measure frequencies of behavior and behavioral patterns (i.e. sequences) between intimate partners during conflicts. It  comprises three negative codes (low-intensity hostility, high-intensity hostility, dysphoric affect), two positive codes (low-intensity positivity, high-intensity positivity), one neutral (constructive problem discussion/solution), and one other. Coders assign a code to each speaker and listener turn, contingent on the verbal, nonverbal, and paraverbal content within.",
        "id": "tsk_QN7TaO3lQgQpv"
        "creation_time": 1689112016,
        "last_updated": 1689112016,
        "name": "Couple Coercion Scale",
        "definition_text": "This 9-item self-report scale assesses an individual's perception of how much coercion characterizes their relationship with their partner. Items are rated on a 5-point scale from Never to Always",
        "id": "tsk_QEgcdL3G9d3fp"
        "creation_time": 1689111219,
        "last_updated": 1689111219,
        "name": "Parent-Rated Stress (NIH Perceived Stress Scale)",
        "definition_text": "The NIH Toolbox Perceived Stress Survey is a 10-item parent report measure of the stress experienced by children ages 8 to 12 years old. It assesses how unpredictable, uncontrollable, and overloaded respondents believe that their children find their lives. It is comprised of 10 items from the original Perceived Stress Scale developed for adults.",
        "id": "tsk_m9ORBitZNadcZ"
        "creation_time": 1689111866,
        "last_updated": 1689111866,
        "name": "Parent Cognition Scale",
        "definition_text": "The Parent Cognition Scale (PCS) is a 30-item self-report measure designed to assess the degree to which parents endorse dysfunctional child-responsible and parent-causal attributions for child misbehavior. Respondents are asked to think about a target child’s misbehavior over the past 2 months and to rate various possible causes for their child’s misbehavior on a 6-point Likert scale that ranges from 1 (always true) to 6 (never true).",
        "id": "tsk_dwOdvcER9RnBx"
        "creation_time": 1689112180,
        "last_updated": 1689112180,
        "name": "Frustration in Timed Backwards Math",
        "definition_text": "The Frustration in Timed Backwards Math Task assesses behaviors that indicate general anxiety, sadness, or frustration/anger in children. Participants complete the serial subtraction portion of the Trier Social Stress Test for Children (TSST-C), an adapted version of a standardized stress paradigm originally developed and evaluated in adults. Participants are asked to count backwards from a high number by a certain interval. If a mistake is made, then they must start again from the beginning.",
        "id": "tsk_m9ZOG13yjvsPV"
        "creation_time": 1689113041,
        "last_updated": 1689113041,
        "name": "Future Events Structured Interview",
        "definition_text": "The Future Events Structured Interview is a measure that assesses a child’s future-thinking processes. The measure captures different categories of descriptive details the child uses to describe future events in his or her life. A child participant is instructed to describe upcoming events aloud. Each interview is transcribed from audiotape and then the language is coded for frequencies of used words and phrases in the following dimensions: a) event details-internal; b) time; c) perception; d) emotion/thought; e) social; f) repetition; g) event details-external-semantic; h) external other.",
        "id": "tsk_5UPYiqtoX3yUf"