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A task in which subjects are asked to choose between a smaller reward earlier in time versus a larger reward later in time.


delay discounting task, intertemporal choice task

Definition contributed by Anonymous
temporal discounting task has been asserted to measure the following CONCEPTS
Phenotypes associated with temporal discounting task


No associations have been added.


No associations have been added.


No associations have been added.

IMPLEMENTATIONS of temporal discounting task
No implementations have been added.
EXTERNAL DATASETS for temporal discounting task
No implementations have been added.

Experimental conditions are the subsets of an experiment that define the relevant experimental manipulation.


In the Cognitive Atlas, we define a contrast as any function over experimental conditions. The simplest contrast is the indicator value for a specific condition; more complex contrasts include linear or nonlinear functions of the indicator across different experimental conditions.

areas of activation
discounting (tendency to discount the real value of the future option)

An indicator is a specific quantitative or qualitative variable that is recorded for analysis. These may include behavioral variables (such as response time, accuracy, or other measures of performance) or physiological variables (including genetics, psychophysiology, or brain imaging data).


Studying the relation between temporal reward discounting tasks used in populations with ADHD: a factor analysis.
Scheres A, Sumiya M, Thoeny AL
International journal of methods in psychiatric research (Int J Methods Psychiatr Res)
2010 Sep

Behavioral and neuroeconomics of drug addiction: competing neural systems and temporal discounting processes.
Bickel WK, Miller ML, Yi R, Kowal BP, Lindquist DM, Pitcock JA
Drug and alcohol dependence (Drug Alcohol Depend)
2007 Sep

Discounting of monetary and directly consumable rewards.
Estle SJ, Green L, Myerson J, Holt DD
Psychological science (Psychol Sci)
2007 Jan