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Terms are the basic building block of the Cognitive Atlas.
A term in the Atlas can either be a concept (e.g. 'episodic memory', 'acoustic reflex') or a task ('N-Back Test', 'Action Imitation Task')
You may provide a term and definition only if the term is not already in the Atlas.1. Enter the term you wish to define:
Browse Tasks
All Tasks
- 2-stage decision task
- 2nd-order rule acquisition
- aberrant behavior checklist - community
- abstract/concrete judgment: bilingual
- abstract/concrete task
- acquired equivalence
- action imitation task
- action observation task
- action-perception loop
- acupuncture task
- Adaptation of marshmellow test
- adaptive n-back task
- adolescent symptom inventory
- Adult ADHD Clinical Diagnostic Scale
- Adult ADHD Self-Report Scale
- adult attachment interview
- adult behavior checklist
- Adult's Penn Word Memory Test Delayed Memory
- Aesthetic Exprience Questionnaire (AEQ)
- alternating runs paradigm
- ambiguous figure task
- American National Adult Reading Test
- analogical reasoning task
- Angling Risk Task
- Angling Risk Task – Always Sunny
- animal naming task
- ANT task
- antisaccade/prosaccade task
- Anxiety Sensitivity Index - 3 (ASI-3)
- apparent verticality judgment
- articulatory suppression task
- artificial grammar learning task
- associative memory encoding task
- Ataxia
- attention bias
- attention networks test
- attention switching task
- attentional blink paradigm
- attribute amnesia
- audio narrative
- audio-visual target detection task
- auditory masking task
- auditory scene perception
- auditory temporal discrimination task
- autism diagnostic interview - revised
- autism diagnostic observation schedule
- autism spectrum quotient
- autobiographical memory task
- AX-CPT task
- backward digit span task
- backward masking
- balloon analogue risk task
- Barratt Impulsiveness Scale
- battelle developmental inventory
- Becker-Degroot-Marschak (BDM) procedure
- beery-buktenica developmental test of visual-motor integration
- behavioral approach/inhibition systems
- behavioral investment allocation strategy
- behavioral rating inventory of executive function
- Benton facial recognition test
- Bickel Titrator
- big five questionnaire
- big/little circle
- bimanual coordination task
- Biological Motion Perception (Passive Viewing) Paradigm
- biological motion task
- Birkbeck Reversible Sentence Comprehension Test
- Birmingham object recognition battery
- Bistability
- Bistable percept paradigm
- block design test
- block tapping test
- Blocked channel-selection task
- body image self-reflection task
- boston naming test
- Boston Naming Test
- braille reading task
- breath-holding
- Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale
- Brief Risk-Resilience Index for Screening (BRISC)
- brief self control scale
- brief symptom inventory
- Brixton spatial anticipation test
- broad autism phenotype questionnaire
- broader phenotype autism symptom scale
- California Verbal Learning Test
- California Verbal Learning Test-II
- Cambridge Face Memory Test
- Cambridge Gambling Task
- Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery
- Cambridge risk task
- capsaicin-evoked pain
- CatBat task
- categorization task
- category fluency test
- CAToon (cognitive and affective Theory of Mind Cartoon Task)
- Cattell's Culture Fair Intelligence Test
- Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale
- center of mass approximation
- Change Detection Task
- Chapman Infrequency Scale
- Chapman Magical Ideation Scale
- Chapman Perceptual Aberration Scale
- Chapman Physical Anhedonia Scale
- Chapman Social Anhedonia Scale
- chewing/swallowing
- Chicken Game task
- Child Behavior Checklist
- Children's Communication Checklist
- Children's Memory Scale
- Children's Psychiatric Rating Scale
- Children's Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale
- chimeric animal Stroop task
- choice reaction time task
- choice task between risky and non-risky options
- classification probe without feedback
- Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals-3
- clock drawing task
- Cognitive Reflection Test
- coherent motion
- Coherent/Incoherent discourse distinction task
- cold pressor test
- cold stimulation
- color naming task
- Color Trails Test
- color-discrimination task
- color-word stroop task
- color-word stroop with task switching
- Columbia Card Task
- Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales Development Profile
- Compensatory Tracking Task
- complex span test
- complex trait judgment task
- Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing
- conditional stop signal task
- conjunction search task
- Conners 3rd Edition
- Conners Comprehensive Behavior Rating Scales
- consensus decision-making task
- Consideration of Future Consequences Scale
- contextual bandit
- contextual cueing task
- contextual semantic priming task
- Continuous Performance Task
- Continuous Performance Test - AX version
- continuous recognition paradigm
- Continuous Tapping Task
- contour integration task
- contour interpolation task
- contrast detection task
- contrast sensitivity test
- Convex Time Budgets
- copying task
- Corpus analysis
- correlated bandits
- Corsi Blocks
- counterconditioning
- counting Stroop task
- Counting/Calculation
- Couple Coercion Scale
- Couples Conflict Task
- covert naming task
- Covert verb generation task
- criteria task
- cross modality
- cue approach task
- cue-based expectancy paradigm combining emotion regulation task
- cue-based expectation task
- cued explicit recognition
- cups task
- cyberball task
- Daily Inventory of Stressful Events (DISE)
- deception task
- deductive reasoning task
- delay conditioning
- Delay Discounting Titration
- delayed intention task
- delayed match to sample task
- delayed memory task
- delayed nonmatch to sample task
- delayed recall test
- delayed response task
- deterministic classification
- Deviance Detection
- devil's task
- dichotic listening task
- Dickman Impulsivity Inventory
- Dietary Decisions Task
- Differential Ability Scales
- digit cancellation task
- digit span task
- digit/symbol coding test
- Dimensions task
- directed forgetting task
- Discourse content questions
- Distraction paradigm (capture)
- divided auditory attention
- Donation task
- doors and people test
- dot motion task
- dot pattern expectancy task
- drawing
- drawing from memory task
- dual sensitization
- dual-task paradigm
- dual-task weather prediction
- duckworth's short grit scale
- Early Childhood Behavioral Questionnaire
- Early Development Interview (EDI)
- Early Social and Communication Scales
- Eating questionnaire
- eating/drinking
- Eckblad and Chapman's Hypomanic Personality Scale
- Ecological Momentary Assessment of Stressful Events
- Edinburgh Handedness Inventory
- electric stimulation
- embedded figures test
- emotion expression identification
- Emotion Identification Task
- emotion processing fMRI task paradigm
- Emotion Recognition Task
- Emotion Regulation Questionnaire
- Emotion Regulation Strategies Scale
- Emotion Regulation Task
- emotional localizer fMRI task paradigm
- emotional regulation task
- encoding task
- Enumeration task
- episodic recall
- episodic recombination paradigm
- Eriksen flanker task
- error awareness task
- Expressive One Word-Picture Vocabulary Test
- Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test
- Expressive Vocabulary Test
- extradimensional shift task
- Eye tracking paradigms
- Eysenck Personality Questionnaire
- Face Identification task
- face matching task
- face monitor/discrimination
- face n-back task
- face working memory task
- Facial Expression Display Task
- facial expression observation
- Facial Expression Observing Task
- facial expression of emotion
- facial recognition task
- Fagerstrom Test for Nicotine Dependence
- false belief task
- False Belief task
- fame judgment task
- Fictitious event ordering
- figure ground task
- film viewing
- finger tapping task
- Fitts task
- Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire
- Five-Trial Adjusting Delay Discounting Task
- fixation task
- flashing checkerboard
- flexion/extension
- fMRI Facial Emotion Paradigm
- fMRI localizer for the frontotemporal language system
- following commands
- Food viewing (passive)
- foreshortened view task
- forward digit span task
- free word list recall
- Frustration in Timed Backwards Math
- functional localizer fMRI tasks
- Future Events Structured Interview
- Future Orientation Scale of the Time Perspective Survey (child version)
- future time perspective questionnaire
- gambling fMRI task paradigm
- gambling task
- gating
- gender discrimination task
- general knowledge task
- Generalization of Instrumental Avoidance Task
- Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale
- Glasgow Coma Scale
- global-local task
- gm Paradigm
- Go-No-Go Zoo Task
- Go-NoGo fMRI paradigm
- go/no-go task
- Graded Naming Test
- grasping task
- Gray Oral Reading Test - 4
- Gustatory stimulation with liquid tastes or flavors
- Halstead-Reitan Battery
- Hamilton Psychiatric Rating Scale for Depression
- hand chirality recognition
- hand side recognition
- haptic illusion task
- Hayling sentence completion test
- heat sensitization/adaptation
- heat stimulation
- Hidden Path Learning Task
- Hidden State Decision Making Task
- hierarchical rule task
- Hierarchical Task
- Holt and Laury Risk Titrator
- Hooper visual organization test
- Hopkins Symptom Checklist
- horizontal checkerboard
- Hungry Donkey Task
- Hypomanic Personality Scale
- I7 impulsiveness and venturesomeness questionnaire
- ideational praxis task
- image monitoring
- imagined movement
- imagined objects/scenes
- immediate memory task
- immediate recall test
- Immersive Virtual Reality Assay for Target: Regulation of Cognition (Behavioral and Self-Report)
- Immersive Virtual Reality Assay for Target: Regulation of Emotion (Behavioral and Self-Report)
- Immersive Virtual Reality Assay for Target: Regulation of Self-Reflection (Behavioral and Self-Report)
- Implicit Association Task
- incentive modulated antisaccade task
- Incidental encoding task
- inductive reasoning aptitude
- Information Sampling Task
- instrumental learning task
- intensity for somatosensory stimulation
- Inter-dimensional/Extra-dimensional Shift Task
- Inter-modal selective attention task
- intermodal preferential looking paradigm
- Internal menu choice task
- Internal Self-Efficacy Task
- International Affective Picture System
- International Physical Activity Questionnaire – Short Form (IPAQ-SF)
- Interoceptive Attentiveness fMRI Task
- intradimensional shift task
- Iowa Gambling Task
- Ishihara plates for color blindness
- isometric force
- item recognition task
- Joint Attention / Social and Nonsocial Orienting Task
- Judgment of Line Orientation Task
- Kanizsa figures
- Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test
- keep-track task
- Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K6+)
- Kirby Delay Discounting Task
- Landmark task
- language processing fMRI task paradigm
- Language Rule Learning
- lateral facilitation
- Leiter International Performance Scale
- length match task
- letter case judgment task
- letter comparison task
- letter fluency test
- letter matching task
- letter memory
- letter n-back task
- letter naming task
- letter number sequencing
- lexical decision task
- Listening and reading task
- listening span task
- living-nonliving task
- living/nonliving judgment on mirror-reversed and plain-text words
- local computation
- logical reasoning task
- Loneliness Rating Scale
- MacArthur Communicative Development Inventories
- Manipulation of coherence and cohesion
- Manipulation of individual words
- Manipulation of ISI
- Manipulation of language and non-verbal behaviors
- Manipulation of predictability
- Manipulation of predictability and acceptability
- match to sample visual search
- matching familiar figures test
- matching pennies game
- Maudsley Obsessive Compulsive Inventory
- Maze
- McGurk effect
- Measured Emotion Differentiation Test
- mechanical stimulation
- meditation task
- Memory encoding task
- memory guided saccade task
- memory span test
- mental arithmetic task
- mental imagery task
- mental rotation task
- Mental time travel task
- mentalizing task
- MicroCog
- micturition task
- Mindful Attention and Awareness Scale
- Mindstrong for Regulation of Cognition
- Mindstrong for Regulation of Emotion
- Mindstrong for Regulation of Self-Focused Reflection
- Mini Mental State Examination
- minimal feature match task
- Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
- mirror reading task
- mirror tracing task
- mixed event-related probe
- mixed gambles task
- modified Erickson Scale of Communication Attitudes
- monetary incentive delay task
- Montreal Cognitive Assessment
- Moral Dilemma Task
- Morris water maze
- motion discrimination task
- Motion processing
- motivational go/no-go learning task
- motor fMRI task paradigm
- Motor Screening Task
- Motor Selective Stop Signal Task
- motor sequencing task
- motorphotic
- Mouse tracking paradigms
- movie watching task
- Mullen Scales of Early Learning
- Muller-Lyer Illusion
- multi-attribute decision making task
- multi-attribute reward-guided decision task
- Multi-class n-back task
- multi-object localizer task
- multi-source interference task
- Multidimensional Assessment of Interoceptive Awareness
- Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire
- Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire: Control vs. Impulsivity Scale
- Multiplication task
- multisource interference task
- multistability
- music comprehension/production
- n-back task
- naming (covert)
- naming (overt)
- Naming tasks
- Narrative-based Pain Empathy Task
- National Adult Reading Test
- navigation task
- negative priming task
- network traversal task
- NIH Self-Efficacy Scale
- NIH Toolbox 2-Minute Walk Endurance Test
- NIH Toolbox 4-Meter Walk Gait Speed Test
- NIH Toolbox 9-Hole Pegboard Dexterity Test
- NIH Toolbox Dimensional Change Card Sort Test
- NIH Toolbox Dynamic Visual Acuity Test
- NIH Toolbox General Life Satisfaction Survey
- NIH Toolbox Grip Strength Test
- NIH Toolbox Hearing Handicap Inventory
- NIH Toolbox Hearing Threshold Test
- NIH Toolbox List Sorting Working Memory Test
- NIH Toolbox Meaning and Purpose Survey
- NIH Toolbox Odor Identification Test
- NIH Toolbox Oral Reading Recognition Test
- NIH Toolbox Oral Symbol Digit Test
- NIH Toolbox Pain Intensity Survey
- NIH Toolbox Pain Interference Survey
- NIH Toolbox Picture Sequence Memory Test
- NIH Toolbox Picture Vocabulary Test
- NIH Toolbox Positive Affect Survey
- NIH Toolbox Standing Balance Test
- NIH Toolbox Taste Intensity Test
- NIH Toolbox Vision-Related Quality of Life Survey
- NIH Toolbox Visual Acuity Test
- NIH Toolbox Words-in Noise Test
- nine-hole peg test
- non-choice task
- Non-instrumental information seeking task
- non-painful electrical stimulation
- non-painful thermal stimulation
- non-spatial cuing paradigm
- nonword repetition task
- Novelty detection task
- NPU-threat test
- Numerical Working Memory Task
- numerosity estimation task
- object alternation task
- object classification
- object decision task
- object n-back
- object naming task
- object one-back task
- object perception task
- Object Rating Task
- object recognition task
- object working memory task
- object-discrimination task
- oculomotor delayed response
- odd-even task
- oddball task
- olfactory monitoring/discrimination
- One Touch Stockings of Cambridge
- operant task
- operation span task
- optogenetic stimulation
- orientation match task
- orientation test
- orthographic discrimination
- orthographic task
- Other evaluation task
- overlapping figures task
- Overt word repetition
- P300 BCI
- Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test
- pain monitor/discrimination task
- Pain-matrix narrative localizer
- paired associate learning
- paired associate recall
- pantomime task
- Parallel/serial search
- Parent Cognition Scale
- Parent-Child Coercion Scale
- Parent-Child Interaction Protocol
- Parent-Rated Stress (NIH Perceived Stress Scale)
- parity judgment task
- Parrott Scale
- Partial Report Procedure
- passive avoidance task
- passive listening
- passive viewing
- Patient health questionnaire (PHQ-9)
- pattern comparison task
- pavlovian conditioning task
- PDD Behavior Inventory
- Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test
- Pearlin Mastery Scale
- PEBL Perceptual Vigilance Task
- Penn Conditional Exclusion Test
- Penn continuous performance task
- Penn Emotion Recognition Task
- Penn Face Memory Test
- Penn Facial Memory Test Delayed Memory
- Penn Fractal N-Back
- Penn Matrix Reasoning Test
- Penn Motor Praxis
- Penn Visual Object Learning Test
- Penn Visual Object Learning Test Delayed Memory
- Penn Vocabulary Test
- Penn Word Memory Test
- Pennâs Logical Reasoning Test
- perceptual closure task
- perceptual discrimination task
- perceptual organization
- phasic pain stimulation
- phoneme detection task
- phonemic fluency task
- phonetic discrimination task
- phonological discrimination
- phonological task
- Piaget's Water Jar Task
- picture naming task
- picture-word Stroop test
- pitch/monitor discrimination
- Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index
- Pittsburgh Stress Battery
- pleasantness rating task
- Plus-minus
- point subtraction aggression paradigm
- pointing task
- Porteus maze test
- position of gap match task
- Positive and Negative Affect Scale
- Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS)- Child Version
- Positive and Negative Images Task
- Posner cueing task
- predictive-inference helicopter task
- Preschool Language Scale
- prisoner's dilemma (PD)
- Probabilistic classification task
- Probabilistic gambling task
- probabilistic reversal learning task
- Probabilistic Selection Task
- problem solving task
- prospective memory task
- prospective sequential decision making task
- prototype distortion task
- pseudoword naming task
- psychological refractory period (PRP) paradigm
- psychophysics task
- pursuit rotor task
- Pursuit Tracking Task
- pyramids and palm trees task
- random number generation task
- rapid automatized naming test
- Rapid Marital Interaction Coding System (RMICS)
- rapid serial object transformation
- rapid serial visual presentation task
- Rapid Visual Information Processing
- Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices
- Raven’s Progressive Matrices Test
- Re-entrant processing
- Reaction Time
- reading (covert)
- reading (overt)
- reading span task
- reappraisal task
- recall test
- recency judgment task
- Reciprocal Artwork Evaluation Task
- recitation/repetition (covert)
- recitation/repetition (overt)
- recognition memory test
- Regularity and Change Detection
- regulated heat stimulation
- relational processing fMRI task paradigm
- relational reasoning task
- Relative Reinforcing Efficacy Purchase Task
- remember/know task
- Remote Associates Test
- response mapping task
- rest eyes closed
- rest eyes open
- retinotopic mapping task
- retinotopic representation
- retrieval-induced forgetting task
- reversal learning task
- reversal weather prediction
- Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Task
- Rey-Ostereith Complex Figure Test
- Reynell Developmental Language Scales
- rhyme verification task
- Risk Preferences Task
- risky decision-making under social influence
- risky gains task
- risky lotteries task
- Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test
- route learning
- roving somatosensory oddball task
- rubber hand illusion
- Running Memory
- Salthouse and Babcock Listening Span task
- same-different task
- Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms
- Scale for the Assessment of Positive Symptoms
- scene recognition task
- Selection-Optimization-Compensation (SOC) questionnaire
- selective attention task
- Self evaluation task
- self monitoring task
- self ordered pointing task
- self regulation questionnaire
- semantic anomaly judgement task
- semantic association task
- semantic classification task
- semantic decision task
- semantic fluency task
- semantic memory task
- semantic relatedness task
- semantic task
- Sensory Profile
- sentence completion test
- sentence-picture matching task
- Sentence/discourse content test
- Sentence/nonword language localizer
- Sequence encoding
- sequence recall/learning
- Sequence reproduction
- sequential shape matching
- serial reaction time task
- set-shifting task
- shadowing task
- Shift Task
- Short Penn Continuous Performance Test-Number and Letter Version
- short-term memory task
- SIDES Affect Dysregulation Scale (Child-Reported)
- Simon task
- simple reaction time task
- Simple span task
- Single item food choice task
- single-task weather prediction
- size match task
- social bargaining fMRI task
- social cognition (theory of mind) fMRI task paradigm
- Social Communication Questionnaire
- Social Competence Questionnaire
- social decision-making task
- social influence for food preferences task
- Social influence on emotion task
- social judgment of faces task
- social judgment task
- Social localizer fMRI task paradigm
- Social Norm Processing Task
- Social Responsiveness Scale
- social vs physical perception task
- source memory test
- Space Fortress
- Space Fortress with Oddball
- span/supra-span test
- Spatial cuing paradigm
- spatial delayed response task
- spatial localizer fMRI task paradigm
- spatial location/discrimination
- spatial n-back task
- Spatial Recognition Memory
- spatial span test
- spatial working memory localizer task
- spatial working memory task
- Speech Detection
- spelling task
- Spielberger's State-Trait Anxiety Questionnaire
- standard localizer fMRI task paradigm
- Stanford Leisure-Time Activity Categorical Item
- Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales
- State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory–2 (STAXI-2)
- Sternberg delayed recognition task
- Sternberg Directed Forgetting
- Sternberg Item Recognition Task
- Sternberg Recent Probes
- stimulus selective stop signal task
- Stockings of Cambridge Task
- stop signal task
- Stop signal task with dot motion discrimination
- stop signal task with letter naming
- stop signal task with pseudo word naming
- stop signal walking task with stroop
- stop-change task
- Stroop task
- Stroop-like Arrows Task
- Structured Clinical Interview for Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV)
- subjective emotional picture discrimination
- Surface properties of object paradigms
- sustained attention to response task
- Symbol Counter Task
- symbol-digit substitution
- Symptom Checklist-90-Revised
- synatcting and semantic fMRI task paradigm
- synchrony judgment task
- syntactic acceptability judgement task
- syntactic discrimination
- syntactic task
- tactile monitor/discrimination
- Tapping task
- target detection task
- task switching (3x2)
- task-set learning
- task-switching
- Temperament and Character Inventory
- temporal discounting task
- temporal order judgment task
- ten item personality questionnaire
- Test of Adolescent and Adult Language
- Test of Early Language Development
- Test of Language Development
- test of variables of attention
- Test of Word Reading Efficiency
- theories of willpower scale
- theory of mind task
- thermal grill illusion
- think/no-think task
- Thirst perception
- Time Wall
- Time-series of response time
- Tobacco Craving Questionnaire
- tone counting
- Tone Detection (JND)
- Tone Matching
- tone monitor/discrimination
- tonic pain stimulation
- Tower of Hanoi
- Tower of London
- Tower of London Imagine
- trace conditioning
- Trail Making Test A and B
- Transitive inference task
- treatment self-regulation questionnaire
- tri-modal roving stimulus paradigm
- Trier Social Stress Test
- Trust game (TG)
- Two item food choice task
- Two-Stage Task
- Ultimatum Game (UG)
- underlining test
- Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale
- updating task
- UPPS-P Impulsivity Scale
- Uznadze haptic illusion task
- value-based decision making
- Vandenberg & Kuse Tasks
- verb generation task
- Verbal description of visual depiction
- verbal fluency task
- Verbal Interference Test
- verbal working memory task
- Vernier discrimination task
- vertical checkerboard
- vibrotactile monitor/discrimination
- video games
- Video-Mediated Affective Recall
- vigilance
- Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales
- violation-of-expectation task
- visual alignment task
- Visual Analogue Scales
- visual attention task
- visual illusion susceptibility
- Visual Object Learning Test
- Visual Patterns Test
- visual pursuit/tracking
- visual search task
- Visual short term memory task
- Visual world paradigm
- visually guided saccade task
- Visuomotor rotation task
- visuospatial cueing task
- Volatile Bandit
- WAIS Arithmetic
- WAIS Comprehension
- WAIS Digit Span
- WAIS Object Assembly
- WAIS Picture Arrangement
- WAIS Picture Completion
- WAIS Similarities
- WAIS Vocabulary
- WAIS-Information
- Warrington's Face/Word Recognition Test
- Wason card selection task
- Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence
- Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale - Revised
- Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale-Revised
- Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children - Revised
- Wechsler Memory Scale Fourth Edition
- whistling
- why/how task
- willingness to wait task
- WISC-R Mazes
- Wisconsin card sorting test
- word attack
- word comprehension task
- word fluency test
- word generation task
- word identification
- word one-back task
- word recognition task
- word stem completion (covert)
- word stem completion (overt)
- word-picture matching task
- word-picture verification task
- working memory fMRI task paradigm
- WRAT-4 Math Computation
- WRAT-4 Word Reading
- writing task
- Yellow Light Game
- Young Mania Rating Scale
- zimbardo time perspective inventory
- zoo map test
- Zuckerman Sensation Seeking Scale