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is vision in which both eyes are used together. Having two eyes confers at least four advantages over having one. First, it gives a creature a spare eye in case one is damaged. Second, it gives a wider field of view. Third, it gives binocular summation in which the ability to detect faint objects is enhanced. Fourth it can give stereopsis in which parallax provided by the two eyes' different positions on the head give precise depth perception. Such binocular vision is usually accompanied by singleness of vision or binocular fusion, in which a single image is seen despite each eye's having its own image of any object. Other phenomena of binocular vision include utrocular discrimination, eye dominance, allelotropia, and binocular rivalry.

Definition contributed by Anonymous

Asserted relationships to other concepts

binocular vision
is a kind of

No associations
binocular vision
is a part of

  • binocular depth cue
  • are a kind of
    binocular vision

    No associations
    are a part of
    binocular vision

    No associations

    Tasks that are asserted to measure binocular vision

    Task Contrast Measure

    Gray Oral Reading Test - 4
    • sum of rate, accuracy, fluency, and comprehension scaled scores