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Terms are the basic building block of the Cognitive Atlas.
A term in the Atlas can either be a concept (e.g. 'episodic memory', 'acoustic reflex') or a task ('N-Back Test', 'Action Imitation Task')
You may provide a term and definition only if the term is not already in the Atlas.1. Enter the term you wish to define:
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- abductive reasoning
- abstract analogy
- abstract knowledge
- acoustic coding
- acoustic encoding
- acoustic phonetic processing
- acoustic processing
- action
- action initiation
- action perception
- action-outcome learning
- activation
- activation level
- active maintenance
- active recall
- active retrieval
- acuity
- adaptation
- adaptive control
- addiction
- affect perception
- affect recognition
- agency
- agreeableness
- altruism
- altruistic motivation
- alveolar
- amodal representation
- anaesthetised unresponsive
- analog representation
- analogical encoding
- analogical inference
- analogical problem solving
- analogical reasoning
- analogical transfer
- analogy
- anchoring
- anhedonia
- animacy decision
- animacy perception
- anticipation
- antisocial personality
- anxiety
- anxiety sensitivity
- apparent motion
- apperception
- appetite
- appetitive motivation
- arithmetic processing
- arousal
- arousal (emotion)
- arousal (physical)
- articulation
- articulatory loop
- articulatory planning
- articulatory rehearsal
- assimilation
- association
- association learning
- associative priming
- attachment
- attended channel
- attended stimulus
- attention
- attention capacity
- attention shift
- attention shifting
- attention span
- attentional bias
- attentional blink
- attentional effort
- attentional focusing
- attentional resources
- attentional state
- attitude
- Attribution
- audiovisual perception
- audition
- auditory arithmetic processing
- auditory attention
- auditory coding
- auditory encoding
- auditory feedback
- auditory grouping
- auditory imagery
- auditory learning
- auditory lexical access
- auditory localization
- auditory masking
- auditory memory
- auditory perception
- auditory recognition
- auditory scene
- auditory scene analysis
- auditory sentence comprehension
- auditory sentence recognition
- auditory stream segregation
- auditory tone detection
- auditory tone discrimination
- auditory tone perception
- auditory word comprehension
- auditory word recognition
- auditory working memory
- autobiographical memory
- autobiographical recall
- automaticity
- autonoesis
- availability heuristic
- aversive learning
- aversive salience
- Awareness
- backward chaining
- balance
- beat perception
- Behavioral Approach System
- behavioral inhibition
- behavioral inhibition (cognitive)
- behavioral inhibition (temperament)
- Behavioral Inibition System
- belief
- binocular convergence
- binocular depth cue
- binocular disparity
- binocular rivalry
- binocular vision
- biological motion
- bitterness
- blindsight
- body maintenance
- body orientation
- body representation
- border ownership
- capacity limitation
- cardinal orientation
- cardinal-direction judgment
- case based reasoning
- categorical clustering
- categorical knowledge
- categorical perception
- categorization
- category based induction
- category learning
- causal inference
- central attention
- central coherence
- central executive
- central fixation
- centration
- change blindness
- chemonociception
- chromatic contrast
- Chronesthesia
- chunk
- chunking
- circadian rhythm
- Coercion
- cognitive control
- cognitive development
- cognitive dissonance
- cognitive distance
- cognitive effort
- cognitive heuristic
- cognitive load
- cognitive map
- cognitive training
- Cognitive warfare
- Cognitive warfare
- color constancy
- color perception
- color recognition
- combinatorial semantics
- communication
- competition
- concept
- concept learning
- conceptual category
- conceptual coherence
- conceptual combination
- conceptual metaphor
- conceptual planning
- conceptual priming
- conceptual skill
- conceptualization
- conditional reasoning
- conduct disorder
- cone of confusion
- confidence judgment
- conflict adaptation effect
- conflict detection
- conjunction search
- connotation
- consciousness
- consolidation
- constancy
- constituent structure
- context
- context dependent
- context memory
- context representation
- contextual knowledge
- contingency learning
- contrastive stress
- conventionality
- convergent thinking
- conversation
- conversational skill
- conversational speech
- conversational structure
- coordination
- Coping
- coproduction
- coreference
- covert attention
- creative cognition
- creative problem solving
- creative thinking
- critical period
- crossmodal
- crosstalk
- crowding
- crystallized intelligence
- cue dependent forgetting
- cue validity
- cueing
- curiosity
- dative shift
- decay of activation
- deception
- decision
- decision certainty
- decision making
- decision uncertainty
- decision under uncertainty
- declarative knowledge
- declarative memory
- declarative rule
- deductive inference
- deductive reasoning
- deep processing
- deep structure
- defensive aggression
- defiance
- delay discounting
- deliberation
- delusion
- Demand
- depth cue
- depth perception
- desire
- detection
- difference threshold
- diphthong
- discourse
- discourse comprehension
- discourse knowledge
- discourse planning
- discourse processing
- discourse production
- discrimination
- dispositions
- distraction
- distributed coding
- divergent thinking
- divided attention
- domain specificity
- dominant percept
- dream
- Dyadic Effect
- dynamic visual perception
- Dyslexia
- east cardinal-direction judgment
- eating
- echoic memory
- echolocation
- economic value processing
- edge detection
- efficiency
- effort
- effort valuation
- effortful processing
- egocentric
- elaborative processing
- elaborative rehearsal
- embodied cognition
- emotion
- emotion perception
- emotion recognition
- emotion regulation
- emotional bonding
- emotional decision making
- emotional enhancement
- emotional expression
- emotional face recognition
- emotional intelligence
- emotional memory
- emotional mimicry
- emotional reappraisal
- emotional self-evaluation
- emotional suppression
- empathy
- encoding
- enumeration
- episodic buffer
- episodic future thinking
- episodic intention
- episodic learning
- episodic memory
- episodic planning
- episodic prediction
- episodic simulation
- error detection
- error signal
- error trapping
- excitation
- exogenous attention
- expectancy
- expertise
- explicit knowledge
- explicit learning
- explicit memory
- externalizing
- extinction
- extrinsic motivation
- face maintenance
- face perception
- face recognition
- facial age recognition
- facial attractiveness recognition
- facial expression
- facial happiness recognition
- facial recognition
- facial trustworthiness recognition
- false memory
- familiarity
- far spatial distance
- far temporal distance
- fatigue
- fear
- feature comparison
- feature detection
- feature extraction
- feature integration
- feature search
- feature-based attention
- feedback processing
- figure ground reversal
- figure ground segregation
- filtering
- fixation
- fixed action patterns
- flicker fusion threshold
- fluid intelligence
- focus
- focused attention
- Food cue reactivity
- forgetting
- form perception
- framing
- frustration
- functional fixedness
- future time
- gaze
- generalization
- generic knowledge
- gestalt
- Gestalt grouping
- global precedence
- goal
- goal formation
- goal maintenance
- goal management
- goal selection
- goal state
- grammatical encoding
- grapheme
- graphemic buffer
- grief
- Grit
- guilt
- gustation processing
- gustatory learning
- gustatory memory
- gustatory perception
- habit
- habit learning
- habit memory
- hallucination
- happiness
- hedonism
- heuristic search
- high energy density food recognition
- hill climbing
- humiliation
- humor
- hyperactivity
- iconic memory
- illocutionary force
- imageability
- imagery
- imagination
- imagined emotional pain
- imagined pain
- imagined physical pain
- implicit knowledge
- implicit learning
- implicit learning
- implicit memory
- imprinting
- impulsivity
- Inappropriate speech
- inattention
- inattentional blindness
- incentive salience
- incidental learning
- incubation
- indignation
- induction
- inductive reasoning
- inference
- inhibition
- inhibition of return
- insight
- instinct
- instrumental conditioning
- instrumental learning
- integration
- intelligence
- intention
- intentional forgetting
- intentional learning
- intentionality
- interference
- interference control
- interference resolution
- intermediate-term memory
- internal speech
- internalizing
- interoception
- Interoceptive awareness
- interoceptive representation
- Interpersonal Conflict
- interrogative
- intertemporal choice
- intonation
- intrinsic motivation
- introspection
- invariance
- involuntary attention
- irony
- irritability
- joint attention
- judgment
- kinaesthetic representation
- kindness priming
- kinesthesia
- knowledge
- language
- language acquisition
- language comprehension
- language learning
- language processing
- language production
- lateral masking
- learning
- left finger response execution
- left hand response execution
- left toe response execution
- lemma
- lethargy
- lexeme
- lexical access
- lexical ambiguity
- lexical encoding
- lexical processing
- lexical retrieval
- lexicon
- life satisfaction
- Limited Capacity
- linguistic competence
- listening
- localization
- locomotion
- logic
- logical reasoning
- loneliness
- long-term memory
- loss
- loss anticipation
- loss aversion
- lying
- maintenance
- manipulation
- Marital Conflict
- Mastery Orientation
- mathematical reasoning
- meaning
- mechanical reasoning
- melody
- memory
- memory acquisition
- memory consolidation
- memory decay
- memory retrieval
- memory storage
- memory trace
- mental arithmetic
- mental imagery
- mental representation
- mental rotation
- mentalization
- metacognition
- metacognitive skill
- metacomprehension
- metamemory
- metaphor
- meter
- Mindfulness
- Mindset
- misattribution
- Monetary loss
- monetary reward prediction error
- monitoring
- mood
- morphological processing
- morphology
- motion aftereffect
- motion detection
- motivational salience
- motor control
- motor learning
- motor planning
- Motor Praxis
- motor program
- motor sequence learning
- movement
- multisensory
- multisensory integration
- multistable perception
- music cognition
- music perception
- music semantics
- music syntax
- naming
- narrative
- narrative comprehension
- Naturalistic Biological Motion
- Naturalistic Scenes
- navigation
- near spatial distance
- near temporal distance
- negative emotion
- negative feedback processing
- negative priming
- neologism
- neuroplasticity
- nociception
- noesis
- noise sensitivity
- nondeclarative knowledge
- nondeclarative memory
- north cardinal-direction judgment
- north-south orientation
- novelty detection
- numerical cognition
- numerical comparison
- numerical scale judgment
- numerosity
- object categorization
- object centered representation
- object detection
- object maintenance
- object manipulation
- object perception
- object recognition
- object-based attention
- obsession
- oddball detection
- offensive aggression
- olfaction
- olfactory perception
- openness
- optical illusion
- orthographic lexicon
- orthography
- other-reference effect
- overt attention
- overt naming
- pain
- pain habituation
- pain sensitization
- paranoia
- paraphasia
- parsing
- passive attention
- past tense
- past time
- pattern maintenance
- pattern recognition
- Pavlovian bias
- pavlovian conditioning
- perception
- perceptual binding
- perceptual categorization
- perceptual fluency
- perceptual identification
- perceptual learning
- perceptual priming
- perceptual similarity
- perceptual skill
- perfectionism
- performance monitoring
- phonation
- phonemic paraphasia
- phonetics
- phonological assembly
- phonological awareness
- phonological buffer
- phonological code
- phonological comparison
- phonological encoding
- phonological loop
- phonological processing
- phonological retrieval
- phonological working memory
- phototransduction
- Physical Activity
- pitch discrimination
- pitch perception
- place maintenance
- planning
- positive feedback processing
- positive priming
- potential monetary loss
- potential monetary reward
- pragmatic inference
- pragmatic knowledge
- pragmatic reasoning
- preattentive processing
- preconscious perception
- prejudice
- present time
- primary memory
- priming
- principle of cohesion
- proactive control
- proactive interference
- problem solving
- procedural knowledge
- procedural learning
- procedural memory
- procedural rule
- processing capacity
- processing speed
- processing stage
- Production of non-facial communication
- productive facial communication
- pronunciation
- proper noun
- proprioception
- prosodic stress
- prosody
- prospection
- prospective memory
- prospective planning
- prototype
- psychological refractory period
- psychosis
- punishment processing
- quantitative skill
- Reactive Control
- reading
- reasoning
- recall
- reception of facial communication
- Reception of non-facial communication
- reciprocity
- recognition
- reconsolidation
- regret
- rehearsal
- rehearsal loop
- reinforcement learning
- reinstatement
- relational comparison
- relational learning
- remote memory
- repetition priming
- repressed memory
- resistance to distractor inference
- resource
- resource limit
- resource sharing
- response alternatives
- response bias
- response conflict
- response execution
- response inhibition
- response priming
- response selection
- restricted behavior
- retention
- retrieval
- retrieval cue
- retroactive interference
- reward anticipation
- reward learning
- reward processing
- reward valuation
- rhythm
- right finger response execution
- right hand response execution
- right toe response execution
- rigidity
- risk
- risk aversion
- risk aversion
- Risk Perception
- risk processing
- risk seeking
- Risk Taking
- route knowledge
- routine
- rule
- rule learning
- saccadic eye movement
- sadness
- salience
- schema
- search
- selective attention
- selective control
- self control
- Self evaluation
- self knowledge
- self monitoring
- self talk
- Self-Efficacy
- self-reference effect
- semantic categorization
- semantic category
- semantic information
- semantic knowledge
- semantic memory
- semantic network
- semantic priming
- semantic processing
- semantic working memory
- sense of body ownership
- sense of ownership
- sensitivity to change
- sensory defensiveness
- sensory memory
- sentence comprehension
- sentence processing
- sentence production
- sentence recognition
- sequence learning
- serial learning
- serial processing
- serial search
- set shifting
- shallow processing
- shame
- shape recognition
- short-term memory
- skepticism
- skill
- skill acquisition
- sleep
- social cognition
- social context
- social inference
- social intelligence
- social motivation
- social norm processing
- social phobia
- somatosensation
- sound perception
- source memory
- source monitoring
- south cardinal-direction judgment
- spatial ability
- spatial attention
- spatial cognition
- spatial distance
- spatial localization
- spatial memory
- spatial selective attention
- spatial working memory
- speech perception
- speech processing
- speech production
- spontaneous recovery
- spreading activation
- state consciousness
- stereopsis
- stereotypes
- stimulus detection
- strategy
- strength
- stress
- string maintenance
- subconscious
- subjective food value
- subjective value judgment
- sublexical route
- subliminal perception
- suicidal ideation
- supervisory attentional system
- Surface dyslexia
- surprise
- sustained attention
- synchrony perception
- syntactic parsing
- syntactic processing
- syntax
- tactile working memory
- task difficulty
- task set
- task switching
- taste aversion
- temporal categorization
- temporal cognition
- temporal depth
- temporal discrimination
- temporal distance
- test term
- text comprehension
- text processing
- theory of mind
- thermosensation
- Thirst
- thought
- time orientation
- time perception
- timing
- tone recognition
- tongue response execution
- tool maintenance
- top down processing
- trait anxiety
- transduction
- Transfer Data
- transition
- traumatic memory
- trust
- uncertainty
- unconscious perception
- unconscious process
- understanding mental states
- unisensory
- updating
- utility
- valence
- vection
- Venturesomeness
- verbal fluency
- verbal memory
- vestibular control
- visual acuity
- visual angle
- visual attention
- visual awareness
- visual body recognition
- visual buffer
- visual color discrimination
- visual face recognition
- visual form discrimination
- visual form recognition
- visual imagery
- visual letter recognition
- visual localization
- visual masking
- visual memory
- visual number recognition
- visual object detection
- visual object maintenance
- visual object recognition
- visual orientation
- visual pattern recognition
- visual perception
- visual place recognition
- visual pseudoword recognition
- visual recognition
- visual representation
- visual scene perception
- visual search
- visual sentence comprehension
- visual sentence recognition
- visual shape recognition
- visual string recognition
- visual tool recognition
- visual word recognition
- visual working memory
- visuospatial sketch pad
- vocal response execution
- voice perception
- west cardinal-direction judgment
- west-east orientation
- wisdom
- word comprehension
- word generation
- word maintenance
- word order
- word pronunciation
- word recognition
- word repetition
- working memory
- working memory maintenance
- working memory retrieval
- working memory storage
- working memory updating
- worldview