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Perceptual similarity is the subjective similarity between two stimuli as perceived by the observer. Thus, object A may be rated as more similar to object B than to object C despite a greater difference in some physical metric (such as height or width) between objects A and C than between objects A and B. This may differ across modalities: for example, two objects may be rated as more similar when seen than when touched. However, the physical, objective similarity between the two objects remains the same regardless of which modality is used to explore them.

Definition contributed by Anonymous

Asserted relationships to other concepts

perceptual similarity
is a kind of

No associations
perceptual similarity
is a part of

No associations
are a kind of
perceptual similarity

No associations
are a part of
perceptual similarity

No associations

Tasks that are asserted to measure perceptual similarity

Task Contrast Measure

Differential Ability Scales
  • picture similarities
  • verbal similarities