synchrony perception
the process of perceiving whether or not the crossmodal cues (e.g., audio and visual) to an event (e.g., audiovisual speech) are in temporal synchrony with each other.
Definition contributed by Anonymous
Definition contributed by Anonymous
Asserted relationships to other concepts
synchrony perception
is a part of
is a part of
No associations
are a kind of
synchrony perception
synchrony perception
No associations
are a part of
synchrony perception
synchrony perception
No associations
Tasks that are asserted to measure synchrony perception
Task | Contrast Measure |
Perception of intersensory synchrony: a tutorial review.
Vroomen J, Keetels M
Attention, perception & psychophysics (Atten Percept Psychophys)
2010 May
Vroomen J, Keetels M
Attention, perception & psychophysics (Atten Percept Psychophys)
2010 May