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a collaborative knowledge base characterizing the state of current thought in Cognitive Science.
the idea that, all else held equal, global features are perceived earlier than are local features of a given stimulus

Definition contributed by Anonymous

Asserted relationships to other concepts

global precedence
is a kind of

No associations
global precedence
is a part of

No associations
are a kind of
global precedence

No associations
are a part of
global precedence

No associations

Tasks that are asserted to measure global precedence

Task Contrast Measure

global-local task
  • identification of global feature versus identification of local feature


What does a compound letter tell the psychologist's mind?
Navon D
(Acta Psychol (Amst))
2003 Nov

The time-course of global precedence and consistency effects.
May JG, Gutierrez C, Harsin CA
(Int J Neurosci)