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Endogenous, self-sustaining oscillations that organize the timing of biological systems to optimize physiology, behavior, and health. Circadian rhythms are synchronized by recurring environmental cues and attempt to anticipate the external environment. They also modulate homeostasis within the brain and other systems, tissues, and organs.

Definition contributed by Anonymous

Asserted relationships to other concepts

circadian rhythm
is a kind of

No associations
circadian rhythm
is a part of

No associations
are a kind of
circadian rhythm

No associations
are a part of
circadian rhythm

No associations

Tasks that are asserted to measure circadian rhythm

Task Contrast Measure


Multilevel regulation of the circadian clock.
Cermakian N, Sassone-Corsi P
Nature reviews. Molecular cell biology (Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol)
2000 Oct

Circadian rhythmicity: from basic science to clinical approach.
Illnerová H, Borbély AA, Wirz-Justice A, Prasko J
(Suppl Clin Neurophysiol)

Circadian sleep-wake rhythm of older adults with intellectual disabilities.
Maaskant M, van de Wouw E, van Wijck R, Evenhuis HM, Echteld MA
Research in developmental disabilities (Res Dev Disabil)
2013 Apr