Contribute New Term
Terms are the basic building block of the Cognitive Atlas.
A term in the Atlas can either be a concept (e.g. 'episodic memory', 'acoustic reflex') or a task ('N-Back Test', 'Action Imitation Task')
You may provide a term and definition only if the term is not already in the Atlas.1. Enter the term you wish to define:
Browse Concepts
Concepts beginning with "A" 111
- abductive reasoning
- abstract analogy
- abstract knowledge
- acoustic coding
- acoustic encoding
- acoustic phonetic processing
- acoustic processing
- action
- action initiation
- action perception
- action-outcome learning
- activation
- activation level
- active maintenance
- active recall
- active retrieval
- acuity
- adaptation
- adaptive control
- addiction
- affect perception
- affect recognition
- agency
- agreeableness
- altruism
- altruistic motivation
- alveolar
- amodal representation
- anaesthetised unresponsive
- analog representation
- analogical encoding
- analogical inference
- analogical problem solving
- analogical reasoning
- analogical transfer
- analogy
- anchoring
- anhedonia
- animacy decision
- animacy perception
- anticipation
- antisocial personality
- anxiety
- anxiety sensitivity
- apparent motion
- apperception
- appetite
- appetitive motivation
- arithmetic processing
- arousal
- arousal (emotion)
- arousal (physical)
- articulation
- articulatory loop
- articulatory planning
- articulatory rehearsal
- assimilation
- association
- association learning
- associative priming
- attachment
- attended channel
- attended stimulus
- attention
- attention capacity
- attention shift
- attention shifting
- attention span
- attentional bias
- attentional blink
- attentional effort
- attentional focusing
- attentional resources
- attentional state
- attitude
- Attribution
- audiovisual perception
- audition
- auditory arithmetic processing
- auditory attention
- auditory coding
- auditory encoding
- auditory feedback
- auditory grouping
- auditory imagery
- auditory learning
- auditory lexical access
- auditory localization
- auditory masking
- auditory memory
- auditory perception
- auditory recognition
- auditory scene
- auditory scene analysis
- auditory sentence comprehension
- auditory sentence recognition
- auditory stream segregation
- auditory tone detection
- auditory tone discrimination
- auditory tone perception
- auditory word comprehension
- auditory word recognition
- auditory working memory
- autobiographical memory
- autobiographical recall
- automaticity
- autonoesis
- availability heuristic
- aversive learning
- aversive salience
- Awareness