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Naming tasks TASK

Tests ability to retrieve words

Definition contributed by Anonymous
Naming tasks has been asserted to measure the following CONCEPTS
No concepts assertions have been added.

Phenotypes associated with Naming tasks


No associations have been added.


No associations have been added.


No associations have been added.

The script is basically an adapation (or hack) of a Python program created by Titus Von der Malsburg (originally for the operation span task). Py-RAN-Task can be used for testing the Rapid Automatized Naming task on a computer with Python (and tkSnack for recording the audio).
EXTERNAL DATASETS for Naming tasks
No implementations have been added.

Experimental conditions are the subsets of an experiment that define the relevant experimental manipulation.


You must specify conditions before you can define contrasts.

In the Cognitive Atlas, we define a contrast as any function over experimental conditions. The simplest contrast is the indicator value for a specific condition; more complex contrasts include linear or nonlinear functions of the indicator across different experimental conditions.


No indicators have yet been associated.

An indicator is a specific quantitative or qualitative variable that is recorded for analysis. These may include behavioral variables (such as response time, accuracy, or other measures of performance) or physiological variables (including genetics, psychophysiology, or brain imaging data).


Is naming faces different from naming objects? Semantic interference in a face- and object-naming task.
Marful A, Paolieri D, Bajo MT
Memory & cognition (Mem Cognit)
2014 Apr

Task choice and semantic interference in picture naming.
Piai V, Roelofs A, Schriefers H
Acta psychologica (Acta Psychol (Amst))
2015 May

Vernier acuity cards: a practical method for measuring vernier acuity in infants.
Holmes JM, Archer SM
(J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus)
1993 Sep-Oct