episodic recombination paradigm
The episodic recombination paradigm (Addis et al., 2009) was designed to study episodic simulations (remembering past events, or imagining novel future events). In this paradigm, participants first provide a set of autobiographical memories, each comprised of a set of details, e.g., a person, place, and object. They later return for a separate session in which they are cued to recall some of these episodes. For the imagination trials, details concerning person, place, and object are experimentally recombined across events, and participants are asked to imagine an event that might occur in the future involving the recombined set of details. Participants press a button once they have constructed the past or future event and after that continue to simulate the event, generating as much detail as possible. This is typically followed by ratings of phenomenological characteristics of the simulated events, e.g., detail or difficulty.
(description adapted from Addis et al., 2010)
Definition contributed by Anonymous
(description adapted from Addis et al., 2010)
Definition contributed by Anonymous
episodic recombination paradigm has been asserted to measure the following CONCEPTS
Phenotypes associated with episodic recombination paradigm
No associations have been added.Traits
No associations have been added.Behaviors
No associations have been added. CONDITIONS
Experimental conditions are the subsets of an experiment that define the relevant experimental manipulation.
In the Cognitive Atlas, we define a contrast as any function over experimental conditions. The simplest contrast is the indicator value for a specific condition; more complex contrasts include linear or nonlinear functions of the indicator across different experimental conditions.
ratings (e.g., detail, difficulty)
response time (as indicator of construction time)
An indicator is a specific quantitative or qualitative variable that is recorded for analysis. These may include behavioral variables (such as response time, accuracy, or other measures of performance) or physiological variables (including genetics, psychophysiology, or brain imaging data).
Episodic simulation of past and future events in older adults: Evidence from an experimental recombination task.
Addis DR, Musicaro R, Pan L, Schacter DL
Psychology and aging (Psychol Aging)
2010 Jun
Addis DR, Musicaro R, Pan L, Schacter DL
Psychology and aging (Psychol Aging)
2010 Jun
Constructive episodic simulation of the future and the past: distinct subsystems of a core brain network mediate imagining and remembering.
Addis DR, Pan L, Vu MA, Laiser N, Schacter DL
Neuropsychologia (Neuropsychologia)
2009 Sep
Addis DR, Pan L, Vu MA, Laiser N, Schacter DL
Neuropsychologia (Neuropsychologia)
2009 Sep