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The Boston Naming Test (BNT), consisting of 60 black and white line drawings of objects, is a measure of confrontation naming that takes into account the finding that patients with dysnomia often have greater difficulties with the naming of low frequency objects. Thus, instead of a simple category of anomia, naming difficulties may be rank ordered along a continuum. Items on the BNT are ordered according to their ability to be named, which is thought to be correlated with their frequency. This type of picture-naming vocabulary test is useful in the examination of children with learning disabilities and the evaluation of adults with brain injury or dysfunction.

(from Roth, C. (2011). Boston Naming Test. In: Kreutzer, J.S., DeLuca, J., Caplan, B. (eds) Encyclopedia of Clinical Neuropsychology. Springer, New York, NY.

Definition contributed by VBorghesani
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IMPLEMENTATIONS of Boston Naming Test
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EXTERNAL DATASETS for Boston Naming Test
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Experimental conditions are the subsets of an experiment that define the relevant experimental manipulation.


In the Cognitive Atlas, we define a contrast as any function over experimental conditions. The simplest contrast is the indicator value for a specific condition; more complex contrasts include linear or nonlinear functions of the indicator across different experimental conditions.


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An indicator is a specific quantitative or qualitative variable that is recorded for analysis. These may include behavioral variables (such as response time, accuracy, or other measures of performance) or physiological variables (including genetics, psychophysiology, or brain imaging data).