Contribute New Term
Terms are the basic building block of the Cognitive Atlas.
A term in the Atlas can either be a concept (e.g. 'episodic memory', 'acoustic reflex') or a task ('N-Back Test', 'Action Imitation Task')
You may provide a term and definition only if the term is not already in the Atlas.1. Enter the term you wish to define:
Browse Tasks
Tasks beginning with "P" 80
- P300 BCI
- Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test
- pain monitor/discrimination task
- Pain-matrix narrative localizer
- paired associate learning
- paired associate recall
- pantomime task
- Parallel/serial search
- Parent Cognition Scale
- Parent-Child Coercion Scale
- Parent-Child Interaction Protocol
- Parent-Rated Stress (NIH Perceived Stress Scale)
- parity judgment task
- Parrott Scale
- Partial Report Procedure
- passive avoidance task
- passive listening
- passive viewing
- Patient health questionnaire (PHQ-9)
- pattern comparison task
- pavlovian conditioning task
- PDD Behavior Inventory
- Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test
- Pearlin Mastery Scale
- PEBL Perceptual Vigilance Task
- Penn Conditional Exclusion Test
- Penn continuous performance task
- Penn Emotion Recognition Task
- Penn Face Memory Test
- Penn Facial Memory Test Delayed Memory
- Penn Fractal N-Back
- Penn Matrix Reasoning Test
- Penn Motor Praxis
- Penn Visual Object Learning Test
- Penn Visual Object Learning Test Delayed Memory
- Penn Vocabulary Test
- Penn Word Memory Test
- Pennâs Logical Reasoning Test
- perceptual closure task
- perceptual discrimination task
- perceptual organization
- phasic pain stimulation
- phoneme detection task
- phonemic fluency task
- phonetic discrimination task
- phonological discrimination
- phonological task
- Piaget's Water Jar Task
- picture naming task
- picture-word Stroop test
- pitch/monitor discrimination
- Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index
- Pittsburgh Stress Battery
- pleasantness rating task
- Plus-minus
- point subtraction aggression paradigm
- pointing task
- Porteus maze test
- position of gap match task
- Positive and Negative Affect Scale
- Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS)- Child Version
- Positive and Negative Images Task
- Posner cueing task
- predictive-inference helicopter task
- Preschool Language Scale
- prisoner's dilemma (PD)
- Probabilistic classification task
- Probabilistic gambling task
- probabilistic reversal learning task
- Probabilistic Selection Task
- problem solving task
- prospective memory task
- prospective sequential decision making task
- prototype distortion task
- pseudoword naming task
- psychological refractory period (PRP) paradigm
- psychophysics task
- pursuit rotor task
- Pursuit Tracking Task
- pyramids and palm trees task