Contribute New Term
Terms are the basic building block of the Cognitive Atlas.
A term in the Atlas can either be a concept (e.g. 'episodic memory', 'acoustic reflex') or a task ('N-Back Test', 'Action Imitation Task')
You may provide a term and definition only if the term is not already in the Atlas.1. Enter the term you wish to define:
Browse Tasks
Tasks beginning with "C" 85
- California Verbal Learning Test
- California Verbal Learning Test-II
- Cambridge Face Memory Test
- Cambridge Gambling Task
- Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Automated Battery
- Cambridge risk task
- capsaicin-evoked pain
- CatBat task
- categorization task
- category fluency test
- CAToon (cognitive and affective Theory of Mind Cartoon Task)
- Cattell's Culture Fair Intelligence Test
- Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale
- center of mass approximation
- Change Detection Task
- Chapman Infrequency Scale
- Chapman Magical Ideation Scale
- Chapman Perceptual Aberration Scale
- Chapman Physical Anhedonia Scale
- Chapman Social Anhedonia Scale
- chewing/swallowing
- Chicken Game task
- Child Behavior Checklist
- Children's Communication Checklist
- Children's Memory Scale
- Children's Psychiatric Rating Scale
- Children's Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale
- chimeric animal Stroop task
- choice reaction time task
- choice task between risky and non-risky options
- classification probe without feedback
- Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals-3
- clock drawing task
- Cognitive Reflection Test
- coherent motion
- Coherent/Incoherent discourse distinction task
- cold pressor test
- cold stimulation
- color naming task
- Color Trails Test
- color-discrimination task
- color-word stroop task
- color-word stroop with task switching
- Columbia Card Task
- Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales Development Profile
- Compensatory Tracking Task
- complex span test
- complex trait judgment task
- Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing
- conditional stop signal task
- conjunction search task
- Conners 3rd Edition
- Conners Comprehensive Behavior Rating Scales
- consensus decision-making task
- Consideration of Future Consequences Scale
- contextual cueing task
- contextual semantic priming task
- Continuous Performance Task
- Continuous Performance Test - AX version
- continuous recognition paradigm
- Continuous Tapping Task
- contour integration task
- contour interpolation task
- contrast detection task
- contrast sensitivity test
- Convex Time Budgets
- copying task
- Corpus analysis
- correlated bandits
- Corsi Blocks
- counterconditioning
- counting Stroop task
- Counting/Calculation
- Couple Coercion Scale
- Couples Conflict Task
- covert naming task
- Covert verb generation task
- criteria task
- cross modality
- cue approach task
- cue-based expectancy paradigm combining emotion regulation task
- cue-based expectation task
- cued explicit recognition
- cups task
- cyberball task